Kidnapped by a billionaire Episode 26 to 29

I stayed infront of my mirror with a lot of make up kits
Mom told me to do make at the age of 10. I remember how I’d always learn on her face
I did my make up and smiled when i saw the difference. It almost looked like it wasn’t me
I walked up to the hvge wall mirror in my room. My be-droom looks like two rooms actually
You could actually open a clothing sto-re in it.i looked at myself and shrugged cause u wasn’t satisfied with my clothes
I was wearing an over sized shi-t with a bu-m short. I decided to change into a more clas-sy cloth cause I wanted to take a mirror selfie
I went into my closet and found the perfect black and white dress. I changed into it and wore some black heels
Some simple diamond earings,n£¢klace and br@celets
My dream was to have my own clothing line. I love fashion so much but it all go shattered when Mr Donald kidnapped me
I had always told mom that I want to have my own clothing line at the age of 16
I sighed heavily before walking out. O st©pped on my tracks when I saw Gary
He was looking breathtaking with his we-t hair and black turtle n£¢k shi-t. His jeans were black as well as his sli-ppers
I ran my eyes all over him to find an earing on his left ear. A watch on his right hand and a chain on his n£¢k
I decided to look at his face to find him staring at me all over my b©dy too
I cleared my throat and he got himself. “Uhm hey” he says with a broad smile
“What do you want in my room and why are you dressed like that ? Are you going somewhere” i ask and he chuckles
“You look beautiful”he says l!çk!ng his pinkl-ips slowly. I could here the familiar heat between my legs
My cheeks heat up and I try to frown but I just couldn’t help but blus-h
I shrugged. Why does he turn me on with every single little thing he does
Why are you dressed like that ?” I ask and he sm-irks
“Thought we could go watch some movies” he says se-ductively
“Is that supposed to be a d@t£.?” I furrow my brows and his sm-irk grows wilder. Such a proud j£rk
“Maybe”he says while standing up “Well I’m sorry to say I’m kind of busy” I say and he chuckles
“Busy with what?” He says walking up to me slowly while i walk backwards slowly
“I wanna take mirror selfies” I say and he laughs charmingly
“Come on that doesn’t take five minutes” he says and I roll my eyes as he finally tra-ps me on the wall pinning my hand at the t©p of my head
His h0t breath hits my face s£nding shivers to my spine and ma-king me more we-t
“Well I could help” he says and his mint breath hits my nose.
Can this get less guy get less cute. He li-cks hisl-ips while watching mine
He moves his face closer holding my chin gently. I couldn’t help but m0@n as his ton-gue rolled with mine
He let go of my hands and I used them to wra-p the around his n£¢k s£nding my f!nger to his hair slowly
I carre-ss his hair and he gro-an s sp@ñking my a** causing me to m0@n
“Can we go now before we do the unexpected” he says and i chuckled
We took so many mirror selfies before going to our so called d@t£.
We walked into the resturant holding hands. It was a five star resturant
He told movies are too boring so its better if we go to the resturant
People’s focus was on us and I kind of made me shy. Gary held me ti-ghtly by my w@!st
I chuckled cause I un-derstood that he’s being overprotective
We sat down and looked at each other smiling
“So what’s the occasion of this d@t£.” I ask as he put his hand on mine on the table
“Just to get some peace of mind” he sm-irks and i laugh wholeheartedly
“Peace of mind with you. It’s more like hell” I say and he laughs sarcastically
“Sir, ma’am. Here are the manues” That’s when we both look up to see a waitre smiling wi-dely
“Can you get us sparkling wine in the meantime” Gary says plainly
“I’m a big fan of you guys. Just saw a picture of you on Instagram” he says smiling cutely
“Oh” I say glaring at Gary who sm-irked. “Can i take a picture with you guys?” He asks excitedly
“Yeah tag along” I say and he comes behind me excitedly
I signal Gary to join. He rolls his eyes before joining
We all smile and he takes the picture.
After some few minutes of eating and chatting a cute man clad in a suit c@m£ to us seating besides me
“My lady” he offers his hand and I was f0rç£d to take it with a fake smile
He k!sses it. Geez can’t he see I have a d@t£ here
“Gary how’s you ?” He asked Gary who looked at him with a plain face
“What do you want Malcolm ?” Gary asks with an eye roll
“Don’t be rude. Is this one of your bi**es ?” He asks and my eyes wi-den up
That actually sounded really offending. Gary stands up and smile at him
“I don’t want to cause a scene so bye Malcolm” Gary says and drags me up softly by my hand
“My lady. It’s going to end in tears” the Malcolm guy says
“Don’t mind him” Gary says holding me close to himself by my w@!st
“What are you doing?” I hvg Josh from behind unexpectedly and he chuckles
“I thought you were asleep.” He says and I ti-p toe to k!sshim on his n£¢k
“Well I just woke up to find you in the kitchen so I think I’m still dreaming” I say and he laughs facing me
“It was supposed to be a suprise” he says and I look on the stove to find him my favourite which is stew beef
“Awwn that’s so sweet but you know I hate surprises” I say and he chuckles
“And you know I like annoying the sh*t out of you” he says pe-cking myl-ips and it turned into a k!ss
“I love you” he mumbles while k!ss!ngme and I smile
“I love you too” we were still k!ss!ngwhen we heard a gunsh0t.
We quic-kly dis£ngaged. “Stay here ” he says trying to walk away but I hold him back
“No stay” I say and he gives me his charming smile
“I’ll be back I promise” he pe-cks myl-ips and runs away.
I was so eager to know what happening so I followed him.
I ti-p toed slowly to find about five boys punching him
“No!” I shouted and tried to run to him but two strong hands held me back covering my nose with something that smelt awful
“No!” I yelled and kicked about till I blacked out
I stayed infront of my mirror with a lot of make up kits
Mom told me to do make at the age of 10. I remember how I’d always learn on her face
I did my make up and smiled when i saw the difference. It almost looked like it wasn’t me
I walked up to the hvge wall mirror in my room. My be-droom looks like two rooms actually
You could actually open a clothing sto-re in it.i looked at myself and shrugged cause u wasn’t satisfied with my clothes
I was wearing an over sized shi-t with a bu-m short. I decided to change into a more clas-sy cloth cause I wanted to take a mirror selfie
I went into my closet and found the perfect black and white dress. I changed into it and wore some black heels
Some simple diamond earings,n£¢klace and br@celets
My dream was to have my own clothing line. I love fashion so much but it all go shattered when Mr Donald kidnapped me
I had always told mom that I want to have my own clothing line at the age of 16
I sighed heavily before walking out. O st©pped on my tracks when I saw Gary
He was looking breathtaking with his we-t hair and black turtle n£¢k shi-t. His jeans were black as well as his sli-ppers
I ran my eyes all over him to find an earing on his left ear. A watch on his right hand and a chain on his n£¢k
I decided to look at his face to find him staring at me all over my b©dy too
I cleared my throat and he got himself. “Uhm hey” he says with a broad smile
“What do you want in my room and why are you dressed like that ? Are you going somewhere” i ask and he chuckles
“You look beautiful”he says l!çk!ng his pinkl-ips slowly. I could here the familiar heat between my legs
My cheeks heat up and I try to frown but I just couldn’t help but blus-h
I shrugged. Why does he turn me on with every single little thing he does
Why are you dressed like that ?” I ask and he sm-irks
“Thought we could go watch some movies” he says se-ductively
“Is that supposed to be a d@t£.?” I furrow my brows and his sm-irk grows wilder. Such a proud j£rk
“Maybe”he says while standing up “Well I’m sorry to say I’m kind of busy” I say and he chuckles
“Busy with what?” He says walking up to me slowly while i walk backwards slowly
“I wanna take mirror selfies” I say and he laughs charmingly
“Come on that doesn’t take five minutes” he says and I roll my eyes as he finally tra-ps me on the wall pinning my hand at the t©p of my head
His h0t breath hits my face s£nding shivers to my spine and ma-king me more we-t
“Well I could help” he says and his mint breath hits my nose.
Can this get less guy get less cute. He li-cks hisl-ips while watching mine
He moves his face closer holding my chin gently. I couldn’t help but m0@n as his ton-gue rolled with mine
He let go of my hands and I used them to wra-p the around his n£¢k s£nding my f!nger to his hair slowly
I carre-ss his hair and he gro-an s sp@ñking my a** causing me to m0@n
“Can we go now before we do the unexpected” he says and i chuckled
We took so many mirror selfies before going to our so called d@t£.
We walked into the resturant holding hands. It was a five star resturant
He told movies are too boring so its better if we go to the resturant
People’s focus was on us and I kind of made me shy. Gary held me ti-ghtly by my w@!st
I chuckled cause I un-derstood that he’s being overprotective
We sat down and looked at each other smiling
“So what’s the occasion of this d@t£.” I ask as he put his hand on mine on the table
“Just to get some peace of mind” he sm-irks and i laugh wholeheartedly
“Peace of mind with you. It’s more like hell” I say and he laughs sarcastically
“Sir, ma’am. Here are the manues” That’s when we both look up to see a waitre smiling wi-dely
“Can you get us sparkling wine in the meantime” Gary says plainly
“I’m a big fan of you guys. Just saw a picture of you on Instagram” he says smiling cutely
“Oh” I say glaring at Gary who sm-irked. “Can i take a picture with you guys?” He asks excitedly
“Yeah tag along” I say and he comes behind me excitedly
I signal Gary to join. He rolls his eyes before joining
We all smile and he takes the picture.
After some few minutes of eating and chatting a cute man clad in a suit c@m£ to us seating besides me
“My lady” he offers his hand and I was f0rç£d to take it with a fake smile
He k!sses it. Geez can’t he see I have a d@t£ here
“Gary how’s you ?” He asked Gary who looked at him with a plain face
“What do you want Malcolm ?” Gary asks with an eye roll
“Don’t be rude. Is this one of your bi**es ?” He asks and my eyes wi-den up
That actually sounded really offending. Gary stands up and smile at him
“I don’t want to cause a scene so bye Malcolm” Gary says and drags me up softly by my hand
“My lady. It’s going to end in tears” the Malcolm guy says
“Don’t mind him” Gary says holding me close to himself by my w@!st
“What are you doing?” I hvg Josh from behind unexpectedly and he chuckles
“I thought you were asleep.” He says and I ti-p toe to k!sshim on his n£¢k
“Well I just woke up to find you in the kitchen so I think I’m still dreaming” I say and he laughs facing me
“It was supposed to be a suprise” he says and I look on the stove to find him my favourite which is stew beef
“Awwn that’s so sweet but you know I hate surprises” I say and he chuckles
“And you know I like annoying the sh*t out of you” he says pe-cking myl-ips and it turned into a k!ss
“I love you” he mumbles while k!ss!ngme and I smile
“I love you too” we were still k!ss!ngwhen we heard a gunsh0t.
We quic-kly dis£ngaged. “Stay here ” he says trying to walk away but I hold him back
“No stay” I say and he gives me his charming smile
“I’ll be back I promise” he pe-cks myl-ips and runs away.
I was so eager to know what happening so I followed him.
I ti-p toed slowly to find about five boys punching him
“No!” I shouted and tried to run to him but two strong hands held me back covering my nose with something that smelt awful
“No!” I yelled and kicked about till I blacked out
I stayed infront of my mirror with a lot of make up kits
Mom told me to do make at the age of 10. I remember how I’d always learn on her face
I did my make up and smiled when i saw the difference. It almost looked like it wasn’t me
I walked up to the hvge wall mirror in my room. My be-droom looks like two rooms actually
You could actually open a clothing sto-re in it.i looked at myself and shrugged cause u wasn’t satisfied with my clothes
I was wearing an over sized shi-t with a bu-m short. I decided to change into a more clas-sy cloth cause I wanted to take a mirror selfie
I went into my closet and found the perfect black and white dress. I changed into it and wore some black heels
Some simple diamond earings,n£¢klace and br@celets
My dream was to have my own clothing line. I love fashion so much but it all go shattered when Mr Donald kidnapped me
I had always told mom that I want to have my own clothing line at the age of 16
I sighed heavily before walking out. O st©pped on my tracks when I saw Gary
He was looking breathtaking with his we-t hair and black turtle n£¢k shi-t. His jeans were black as well as his sli-ppers
I ran my eyes all over him to find an earing on his left ear. A watch on his right hand and a chain on his n£¢k
I decided to look at his face to find him staring at me all over my b©dy too
I cleared my throat and he got himself. “Uhm hey” he says with a broad smile
“What do you want in my room and why are you dressed like that ? Are you going somewhere” i ask and he chuckles
“You look beautiful”he says l!çk!ng his pinkl-ips slowly. I could here the familiar heat between my legs
My cheeks heat up and I try to frown but I just couldn’t help but blus-h
I shrugged. Why does he turn me on with every single little thing he does
Why are you dressed like that ?” I ask and he sm-irks
“Thought we could go watch some movies” he says se-ductively
“Is that supposed to be a d@t£.?” I furrow my brows and his sm-irk grows wilder. Such a proud j£rk
“Maybe”he says while standing up “Well I’m sorry to say I’m kind of busy” I say and he chuckles
“Busy with what?” He says walking up to me slowly while i walk backwards slowly
“I wanna take mirror selfies” I say and he laughs charmingly
“Come on that doesn’t take five minutes” he says and I roll my eyes as he finally tra-ps me on the wall pinning my hand at the t©p of my head
His h0t breath hits my face s£nding shivers to my spine and ma-king me more we-t
“Well I could help” he says and his mint breath hits my nose.
Can this get less guy get less cute. He li-cks hisl-ips while watching mine
He moves his face closer holding my chin gently. I couldn’t help but m0@n as his ton-gue rolled with mine
He let go of my hands and I used them to wra-p the around his n£¢k s£nding my f!nger to his hair slowly
I carre-ss his hair and he gro-an s sp@ñking my a** causing me to m0@n
“Can we go now before we do the unexpected” he says and i chuckled
We took so many mirror selfies before going to our so called d@t£.
We walked into the resturant holding hands. It was a five star resturant
He told movies are too boring so its better if we go to the resturant
People’s focus was on us and I kind of made me shy. Gary held me ti-ghtly by my w@!st
I chuckled cause I un-derstood that he’s being overprotective
We sat down and looked at each other smiling
“So what’s the occasion of this d@t£.” I ask as he put his hand on mine on the table
“Just to get some peace of mind” he sm-irks and i laugh wholeheartedly
“Peace of mind with you. It’s more like hell” I say and he laughs sarcastically
“Sir, ma’am. Here are the manues” That’s when we both look up to see a waitre smiling wi-dely
“Can you get us sparkling wine in the meantime” Gary says plainly
“I’m a big fan of you guys. Just saw a picture of you on Instagram” he says smiling cutely
“Oh” I say glaring at Gary who sm-irked. “Can i take a picture with you guys?” He asks excitedly
“Yeah tag along” I say and he comes behind me excitedly
I signal Gary to join. He rolls his eyes before joining
We all smile and he takes the picture.
After some few minutes of eating and chatting a cute man clad in a suit c@m£ to us seating besides me
“My lady” he offers his hand and I was f0rç£d to take it with a fake smile
He k!sses it. Geez can’t he see I have a d@t£ here
“Gary how’s you ?” He asked Gary who looked at him with a plain face
“What do you want Malcolm ?” Gary asks with an eye roll
“Don’t be rude. Is this one of your bi**es ?” He asks and my eyes wi-den up
That actually sounded really offending. Gary stands up and smile at him
“I don’t want to cause a scene so bye Malcolm” Gary says and drags me up softly by my hand
“My lady. It’s going to end in tears” the Malcolm guy says
“Don’t mind him” Gary says holding me close to himself by my w@!st
“What are you doing?” I hvg Josh from behind unexpectedly and he chuckles
“I thought you were asleep.” He says and I ti-p toe to k!sshim on his n£¢k
“Well I just woke up to find you in the kitchen so I think I’m still dreaming” I say and he laughs facing me
“It was supposed to be a suprise” he says and I look on the stove to find him my favourite which is stew beef
“Awwn that’s so sweet but you know I hate surprises” I say and he chuckles
“And you know I like annoying the sh*t out of you” he says pe-cking myl-ips and it turned into a k!ss
“I love you” he mumbles while k!ss!ngme and I smile
“I love you too” we were still k!ss!ngwhen we heard a gunsh0t.
We quic-kly dis£ngaged. “Stay here ” he says trying to walk away but I hold him back
“No stay” I say and he gives me his charming smile
“I’ll be back I promise” he pe-cks myl-ips and runs away.
I was so eager to know what happening so I followed him.
I ti-p toed slowly to find about five boys punching him
“No!” I shouted and tried to run to him but two strong hands held me back covering my nose with something that smelt awful
“No!” I yelled and kicked about till I blac
“So did you have fun today ?” Gary asks looking into my eyes
“No” I chuckle and he scoffs. ” Can you for once be honest in your life” he says and I roll my eyes
“That sounds offending” I pout and he laughes
“Well maybe it’ll make you feel like telling the truth”he says cunningly and I nudge his shoulder
“Well I had the best day of my whole life” I say while blu-shing remembering all the k!sses we had on the beach
Yeah he took me to the beach to cool our mind a little bit
“So am I getting a k!ssfor that?” He raises his brows and I chuckle
“Never gonna happen” I say facing the window.
He takes me f0rç£fully and I laugh as he crashes hisl-ips on mine
We talked a lot till the limousine got home. We both got outside the it holding hands
As soon as we got to the living room . I heard cries or was it something
I leave Gary’s hand and run to Josh who weeped on the couch
“Josh.. what’s wrong ?” I ask softly hvgging him to myself
That’s when I realised his face was messed up
Thats when Belinda c@m£ in with a bowl off water and a napkin
Eric rushed with in with a l@pt©p.
He put it on the table and we all watched Mr Donald who faced the c@m£ra
Did he find out that there are cctv’s all over his house
“Gary…Gary. Well you outdid yourself but putting c@m£ras in my mansion was the worst mistake you’ve ever made. And you know what. Your sister is going to pay for it” he says cl!çk!ng his ton-gue
“And the best thing is that you’ll be watching” he says and laughs
“Oh son don’t worry this is all your fault just come back home if you want her punishment to be reduced” he says with an evil smile
“A show you want. A show you’ll get” he says and sm-irks evily
“Well peace out. Whenever you watch this don’t cry too much” he wi-nks and covers the c@m£ra with a napkin
“I’m going back” Eric says and we all look at him like he has grown two heads
“What thefu-ck Eric !” Gary yells and Eric sighs
Josh was crying the whole time so I still hvgged him to myself
“It is all my fault. I’m the one who suggested putting c@m£ras in his mansion” Eric says running his hands throu-gh his hair frustadley
“Well it’s my fault too for agreeing to it. So you are going no where. We will figure this out together” Gary says
“But he said he’d only reduce his madness if I…” Eric wanted to say but Gary ch!pped in
“No Eric!” He says and Eric sighs walking out. Everywhere was just quiet
What does he want to do to her ?
“Guys I gotta pee” I say to the hefty looking men
“We just got off the plane and we are heading somewhere I don’t even know
“Shut up” one says in an angry manner.
“Argh” I yell and open the car door and Luckly it opens causing me to fall off
Thankfully we were not on the main road. I try to run as soon as I get up but I hear a gun sh0t
I fall dead to the floor. The last thing I heard was Dude this was not p@rt o the plan
My mind was racing with so much questions
To be honest I was damn scared. I just decided to call dad
Maybe he’ll do something. “Dad!” I said in a worried voice
“Son why do you sound sour ?” He asked and I sighed. How do I put this to him
Gianna has always been dad’s favourite or daddy’s girl.
He is going to get damn furious and worried when I drop the bomb
“Gary are you still there?” He asks and I sigh
“Dad Gianna has been kidnapped by your biggest enemy which is Donald” I say quic-kly and there was a little bit silence which
“I’m coming back home” he says coldly and hangs up
God my rude dad is now back.
Geez. I sigh heavily running my hands throu-gh my hair frustratedly
The hefty men carried Gianna to the car. He sh0t her with sedative gun
It works within seconds so they weren’t shocked when she blacked out immediately
The other guys were angry because the drug goes away after 24hours and they have 2 hours left to get to Donald’s house
They knew pretty well that Donald doesn’t pl@ywhen it comes to business so he would kill them without even thinking twice
The car drove away and they all kept quiet enjoying the peaceness and quietness in the car
Gary’s father on the other side made his guards get his pri-vate jet as he carried his things to the car
He was very troubled. He always hated Donald and tried to get rid of him ever since but all his plans failed
He hates him from the bo-ttomof his heart and now he is scared cause he has his only daughter
“Change of plans s£nd her to my killing house I’ll be there before you arrive” I sm-irk taking off all the c@m£ras from the walls
If they want a show they’ll get it
It’s time to end what I’ve started. I’m going to make sure I kill all of them one by one
No one dares me and gets away with it. I laugh evily
“Sir your wife is refusing to eat” the guard says and I roll my eyes walking to the dungeon where I kept her
“Donald you are a bastard!” She yells as soon as she sees me
“Yeah whatever you say bi***h you are the one who was snooping in my business” I yell at her
“Donald u are my husband and this ain’t right.” She says and I laugh sarcastically
“Where’s the food ?” I ask the guard besides me and he gives the plate to me
“Eat” I pour it all on her b©dy and walk out disgustingly
I hate trash