Keeping up with Trisha episode 7 &8

<Mission Impossible>
Author Viola
“well, well, well” Daphne cl@pped menacingly as she walked up to us with two girls each standing beside her
“what do you want?”
“I c@m£ to warn you”
“it can’t be, let’s go Eva” I proceeded to leave but she pu-ll-ed me back
“stay away from Davis”
“who’s interested in your as-s-hole b©yfri£nd” I hurled and yanked her hand off mine
“don’t try to pretend I’ve had my eyes on you from the first day you entered Starshine High and trust me you don’t wanna be Daphne’s enemy” Daphne seethed then turned to the girls beside her
“let’s go girls” she rolled her eyes at me then they walked out
“who’s she?” I asked Eva when they were gone
“she’s the Miss McDonald, the queen of the school” Eva replied
“that doesn’t give her the right to talk to me like her servant” I yanked
“everyone hates her she’s so full of herself you have to avoid her”
“Trisha isn’t scared of nob©dy I can’t avoid her I’ll treat her the way I want”
“that’s up to you” Eva shrugged then took out a pamphlet from her backpack
“I got you this” she proffered me with the pamphlet
“what’s this?” I asked collecting the pamphlet from her
“it’s McDonald’s movie night” she replied
“it’s gonna be a show to be performed by the theatre art students”
“Davis and Daphne always pla-ys the male and female lead role” Eva went on
“you’ll have to contest to be selected this year for female lead role”
“what makes you think I can beat Daphne?” I asked quizzically
“cause you cried when you were s£nt out of the theatre room that makes you good in it”
“I don’t know Eva” I said doubtfully
“you can do it Trisha, Daphne nee-ds to be put in place”
“I’ll see what I can do” I said then Eva smiled with hope
“the audition starts tomorrow” she informed
“just acting?”
“acting, singing and dancing” Eva counted
“what drama?”
“this years audition was arranged for Tempest, Daphne spent her two years learning that role” Eva replied
“and you expect me to beat her with learning for just one night?”
“it’s not ha-rd , you just pick a scene that’ll last for ten minutes”
“I’ll act alone?”
“yes you’ll act and demonstrate as Miranda”
“then what about the other’s in the scene?”
“it will be pla-yed on background”
“and the dancing?”
“pop and ballad”
“and the singing?”
“anything that would purge out emotions of the judges”
“I’ll see to it so what comes first?”
“singing you’ll have to sing three songs tomorrow”
“what genre?”
“one blues, one foreign language song and one h!ppop”
“can I really do this?”
“yes you can”
I finally agreed to Eva’s persuasion then we headed to the clas-s. School was less stressful today cuz Badluck left before break guess to prepare for tomorrow. After school, I headed home after bidding Eva goodbye.
When I arrived home, I was shocked to see dad’s car in the same sp©t I so it in the morning. I alighted from my car and proceeded to go in when I sighted a car parked outside with it’s plate number as ‘CSI’.
I swallowed an invisible lump in my throat then I headed inside. When I walked in, I ran into some uniformed men coming out of the house. They held guns and dressed on ‘CSI’ uniform. They brushed past me and I ran inside to meet my dad sitting in a dejected state on the sofa.
“dad” I ran and sat beside him
“what’s wrong dad? Who were those men?”
“everything is fine Princess” dad replied faking a smile
“don’t give me that I know something is wrong and am not a kid so tell me” I persuaded
“they’re from the CSI and they c@m£ to make a deal”
“what deal?”
“I told the CIA about the envelope you saw and they contacted the CSI then broke into the principal’s office and took it”
“how could you dad? Davis is gonna suspect me” I cut in
“we made sure the CCTV caught the men who took it, they were dressed on black so their faces weren’t seen”
“he’s gonna know am a spy and gave information to them”
“no he won’t, no one will suspect you”
“so why were they here?” I inhaled
“the envelope contains all McDonald’s drug deals but it’s not enough evidence to prosecute him but we found out that there’s a disc that contains his voice records and video of him ma-king bargains on drugs” dad explained
“that doesn’t explain why they were here”
“actually they c@m£ up with an idea to get the disc”
“and?” I was running out of patience
“you’ll have to live with McDonald’s son Davis Hillson”
“what? Wait, what?” I yelled
“that’s the only way”
“dad I quit” I spat out throwing my hands up in the air
“the CSI are very strict and might harm us if you don’t do it they gave us one month to get it or…”
“or what?”
“I don’t know but they’ll cause us harm”
“Davis will do anything to protect his father’s crime he will kill me if he finds out my mission”
“Davis trusts easily all you have to do is make him trust you then get the secret from him”
“if I get Davis to trust me, am just gonna break his trust then get the disc and run away” I stated sarcastically
<Mission Impossible>
Author~ Remio Viola
I sat in the living room listening to a voice record of my dad and Mr George before my dad killed him. I’ve been listening to this record for the past six months (since George was killed) I wanted to know the weapon George was killed with and where dad dumped his corpse. I had secretly bugged all the offices in the school when my dad first started acting suspicious.
On the day George was killed, Chase and I were listening to George’s love advance to Miss Tatiana our theatre teacher. Immediately Tatiana left, dad c@m£ in and there began a heated argument between the two which led to a scream from George and he was heard falling on his swivel chair and my dad said “you led to your death George and I’ll also kill anyone who finds out”
I inhaled de-eply then took of my headset and la-id on the sofa. I still couldn’t decipher how George was killed or where his corpse was.
“Davis” Jonathan my manager called walking into the living room and I merely glanced at him
“Davis you’re always listening to this” Jonathan said and picked up my headset
“you wouldn’t wanna listen to this” I prompted and took the headset from him
“that’s your business” Jonathan said with a shrug
“am here for the company”
“I’m not sure am re-ady to listen”
“Davis there’s a new trend of denim and you nee-d to model it you’ve been abs£nt for two weeks” Jonathan complained
“I think the best option is to sign out” I raised my brow in a threat
“R.VA fashion can’t lose you”
“then they’ll have to un-derstand that I’ve got my own problems other than modelling” I half yelled and got up to a sitting posture
“well am here for something else”
“hope it’s not about the company?”
“no not at all”
“go on”
“your dad managed to secure a connection with an old friend Mark Anderson and his friend happens to have a daughter…”
“don’t tell me she’s gonna be my modelling p@rtner” I interrupted
“no let me finish”
“go on”
“he’ll be going on a business trip with Mark and you’ll have to live with his…”
“am not” I cut in
“your dad suspects that Mark is up to something and he thinks you living with her will help him find out the truth”
“why? You know am not in good terms with my dad”
“I don’t know the reason for that but you grandpa alre-ady agreed to it stating that Mark is the son of his old time friend”
“Grandpa always makes the wrong choice”
“and you can’t object to his decisions”
“what’s dad suspecting about this Mark guy”
“he thinks Mark is a drug lord” Jonathan replied and I bur-st into a long hilarious laughter
“what’s wrong Davis?”
“How could dad be after a drug lord when he’s also one or is he trying to act saint?” I wanted to ask but instead I asked
“who’s Mark’s daughter?”
“she attends Starshine High her name is Trisha Anderson”
“what’s wrong Davis?”
“you mean Trisha Anderson as in Trisha Anderson?”
“yes, what wrong with that?”
“alot of things are wrong and I can’t live with her” I spat out
“cause I can’t breath when she’s around I hate her she’s my nightmare”
“you’ll have to make her your dreams” Grandpa Hilson said walking in holding his walking stick on his right hand which gives him support and his left hand at his back.
“Grandpa Hilson”
“you have no say in this, Mark and his daughter will be here soon and you’ll have to accept her else I’ll ground you” Grandpa Hilson threatened
“c’mon grandpa am too old for that” I whinned
“you’ll know about that when they arrive” Grandpa Hilson stated with a note of finality then sat down.
Arrangements has been made for me to move in with Davis. A CSI agent Mark Anderson who happens to bear the same surname with us and who’s an old friend of McDonald will pretend to be my dad and introduce me to the Owen’s as his daughter. At first I didn’t want to do this but seeing the worried look on my dad’s face I had to accept. Though he told me he was fine I knew de-ep down that something was wrong he just wanted to keep me out of it.
“we’ll be leaving” Mark said to dad then they shook hands
“take care of her she’s all I’ve gat” dad told Mark and I smiled tearfully
“I’ll miss you dad” I hvgged my dad as tears rolled down my cheeks
“you don’t have to cry big babies don’t cry” dad cooed and I was f0rç£d to smile
“let’s go” Mark put in then I followed him into the car that was waiting for us outside. Am having a bad feeling about this.
The car drove on the smooth gravel road as Mark highlighted my mission to me again.
“just be smart and avoid getting caught cause Davis is smart” he advised then tapped my shoulder as he alighted cause the car just drove into a big black gate that was inscribe-d ‘DAVIS’ and c@m£ to halt before an elegant building.
We got down then walked into the building leaving my luggage behind. We walked into the big living room and there Davis sprawled on a sofa while an old man sat on another sofa with a young man.
‘Home alone with Davis’ I sighed.