k!ss£r girl finale

k!ss£r girl
Episode 14
Theme: Jenny in the dungeon
The old Liberian took Jenny to his libr@ry at Babylon.
He re-leased his grip on Jenny
“Dear, this is Babylon, it’s very far from America, don’t even think of running away” The old Liberian said and went back to his sitting position at the libr@ry
Jenny stared around the old but decent libr@ry
“Why would you hold me hostage, I didn’t do anything wrong” Jenny said
“You snatched Robert from Linda, you didn’t expect me to fold my hands and watch , did you?” The libr@rian said
“I didn’t snatch Robert from Linda, Robert chose me cus he loves me” Jenny said
“Young girl, you are now in Babylon, what should I offer you?” The old libr@rian asked
Jenny giggled
“Do u think your actions is gonna f0rç£ Robert to Love Linda?” Jenny asked sarcastically
“You didn’t get it, did you?, before Robert saw you, he was with Linda, what that implies is that, if he no longer see you, he will go back to Linda and by the ways, my grand daughter is more beautiful than you, I’m gonna re-lease you after Robert had fallen in Love with Linda” The old Liberian said
“You are really funny, my friends will come for me and I’ll be free today ” Jenny said boldly
The man giggled
“You are somehow full of yourself, the only power that Uncle Luci gave me is the ability to become invincible or make someone invincible, how are they gonna save you when they won’t even find you ” The old Liberian said
“Oh! Every power has a weakness, I’m sure they are gonna find your weakness and come for you” Jenny said
“Let’s wait and see” The old Libr@rian said and closed his eye
He ignored Jenny and started meditating
Peace stood up from the floor, all this while , he had being lying helplessly on the floor .
His back hurts him, he went to sit uncomfortably as a result of the pain he was feeling
Everyone sat down sadly
Love couldn’t talk, she would have broke the awkward silence
“Joy, Love is dumb, Jenny has being taken away, what are we gonna do now?” Peace asked and gro-an ed slightly in pain
Joy bowed his head thinking of how to save his friends , he was frustrated, he is sad, as-suming Love isn’t dumb now, she could have brou-ght a s-en-sible suggestion
“Joy, won’t you say something?” Robert asked
Love stood up, she went inside and brou-ght some scrolls, she was scanning throu-gh the back covers until she saw the one she nee-ds
The back cover of the scroll re-ads ‘How to make an invincible man visible”
She opened the scroll and a lightening emitted from the scroll and struck her eyes , she j£rked in fear and ru-bbe-d her eyes
She started seeing some writings on a wall in her vision cus her eyes suddenly got opened to see visions
It re-ads ‘ Mene Mene ‘
Furis Tekel
She saw a hand writes the meaning beside it
It re-ads
‘He has being weighed’
He has being measured
The power is yours, use it
Love re-ad it two more times before she got the meaning, she now has the power to see an invincible man and make him visible
She saw a white being walked towards her , the white being is so tall, and beautiful
She is dressed in white and he has six wings, the first two wings on her shoulder is to heal, the second two wings on her w@!st is to fly and the third two wings is to help
The angel flew gently and fl@pped her wing towards love.
Love was stunned to see such a beautiful white being, even though she is an elder , she lived all her life at the throne, bowing and worsh!ping the king of light, there are some white beings she has never seen, one of which is this
” My name is ra-phael, I am the white being who heals, I have being s£nt by the king of light to help ” ra-phael said and used her first two wings to t©uçh Joy’s mouth.
Joy opened it and she could speak
“ra-phael, thanks for healing me” Love said
“I want to help you fight the Libr@rian,follow peace to Babylon , I will follow you in the spirit and ensure we bring Jenny back” ra-phael said
“Thanks ra-phael” Love said and opened her eye
All the words she was saying all this while in her vision were being said in her heart.
No one knows yet that she can speak,
“Friends , I can speak , I saw an angel in the territory of the white being, her name is ra-phael, he promised to help us get Jenny back, Peace, you gonna take me along to Babylon , looks like we will be having a duel with the old man” Love said
“plea-se go quic-kly guys” Robert said hoping that the man wouldn’t have done something to Jenny
“Robert, do not worry, we will bring her back” Peace promised still feeling pains
Love walked closer to Peace
“ra-phael, heal Peace” Love commanded
Her eyes got opened and she saw ra-phael standing still
“Why are you not obeying me?” Love asked in surprise
“Cus you don’t pray to we white beings, you pray to the king of light then he orders me to work” ra-phael said
“Oh! I thought since you have the power to heal, you should just heal Peace for me, I never knew that you do everything based on command of our king” Love said and exhaled
“Oh king of light, heal Peace” Love prayed
An angel flew from the throne of the King of light in a second to where ra-phael is
“The king has said you can heal him” The angel that flew towards Love said to ra-phael and flew speedily back
ra-phael placed his first two wings on Peace , Peace bec@m£ healed instantly
“I’m healed” Peace said
“Thanks be to the king of light” Love said and smiled
Everyone smiled and become happy that all the injury Peace sustained had left his b©dy
“Time to fight” Peace said as he stood up.
He held Love by her hand and ran like a flash.
In three minutes , they were at the entrance of the libr@ry in babylon
Amon , Abadon and Abr@xas are spiritual dark beings as-signed to the liberarian on the day he sold his soul to Uncle Luci.
The eyes of the Liberian suddenly got opened and he saw the three dark beings that worked for him
“Is something happening?” Libr@rian asked wondering why he would see then in a time like this
“Yes, Peace and Love, together with the white being who heals had come to fight you and take Jenny” Abadon reported
“Then I’m gonna disappear together with Jenny so they would not see us” The libr@rian said
“Why are you talking like a kid, Love now has the power to see you, even if you become invisible , Love would still see you” Amon said
“Then we will fight them together ” The libr@rian said
“That is exactly what I want to hear from you, we must defeat them” Abr@xas who is the third dark being said
Love and Peace entered.
ra-phael appeared visibly behind them
The old Liberian walked towards them.
Amon, Abadon and Abr@xas appeared visibly behind the libr@rian
“Bring Jenny from wherever she is and we will not fight you, failure to do so, you leave us with no choice but to fight you” Love threatened
“I wouldn’t mind keeping ra-phael in a dungeon where she would spend the rest of her years as a spirit” The Liberian said
“You really think you can defeat me” ra-phael said sarcastically
“I didn’t think, I know ” The libr@rian retorted
“Bobe adute arisum arisum
Juv kapris durv mins” the libr@rian casted the spell and swords appeared at the hands of the three dark beings
They flew towards ra-phael suddenly and started fighting ra-phael
“I nee-d to take you down spiritually first before I’m able to deal with you physically” The old Liberian said
ra-phael started using his second wings to fight, the very wing that was in his w@!st
The three dark beings seems to be stronger and more powerful, a sword met ra-phael in his last two wings, the one he uses to help .
ra-phael cried out loud in pain, Abadon used the opportunity to pierce ra-phael in his stomach. ra-phael cried out loud again and fell to the floor.
The three demons flew on ra-phael, but ra-phael rolled before they could jump on her with their sword
ra-phael flew furiously and used his middle sharp wing to Pierce the three demons at once, they fell to the floor
The old libr@rian arched his brow
“Stand up! Abadon, stand ! Amon! Abr@xas! Don’t give up,
Crushini adin luciba
Burofi sakiat danna
Stand up” The old Liberian yelled
The spell he casted is to fortify the dark beings with more power so they can stand and continued fighting with ra-pheal
Like a man pouring water into a basket so are the spells of the old libr@rian over the three dark beings
Since ra-phael is a white being who heals, he healed himself
“We won, where is Jenny?” Love asked
“I know you may win, so I threw her inside the dungeon, it’s locked by my spell” The old Liberian said and grinned wickedly
Episode 15
Theme: Don’t push his b©dy
“So you put her inside the dungeon, oops!” Love said frustratingly and faced ra-phael to see if she has an idea on what to do
“You know I’m an healing white being, it’s gonna be ha-rd to find where the dungeon is in the first place ” ra-phael said
“I’m gonna use my flash ability to search for where the dungeon is In a twi-nkle of an eye” Peace br@gged
Love nodded giving him the permission to do so.
Peace ran around the libr@ry in few seconds searching for the dungeon, he found it at the very back of the libr@ry.
Peace ran back to Love and ra-phael
“I found it” Peace said and took them there. The old man stood and watched and hoped that Peace has not really found the dungeon.
“This is the dungeon” Peace said
“Oh! You mean Jenny is inside this very dark vault that looks like prison” Love said
“I can’t imagine too, how are we gonna open the dungeon?” Peace asked
Love moved closer to the dungeon and called
“Jenny, are you there… Jenny! Jenny!” Love called but no one was answering
“She is not answering or she may not be there” Love said
“Let’s find a way of opening this dungeon first, then if she’s not there, we gonna continue the search ” Peace suggested
“ra-phael, can you use your wing to help us open this dungeon?” Love requested
“Cast the books of Tobit, chapter 3 verse 21 , I might be strengthened to help you open the dungeon” ra-phael said
“You might, huh? You ain’t even sure?” love said
“It’s for the king of light to supply grace , if the king of Light do not supply grace, even when you cast spell, it will not work” ra-phael said
“Kabod kabod mount kabod
Kabor kabiun juvet
Tofes tofrekit musin” Love casted the spell and ra-phael felt some t©uçh of supernatural strength in her last wings
Rachael knew at once that the king of light had supplied strength to open the door of the dungeon that had being closed by spell
ra-phael charged at the gate of the dungeon with her last wings , the door shattered into pieces at once
Love and Peace arched their brow in surprise
“Thanks ra-phael” Love said
“Thanks be to the king of light” ra-phael said
“This guy is so loyal to the king of light” Love thought
“How do we enter this dungeon, who is gonna go?” Love requested
“You” Peace said referring to Love
Love sighed and looked at the dark dungeon
“Are you scared?” Peace asked
“No” Love replied and entered the dungeon, before she could take few steps , someone approached her
“Who are you” Love asked when she noticed that someone was coming but she couldn’t identify the person cus everywhere is dark
“I saw it in my vision that you are coming to save me ” Jenny said
“Jenny! ” love called and giggled happily
Jenny met Love, Love searched for her wrist in the dark dungeon and held her, they walked out of the dungeon together
Peace and ra-phael smiled wi-dely on seeing Jenny
“Now that Jenny is back, I’m gonna return back to the king of light, whenever you find yourself in trouble , pray to the king of light, he will help you by s£nding one of the white beings to come save you” ra-phael said and disappeared
“ra-phael is very loyal” Peace said
“I’m telling you” Love said
“Jenny, hope you aren’t hurt by that old man?” Peace asked
“No, I’m fine, where is the old man by the ways ?”Jenny asked
” He is inside the libr@ry, the dark beings that works for him had being defeated by ra-phael, the libr@rian is powerless ” Love said
“I’m happy, how do we go back to America?” Jenny asked
“I can only take one person at a time, I’ll take one person to America first, it will take me six minutes to travel to and fro, then I will come back and pick the second person” Peace said
“Take Jenny first, I’m gonna be waiting for you here” Love said
“Alright” Peace said and held Jenny, he ran speedily with her back together to America, to the living room where Robert, John and Joy is
Robert was happy to see Jenny, he rushed at Jenny and hvgged her. Jenny received his warm hvg and smiled
“It has being tough on you Jenny” Robert said as he dis£ngaged from the hvg
Jenny nodded and smiled
“Guys, I’ll be back” Peace said and ran back to Babylon
He couldn’t find Love where he left her
“Love…Love..” he called as he eye searched the surroundings for Love
“I’m here” Love said as she stepped out of the dungeon
“Why are you there?” Peace asked
“I hid there, I can’t trivialize what the next line of action of the Liberian would be ” Love said
“Don’t tell me you afraid of him” peace asked
“I’m never scared , sometimes, you just nee-d to pl@yit safe, I nee-d to eat and rest, I’m not re-ady to fight again” Love said
Peace held Love’s wrist and he ran speedily to America with Love , to the sitting room
Joy was happy to see Love
“Love” Joy exclaimed and smiled
“I’m fine, guys, go inside and rest,for me , I’m just gonna get some slice bre-ad and a drink at the kitchen , today had being quiet hectic” Love said and everyone dispersed to their rooms to sleep
Love served herself , she ate at the dinner, went inside her room and l@yon the be-d
“Thanks for the victory” Love said and sle-pt off
Mother Selena’s Palace
Mother Selena is the mother of all werewolf on the earth, all the humans that convert into a werewolf at night
There are millions of them on earth who walked like normal humans, no one knows they are werewolf
Mother Selena can’t call every werewolf at once because of their population, therefore, he calls them in pack.
He has meeting with each pack everyday at night. Her kingdom is located at the extreme end of the earth. It’s located right beside the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve once lived
Her kingdom is a magnificent one, there are thousand of special beings that works with her.
The special beings that works with her are in two categories
1) The Cheru-bim – these are special beings protecting the arc of covenant. These arc of covenant is like a small metal cu-pboard, in it is the key that leads to the room of all powers that the werewolf has.
The cheru-bim guides it with their wings, they had being doing that for hundreds of years just to protect the key that leads to the room of powers
If any of the cheru-bim betrays the kingdom and give out the key to a stranger , the whole kingdom is doomed cus once the enemy has access to the rooms of their power, all werewolf on earth are not gonna stay on earth for another seven days, meaning that before seven day clocks , they will all die and this will bring about the ruin of all generations of werewolf on earth
Cheru-bim has four faces , one at the front like that of a human, one at the left like that of a bull, one at the right like that of an hyena, one at the back like that of a wolf
They are tall and white in colour , their feet are flat and made with iron.
2) The Sera-phim are fiery special beings , their face is like that of a flaming fire, in their hand is seen a flaming sword, they have six wings, three pairs, their job is to fight and protect the kingdom if there is any war.
Mother Selena had called the pack of Robert that night for an emergency meeting
Robert and all his packs did an astral projection and went to the kingdom of Mother Selena for the meeting
Astral projection is when the spirit and soul of a man lives his b©dy and travels somewhere far on earth, yet the person will not die. It happens to most people in dream
Just that someone like Robert can leave his b©dy willingly and travel, it’s one of the ability he has aa a werewolf.
However, If Robert is gonna do an astral projection, the door to his room must be well closed because another human must not shift the position of his lying b©dy
For instance, if Robert l@yon the be-d facing the ceiling and his spirit and soul left his b©dy, if another enters his room and pushed his b©dy, his laying position may shift , the b©dy may use the side of it to sleep.
The implication is this, once the b©dy position is changed , when his spirit and soul comes back to enter his b©dy, he will never be able to enter his b©dy again, his b©dy will end up dieing totally
“I believe we all get that – ????”
Robert’s spirit and soul went to mother Selena’s kingdom
Robert is the Alpha, it’s being quiet a long time he visited mother Selena
Robert and his pack lined up horizontally in an x axis , the Sera-phim lined up vertically with their fiery eyes and their fiery sword
Some Sera-phim’s lined at the right in Y axis while some Sera-phim’s lined at the left in Y axis
Robert and his friend lined in the middle horizontally with their head bowed, they dare not raise their head to mother Selena unless he gives them the permission to do so
The floor was made with gold, it was like a river, but a solid river that sprits can walk on, the chair mother Selena was sitting was made with precious golds, she was putting on a brown crown that is beautifully designed
The kingdom is indeed well ordered and organized
“Robert and family, welcome to the meeting, do not be disturbe-d or scared for calling you into this emergency meeting
Robert, it’s getting closer to the time I will hand over the rod to lead your pack on earth to you but you know that will not happen until you have an inti-mate affair with your mate, have you found her?” Mother Selena asked . her voice sounded like a storm of water
Robert squ-atted and bowed his head
“Mother, I have, your grace had made me found her , her name is Jennifer , she is cursed too, I do not know if I’m destined to free her from her curse, anytime she has a soul mate, she f0rç£s them to k!ssher after which they die, their souls will be sacrificed to those that curse her ” Robert reported
“I’m happy you found her” Mother Selena said happily
Mother Selena stretched her hand to one of the Sera-phim. She un-derstands what mother Selena meant and flew away.
She flew back with a very long scroll as long and big as a well developed mango tree on earth
Mother Selena collected the heavy scroll and opened it , she re-ads it and directed her gaze at Robert who was still squ-atting and bowing his head
“Robert, this book contains the prophesy of your life. Yes! You are destined to free Jenny from the curse ” Mother Selena said
Robert giggled. Happiness leaped in his heart
“Mother, I’m happy right now that I will be the one to free Jenny, how do I go about that mother? ” Robert said smiling
“The same thing you nee-d to do to get this rod of leadersh!pover your pack is the same thing you nee-d to do to free her from the curse” Mother Selena said
“What is that mother ? ” Robert asked
“You mate with her , have an inti-mate int£rç0rs£with her” Mother Selena said
John sle-pt in Joy’s room. He was pissed at Joy who just kept snoring
He was very irritated
“All he knows is to make someone dumb, how can he be snoring like this ” John thought
After sitting upright on the be-d for a while, John couldn’t take it again, he stood up and decided to go to Robert’s room
Robert sleeps well, he doesn’t snore
John left Joy’s room and went to the room Robert sle-pt that very night.
He twisted the knob but it didn’t give way
“Why must he lock the door” John thought
“Robert, Robert” John called and kept knocking the door. He knocked it ha-rd that Love was f0rç£d to wake up
Love’s room was right beside that of Robert
Love walked out and saw Robert battling with the knob of the door to Robert’s room
“John, what is it?” Love asked sleepily
She likes her night sleep, she doesn’t joke with it and now , John had wake her up
Nevertheless, she was still feeling sleepy
“I want to sleep in Robert’s room but he has closed the door” John said feeling frustrated of not being able to open the door
He is not gonna go back to that snoring Joy, no matter what
Love moved closer to the door and sleepily casted a simple spell that opens any wooden door
The door gave way, Love staggered back to her room, she sunk on the be-d and sle-pt off
John was pissed off at Robert, he wondered what kind of sleep he is slee-ping since , he walked closer to where Robert’s b©dy l@yangrily not knowing that Robert has done an astral projection and no one must push his b©dy
John …..Robert
Episode 16
Theme: k!ss£r Girl, k!ssme
John t©uçhed Robert’s b©dy.
Mother Selena saw a hand on Robert in her kingdom, she knew that someone is tou-ching Robert’s b©dy
“Go now Robert, someone is close to your b©dy and u know that your sitting position must not be shifted” Mother Selena said
Robert nodded and ran to his room speedily, he saw John who was tapping his b©dy to wake .
Robert entered his b©dy and opened his eye
“you really sle-pt off’ John said
“And why must you wake me ?” Robert asked
“I’m sorry, just wanna tell you that I’m gonna be slee-ping with you this night” John said
“Suit you” Robert replied feeling pissed with John.
He wondered how John opened the door he is certain that he locked in the first place
“For me to free Jenny and also to receive the rod of leadersh!pover my pack, I nee-d to have an inti-mate int£rç0rs£with Jenny, but how do I go about that? ” Robert thought and stood.
He went to Jenny’s room and knocked
Jenny heard a soft knock on her door, she opened her eye and walked towards the door, she twisted the door’s knob and it gave way
She was surprised to see Robert
“Robert” Jenny called in awe
“Can I come in?” Robert asked
“Sure, you can” Jenny said
Robert entered and sat on Jenny’s be-d
“I find out the only way to break the curse over you ” Robert said and looked straight into the eye of Jenny
” Tell me” Jenny said with an anticipating look
“I’m gonna have an inti-mate int£rç0rs£with you” Robert said
“What! You wanna have se-x with me?” Jenny asked to confirm what she heard
“That’s the only way dear” Robert said
“How did you find out?” Jenny asked
“Mother Selena, the mother of all werewolf told me” Robert said
Jenny squee-zed her face and thought for a while
“Is that all?” Jenny asked
Robert nodded
“I’m still flowered, this implies that I will be loosing my vir-ginity just to be free from the curse” Jenny said
“I’m sorry, but I promise to marry you, I’m not gonna break your heart nor allow any other guy sleep with you, I know it’s ha-rd , but it’s the only way stated by destiny for you to be free” Robert said
Jenny stood and l@yon the be-d properly, Robert crawled towards her and l@yon her
They had the inti-mate int£rç0rs£.
Robert stood up and went to the bathroom to clean himself, Jenny felt light, a surge of power aro-se inside her. She felt her whole b©dy ha-rd as rock.
She stood up without knowing what made her stand.
She casted a series of spell she had never learnt , she found herself in the kingdom of Power
The six women were sitted while mother Susan addresses them. They were surprised to see the child of prophecy
Mother Susan stood in fear, all other women stood as well
Jenny casted a spell and fire c@m£ from no where and stared burning the six women including Ella.
Sarah, Dora and Scarp whose spirit were on earth were also feeling the fires in their various rooms on earth
Mother Susan watched as the six most powerful women of her kingdom burned into ashes
The spirit of Ella left Sarah
Dora and Scarp left the earth
Mother Susan was scared of what next Jenny would do for her, it’s obvious Jenny has being free from the curse and she is now re-ady to take down the kingdom
“plea-se don’t hurt me ” Mother Susan pleaded
“Why? You have sacrificed a lot of innocent souls and now you are scared” Jenny said
“Bring me the two white beings you locked up” Jenny ordered
Mother Susan ran to where the two white beings that helped Jenny in the health center without being s£nt by the king of light were kept.
Mother Susan brou-ght them out
The two white beings were happy to see Jenny, they perceived that she had come to save them
“Thanks Jenny for saving us” The white beings said
“It’s alright” Jenny said as they walked closer to Jenny
Jenny casted a long powerful spell and a fiery wind burned and swallowed up mother Susan
“I’m happy the curse is broken over you and you are finally able to destroy the kingdom that you have being destined to destroy. we nee-d to go to the kingdom of light to plead for forgiveness, bye” One of the white being said and the two white beings flew away
Jenny casted another spell and she find herself in her room, Robert was no more in the room
Robert had gone back to the kingdom to collect the rod of leadersh!pto lead his pack. He c@m£ back to his room to sleep
Jenny sle-pt sound as well
Early in the morning
Jenny woke up and stretched her b©dy. She is happy that she is finally able to break the curse the kingdom of Power placed on her.
She walked out and saw John and Robert searching the rooms
“John, Robert, what happened?” Jenny asked
“Could you believe that we couldn’t find Joy, Love and Peace again in their rooms” John said
“What? ” Jenny said and ran towards them, they searched their rooms but they couldn’t find them
During the search, Jenny found a letter on the stool written by Love
“Guys, I found this letter, guess Love wrote it, can I re-ad it?” Jenny requested
“Sure” John said while Robert nodded
“Robert, John, Jenny, if you are seeing this, we must have gone, the king of light s£nt his mess£nger to us in the middle of the night that our time is up on earth, the mess£nger said Jenny had being freed from the curse with the help of Robert and that she had destroyed the kingdom of powers she is destined to destroy, You may miss us but we love you .
From Love, Joy and Peace” Jenny re-ads
Robert and John exchanged glances in awe
“So our helpers had gone” Jenny said as she raised her head
Robert sighed
“Jenny, I’m happy for you and I like you too” John said not minding the pres£nce of Robert
“John, I’m sorry, but my heart belongs to Robert, I know you thought it might work out between us , but Robert got me , plea-se” Jenny said politely
John felt sad and looked at Robert . Robert turned his face away, he tried to avoid the gaze of John.
He knows John is sad and he felt pathetic for John
“It’s alright” john said and accepted the truth that Jenny truly belongs to Robert
“Cheer up Robert, I’m cool with your relationsh!p, though it hurts, but I’m gonna be fine” John said
Robert was happy to hear what John said . He turned his face at Robert happily
John moved closer to him and hvgged him. Robert received the hvg and smiled
John walked out leaving Robert and Jenny alone in the room
“We won” Robert said
“Yes we do” Jenny replied and smiled
“k!ss£r girl, tell me to k!ssyou and I will” Robert tea-sed
Jenny giggled and remembered the day she agreed to d@t£ Robert, she remembered how she was yelling on Robert to k!ssher or else she will hurt him
It was an incredible memory for Jenny
“k!ssme, I say k!ssme” Jenny yelled like she did when she was un-der the curse some weeks ago
Robert un-derstood her sarcasm and moved closer to Jenny
Robert planted a gentle k!sson Jenny’sl-ips
He dis£ngaged after a while from the k!ss
“Hope the kingdom of power are not gonna sacrifice my soul now that I’ve k!$$£d you” Robert tea-sed and pretended like someone that wanted to be crying
Jenny giggled and bite her lowerl-ips gently
She gr@bb£d Robert abruptly and planted a h0t de-ep k!sson Robert’sl-ips.
???????? The end