Light out at flory high episode 1 & 2


~Rated 18+~

In the dead of the night, during lights out and the students in the boarding highschool are asleep, Only four boys are awake wandering throu-gh the girl’s dormitory.

Ryan, Darrell, Spike and Justin.

Four strange students with hidden secrets.

They would go to a girl’s be-d, the one they find beautiful and compel them to go out with them. Except Ryan who was always at ju-icy ‘s be-d. He liked picking her because of her crazy green eyes which no one else has at the college.

They weren’t going to harm them, they take them to a secret club far off the school where they hang out with their fellow vampires. Yes, they were vampires who attended the school but still took path in meeting up with their kind.

Their parents had no idea about this, no human did. They had rings that protected them from the sun.

After the night out, they would take the girl’s back to their rooms and compel them, ma-king them forget where they had been to and everything that happened that night.

It wasn’t right but they weren’t going to be allowed into the club to feed if they had no d@t£ with them.

Another night comes and the boys returned to take the girls out..
ju-icy was compelled by Ryan and they left. They were at the club now when ju-icy suddenly started acting normal and was fully aware of what was going.
The compulsion spell had st©pped.

She saw the boy’s faces and what they were doing – she was beyond shocked and frightened. Ryan tried to make her forget what she had seen but it was almost impossible.

ju-icy was now familiar with the four vampire boys. She had to keep their secrets from her friends as well but would it be so easy for her?

Would Ryan like or dislike her?? And what happens when he sees her n-aked for the first time ever?
And Also beware this story is highly rated?


Episode 1
The girl’s dorm alarm rang loudly waking the girls up so they could prepare for clas-s. It was always a rush for those who were off to pick up their school uniform from the laundry room.

ju-icy , a Black-American girl was still in her be-d with her eyes shut ti-ghtly. She was far into de-ep slumber and not a mega powered alarm could wake her up.

The girls in the big room were busy walking about and were yet to remember the slee-ping girl in the be-d close to the window.

Astrid suddenly looked over and saw her slee-ping as usual, she quic-kly rushed to her shaking her fervently.

“Get up, ju-icy ! We have clas-ses by eight.” She said tapping her hand and pu-lling her hair.

It was a tough treatment towards someone that was just waking up but just the right act that pu-ll-ed her awake.

She opened up her eyes and her green eyeba-lls c@m£ into view. She yawned and sat up on the be-d briefly stretching herself.

“Good morning, Astrid. Thanks for waking me up, again.” She said with a hint of weakness.

“Are you alright, ju-icy ? For the past one month, you’ve been really sleepy and tired in the morning. You used to get dressed before everyone else when we arrived newly, is anything up??” Astrid asked worriedly and drawing near to sit beside her.

“I can’t say. I also don’t know what is wrong with me. Maybe I’ve been bitten by a slee-ping bug?” She speculated and her friend grinned at her.

“I think the tsetse fly is only found in Africa or do they exist here?” She asked as her eyes wi-de-ned.

“I don’t know!” ju-icy rasped and slumped her head back on the pillow. The room was still busy and everyone were almost in their full uniforms.

“Do you re-ad at night? After everyone has gone asleep??” Astrid wondered and she sighed.

“Before lights out, I’m alre-ady slee-ping like a pregnant lady!” She blurted.

Astrid laughed at her friend’s response but she still couldn’t help but wonder. ju-icy was always punctual and she admired that but how could she change all of a sudden?

“Is it a dream?” She asked suggesting and thoughtfully.

“Well… I don’t know. There is a name that has been going throu-gh my mind though.”

“Really? What name??” Astrid asked curiously.

“Ryan. I heard it once or twice. I can’t remember where and how.” She replied feeling insecure. “Let’s go dress up first and talk about this later.”

She dragged her friend up and they left to take their bath.
Ryan snatched the empty bottle from Spike and tossed it throu-gh the fence. They were at one of their favorite sp©ts feeding themselves with blood they got from the secret club.

After feeding directly from a human, they get filled up bottles that will help them throu-gh the day and at night, they come back for more.

Justin wiped hisl-ips off the blood stain with a piece of clothe.

“Our annoying parents are coming, tomorrow. What’s it gonna be like?” Ryan asked fixing the collar of his shi-t.

Darrell scoffed and leaned back at the wall.

“My father would probably ask me why my hair is still short.” He revealed and Justin snickered.

“I’ll get you a hair cream. Just remind me the next time we leave.” Spike as-sured dropping his hand on his shoulder.

“My mom would probably freak out that I’m not adding weight at all.” Justin uttered and Spike ruffled his hair.

“Well, I think my father is going to break a lot of chairs when he learns that I failed the math test.” Spike replied Ryan’s question and Justin fli-pped.

“Your father and his anger issues.” He scoffed folding his hands.

“Yeah. I’m not bothered, he will die soon.” Spike ch!pped in and they laughed except for Ryan who was observing the girls walking past.

They were giggling and acted shy because of the four cuties hanging out by the wall.

“Oh… Ryan is hooked by the fishes.” Darrell tea-sed pouting hisl-ips and he sm-irked.

The girls were now out of sight.

“I could swear he k!$$£d that green eyes last night—”

“I rather eat dirt. What stays during lights out, stays during lights out. Let’s be careful with what we say knuckleheads.” Ryan cussed fiercely at Justin who quic-kly closed up his running mouth.

“I’m sorry, bro. plea-se, calm down.” Justin laughed while he rolled his eyes.

“So, what about your parents, Ry?” Darrell asked with a yawn.

“Nothing much. Just ignoring them like I always do.” He whispered and there was few seconds of silence.

Suddenly, the sound of heels approaching them emerged and when they looked, it was Miss Cas-sey – The girls attendant whose job was to make sure the girls at the school were safe.

She was putting on a black suit in which the Sk-irt was very short and her p-ant line visible.

She cat walked slowly and was walking past them. Everyone disliked her including the boys in the school whom she never speaks to.

Their eyes stuck to her behind. Ryan sm-irked.

“Let’s have a little fun, shall we?” He asked and snapped his f!ngers.
Miss Cas-sey quic-kly looked at him and Ryan stared de-ep into her eyes hypnotizing her.

“Morning, Cas-sey. Do you mind taking off your pa*ties?” He asked and his friends g@sped, laughing.

The lady nodded vehemently.
“Sure, why?” She asked bending low to slide it off her h!ps, throu-gh her legs and off her feet.

“Good. Now, get going and forget that I’m the one who asked you to take them off and I never called you.” Ryan completed his request and they started leaving that instant.

Miss Cas-sey snapped and was back to herself. She stared at the pa*nt in her hand and g@sped.

“Oh my Gosh!! How in the world did these come off??” She questioned running off in shame.


Episode 2
ju-icy , Astrid and Heather were on their way to clas-s that morning with their books in their handbags and a big smile across their faces.

“My mother is definitely going to bore me with news from home. What dad did, what my brother did, what the neighbors did. She just can’t leave without letting her heart out.” Heather reminisced and nudged her elbow.

“I think that’s because she misses you. Tomorrow is the first time we will be seeing our parents after two good months. We just have to enjoy it.” Astrid replied shaking her loose hair scatter around her shoulders.

ju-icy sighed and lifted her head.

“I miss Eric. I wish he comes with my parents.” She admitted despondently.

“Gosh! Can’t believe you’re still head over hills for your childhood crush. If only we were allowed to use phones. You would have him on phone every second, won’t you?” Astrid tea-sed but ju-icy doesn’t say anything.

“I think that guy is such a j£rk. How could he not like you after your pretty green eyes.” Heather said and the girls chuckled.

The bell rang loudly interrupting their discussion and they glanced at each other. Who ever walked into clas-s three minutes late would get to scru-b the bathroom floors as punishment.

They scurried off immediately holding themselves as they ran.

The got into clas-s just in time and the ‘good’ seats were taken.

They had to sit separately and ju-icy raced for the seat at the back next to the broad window.

She sat next to a guy who was occu-pied with scribbling sketches on his notebook.

She felt bad that she didn’t get to sit with her friends but her mood brightened when she recalled the lesson would just be for forty minutes and they get to leave for another clas-s.

He was sitting at her back. For the first time, he was sitting close to ju-icy in clas-s. He had avoided her like plague.

He made sure she doesn’t see him during day except the time he comes to pick her up at her be-d and takes her to the club.

ju-icy ba-rely knew that there was someone like Ryan in her school. Not his name and obviously not his face.

It was possible because he was someone she forgot if she happened to see him. He would compel her with his eyes and that would be all about him for her.

It was something toxic a human could go throu-gh. Having her br@in messed up by some boy.

He was able to sniff the shampoo she had used for her hair which he detested. Her heart was beating normal and she was breathing steady.
He couldn’t help but listen to the sounds around him.

All of a sudden, he looked around for his four friends.
Whenever they weren’t complete at a place, something must be wrong and there was something wrong at the moment.

Spike wasn’t in the clas-sroom. He searched around for him with his eyes but he only saw the other two.

He got up catching ju-icy ‘s attention. Another rule at Flory High was that the moment lesson begins, nob©dy leaves.

The teacher was backing the clas-s and was writing on the whiteboard.

He started walking out of the clas-s with everyone looking up at him. Justin and Darrell were more curious.

He was almost at the door when the strict Mr Harry st©pped him with his icy voice.

“And where do you think you are going to?” He asked and the clas-s went so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

“I will be back sir.” He replied obviously compelling him.

“Don’t…Don’t take too long.” He replied stunning most of the students.
The Mr Harry they knew would lash out and obviously give the person immediate detention.

Ryan went on his journey and got out the hall way. He listened carefully with his ear hoping to hear Spike’s movement.

He wasn’t satisfied so he dashed out to the other hallway. Being a vampire, he had the ability to dash off like he was flying.

He finally heard Spike’s gr-unt and he raced to where the sound c@m£ from.

He quic-kly slammed Spike to the wall to prevent him from b!tt!g Cas-sey by her n£¢k.

“What do you think you are doing??!” He yelled at him.
He was breathing heavily with his canine teeth visible and his eyes bloodsh0t. He was fully prepared to attack and svçkCas-sey’s blood.

“Nothing!” Spike replied overwhelmed with rage.
He pushed Ryan to the next wall subduing him with full f0rç£.

“You know the rules, Spike. No one must suspect that there is a vampire in this school, much more four. You have to control this hunger!” Ryan gritted his teeth.

Cas-sey was now on the floor whimpering.

“I’m sorry, Ryan.” Spike whispered as his eyes and pale face gradually went back to normal.

“Good. Go back to clas-s. I’ll handle Cas-sey.” He instructed him.
As Spike rushed off, Ryan stooped to a crouch and helped her to get back on her feet.