key to my heart episode 67

(Only you can unlock it)šŸ”

By, Authoress RhemašŸ§


ā€¼ļø Don’t copy or repost plea-se ā€¼ļø



Bella is dressed alre-ady, she’s standing in the kitchen with Shelly and Jenny

“Are you sure the plan will work?” She asked Jenny

“I’ve watched a lot of movie, let’s just believe in fiction for once, he’s coming” Jenny whispered

Bella breathed before rushing to Andre

“Babe” she shouted and hvgged him ti-ght while he looked at her in confusion

“Good morning hunny how was your night?” She asked


Bella didn’t wait for him to reply before pe-cking hisl-ips

“You look so handsome in your suit, come sit breakfast is almost re-ady” she smiled and pushed him to sit on the couch

“Did you take something unusual last night or..” Andre asked

“No I just feel like mom is right, we are married now, though it’s just for a mean time but we should make it work” she smiled

“I’m not following” he shook his head

“I’m saying let’s try being friends again like before, what’s the use of you hating me when my mom is on jail alre-ady, what’s the use of hating me when your mother is happy, what’s the use of hating me now that you have find your brother, will this take us anywhere?” She said

Andre kept quiet for a while before sighing

“You’re right, there’s no use I guess we can try to be friends like before”

“Good” she cl@pped and ordered for breakfast while Andre stared at her weirdly


They got to the car and sat at the back sit together while the driver began driving

“Bella?” Andre called

Bella stĀ©pped tou-ching Shelly and looked at him

“Yunno come to think of it, I don’t see people throwing shades at you anymore” he said and Bella mouth wi-de-ned

“Huh?” She found herself asking

“I don’t see people throwing a shade at you anymore I think you’ve gained your status back” he said

“Really, hope so but even if we divorce we can’t announce it in public cause it’s just a few weeks and half since we got married it won’t make any s-en-se” she muttered

Andre looked at her and said nothing till the driver stĀ©pped at the company, immediately Bella and Andre got down people began throwing stuffs at her

“Daughter of a murder”
“I hate you”
bit-chy slut”

“Hey hey hey” Andre yelled while Bella tried hiding her face

“Security” he called, the securities kept pushing them but they refuse to back down, Andre had to carry Bella like a princess to his office

Vida who is standing by the reception looked at them and sighed

Andre dropped Bella on the long couch and Bella began crying

“Don’t feel bad” he muttered

“Why not, everyone hates me now, stupid me thinking everything is over” she cried more

“And it would be” he sighed

“It won’t, they hate me because of my mom!” She cried even more

“Geez, I’ll get you a drink one minute” he rushed out, Bella cries turned to laugh immediately

She was the one to sĀ£nd those people to attack her, the truth is her name is clearing bit by bit alre-ady but she wishes it shouldn’t so she’ll be with Andre forever



The teacher just went out of the sĀ£nior clas-s after teaching, students began ma-king noise again

Luna stood up and left. Nelson stood up and ran after her while Camilla’s eyes followed them, she suddenly stood up and followed them too

Luna got to her locker in frowny face after packing all her books, she made to go to the cafeteria but Nelson c@mĀ£ to block her view

“What?” She asked

“We nee-d to talk” he said

“Fine about?” She crossed her arms

“About why you are avoiding me” he replied, she chuckled and looked elsewhere

“Luna plea-se” he gro-an ed

“But what’s there to talk about, I’m avoiding you for my own good, I can’t keep hurting myself I nee-d to move on from you because I’m madly in love with you, I love you even when I know you are in love with someone else but what can I do!!, It’s not my fault that my heart decides to beat for you and It’s also not my fault that I can’t stĀ©p worrying and thinking about you…”

Nelson di-pped his hands in his pocket as he watch her pour her whole heart out, Camilla is standing behind them and watching with mixed feelings when the talk got too much he pu-ll-ed her closer by her nape and slammed hisl-ips on her

Luna’s eyes wi-de-ned as she stared him k!ss!ngher, slowly her eyes closed and she began k!ss!nghim back

Camilla couldn’t watch anymore so she ran to the female restroom and locked herself in, before she knew it she started crying, those times he use to chase her around but now she’s the one yearning for him but she has lost him forever alre-ady!


The business gaming competition keeps drawing nearer, Dave is sitting in his office and mas-saging his forehead

Right now he’s tired and clueless of what to do, he hasn’t even found himself a suitable gamer so he tried hurting Andre’s gamer but ever since that day his conscience don’t want him to rest

His door kicked opened and Rebecca stepped in looking really angry

“You’re just unfortunate Dave, the both of us has been acquaintance for long but you haven’t make any progress, Bella and Andre are married for almost, gosh it’s going to a month now!, Before anyone knows it they will start catching feelings for each other. Day by day Andre keeps sli-pping of my hands and you can’t do nothing about it!!” She yelled

“Are you done?” He asked calmly

“Seriously that’s all you can ask me right, I want you to know that you are unfortunate and a complete w@!st of time, I’m done with you, I’ll carry my plans out myself” she said and stormed out

“Fool, I’ve tolerated you for too long” Dave muttered and raised his head up

“Ken” he called

His as-sistant Ken rushed in immediately

“That vedio I sĀ£nt you…. Upload it first thing tomorrow morning” he ordered



Andre just stepped out of his office and locked the door, he’s on his way to the garage, he has been calling Bella’s line but she’s not picking

He halted on his track when he over heard something, moving a bit closer he can now hear clearly

“So here’s the plan, Andre and I would go home you know the usual plan” Bella said to some group of people

“Yes ma’am we know perfectly well” they smiled

“Good, ion want Andre to know that I’ve gained by status back so I nee-d to put on more tougher act” she whispered and looked left and right

“This time I want you guys to hurt me for real” she said

“No ma’am we can’t do that” they shook their heads

“Come on its fine by me just hurt me I would double your payment” she said but there was silence

“Okay I’ll triple it” she smiled but still they kept quiet looking like they have seen a ghost

“Come on why are you guys looking like this say something” Bella pouted

“Krm…krm” she heard a familiar voice,she slowly turned back to see Andre staring at her and he does not look plea-sed

“A. Andre” Bella stuttered while he stared at her ha-rd ly

“So all these while you’ve been pla-ying me?” He asked


“You’ve been taking me for a fool right??” He asked again

“It’s not like that I..

“It’s fine, I un-derstand” he cut her off and began leaving

“Andre” Bella rushed after him and gr@bbĀ£d his arms

“Andre plea-se listen to me first” she pleaded

“What’s there to listen, the deal was that we marry for you to get your status back, you’ve gotten it back but you kept it from me!, You were busy ordering people around to hurt you because you wanted to pl@yme and make me suffer, I’m the fool that kept worrying let go” he yelled and yanked her hands off

“Andre!” Bella pouted and hvgged his legs

“Let go of me Bella” he said calmly

“plea-se I did all that for a reason” she said lowly

“Reason??, Give me a valid reason then why did you pl@ytricks on me!!” He asked

“Because…” She bit herl-ips

“Yea because what!!’

“Because I.. I”

“Damn you” he muttered and tried pushing her off

“I love you okay, I’ve always loved you, I loved you before this contract marriage, I fell for you the moment I first saw you, that day you helped me fix my car I couldn’t stĀ©p thinking about you, you have no idea how happy I am right now, this is a once in the life time opportunity for me and I don’t want you to go Andre!” She cried hvgging his legs

“Let go of me” He said calmly and she re-leased him

“Get up from the floor” he sighed but she didn’t answer, she kept crying

Andre sighed and raised her up

“You’re not a baby anymore okay!, Tommorow I’ll get the divorce papers from the lawyers and we’ll divorce straight away” he said

“Andre” she cried and hvgged him from behind

“Don’t love me Bella, I can’t return it back” he said and gently re-moved her hands from him

“I’ll tell Fu Chen to pick you up” he muttered and entered his car

Bella stood there crying and watched him left, she sat on the ground and cried even more




Finally it’s time for the exam of the final year student tommorow, Nina accompanied Alex to the school hall and ru-bbe-d his shoulders

“Don’t panic once you get there, just be calm and write what you know, make sure you do well so you can graduate in flying colors” she said

“Hmm” he nodded and smile

“Alright goodluck” she pe-cked hisl-ips and waved

Alex smiled and pe-cked herl-ips again before entering

“Hey look boy” Benedict yelled from behind, Fred stĀ©pped and looked at her

“Just thought of coming to wish you good luck” she said and he smiled

“I’m glad” he smiled and began entering but she suddenly pu-ll-ed his back and slammed herl-ips on his k!ss!nghim hungrily

He held her closer by the w@!st and began k!ss!nghim back, after a while she pu-ll-ed away and smiled

“I heard it relieves stress” she said

“I think I would be stressed out if I come out of the exam hall, will I still find you?” He asked

“I’ll be at the cafeteria” she win-ked and left with Nina

Fred smiled and entered, Nelson and Luna are alre-ady in the hall, they are d@t!ngsince some weeks back alre-ady

Alex looked at them and win-ked they win-ked at him too, Camilla sat by herself at the back pla-ying with her f!ngers

The teacher then entered with the exam scripts


Rebecca just stepped down from her car and noticed people glaring at her, she rolled her eyes and went inside, most employees were eyeing her

“What’s their problem” she frowned and got to her office

“Kath” she called and her secretary entered with a frowny face

“What are my schedules for today?” She asked

“You have shooting by 11:30 then lunch by 1:30 then a meeting by 4:00” she replied with a frowny face

“Okay” Rebecca replied and motioned her to leave, she checked the time and it was 11:00 alre-ady, she stood up and took her car keys then left

The drive took 30 mins to get to Z studio, she got down and went to the reception

“I’m here for the shooting” she said.

The reception scrolled down the l@ptĀ©p and look back at her

“I’m sorry but I can’t find your name hereon the list”

“What thefu-ck do you mean I…

“That’s right Rebecca you’re no longer on the list because ion want you here anymore” a man dressed in a rich suit said coming out

“What do you mean” Rebecca crossed her arms

“I don’t think you’ve watched the news this morning, when you watch the news you’ll un-derstand, security!” He called

“Hey!, Why are you. Let go of me!!” She kept telling but the security carried her out

Rebecca went back to her car furiously and check the trending news

It’s a pĀ©rn vedio of her, it’s her and Dave S-x scene how did it get!!

“Dave!!” She yelled furiously and drove to his company but the securities didn’t let her to step her foot inside

“Dave! Come out now you bastard” She yelled but he never come out

“I swear I’ll come back for you!!” She yelled and stormed back to her car

“No this can’t be happening” she checked her account and saw over 1m amounts of hate comments

“No no no!!” She screamed

“It’s your fault Bella, I swear I’ll come back for you!!” She yelled out




“This is the divorce papers, I’ve signed by p@rt now sign yours” he said

Bella tried to stĀ©p her tears but it kept coming

“We agreed that none of us should fall for anyone before this right, I don’t love you Bella, that’s why I’m telling us to do this now, sign it” he said

“But what about my feelings I don’t want to go I wanna be with you I’ll stay even though you don’t love me, plea-se let me just stay” she pleaded

“Bella this is for our own good you won’t be able to hurt yourself in this way!!” He said

Bella slowly took the pen and began signing her p@rt, when she’s done she gave the pen back to Andre

“I’ll go pack my things, first thing tomorrow Fu Chen will come pick me up” she muttered and ran to her room while Andre slumped on the couch and sighed.