Living with Mr grumpy episode 55 & 56

👰Living With
Mr Grumpy🌸
Written by me:Authoress Succy💕📚
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 55💧
I shove my phone into my pocket immediately I rounded up my call with the doctor
anger was evident in everything I do, my actions, my.expressions
everyfu-cking thing!
I c@m£ out from the bathroom and walked towards my closet
Robyn looked dressed for school alre-ady and was helping out with something suitable for me to wear
I got hold of the trou-ser,pu-lling it throu-gh my legs
wore the sleeve t©p with three bu-ttons opened, ignoring the tie and suit jacket on the be-d
I moved straight to my jewelry box and began fixing in my earrings, rings and wristwatch
I got a hold of a red sneakers and shove my feet into it
picking up my phone,I made towards the door when Robyn’s voice st©pped me
is everything okay?”she asked sounding worried if not scared
“yeah! baby
everything is okay!
perfectly okay!”I replied trying to sound convincing as ever
“but your mood changed entirely,immediately you went to the bathroom to pick your calls”she protested and I took in a tiring breath still backing her
“nothing is wrong honey!
am nee-ded at the office as soon as possible”I lied and made to continue my movement to get the door when I felt her hands on my shoulder
“baby we are in this together and you know it!”she said with that baby tone of hers
her voice echoed all over my head and I can swear am losing it alre-ady
she has a caiming effect on me
but right now, I don’t nee-d it
maybe when am back
but honestly I don’t want it now, all I nee-d is anger
intense anger to strangle Jemima the moment I set my eyes on her
“it’s not what you think baby,just lemme go I will explain everything to you when am back”I said but she remained adamant
she kept on trailing her f!ngersover my shoulders then stood in front of me
I can’t dare to move out
“baby!”she called her eyes on the floor
“am sorry but I had overhead your conversation with the doctor while you were in the bathroom”she said popping her head up at me,her cheeks were dripping we-t
hold on she’s crying?
my wify is crying?
okay-Jemima is sure dead!!
I kept mute
I just don’t know what to say
I felt guilty for lying but nothing would st©p me from snapping the life out of Jemima
not after the tears I just saw
“baby just let the slee-ping dog lie plea-se!
she did it,
yeah I know!
but I was the one who took the ice cream from her, not like she f0rç£d me into it
don’t hurt her plea-se
just forget about it, we can always make another baby plea-se’ she snivelled and my eyes glistered with unshed tears
ma-king her cry is something I vowed not to,now am ma-king her cry over and over again
I drew her to myself
hvgging her ti-ght ,ma-king her wra-p her hands on my w@!st,placing her head on my che-st
I batted my lashes to prevent me from crying
seeing my wife cry has always been my weakness but seeing her cry few seconds ago somewhat made me feel stronger like her tears were giving me strength and courage of some sort and all I just wanna do is pet my wife and spill Jemima’s blood
her tears seems to be in support of my decision
“it’s okay honey!
you know I don’t like seeing you cry”I cooed slowly wiping her tears with my face towel
“you look damn S-xy when you cry,so in order not to rumple the be-d and mess you neat school uniform, go wash up your face and let’s get going “I said stealing a glance at my wristwatch and she nodded not after sizing me up
she wash up her face and I got a hold of her mini designers school bag,walking ahead of her while she trailed behind
“nothing is working Amanda, but have gat planB”I said triumphantly raising up my glas-s of wine for a toast
“lower your voice Jemima!
we are in your office and not at home
anyb©dy can hear us”she admonished pouring some wine into her glas-s cu-p
“who cares”I added all smiles
“so what’s the plan?”she asked raising up her glas-s
“am not spilling it out until we make a toast”I tea-sed slamming my glas-s against hers
“we toast to a brilliant plan and successful execution”Amanda yelled hitting her cu-p against mine
no one fights with me!
have gat no rivals cause they will always end up being losers
“I am Jemima!
and I tolerate no rivals”I blurt out and Amanda bur-st out into an.endless laughter
my office door flung opened and someone barged in
and who the hell is that goner?
Amanda let out a g@sp and I took my eyes off my glas-s cu-p, it fell on…..on….oh! my God
“sir…….sir……sir…..!!”I stuttered getting on my feet immediately
Amanda was almost shaking and I tried my best to comport myself
“welcome sir!
I mean,good morning sir!”I couldn’t even find my ton-gue
the glas-s cu-p on my hands had landed on the floor alre-ady while Amanda hid her face into her phone
he looks angry yet S-xy as ever
his curly hair seems to be standing
I had never seen him this angry and it makes me super scared
“celebr@ting right?”he asked mockingly and I kept mute
“and this is your p@rtner in crime huh?”he asked referring to Amanda who skrie-k in fear
I couldn’t voice a word from my mouth,not even a sound
“now listen to me Jemima, don’t pl@ygames with me!
tell me all I nee-d to know about my wife losing her pregnancy as a result of the ice cream you gave her!
you and your accomplice”he yelled and my heart skipped
oh! goodness!
she was even pregnant!
damn that witch!
I nee-d to act all bold
yes I nee-d to
“I don’t know what your talking about sir!
I gave it to her as a gift and nothing more”I replied boldly
oh! goodness!
he should just go plea-se
“for the last time Jemima!
don’t make me go bunker!!
tell me why you poisoned my wife”he yelled in between gritted teeth
“and I just told you all I know sir
your accusing me wrongly”I said melting alre-ady
he snatched the glas-s of wine Amanda held with her shaking hands,pouring the wine on her and threw the glas-s at me
oh! my goodness!
it landed on my left cheek
ma-king me scream
oh! goodness!
“am sorry sir!”I cried placing my hands on my bleeding cheek
before I could know what hit me,he had lned three br@in resetting sl@ps on my face and slammed my head on my office desk
all I could see were flashes of stars and Amanda cries waft into my ears
I fell back into my chair crying in pains
“am sorry sir!
am sorry plea-se”I gibbered alre-ady in tears
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 56💧
“am sorry sir!
am so sorry plea-se”I gibbered in pains
“I warned you
didn’t I?
you brou-ght out the monster in me”he yelled getting a hold of my hair
“sir plea-se….ouch! si…..r”I cried in agony as he dragged me from my seat with my hair
“by the time am done with you,your gonna speak up”he said getting a piece of the broken glas-s
oh! my goodness!
“Amanda help!”I cried in pains
oh! heavens!
my whole b©dy hurts!
how could Davis do this to me!
after everything we did together!
the plea-sure moments!
the happy moments!
he was gonna d@t£ me!
we were movie couples for almost every movie we acted together
why now!!
the media feels we are d@t!ngalre-ady!
only for that anonymous witch to come up from nowhere and steal him away from me
he was suppose to be mine!
mine alone!
am Jemima! I get what I want!
and what I want is Davis!
can’t they just get it!
the Davis right now seems strange to me!
he had never acted this way to any lady
seems I pushed him too far
“for the very last time Jemima!”he yelled and I flin-ched out from my thoughts
he had let go of my hair alre-ady and my breaths were coming out in p@n-ts
every p@rt of my b©dy seems to be hurting and my cheeks were on fire alre-ady
oh! good saviours!
my face!
my sp©tless face!
“for the very last time Jemima!
why did you poisoned my wife?”he yelled
“oh no! I didn’t sir!
I had no idea it was poisoned sir!
I swear on my life”I cried frantically
“just get re-ady to die!”he yelled and got a l
hold of the wine bottle,flinging it towards my direction
oh! my goodness
where the hell are the securities!!
he swiftly turned towards Amanda who seems to be staring at the door the whole time,probably for an escape route
she.shouldn’t even dare!
after all we are in this together
“you know about this too
don’t you?”he asked daringly is eyes were blood sh0t.
the wine glas-s landed right on my head and I thought I would die,but I didn’t
the pains were excruciating and I felt like spilling out the truth
but I just can’t!
I nee-ded to be strong right?
but am dying!
the pains are killing
I had no idea Davis was this brutal
I bought this upon myself!
I should have let go and minded my business
what if he gets the cops at me?
I can rot in jail for this!
“no……no…..yes…..yeah!….no…I mean no sir
I don’t know about this”Amanda stuttered
“don’t you dare lie to me!!”he yelled if not roared and Amanda j£rked in fright
“expect the worst of you dare lie to me”he yelled s£nding a sl@p across her mouth
she fell off the chair onto her kneels
instantly, blood dr!pp£dfrom her brokenl-ips down to the floor
her hair was scattered all over her fave alre-ady and she had begun crying
“am sorry sir!
am so sorry sir!”she kept on crying
“tell me sorry one more time and watch me shove my hands into your mouth and pu-ll out your ton-gue”he yelled and she intensified her cries
“it was her sir!
she did it!
it was all her ideals….I was only a friend”she cried and my heart bleed
oh! my goodness!
what if he gets the cops at me?
oh! my God!
my career!
am doomed!
“it was all her plans!
then what were you?
a bad friend huh?”he said a little bit rou-gh
his anger seems to have been subsided
“I knew it was you all along but I nee-ded to be sure and now I am!
perhaps all this won’t have happened if you had spoken up and tell me the truth earlier on”he said and I kept mute staring at the floor in pains and fear
“now listen to me Jemima!”he cooed and with anger and my head pop up immediately
fear overwhelmed me as I stared at him
“I forgive you”he said and my eyes shone
oh! my God!
he did?
he forgave me?
“because of my wife”he added and I gulp in
“but if I see you one step close to her,your a goner
I won’t get the cops at you!
but the media would get at you
I terminate whatever appointment,contract or sh0t I have with you!
don’t you ever come anywhere close to me!
not even your shadow least I will kill you myself and s£nd your corpse to the cops”he yelled and flounced out from my office
oh! my world!
my career is gone!
everything I work so ha-rd for has gone down the drain
k shouldn’t have done all this in the first place!
here I am!
a loser!
Ifu-cking lost everything
oh! gawwwd!
am losing it!
what would the media say?
oh! no!
my fans!!!!!!!!
Jeremy’s mum
(Mr hvggins second wife)
I ban-g the office door gently
moving into the office proper,
he pop his head up at me immediately I had placed my bag on his office desk
he adjusted the spec in his eyes and slowly dropped the pen that had been dancing on a white sheet of paper a while ago
“good day doctor!”I greeted taking a seat
well, am an important personnel and shouldn’t wait for him to offer me a seat first
should I?
“good day Mrs hvggins!
I had no idea you would be coming!”he said while I kept a smiling face
“the test result is gonna be out tomorrow!
I told your husband alre-ady and the other couples, but it seems Mrs hvggins didn’t informed you about it”the doctor said and I scoffed
“am not here for that doc!
am here to see you”I said and the doctor had a confused look on his face
a brief silence ensued and I broke it
“name your price doctor!
name anything you want and consider it done with the snap of my f!ngers”I said and the doctor let out a smile
“I don’t seems to un-derstand you Mrs hvggins”he replied and I concealed my frown
is he so dumb?
“change the DNA result!
I want it to be in my Favour!
I.will pay handsomely for it”I said and he slowly stared at the paper in front of him before taking off his godforsaken spec
“what makes you think he isn’t your son? he asked
what guts!!
“cause he isn’t”I replied.bluntly
“how did you come about him then?”he asked and I tried my best to act all calm and relax
“actually I had no idea he was her son
I bought him from a nurse out of desperation but she’s late now”I narrated
of course I had her killed and this doctor will trade the same path cause I can’t lose my husband nor his wealth
“what’s your stand doctor?”I asked impatiently
“but the young man is still in coma,why don’t you keep all this aside, till he’s hale and hearty!”the doctor said and I di-pped my hand into my bag
“am sorry Mrs hvggins….. but I don’t think I can…..”he was saying when I slammed a wad of money on his desk
his eyes wjdened immediately
“Mrs hvggins let’s not….”I slammed another was on the table and yet another wad
he kept shut immediately
“so what is your stand doc?”I asked with a sm-irk at the corner of myl-ips