Light out at flory high finale


Episode 19

What was wrong with him? She hàted this girl. But he still bears being in the same atmosphere with her.
Maybe this would end if he’s able to feel her. Just once and it would be happening tonight.

After a while, ju-icy returned holding on to her water bottle. She was surprised to see Ryan still at the same sp©t where she had left him and he was even re-ading from one of her textbooks.

She was definitely expecting him to be gone by the time she returned.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” He couldn’t help but ask immediately he noticed.

“Nothing. I’m back now.” She muttered dropping next to him again.

“I’m stunned though, you actually re-ad things. I thought you would hypnotize the teacher into giving you a hvge score?” ju-icy asked tea-singly.

“That’s not a bad idea. I’d definitely try it out this time. Too bad that you humans can’t save yourselves from this one. You have to download everything into your br@in.” He grumbled fli-pping the page of the book.

“Are you un-derstanding that p@rt?” ju-icy asked pouting herl-ips.
He nodded.
“Of course.”

“Can… Can you explain it to me? It is really confusing.” She asked ru-bbing her hands together.

“Really? You look so smart. Guess I was wrong. People really shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.” He tea-sed but she cut him short.


“Fine… I’ll teach you.” He sm-irked pu-lling the book to their center on the desk so she could see what was written too.

They studied for one more hour until it was time for lights out and the students had to hurry to their dorms.

Ryan helped her with her heavy books and they both left the libr@ry.

“Your friends are weird.” Ryan bluntly remarked when they got outside.

“What? How?” She half yelled.

“They should have paired with you no matter how you were doing in studies. It’s just too shallow…” He st©pped talking when he realized he didn’t know how to explain his thoughts to her.

“It’s alright, Ryan. I don’t want to slow anyb©dy down. It gets intimid@t!ngtoo so I think it’s better this way. Besides, both of us make a good team.” She remarked flashing her white sparkling set of teeth.

“Really, huh? I was doing all the talking and you were doing all the learning. How exactly are we helping each other?” He quizzed with a brief laugh.

ju-icy chuckled too realizing he was right.
They started leaving together with other students walking in various directions too. It was alre-ady dark in the skies and they could only see with the help of the solar lights attached next to the roofs of the buildings. They shone so bright and vast.

“Hold on… Is that Astrid?” ju-icy asked shocked to see her best friend being dragged to a dark corner.

She ran off without answering to Ryan going after her.

It was Spike!
He was the one holding on to her and dragging her with him.

“Leave her alone.” ju-icy said gr-abbing Astrid’s arm and pu-lling her away from him.

“What is your problem?” He yelled at her with his che-st heaving up and down against his shi-t.

“I don’t want your explanation, j£rk!” Astrid suddenly yelled before running away towards the girl’s dorm.

ju-icy ‘s eyes wi-de-ned in shock. What did she mean by that and why was she crying profusely?
Did… Did Spike hurt her?

“What did you do to her?” She screamed attacking him by his collar. She wasn’t this tough. She has never held someone like this before.

But the anger from what Astrid’s tears caused her to be furious completely.

“I’m gonna kîll you if you don’t let go of my collar right now—-”

“Spike.” A cool voice resounded from behind ju-icy . It was Ryan looking livid as ever. His voice was calm but the look in his eyes was like a burning volcano.

“Did you just say you are going to kîll her?” He asked and slowly, Spike’s vicious look disappeared to a sulking one.

ju-icy left his collar slowly and Ryan stood next to her.

“What happened?” He asked focusing his gaze on a confused ju-icy .

“She saw me talking to Shelly. But that’s all, we were just having a normal conversation before Astrid walked past us. She looked mad and jealous. I went straight after her to talk to her but she was mad annoying. Misun-derstanding everything so I had to drag her here so I can f0rç£ my explanation down her throat. She’s so stubborn, dañg it!” He cussed hitting his fist on the ha-rd wall.

ju-icy g@sped loudly since it took her by surprise.

“Girls. That means she’s alre-ady getting ideas.” Ryan commented ma-king ju-icy ‘s blood boil over again.

“But do you really like her?” She popped her question bluntly.

Spike swallowed ha-rd like it was a billion dollar question.

He was taking forever to respond which pissed ju-icy off the more.


“He does. He likes her very much. ju-icy , things are easier said than done. From his actions, you should know. We have to help him and help your friend as well since it’s obvious she likes him too. Perfect couple.” Ryan grinned.

“Fine, but hurt her and you are dead!” ju-icy threatened glaring at him.


Episode 20

Final Chapter

Astrid sat tearfully on the be-d sobbing from the scene earlier. She wish she didn’t overreact but she couldn’t seem to hide how hurt she felt seeing him talking to another girl.

She wiped off the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. It was almost time for lights out and she was yet to change into her comfy night dresses.

All of a sudden, she felt someone sit next to her on the be-d with her back turned.

She stared at the figure wondering why the girl wasn’t getting re-ady for be-d.

Her tap on her shoulder seemed to startle her and she quic-kly turned to give her a glance.

“Spike!” She g@sped when he saw it was Spike behind the blanket and arm coat.
He put those on to cover himself so no one would know a male student entered the girls dorm.

“Hey, Astrid —”

“I shouldn’t have overreacted. It’s so weird and I’m really sorry.” She apologized feeling miserable.

Did she look weak and helpless before him earlier.
God! Why did she care??

“It’s alright. It’s natural to get jealous. I mean I would beat up any guy that confronts you in this school. I really would.” He stated wearing a serious look.

“Where’s ju-icy ? She is not mad at me, is she?” She asked nervously.

From the way her b©dy reacted, Spike immediately knew they were really best friends and didn’t want to see each other hurt.

That thought made him feel guilty about the expo-sed pictures they have of Astrid not putting on any clothes.

“I like you.” He breathed out ignoring her last question.
Astrid’s cheeks immediately flu-shed red as the words danced around her ears.

“I like you too.” She flu-shed slowly taking his hand.

Spike chuckled when he realized he was still dressed as a girl.


“I am never going to use that blanket and dress again.” ju-icy told Ryan when she returned to him from the dorm.

“St©p complaining. I’m sure you’re excited that your little friend has bagged one of my friends. You know we are quite neat boys.” Ryan replied wearing a smug on his face.

“Geez, Ryan. You’re awfully boring. But Spike is going to delete those ph0tos of Astrid, right? He better do it before she finds out.” ju-icy grumbled.

“What if we are just pla-ying, Jui-c-y? What if Spike is just pretending to care for your friend?” He asked.

“That’s not possible. We trust each other now, would he really go throu-gh all that stress?” She asked rolling her eyes.

“There’s this awesome place I would like to show you.” He whispered swiping her hand into his.

“It’s late, Ryan. You might not sleep at night but I nee-d some sleep.” She growled re-sisting from his grip.

Her protests fell on deaf ears as he took her with him to one of his favorite personal hangout with his friends.


Her mind was lost. The first time she recovered herself was when he carefully la-id her on the ground with their breathing fas-ter than it was.

ju-icy was completely n-ked and was surprised with how fast Ryan shed her wears. He was shi-tless and still had his p@n-ts on as he k!$$£d her all over n£¢k.

Her hands were wra-pped around his n£¢k and he stared de-ep into her eyes like they were pas-sing a brief communication.

He unZi-pped his p@n-ts and withdrew his member which caused ju-icy to shiver instantly. Fear flashed throu-gh her eyes and if Ryan wasn’t intently watching to see her reaction, he would have missed it. Almost.

“You scared?” He asked and regretted it instantly.

“No. Go ahead…” She whispered and after what felt like hours, he finally made a move into her which caused her to cry out.


“Are you two sure about this?” Ryan asked gazing at her over ambitious girlfriend whom also stared back with her green perfect eyes.

“Yes. I want to spend forever with you.” ju-icy replied letting out a small smile.

“Same here, go on alre-ady.” Astrid scoffed with folded arms.

“Let’s just give them what they want.” Spike whispered lowly.

The two vampires have never turned anyone before but here they were about to do so to the love of their lives.

Ryan went ahead to bite on his wrist before pas-sing it over to ju-icy to svçkfrom. Spike and Astrid followed lead and after a while, there was enough vampire blood in their system.

“I wonder what it feels like to die.” ju-icy muttered as Ryan shook his scared still scared concerning what they were about to do. There was really no going back for them.

After highschool, Ryan and ju-icy started their relationsh!pand had been hanging out with their friends as well. ju-icy thought that he just wanted to take advantage of her but to her surprise, he wanted to have a thing with her. Spike and Astrid also began theirs and had been living together since Astrid lost her parents and Spike didn’t want to stay with his family anymore.

ju-icy was still staying with her parents after her grandmother died while Ryan left home as well and began living on his own. He felt that that was what was good for him so he can be happy with people that accepts him the way he was. Heather had lost communication with her friends and hadn’t spoken to them since she left the boarding house.

Ryan looked up at the clock and breathed out.

“We’ll wait till half an hour before doing anything else…” He said with his gaze stuck on ju-icy . He was worried about her.
About her decision and if she really wanted to be a vampire. A creature that never ages…

The door bell rang interrupting the interesting moment and he shook his head.

“I’ll get it.” He mumbled before ambling to the door.
gr-abbing the handle, he pu-ll-ed easing the door open to reveal a face he thought has disappeared from the face of the earth. Someone she has lived to forget few years ago.

“Mandy?” Hisl-ips wavered betraying how unbothered he wanted to sound.

The lady stood there wearing a smile.

“Miss me?” She asked before walking past him into the house.