Living with Mr grumpy episode 13 & 14

👰Living With
Mr Grumpy🌸
Written by me: Authoress Succy
💧Episode 13💧
* A week later
Cas-sy squeaked happily immediately the teacher left the clas-s room
Nicole got off her position beside me and sat on my desk staring into my face
“so tell me the reason why you didn’t arrive early to school today?” Cas-sy asked and Nicole nodded in agreement
seems this is a plan work or something!” i tea-sed and we chuckled
“alright then!
you want an explanation don’t you?” i asked and they both took a brief glance at each other simultaneously before nodding their heads with their eyes fixed on me
we actually made a deal on Friday
didn’t we?” Cas-sy asked and not Nicole nodded her head in agreement
“and it was boldly stated that whosoever arrives late is sure gonna foot the bills for our weekend shopping”Cas-sy said beaming in all smiles
“and i knew your gonna fall for it!
my guess was right wasn’t it?” Nicole asked grinning wi-de
she’s fond of doing that
i had actually learnt that Nicole was the br@in behind my being rescued and i must say i was elated
i forever love my friends cause they are the definition of friendsh!pand our coming together as friends eventually made us the perfect trio
“well, your guess wasn’t right neither was it wrong”i argued and Cas-sy frowned
“speak up then,perhaps an explanation might do the trick”she added with a feign frown
“on my way to school, there was a traffic jam and my eyes scale out my car window, straight into the mall and fell on some pretty earrings
and i thought ‘this earrings will be pretty on my friends’ and i decided to get it as a seal of our friendsh!p” i narrated in a slow breath and before i was done, Cas-sy and Nicole were alre-ady rummaging throu-gh my designers bag in search of it
“hey! chill girls
it’s not there but here!” i said shoving my hands into my school Sk-irt pocket,and brougt out a little wra-pped box
“who knew if she bought artificial nails all in the name of earrings”Cas-sy tea-sed and Nicole chuckled while i feign a frown”come on girls!
i go for the best and you know it” i said proudly and Cas-sy scoffed
“oh yeah you do!
that was how you got me sanitary pads as my weekend gift”Cas-sy said and Nicole tittered
“she gave me a pair of hoodie, like am some sort of highway robbers or something
seriously Robyn, you sulk at surprises” Nicole said and i rolled my eyes at them
“well then, i rather shove this back into my pocket” i said and Cas-sy gave a mocking laughter
“your free baby girl! but don’t forget to come along with your credit card when we wanna go out on our weekend shopping”she said and i bit my lowerl-ip
you both are way crazier than i thought!”i snickered pu-lling the wra-p off the transparent glas-s box
just tell me you wanna engage me alre-ady” Cas-sy squeak and i sh0t her a stare
“i never said i was a l£sb!anmiss!
i don’t do ladies” i said and we all chuckled as i brou-ght out the three silver coloured heart shape earring from the box
“oh my gaaaaawd!
where in heavens name did you get this from?”Nicole asked and cas-sy couldn’t take her eyes off the earrings the whole time
“maybe i stole them! since your pretty dumb not to know i had got them from the mall!” i tea-sed
“no offence!” Nicole said raising up her hands in a mock surrender
“i won’t be surprised knowing your mum got you a tutor on fashion!”Cas-sy tea-sed and we chuckled
i moved the box round, ma-king them pick their pairs of earrings
“this is a symbol of our friendsh!p
its gonna be a remembr@nce of our high school days, the foundation of our friendsh!p” i said placing mine on my che-st
“a reminder of our friendsh!pnot to leave each other even in think and thin”Nicole said pe-cking hers
“un-der the rain and sun, moonlight and stars we will stand by each other and forever be the perfect trio”Cas-sy said and we all chuckled
“a toast to friendsh!p”i said raising up my own earrings and we slammed it together and chuckled with most of the students stealing glances at us
we hooked the earrings on our ears and Cas-sy had begun taking selfies of it
“bills on me!!” Nicole almost screamed
“chill girl! it’s not yet lunch” i cooed and Cas-sy chuckled
“someone is obviously ma-king her bubble in high spirit”Cas-sy said and Nicole sh0t her a glare
“the person in question hasn’t even spoken to me since that incident, and here you are thinking dirty”Nicole cussed and we chuckled
Robyn’s mum(Mrs Peterson)
“don’t you think she nee-ds a guard?
since your still hell bent on continuing thisfu-cking election i really didn’t cons£nt of!
the last incident should be a warning!
it should! but your strong headed as ever…..arrgh” i hit my head slightly in anger, placing my eyes back on my meal and i could tell his eyes were fixed on me
“women will always be like that!
ha-rd to tackle and dumb!” he said and my mouth hung open in surprise
“hold on–are you indirectly saying am dumb or something?” i asked feeling bashful
“well, i didn’t say so, but it’s fine if you put it that way” he said and i felt my breath twitched
“what has come over you?
your not thefu-cking same man i married 20 years back” i rasp in anger
“lets just say things changed okay!” he said and i couldn’t tell how i feel
what’s wrong with him?
ever since this politics stuffs c@m£ up he’s been acting all worked up and desperate!
is he so desperate to be in power all or something?
or is he power drun!kor something?
“how do we go about Robyn?
she’s the main puzzle here!
I don’t want anything to happen to her,she’s all have gat” i said shoving the meal far from my reach still on the dinette
have gotten something nice for her
it will hell me out both finacially and in other aspect
i nee-d more money for this honey!
politics isn’t a child’s pl@yand you know it” he said and i kept mute
provided my daughter would be safe” i want her to get married ASAP” he said without remorse
what the hell!
“that’s never gonna happen!”
💧Episode 14💧
* Davis
with my back leaning comfortably on the swivel and my eyes fixed on my phone,i sh0t dad a stare before sipping from the bottled wine i had come with
“dad?” i called with my eyes still fixed on my phone
“a maid said you and mum nee-ded me urgently in your suite, so here am i!
can you plea-se make it snappy cause i have a commercial to carry out in an hour time” i said in one breath taking a glance at the gold wrist watch i had on
“is that suppose to be a good afternoon”mum queried and i rolled my eyes into space
“and what if it is?”i asked blearily
“enough of all this mother and son tantrum, i have something to meet up with okay?
time isn’t on our side!”dad said earning a glare from mum
“from what we heard from reliable source, you are a g@y! or should i say your beginning to act like a g@y”dad said and i scoffed
“and that’s gonna be the last thing i ever want to happen to you or any of my child
of all the ladies in the whole of Texas, you couldn’t find any, that you have to go after guys?
a guy like you!
that’s preposterous!” dad almost yelled intertwining his legs together and the gold base of his shoes sparkled in the little sun rays sneaking in throu-gh the slightly opened window
“i really don’t know what your talking about dad!
and you know how much ifu-cking hate this co conversation!
the fact that you haven’t seen me with any lady lately, doesn’t mean am into guys!”i rasp throu-gh muffled breaths i was beginning to get angry
why can’t they just leave me to live my life, the way i want, rather than pester me to death
“we just nee-d something from you Davis! just one favour plea-se”mum cooed and i rolled my eyes reluctantly
“well then, am not deaf” i said rudely and mum heaved a sigh
“how sure am i that your gonna grant me this request?”mum asked
“if only i find it worthy enough” i said and could hear mum’s heart beat against her che-st while dad stared from mum and i with his pipe struck at the corner of his mouth
“i was wondering if you can atleast bring home a wife or worst still a girlfriend,
you know your ha-rd ly home and i often feel lonely and bored being home doing nothing other than seeing the pack of frogs that unfortunately live un-der the same roof with me…”mum was saying when dad sh0t her a stare on hearing her last statement
i huffed and peer into my watch again
“so i was wondering if you could bring home a lady who would bear you kids,that way i won’t be bored to death you know!”mum said and a crease crept up my forehead
“you know me too well to ask me for such mum!
even in a second life to come i won’t grant you that” i restrained myself from yelling and stood up from the chair i had sat on while mum kept mute obviously angry or perhaps sad
she can be bored to death for all i care, i never told her to birth only i
i can’t do something that’s totally out of my heart just to plea-se her
my family is mess up, i don’t wanna drag an innocent lady into it,
not now or ever!
“Davis!” dad called and i could tell from his tone that he isn’t just angry but sad and disappointed
i kept mute fixing my hands into my trou-ser pockets as i cat walk stylishly towards the door, totally ignoring dad’s call
“i nee-d an heir to my biggest investments” dad said and i rose my brows
did he just said be nee-ded a heir?
who else can fit into that position if not me?
not like i nee-ded it though, but me being the sole heir to dad’s biggest company,The Higgins corporation, is not only gonna add more wealth to mine, it’s gonna give me more authority and power being the heir
and if there’s anything i love, it’s to be in power!
to make rule and be above it
being the heir to the company is gonna make me put those lame as-s step mum and siblings of mine, in their place cause they’ve done more than enough alre-ady
i took myl-ips into my mouth taking a brief glance at dad who didn’t even spare me a stare
“which other heir are you searching for when you’ve gat me?” i stated more like a question
“not just you Davis, but Jeremy included”dad said and i frowned
dad wanna compare me to that j£rk of a son?
mum kept mute all this while, i could tell she’s aware of whatever $h!t dad is trying to pas-s to me
“hold on, a minute dad!
are you trying to deprive me of my own legitimate inheritance?” i asked feeling bashful alre-ady and same time hurt
“no am not!
it was never yours in the first place neither was it his” dad said and i felt anger overwhelm my whole b©dy
“where exactly are you driving at dear?
the company belongs to my son, it’s his inheritance as your first heir!
you can’t possibly deny him of it and throw it away to some lowlifes who feeds from the trash can”mum rasp anger and fear glistered in her eyes
“i won’t pardon you when next you use foul words on my wives and children again, they are my responsibility not yours” dad scolded and mum made an angry face
damn it!
dad should just kill me alre-ady!
i can’t imagine that j£rk of a brother Jeremy,taking over the company
irrespective of the Amount of wealth i make,he’s eventually gonna be more superior for being dads heir
“woah! woah! dad!
i still don’t get what your saying!
who’s gonna head it then?”i asked shoving my phone into my pocket
“you of course,
it’s definitely yours and everyone know that!”dad said and i rolled my eyes
“i was beginning to think you’ve lost it upstairs”mum said sarcastically but dad ignored her
“only on one condition!”dad added and i felt my breath seized
is dad pu-lling a fast one on me or something?
why do i feel like he’s doing this on purpose?
“dad!” i called instead
“get a wife son,
there’s no way your heading that company without a wife beside you
your not the lavish type but you might be one tomorrow,
i don’t want you chasing after women or something!
a responsible man is one with a wife” dad said and i caught sight of mum smiling
why do i smell something fishy?
why would dad come up with something like this?
what the hell!!!