Light out at flory high episode 14/16


Episode 14.
“Ryan? What are you doing here?!” ju-icy asked bewildered completely forgetting she was n-ked in front of him.

“Who the heck takes a bath in the middle of the night?” He freaked with his eyes glued to her b©dy. Actually, it was not the first time he was seeing her uncl*d. He always looks away while she dresses for the club but sometimes, he’d steal glances and even helped her when her clothes bec@m£ tough for her to put on.

“God! Keep your eyes away from me!” She huskily whispered rushing out of the tub gr-abbing her towel afterwards. He sm-irked and helped her in turning off the shower completely.

He turned back to see ju-icy with an ugly grimace looking irritated that he saw her n-ked.

“Like you don’t feel honored to have me see your form without clothes.” He chuckled ma-king ju-icy ‘s cheeks redden.

“The only thing about you that is honoring is the fact that you drain blood even from dead bodies. What a hero.” She taunted with a glare. This wasn’t supposed to be her reaction. She possibly likes him.
It was still something she doesn’t un-derstand yet. But she still have to be smart and put the guy in his place.

“Careful with what you say, ju-icy .” He warned but the way he mentioned her name, made her feel chills throu-gh her spine.

“There is nothing you can do that will weaken me. So, don’t even try to sound all powerful and authoritative. And I think it’s time for you to go.” She said reaching for the door knob so she could open it.

Ryan rushed over to her in a frightening speed and held her wrist st©pping her completely from achieving her aim of kicking him out.

“Is that a super power of something?” She mumbled dumbfounded with how quic-k he moved.
He made her rest behind the wall with his speed again and ju-icy was practically tra-pped.

“You challenged me, remember? As much as I háte you…” His voice trailed off as he got on his knees instantly.

Her legs shook as Ryan was staring directly at her pri-vate area which was shielded by the towel length.

“Ryan, what are you doing?” She asked still in a whisper.
He dragged her towel which flung to the floor in an instant.

He wanted to order her to spre-ad her legs but instead, he did it himself weakening her the more.

He pressed his head closer to what seemed to be a jackpot to him. He fli-cked his ton-gue across her pu*ssy opening and she shivered.

How could someone possibly do this? She wondered in fear.

“Ryan..” Her m0@n sounded like music to his ears and it seemed to energize him. He li-cked her some more di-ving his ton-gue in and out ma-king her knees wo-bble.

She m0@n ed controlling them as ha-rd as she could.
He dived his ton-gue dee-per tou-ching the right places that left her feeling hyper and in nee-d of something she really couldn’t place, tell and un-derstand.

He gr!pp£dher little w@!st so she doesn’t fall before he felt her hand on his head digging into his full hair.
He sm-irked gradually getting what he wanted. She tasted more than he imagined her too.

Her hands seemed to draw him closer and dee-per.

“plea-se…” She cried silently not knowing what she was asking for directly.
She wanted a re-lease, Ryan could tell.

This was going to be her first experience with an Orgasm. She let out a scream as her jui-ce exploded from her walls drilling on hisl-ips.
He got up now that his work was done and ju-icy was still reviving from the tremors she went throu-gh because she c@m£…ha-rd .

She also hoped no one heard her.

“You begged me just now. A glimpse of what I can do to you. You taste not bad by the way.” Ryan remarked holding her gaze.

And ju-icy heard a footstep approaching from behind the door.
She panicked and gr@bb£d Ryan hiding with him behind a tub.

The door opened immediately and Astrid entered with sleepy eyes. She looked around.

“Oops. Wrong door.” She mumbled and left shutting the door. She must have wanted to use the toilet and ended up in the bathroom.

ju-icy heaved a sigh of relief before stepping out with Ryan. She picked up her towel and bounded it around her b©dy.

“Guess what? I’m going to the club with Astrid.” Ryan dropped the bombshell and she flin-ched.

“No way… You are not taking any girl from this hall. I will st©p you in case you don’t know. luckily, you have no power against me.” She said boldly folding her arms.

“Fine then, the first thing you’ll be seeing when you wake up is the whole school staring at clear pictures of a n-ked Astrid. Do you really want to traumatize your friend?” He asked wearing a sm-irk.

“No.” She admitted sourly and more grin appeared on the j£rk’s face.

“But I can’t just let them go with you. What if they get hurt? I am coming with you guys, I nee-d to make sure that you don’t hurt them.” She blabbe-d glaring at him.

“Deal.” He said and walked to the door.
“Get dressed. We are coming.” He win-ked.

Episode 15
ju-icy official hated the place from that night the spell didn’t work on her. There was alcohol in the air, loud music, vampires whom didn’t have the decency to hide their fangs, smokes from cigarette sticks. The worst!

Ryan decided to have her as his d@t£ while Spike insisted on taking Astrid. It was weird how he demanded for her but no one wanted to get into a fight with the feisty one.

The boys left the girls around a table before leaving. While Ryan left he gave her look that warned her not to get into trouble and with the other girls. She still couldn’t scru-b off the memory of him going down on his knees and l!çk!ng her like his life depended on it. And it felt so good. Too good.

Someone could literally become add!çted to that..
Mandy had arrived at the club looking well dressed than before when she didn’t care how shabby her hair was or how rou-gh her shi-t was. Now, she was in love and laws of that chemistry demanded that she tried to impress her beloved.
That’s even if he’ll look at her. It’s so weird that she has fallen for someone so young. She doesn’t she physically, but she was twice his age.

Something really can’t exist between them. She feels so…

She sat at the far edge of the table watching how the ‘unfortunate’ highschool girls sat around their table drinking jui-ce from a cu-p. And the green eyed girl was there as always…

She was waiting for the boys to come.
She knows they don’t trust her so well and they’d be coming on their own to feed.

Ryan showed up alone and walked to the table the girl’s where. He started saying things to the green eyed girl and it looked like a conversation rather than hypnotizing her.

Jealousy arched Mandy as she witnessed this. Something must be up! First, Ryan always brou-ght ju-icy as his d@t£ and now, the way she was staring at him as they talked.

Could it be ju-icy is going to stand in between their relationsh!p. She’s going to be a problem, obviously. Mandy concluded.

She waited for Ryan to leave before approaching the table. And just like that, she convinced ju-icy to follow her.

She took her to the roof of the building.
ju-icy recognized her from her school. She was working for the new principal. It got to be her…

Why did she want to talk to her about anyway??

“What do you have on Ryan? Do you like him??” She asked glaring at her. It literally stirred some emotions on ju-icy .

“What? How can you ask me that? What does my personal life have to do with you?” She replied huskily and Mandy snickered.
Her anger might actually drag her into killing ju-icy . She won’t deny it, she is crazy and that was why she was able to turn the four boys that night.

“You’ll see…” She hissed ex-posing her sharp fangs, her eyeba-lls dangling on her target.

She attacked her while she let out a scream.

Getting eaten by a vampire was never in the plan!!

All of a sudden, Mandy says fli-pped off from ju-icy by Ryan.

Spike was also there since she was looking for ju-icy too.

“I tried to hypnotize her but she wasn’t falling for my eyes and words. Who is she?! A witch??” Mandy asked frustrated.

“We don’t know either.” Ryan muttered.

She let out a loud laugh.

“I am going to report you four to Leader! You have revealed yourselves to human. They’ll have to punish you four for putting our lives in danger! I did warn him not to trust you!” Mandy yelled more.

She aimed for ju-icy again and attacked her. Strangling her by the n£¢k.

Ryan pu-ll-ed her away while Spike gr@bb£d a stick from the corner and pierced it into Mandy’s heart without hesitation.

Mandy cried in pain as cold blue veins popped up on her face and she dried up immediately.


Episode 16

Astrid was heading out of her clas-sroom since she was done with lectures for the day. Her books were clutched ti-ghtly to her che-st and her thoughts were on ju-icy and the weird friends she made recently. The four boys.
It’s a first to see her surrounded with guys. She claimed to hate them though.

But unfortunately, she won’t push her to tell her the truth since she doesn’t want to do it willingly.

She sp©tted one of the boys approaching her. Thinking of the devil.

He was hiding one of his hand behind like he was hiding something.

Great. What do they want from her now??

“Hey, Astrid. I’m Spike, in case you don’t know.” He greeted with a cool smile on his face.

Astrid stared at him unable to say anything.

“I never asked for your name, did I?” She questioned trying not to glare at him. Luckily, he was too handsome to get one.

“Relax, would you? I got you flowers too. Can we walk together?” He requested and she sighed accompanied with a de-ep breath.


She left the way while he quic-kly joined her.


“You asked to see me?” Ryan’s voice c@m£ up behind ju-icy and her heart skipped a bit. Just a bit.
She turned to see him alone and empty handed.
“No. No, I didn’t ask for you to come see me.” She shook her head taking slow steps away from him. She was alone at the field before he showed up.

“Really? Because you looked relieved immediately your eyes rested on me.” He sm-irked.
“Don’t be so full of yourselves. I’m still freaking out about what happened last night. Did… Did she really die??” ju-icy asked with a shaky voice.

“The truth is, I don’t care. Even if she is alive, I pray she never comes back. I never want to see her again.” He replied coyly.

“I can’t believe Spike could do that in just a twi-nkle of an eye. He shouldn’t have—”

“Yes, he should have. Guess what she wanted to do to you? She wanted to bite you. Feed of you, svçkall the blood her b©dy is capable throu-gh the artery in your n£¢k.” He said sounding less bothered but she wasn’t so fooled by that.

“You care about me, don’t you? I saw how you attacked her.” ju-icy sm-irked and she’d be d*amned for sm-irking at that moment. Ryan’s blood was boiling. He just wasn’t happy with what’s happening.

“My plan was never to hurt any b©dy in this school. If not, my boys and I would have been feeding off you all from day one. I sometimes…” He paused and su-cked in a ha-rd breath. “Don’t know what to do.”

He started walking slowly alongside ju-icy . He looked rather sad and miserable.
She immediately regretted talking about his response to Mandy’s attack.

“Why did you always choose me to go to the club as your d@t£? From what I’ve s£nt so far, you hate me so much.” She pointed and he glanced at her in amusement.

“I don’t know, Maybe your eyes. I just like them. But then you are annoying.” He snorted and ju-icy found herself laughing.

“You are so weird, Ryan.” She said at the end of her laughter.

“Is that so?” He mumbled.
ju-icy suddenly stumbled on a rock thereby tripping, she wasn’t looking. She had glued her eyes on Ryan.

Ryan tried to hold her and the br@celet sli-pped into his hands while ju-icy fell on the ground. He stared at the br@celet in his hand as he suddenly felt weak. It was as though it was draining something from him. ju-icy got back on her feet and slowly took the n£¢klace from Ryan.

“Are you okay?” She asked though she was the one that had just fallen.
But the look on his face made her ask.

“Where did you get that?” He asked calmly.