Light out at flory high episode 3 & 4


Episode 3
Ryan was back to clas-s after dropping Cas-sey at her office.

He was able to compel her ma-king her forget everything especially almost being beaten by Spike.

He could remember that cruel night when he was out camping with his friends and they were attacked by a crazy vampire. She turned them and they had to go throu-gh so much to adjust to the vampire lifestyle.

They could control their hunger now. That he was sure of but not until he caught Spike trying to feed on Cas-sey.

He’s worried and hopes something silly does not repeat itself again.

It was hell risky and someone could have seen him.

The water from the shower poured down heavily on ju-icy . The shower wasn’t so good and has been faulty for months. Everyone avoided it but tonight, she had no choice but to wash up with it.

She turned it off when she realized she was clean enough. She gr@bb£d her towel from the door handle and tied it around her b©dy.

As she returns back to the room, she sp©tted Astrid and Heather sitting on her be-d and talking to each other.

She sighed knowing it wasn’t quite a good thing.

She approaches them ditching her wardrobe she would have gone to in order to put on some clothes.

“What’s going on? What are you both doing here? Lights out is in ten minutes.” She said with her hands on her w@!st.

“We really nee-d to be here to make sure you are alright. That you don’t sneak out or anything.”

“What are you talking about Astrid??” She cut her off.

“Relax, just get dress first.” She urged and she growled dragging her feet to the wardrobe opposite her be-d.

After a long fun chat with her friends, they went to their various be-d and she went to be-d thinking about tomorrow that she would be seeing her parents.

She was fast asleep same with other girls in the dorm when suddenly, the doors opened and the four boys intruded.

The boys searched around except for Ryan who headed straight for ju-icy ‘s be-d.

He gr@bb£d the cu-p of water on the drawer next to her be-d and emptied it on her face.

She woke up instantly and glanced at him.

“Get up.” He ordered and she was still looking at him with sleepy eyes.

He compelled her with his eyes immediately and she got up slowly.

Spike chose Astrid, for the first time.
He had never taken her before.

Darrell and Justin picked two other random girls who went by the name, Rooney and Shayne.

They left after the girls had changed. Astrid and ju-icy didn’t say much to each other because their heads were messed up. They had nothing to complain about.

“Tonight is going to be so much fun.” Astrid said tou-ching her hair.
“I know, right?” ju-icy agreed smiling which was something she wasn’t used to in the real world.
They were able to leave the school and board a taxi.

After a while, they arrived at the club. Each boy holding his d@t£ for identification as one of them.

The girls were definitely being themselves but they would forget all about it the moment they return.

They get taken into the dark room and the boys are able to feed. ju-icy found it strange and couldn’t take her eyes off Ryan.

The way he attacked the man su-cking from him like his life depended on it. His eyes bloodsh0t and his face very pale.
Whiter than any normal human.

The boys were careful enough not to drain all from the bodies. It would cost them.

A lady suddenly walked past ju-icy quacking her shoulder that she almost fell but was able to maintain her balance. She saw the ladies hvge hair and rugged dressing – torn shi-t and loose p@n-ts.

“So, my boys are here!” She announced referring to the four boys.

Ryan st©pped su-cking and left the b©dy. He looked at her, emotionlessly.
She was the one that had turned them into vampires and also introduced them to the club.

She is at good terms with them but something in him still quests for revenge for what she had done to them. St©pping them from having a normal life.

“Nice to see you too, Maddy.” Spike said holding onto Astrid and approaching the duo.

Maddy placed her hand on Ryan’s shoulder trying to start up a conversation.

“How has school been? Anything interesting happened today??” She asked grinning.

“No.” Ryan replied coldly as his eyes was blinking back to normal.

ju-icy was instantly pu-ll-ed away from the dim room by someone unnoticed and she was stunned to see it was a man very hvge and with muscles so large.

She flin-ched startled so much.

“No!” She yelled though she had no idea what the man was up to.

His canine teeth surfaced and black veins popped up at the corners of his eyes. He was prepared to feed on her.

Ryan was still inside and yet to notice that she was gone.

He suddenly remembered the moment a vampire wearing green walked pas-s them.

The green shi-t reminded him of ju-icy ‘s green eyes. He rushed outside and met the the strange man struggling with ju-icy .

“Ryan!” She called out on seeing him.

“I will feed from her and you won’t st©p me.” He gently told Ryan who smiled and folded his hands.

“Go ahead.” He simply urged him sounding relaxed.
He was prepared for anything.

ju-icy ‘s parents were done preparing the goodies they prepared for their precious daughter.

They couldn’t wait to give her a ti-ght hvg tomorrow.

Her grandmother had visited and she brou-ght just one thing for her – an ugly old br@celet, her mother called it.

She was expecting something quite tangible or fancy. Such that ju-icy liked but instead, what her mother- inlaw gave her to give to her daughter was an unattrac-tive br@celet.

She sighed and also put it in the bag she would be leaving with tomorrow. There was nothing she could do but the thought of tomorrow had her on her toes.


Episode 4
Ryan watched as the hvge man pu-ll-ed away from ju-icy realizing the consequences if he ended up forcing himself on someone’s d@t£.

He would be suspended and worse, face the t©p vampires who controlled the area. He gave Ryan a scalding look before walking away.

He sighed and tried tou-ching ju-icy but she fli-pped.

“You asked him to bite me. What kind of person are you?!” She asked frightened.

“Don’t argue with me, I saved you.” Ryan said hypnotizing her with his eyes.

Helpless ju-icy smiled.

“It’s okay.” She said and he led the way back into the dark room.

When they returned, Spike was with Astrid at a corner k!ss!ngher like his life depended on it.

Astrid wouldn’t be happy with such though but she was being compelled to open up to his k!sses.

ju-icy feels uncomfortable and Ryan noticed it. He ignored her anyway and walked to sit alone at a table.

He took the bottle filled with blood on the table and poured into the little cu-p before him. He sipped from it slowly and he loved how the thick liquid mingled around his ton-gue.

Maddy saw him and quic-kly joined him on the two sitter couch.

She looked very young like ju-icy but older than Ryan with twenty years. She has been a vampire for twenty and kept causing trouble for everyone.

She takes nothing serious even after turning the boys into vampires. She made them drink her blood and it was still in their system when they ran off. While they tried to escape from her, they fell into a ditch and died, injuring badly.
They woke up later stunned that they were alive but badly wanted blood.

“You look so serious, Ryan. A perfect look for a perfect s’xy guy.” Maddy said and dropped her two legs on the table.

“Go away.” He said and exhaled.

“You brou-ght the green eyes again. You must hate this girl so much.” She bluntly remarked gazing at ju-icy as she sat alone at the staircase.

“Where is your d@t£, Maddy?” He asked her with a sardonic look.

“Probably dead. I don’t care.” She replied and chuckled at her response.

“Tomorrow, I have something to show you. I hope you and your boring friends come.” She said rolling her eyes.

Ryan got up and emptied the content in the glas-s cu-p.

“Time’s up, guys.” He whispered knowing fully well his friends around the dark room heard him. He turned to Maddy and sighed. “If you see us tomorrow, great. But if you don’t, have fun with your dead d@t£.”

He left heading straight to ju-icy .
Maddy was staring at them wondering why Ryan is awfully cold and different.
She just hopes he likes what she’d show him tomorrow.

They were back with the girls and again, they weren’t noticed by the authorities who promised the principal ‘maximum’ security which was twenty four hours as-surance.

As ju-icy checked her wardrobe for her nightie, Ryan was standing next to her waiting for her to get dressed so he could wipe her memories of the night.

She was sane enough to rush to the bathroom and wear her clothes so he wouldn’t see her na.ked.

When she returned, he was staring at her b©dy and he knew why he was doing so. In case there was any cut or stain of blood so he could get rid of it but luckily, she was clean and then again, he was mesmerized by her green eyes. How much he admired them. She was brown skinned but it wasn’t an odd combo.

She was done putting things together a d got on her be-d. She covered herself up and Ryan got to work, compelling her.

Spike and Astrid were at her be-d after she had changed. He was greedy with her tonight. He couldn’t st©p k!ss!ngher and he just have the opportunity to do that with girls because of his vampire abilities.

The real Astrid who isn’t un-der compulsion would sma-ck the he.ll out of him when he’d demand for a k!ss.

He doesn’t like her or anything of that sort but just liked getting to k!sssomeone like he owned them.

He stole one last k!ssbefore compelling her to forget everything and fall into a de-ep sleep.

Rooney and Shayne went to sleep too after Justin and Darrell were done.

And the four boys exit the dorm as quic-k as they could.

“Spike, can I talk to you?” Ryan demanded after they were outside the building.

“Yes?” He replied slowing down his pace so he can walk together with him.

“St©p k!ss!ngthe girls. It’s not right. One of them can have theirl-ips swollen or probably, feel it so strong that she might not forget it—”

“Ryan, st©p picking ju-icy every night we are going to the club.” Spike cut him off and he clenched his fists.

He hated when Spike gets so tough and stubborn. He’s always the one to challenge him and he is the leader of the group.

“What is your problem, huh? Why can’t you un-derstand the consequences.” He asked glaring at him with his eyes turning instantly.

Justin looked up seeing the surveillance c@m£ra ahead.
He is the smart one and was very good at computers.

“Guys, can we gnash each others teeth later?? That c@m£ra can sp©t us if we remain here.” He pointed out.

They comported themselves and rushed to their dorm.

What’s Maddy gonna show Ryan?