l£sb!anhigh school Episode 29 & 30

💧l£sb!anHIGH SCHOOL 💧
👢🍆{Stay Holy And Get Disvir-gined}👠🍆
Written by Olivia Pope A. K. A Candy Bella
Episode 29
Liana Ohmshford
Oh my world!!
I don’t even know what the heck to say….he’s asking me to be his girlfriend?? Like be his sugarplum???…. Am I dreaming or what??
Xavier Martins just freaking asked me to be his girlfriend!!!…… The happiness that radiated throu-gh me was extreme. I nodded shyly and he smiled, pu-lling me closer to himself. We engaged in a long k!ssand we both pu-ll-ed away before it leads to another thing entirely again….. I smiled nonst©p at him and he returned them with a charming smile.
Xavier was admitted from the hospital after two weeks. And he has really been a good ro-mantic b©yfri£nd, and he promised to wait till i’m re-ady for intimacy.
What more could I ask for again?? But anytime I think of Lorraine…, I become really heartbroken.
I yawned loudly, stretching my hands up, as the Alarm kept blaring constantly, almost barricading my eardrums…. I sighed as I turned it off… Who set it there anyways???.
I undressed immediately, wra-pping a towel over my b©dy, I stepped into the bathroom, walking slowly towards the bathtub unwra-pping the towel, when I felt the door creak open.
Curiosity and fear took it’s toll on me and I j£rked my chin to the direction of the door.
My cheeks heated and at the same time, I was really nervous and shy. He kept starring at my n-ked b©dy, while I used both of my hands to cover my bo-ob s, shuddering in ultimate embarras-sment.
Gawd… What’s he doing here??
He sm-irked, taking few strides to where I was. “Damn..! What’re you doing to me Liana??” He whispered slowly into my ears, gr-abbing my bu-tt fiercely, I bit my lowerl-ips from m0@n ing out loud coz his t©uçhes s£nt effects all over.
He trailed k!sses down from my che-st to myl-ips, helping me sit on the bathtub in a sitting position with my legs spre-ad across his shoulders. He kept rolling his ton-gue with mine as a loud m0@n escaped from my mouth, when his f!ngersfound way into my h0ñ£yp0t. I held unto him for support as he increa-sed it to two f!ngers, ma-king it too painful for me to bear.
He suddenly st©pped starring into my eyeball with concern. “Are you re-ady??. Look I know I promised you I won’t t©uçh you till you’re re-ady, but I wanna ask you now… Are you re-ady for this Liana. It’s your first time and I wanna take it slow with you” He muttered inaudibly un-der his breath, c@r£ss!ngmy chin, and I nodded at once.
“Damn…. I was born re-ady!!” I replied pu-lling him for a rou-gh hungry k!ss. He m0@n ed silently in between the pas-sionate k!ss, gr-abbing my w@!st ti-ghtly, pu-lling me really close to him, that I could feel his ha-rd ness resting on my V. We ton-gue rolled each other ceaselessly as his hands went to my bu-tt, squee-zing it slowly but temp-tingly. I moved more close to him and I g@sped loudly when I felt something ha-rd enter me… I saw Xavier with a sm-irk on his face, teasing me on my V. Walls. I held ti-ghtly unto him, sinking my f!ngersinto his hair, while his hands went to my w@!st and he tried to push in, but I was ti-ght. He ru-bbe-d my cl!t, b!owing circles of breaths into it and it felt really h0t and painful.
He k!$$£d me soothingly, pushing in with full f0rç£ this time and I screamed hurtfully holding his shoulders for support. “Damn you for ma-king me…feel…like this Liana.. Damn you” he m0@n ed out loudly as I threw my head to the back. He held my w@!st possessively, thrû-sting in fiercely and I felt like my V. Was on fire. He kept shoving into me consecutively without st©pping.
“… Wait, st©p it’s too painful, plea-se” I pleaded with tears flowing out of my face but he didn’t listen. Instead he thrû-sted even more fas-ter and dee-per. I m0@n ed out loudly encircling my legs around his w@!st, giving him full entrance as he pushed me to the wall, nearby the shower.
He put it on and the water cascaded on the both of us. I was feeling exhausted so I just let him take full charge. Hisl-ips found way to my abd0m£n again, back to myl-ips. He turned me over to the wall, pushing from behind. My hair scattered around my face as I t©uçhed the wall for support. “Hmm….. Xav……Don’t st©p” I m0@n ed out silently as his hands went to my w@!st, drawing me closer to himself. He pushed in and stayed there for a while before moving slowly, very slowly. “I want you to beg me to f* k you Lia” He whispered, mas-saging my cl!t as he kept on moving slowly again, driving me immensely crazy.
But my pride didn’t let me beg.
No I won’t beg!
“Ahh….” I m0@n ed out again as his hands gr@bb£d my bo-ob s, pla-ying with it from behind. His other hands fondled my bu-tt as he moved his groin on it exasperatedly.
“Beg me!” He muttered again teasing me. I gulped ha-rd . “plea-se…”
“Louder” he whispered trailing h0t k!sses on my back to my w@!st.
“Xavier plea-se just do it alre-ady, you’re killing me….” I m0@n ed out desperately. He chuckled slightly, pene-trating into me slowly giving me the to rest, and it felt really good.
I can’t even bear seeing him with another person. No, he wouldn’t even think of it…….
“Hhmhmm…….’ He kept on thrû-sting de-eply and slowly. Then he thrû-sted fastly, ba-rely giving me space to breath. The water kept dropping on us as he kept pushing intensely. I suddenly turned to him but he was still inside me. He pu-ll-ed out eventually still starring at me.
“I want you to lie down flat” I commanded, tucking my hair in between my ears se-ductively. He nodded in affirmation, lying down on the bathtub obe-diently.
I increa-sed the activation of the shower crawling down to seat on his abd0m£n.
“Don’t do anything Xav. Just watch” he nodded again as I breathed out, moving my h!ps slowly on his th!gh. I placed both of his hands on my w@!st as I kept teasing him until I inser-ted myself into him, moving slowly.
“fv¢k!!” He cussed plea-surably, pla-ying and su-cking on my bo-ob s while I kept in-serting my cl!t on his rod, m0@n ing out in ultimate plea-sure. He moved his w@!st high thrû-sting into me. I g@sped loudly as I pushed his abd0m£n down, throwing h a warning glare. He sighed frustratedly, nodding again as he returned to my bo-ob s.
I trailed k!sses to his tattooed broad che-st, still shoving slowly.
“Hmmmmmm…. Liana… Go ha-rder” he encouraged squee-zing my bu-tt as I shut my eyes, trying to catch my breath and I started moving really fast even though it really hurts.
“fv¢k!!” He cussed rolling me over as he pushed into my fiercely, ma-king me scream slightly in plea-sure. He couldn’t wait for me to finish huh?
I smiled, encircling my legs around him as he kept pushing. I tried ha-rd to catch my breath. “I..think I’m about to come”
“Let’s do it together baby” he gro-an ed pushing one last time again, and again till we both reached our cli-max. He rolled beside me, breathing ha-rd . He starred at me, piercing my eyeball with his.
“I love you Liana Ohmshford” he whispered c@r£ss!ngmy hair, with his hands on my w@!st.
“I love you too” I breathed out, still feeling immense pains all over.
“For giving me your vir-ginity. I promise to take care of you, and I promise never to leave you. I’ll be with you forever and I’ll never hurt you, okay?” I nodded slowly, still smiling. His ha-rd ness suddenly sprang out and I chuckled a bit.
“It seems like junior still wants more huh” I smiled as he drew me to himself, p@rting my l@ps.
“Then let’s give him” he replied coming on t©p of me again.
After the make out night with Xavier, I decided to arrive at school the next day coz I couldn’t go yesterday. My th!gh and l@ps kept hurting. I breathed out taking books from my locker when a red sheet fell. I g@sped out in fear, re-ading it loudly.
«Hello bit-ch!!! Miss me much? Well you bet. I want you to come over to the old libr@ry by 5 in the evening.
Come alone. And if you don’t I’ll do something you’ll really regret. I can’t wait to have a taste of those cherry of yours. Don’t keep me waiting!!!
Anonymous »
Oh no!
What do I do now??
Episode 30
Nathan Davidson
“Are you sure she’s gonna come??” Asked Jeanette as she starred at me intently, fl@pping her hair backwards……I chuckled c0ckily, pu-lling her for a long slurping k!ss. She hesitated before de-epening the k!ss.
“Of course. If she doesn’t come, she sure knows the consequences” I replied still b!tt!g her lowerl-ips with enthusiasm. She winced a bit pu-lling away.
“Why not just poison her with a slee-ping pill and then we’ll have her to ourselves” She suggested hopping out of the be-d immediately.
“Poisons are meant for Cowards, and if Liana doesn’t suc¢v-mb to my request. She’s gonna regret it” I replied throu-gh gritted teeth.
“And I have something concrete; her weakness to bring her down!!!!!” I added
“Time to have some fun”
I walked to Jeanette direction, taking off her red br@zier. She g@sped turning her back to me.
“St©p it Nathan. We’ve had six rounds today alre-ady and you’re still not satisfied???” She scoffed in disbelief as she pushed me away, ma-king me almost fall but I staggered and stood still, turning her bu-tt towards me.
“Nathan, I said st©pppp!!!”
“Nathan I said st©p it!!!”
I ignored her bit-chy cries, and pushed her to the wall dragging her hair r0ûghly.
She tried to free herself from my grasp but my agility can’t be compared to hers. I took off her un-derthings and pushed in with full f0rç£ immediately without wasting time.
She screamed loudly in pain as she held unto the wall for support. “Have you forgotten what you agreed to if I would help you??” I whispered to her ears, b!tt!g it, she winced hurtfully, moving away a bit from me. I chuckled slightly, pushing her w@!st more closer, as i turned her for face me directly. I tea-sed her sweet hole before thrû-sting de-eply throu-gh her.
She kept wailing and screaming but I didn’t bulge. I changed her to different styles before eja-culating.
Liana’s so goanna get it from me…….! I’m sure the pictures have been posted on the school’s page now. I can’t wait to see the look on her face.
I sighed heavily, wiping off the tears that flowed from my eyes. I sat up on the be-d, thinking about everything they did to me.
Luckily for me, I escaped from death. After I tried to kill myself, I was saved.
“Miss. Amanda, you nee-d to take your drugs” One of my personal nurse persuaded as she handed me a glas-s of water. I collected it immediately, starring at her with a warning glare. “I told you to st©p calling me that name!” I yelled hurtfully. She apologized, walking away.
They’re all gonna pay. Those people that did this to me. They’re gonna pay miserably I swear.
Liana Ohmshford
I sighed frustratedly, tearing the paper into pieces.
My instinct was right, it was that as-s-hole, Nathan.
I don’t get it, why does he keep going after me anyways??? I don’t remember the moment I stepped on his toes or crossed his boundaries. I didn’t annoy or offend him in any way, so I don’t really un-derstand why he’s trying to ruin my life in this highschool.
I’d better tell Xavier about what he wrote after Clas-s.
People at the hallway starred at me weirdly, some were even whispering and pointing f!ngersat me accusingly. They kept on starring at their phone, muttering incoherent words.
What could be their beef??? And why’re they starring at me like that???
I shook my head , walking back to clas-s.
“Ding ding ding” The bell rang indicating school was over. Students trooped out of the clas-s, but not without throwing glares at me. I ignored them, walking towards the direction of the dormitory room.
I haven’t sighted Sherry today, maybe she went out with Oliver….Those love birds.
I shrugged the thoughts off, pushing the door open. I g@sped loudly in shock as I sighted everywhere disorganized.
Flower vases were broke and the glas-s table was also broken too. There, I sighted Xavier taking ha-rd drugsto-re. The stench radiated the entire room and it soon had effects on me coz I began to cough out loudly in pain.
What’s with him???
He’s still taking drugs huh??? One of the X. O. X. O guys was there trying to sooth and calm him. What’s happening???
“Xav” I called and squ-atted to his position but he pushed me away ma-king me grow confused.
“I’ll just leave the both of you now” Oval said patting Xavier on the back before walking out. I lifted up his chin starring at his green eyeball, but he didn’t even stare at me.
He kept checking something on his phone and tears flowed from his eyes.
Why’s he avoiding me???
And what’s in his phone that’s ma-king him act like this??? I’m really confused!!!
“Xavier, plea-se talk to me. You’re killing me with the this silent treatment” I cooed softly c@r£ss!nghis curly hair, but he yanked my hands off, turning away from me.
Okay, that’s it!. I’m tired of him giving me the silent treatment. I’m giving him a piece of his own cake.
“Xavier I said talk to me!!; if you’re tired of me, just tell me alre-ady…..
I’m not even surprised at your nonchalant attitude. You’ve gotten what you wanted right??? You’ve used me and now you wanna toss me aside. Fine!! But before I leave just tell me what I did to you !!!!!” I yelled angrily, taking his phone from him. I got really angry and I threw it on the alre-ady broken glas-s table and it broke instantly.
Seems he doesn’t know how crazy I could be sometimes..
He finally starred at me with pain and hurt written on his face. “How could you Liana?? How could you do this???
I gave you everything I could.
I loved you. I st©pped being a pla-yboy coz of you. I st©pped going to clubs coz of you. I st©pped watching p©rn coz of you. I st©pped involving myself in illegal business coz of YOU!!! How could you do this huh!! How!!!” He yelled angrily in his baritone voice ma-king me flin-ch fearfully.
What’s he insinuating????
“What’re you talking about Xav?” I asked softly as he chuckled sarcastically, bringing out another phone from his side pocket. He threw it to me and I picked it up. My eyes almost popped out if it’s sockets as I viewed the contents.
A picture of I and Nathan smooching each other???
No! This is fake, I never did any of this… Who could’ve posted this on the school’s page???? Which explains why everyone’s being starring at me weirdly since.
Oh no! This is not true!
I’m sure it was that shameless as-s-hole that pu-ll-ed out this stunt.
“Xav, it’s not true. These are all fake. plea-se believe me, I didn’t do this” I pleaded but he wasn’t looking at my side at all. “Xav….…”
“Just leave me Liana”
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone Xavier. If you don’t wanna believe me, that’s really fine with me
okay?? Fine!!!!
I’m so highly disappointed with you. How could you believe I was cheating on you just because of a stupid fake picture huh??? You know I un-derstand. You don’t trust me! Right??? Fine!!
But if you find out the real truth, don’t come running to me coz I’ll never ever come back to you again!!” I yelled angrily as I walked towards my room, packing my luggage’s.
I’m so hurt right now. I’m really regretting everything that happened between us. I’m regretting coming to this deteriorating highschool in the first place…. I can’t just believe he would do this to me.
How could he huh??? How could he not trust me???
I sniffed back the tears, Zi-pping up the travelling bag. I dragged it, and wanted to walk out of the room, when I saw him, blocking my way. He was standing at the main entrance with an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m really sorry for being a j£rk. I can’t believe I was so stupid for believing what that as-s-hole posted about you. I’m sorry Lia ” he muttered inaudibly un-der his breath and my grip on the travelling bag re-leased. I sl@pped him twice before un-bu-ttoning his shi-t, pu-lling him for a pas-sionate k!ss.
Now that’s true love. So guys do you think Jeanette deserves what she’s going throu-gh in Nathan’s hands. Do you think she deserves forgiveness? Who do you think is the unknown??
Comment yah thoughts and leave a long sweet comment sweethearts