Living with Mr grumpy episode 45 & 46

👰Living With
Mr Grumpy🌸
Written by me: Authoress Succy💕📚
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 45💧
i ran out of the car immediately it halted inside the compound, I didn’t even bother to close the door, i ran madly into the sitting room which was usually silent and deserted
oh! my world!
i hope nothing has happened to my wife?
i ran up the stairs and began hearing different voices ranging from mum to dad,then to other voices i really couldn’t tell the owners
“mum!”i called and she sh0t me a ha-rd stare on seeing me, if looks could kill, I would have been dead by now
she.charged towards meike a lion and held me r0ûghly by the collars
“what did you do to her huh?
what did you do to her you stupid son of mine!?
she won’t open the door and she won’t st©p crying either!
why did you hurt her Davis!
what the hell as come over you?”she yelled poking my che-st with her hands
“what’s the meaning of all this Davis?
are you so heartless not to the see the suffering your ma-king the poor girl go throu-gh?
for heavens sake, you both are newly wedded!!”dad yelled and i felt my strength draining
“just pray she doesn’t hate you after this”dad ra-pped and my heart fell
oh! my goodness!
i never thought of that!
i thought I was only doing the right thing!
i thought i was addressing the situation in the right way
“am sorry mum!
am sorry dad”i apologised but dad was too angry to reply me
“just pray nothing happens to her”he warned and stormed away while mum s£nt me a spiteful look,pumpkins eyes were swollen and her mother only looked on with a mocking sneer on herl-ips
she can do her worst!
i pray she doesn’t have a hand in all this cause am gonna twist her n£¢k if i found out she’s behind all of this mess
i couldn’t hear a single spynf coming out from the room, not even a whimper
hold on, hope she hasn’t……. damn it!
my fears increa-sed and i slammed my hands on the door,ma-king a knocking sound
“Robyn!”i called but didn’t receive a response
“Robyn it’s me plea-se open the door”i cooed but no reply c@m£ out
I could hear the sound of my heart beat and my breath were coming out faintly
i was scared beyond description
“she isn’t saying a word mum!”iturned to mum and she frowned
“you started this whole $h!t,
didn’t you?” she asked instead and i ignored her, running my hands into my hair, ruffling it
i lean on the door and felt my eyes glistering with unshed tears
nothing should happen to her!
nothing must happen to get plea-se!!
“Robyn!”i cooed
“am sorry!
am so sorry baby plea-se open the door”i pleaded but it was still the same
no reply
immediately i got a hold of my briefcase which my driver had brou-ght
i un-hook the lock and pu-ll-ed out my spare key
oh! good lords!
i shove it into the keyhole and cli-ck it,then turned the doorknob
i rushed into the room and quic-kly bolt the door to prevent mum or any other person from coming in
the room was recking of alcohol, it was in disarray
in a big mess
i ran up to the be-d were Robyn la-id,her hair was r0ûghly packed and she still had her nighties on and i could swear she looks more beautiful
she seems to be slee-ping and her temperature was super high
i pushed her hair backwards with my thumb and used the other in c@r£ss!ngher smooth flawless face
what an innocent beauty i had gat!
and here am i acting like a d!¢k head
her phone vibr@ted and i took a glance at it to see ‘Cas-sy’ alongside a love emoji,she seems to be the caller and i nee-d no one to tell me she’s one of Robyn’s friends
i took my eyes back to Robyn who had begun batting her lashes,her eyes fluttered open and she tried sitting up but ended up wincing
mum who had been ban-ging on the door the whole time, seems to have left cause i couldn’t hear a sound coming from her
i got on the be-d and gently helped her seat comfortably on the be-d
she.looked surprised on seeing me and her cheeks had lines of dried tears on it which clearly shows she had been crying
“baby”i called smooching her cheeks with my thumbs
“Davis is this you?”she asked trying to take her hands up to my face but ended up wincing
“oouch! my head hurts!”she looked extremely tired
“am sorry Robyn!
am so sorry for allowing my head lead and not my heart
plea-se forgive me wify! and I won’t make you shed a tear cause of me ever again”i pleaded and she snivelled hvgging me to herself
“I missed you Davis!
I missed you so much
i was going mad with grief when you refused to forgive me”she cried and I slowly patted her shoulders
“am sorry about that Robyn!
plea-se forgive me”i pleaded cu-pping her face with my hands
“you should be the one forgiving me and not the other way round, i offended you and am sorry”she kept on crying
“hey! hey!
look at me baby”i cooed ma-king her lock eyes with me
“i know you didn’t do it okay!
at first i thought you did but now i know you didn’t and am setting up a board of investigators to investigate on that and who so ever that person is, he/she will have a taste of grief from me”i said and she nodded
“now wipe off those tears of yours
you look S-xy when you cry and if you continue, you sure know what’s gonna happen next “i said wi-nking at her ma-king her let out those S-xy smiles of hers
“you really nee-d to see a doctor,
don’t you think?”i asked and she nodded in the negative
“I don’t think that’s necessary, all I want is you and I in here for the whole day
I bet I will be okay”she said trying to get off the be-d but ended up falling back
“you drank too much”I tea-sed carrying her bridal style
“over to the bathroom
and for the whole day am gonna act the role of your nanny “I said moving with her into the bathroom
“and tomorrow i will be your nanny too”she replied as I lowered her into the bathtub
🍀Season 2🍀
💧Episode 46💧
“and what do you say about this?”dad asked br@ndishing the record tape in front of me and i kept mute like he wasn’t talking to m
“don’t let me repeat myself Nelly!
you sure know what’s gonna happen if i do”dad rasp and i took few steps backwards
“nothing”i replied shooting mum an angry look which she returned
“you said nothing huh?”dad asked and i kept mute knowing he’s gonna explode anytime soon
“your here trying to eliminate a fellow being like you and your saying it’s nothing huh?
am disappointed in you”dad yelled and his tone was filled with bitterness ,pains and regret
daddy loves me so much!
being an only child and i shouldn’t be ma-king him sad and unhappy but i just can’t just help it
i love Davis and am gonna do everything i can to get him back
he belongs to me!
“never in my wildest imagination did i thought Nelly can go this far because of a man!
a man who doesn’t love you!
someone who doesn’t have the tinest feelings for you!
someone who belongs to someone else!
can his be the height of madness?” mum asked rhetorically sizing me up but i kept my cool
“what the hell Nelly!
i think i had been too lenient with you!
i showed you love and care like any other father would do,and all you could repay me with is this?
it’s an aberration”dad spat angrily
pacing about the living room while mum continued filing her toe nails, ma-king mocking sounds with her chewing gum
“it’s not what you think dad!
am in love with Davis!
amfu-cking in love with him and nothing anyone say or do can change that dad!”i yelled stamping my feet on the floor angrily
“i can see you’ve grown large wings!
i want you to cut off whatever feelings you have for that young man!
he isn’t yours and can never be yours”dad rasp and i frowned
“dad!”i called feeling frustrated alre-ady
why can’t they just leave me the hell alone!
it’s my life and not theirs
“i never s£nt you to California to disgrace me!
neither did I s£nt you there to be an husband snatcher
i s£nt you there not because they aren’t colleges here in Texas,but because i want your level of reasoning to grow wi-de but here you are!
running after someone who perhaps had even forgotten your name”dad said and I de-epened my frown
why can’t you and mum just leave me the hell alone!
it’s my life and i should be able to live it the way i want to”i yelled and dad bu-mped his fist against his open palm
he only does that when he’s extremely angry
“keep shut and do as I say Nelly!
no child of mine will dare fall out of place un-der my watch”dad yelled
“dad why can’t you just listen to me?
“i yelled and dad caught me unexpectedly with a sl@p!
a power packed sl@p!
and i could swear i saw blue coloured stars
“now listen to me!
your taking the next available flight out of the country and i won’t let you come back go Texas,till you come back to your s-en-ses even if it takes you 20 years to do that!”dad yelled and i felt weak, broken and dis£nchanted
“dad plea-se!”i pleaded and he sm-irked
“there’s no nee-d for that daughter”he said mockingly
“you won’t dare do that to me dad!
you won’t!”i cried and could see the satisfactory smile on mums face
“then watch me do it!”dad replied and tears roll down my cheeks
finally am saying goodbye to this fight!
finally am saying ‘bye’ to Davis!
finally am saying ‘bye ‘ to Texas!
oh! good lords!
i hate mum for this!
ifu-cking hate her!
❤ Davis
After having dinner with Robyn almost emptying the dishes, we both climbe-d the stairs up to our room
she slumped on the almost immediately and i got hold of the duvet re-ady to pu-ll it inside her when she st©pped me, placing her hands on it
“Davis am still not fill”she said in a babytone and I was shocked beyond description
for goodness sake Robyn, you almost ate up the kitchen
and here you are, saying your still not filled!
when did you developed this eating habit of yours?”i asked pu-lling her cheeks tenderly and she slowly li-cked her pinkl-ips before pouting it at me
“I don’t know!
but sometimes i feel like am no longer one but two “she complained
“so what do you want me to do for my beautiful wify who sometimes feels like she’s becoming two?i asked and she sh0t me a ha-rd glare,poking her f!ngersinto my che-st
it’s painful!”i lied, gro-an ing pretentiously while she stared at me with wi-de eyes
“Davis!!”she called inaudibly and i rolled my eyes
she often call me in that tone when she nee-ded something
“fine wify!
what do you want?”i asked and she began sniveling
hold on, is she crying or something?
“Davis i want ice cream!
that’s all i want”she cried and i was confused as hell
“there’s no nee-d wasting those tears of yours baby!
I would go get it!
but don’t you think it’s too late to eat an ice cream?
it’s few minutes past 8pm””i said and she began hiccu-ping
“I nee-d the ice cream Davis!
that’s what I want!”she cried and i couldn’t help it
“alright then!
lemme place the order”i said k!ss!ngoff her tears, that was when she bec@m£ relaxed
i ordered for a bowl of ice cream and within 30 minutes, my order was re-ady
i climbe-d up the stairs to the be-droom with the bowl of ice cream
“hey wify!”i cooed and Robyn snatched the bowl from me and began eating away excitedly
I l@yon the be-d, watching her as she ate the ice cream in a rush
“is that gonna be enough?”I asked and she frowned scooping a large chunk of the ice cream into her mouth
“I don’t think so!
maybe I might nee-d more”she said and I was flabberg@sted
what’s with this eating habit of hers?
am only being concerned
I don’t want her to fall sick from it
even if she wanna eat up a whole eatery, I don’tfu-cking care!
provided she’s okay!
but right now am beginning to feel scared
hope she isn’t gonna fall sick?
💃Finally Nelly is gone😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
‘sometimes I feel like am becoming two’😂
Robyn won’t kill me ooo😂
don’t worry Davis, she’s only having female fever (FF)😂😂😂😂😂😂😂