Keeping up with Trisha episode 23 – 25

<Mission Impossible>
Author~ Remio Viola
We followed Mrs Smith to her office with other teachers. Trisha was right when she said she was having a bad feeling.
“Davis you should know what this key means to the school. The future of Starshine which you’re gonna inherit someday depends on this key”
“We’re sorry Mrs Smith” I apologised
“When did you become a thief? Your father would be so disappointed”
“Am really sorry”
“Yes Mrs Smith”
“You’re a new student right?”
“Yes ma”
“I see you’re a bad influence to Davis. Now tell me what you nee-d this key for?”
“I really didn’t take it ma” Trisha defended herself
“Liar” Mrs Tatiana hurled
Trisha was alre-ady in tears
“You’re expelled from the school Trisha”
“You’re not gonna do that, Trisha didn’t steal it” I defended
“Then who did?”
“A student shoved it into her palm we didn’t even know what was inside the envelope till you arrived”
“Can you identify the student?”
“you’re lying and you know it, why put the blame on others?” Miss Tatiana seethed
“It’s a set up” I said
“No one is gonna believe that”
“Another word Mrs Smith and you’re gonna lose your job” I threatened
“Don’t threaten me Davis”
“It’s not a threat it’s a warning”
“I’ll let you go Davis but you Trisha….”
Trisha swallowed
“you’re gonna have to clean the entire school”
“What? It takes 30 workers to clean the school a day” I half yelled
“It’s a punishment”
“Fine, we’ll do it if that’s what you want”
“you’re not involved Davis”
“We’re both culprits don’t let me believe all the teachers framed Trisha”
“Fine you both can do it” Mrs Smith said with a wave of the hand
“we’re not promising to clean the entire school” I informed
“Then let Trisha serve her punishment” Miss Tatiana sneered
“It’s not a punishment” I said
“It’s the law of the school”
“I own the school” I reminded then took Trisha’s hand and walked out while using my phone
“You didn’t have to” Trisha said when we were outside the office
“You were alre-ady crying” I tea-sed and placed my phone on my left ear
“Hello dad… Where did you keep the key?… Someone stole it… Don’t freak out it was found… I don’t know but I was framed… Fire Mrs Smith and Miss Tatiana… I’ll choose their replacements” I dropped the call
“Don’t fire them” Trisha said
“Don’ll try to defend them, we got some cleaning to do” I said and dragged her by the hand
“You could’ve just called your dad to lift the punishment, why did you accept the punishment?” Trisha asked and I smiled inwardly.
How do I put this?
I want to spend some time with you but instead I said
“It’s the law of the school”
“You’re a chimpanzee Jack after giving you my b©dy you couldn’t r@p£ Trisha” I yelled at Jack
“St©p yelling okay, Trisha is stronger than you think she’s a battalion in one” Jack said while mas-saging his broken arm
“you’re a weakling that’s why she beat you”
“st©p raising your voice at me” Jack hurled then sl@pped
“You’ll pay for this Jack” I said and stormed out wiping my tears.
It’s all your fault Trisha I’ll make you pay.
“The job is done” Leo told me when I got to the clas-s. I was the one who stole the key and gave it to Leo to frame Trisha up.
I really want her to be expelled.
If only Jack had succeeded also it would had been double victory cause she would had been expelled in a shameful way.
“Our plan failed” Daphne sighed and sat beside me with Chloe and Anna
“Jack didn’t succeed but Leo did” I said
“It backfired, Trisha and Davis were caught together” Daphne said
“What? Is that true Leo?”
“I was almost caught so I just shoved it into her palm. Davis was with her” Leo replied
“They’re both gonna get expelled” I cried out
“Don’t be silly Eva, Davis can’t get expelled his father owns the school” Chloe said
“Then how did the plan backfire?” I was confused
“Davis wouldn’t let Trisha get expelled” Anna replied
“But we paid Mrs Tatiana to see to it”
“Davis wouldn’t let them”
“So what’s the punishment?”
“To clean up the entire school” Daphne replied
“That’s worse than expulsion” I laughed
“you think so?”
“It takes 30 workers to clean up the school, Trisha is gonna die while doing it, she’s leave the school and never return” I laughed
“Davis is gonna be doing it with her, the two are gonna spend QUALITY time together” Daphne said
The school bell buzzed for dismissal and all the students left in groups.
“Sorry guys I would had joined you guys but I have a meeting to attend with my dad, I’ll come when we’re done” Chase told I and Davis
“It’s okay, take all your time at the meeting we’ll be fine alone” Davis replied and I exchanged glances with Chase
“Okay bye” Chase said and left
“We’ll start with the garden” Davis said and took a basket
“Hi!” Eva smiled and walked up to us
“Hi Eva” I greeted
“Hi Davis” she greeted Davis but he didn’t reply
“I wanna help”
“No way” Davis declined her offer
“You both can’t do it alone”
“Let’s go Eva you can join us”
“Gold digger!” I cussed and tossed my phone on the be-d
“who was that?” Chloe asked stro-king my hair
“Eva, she called to asked if I was at home so she could come over”
“Eva is such a s¢v-mbag to betray her friend” Anna said
“I’ll just use her fish br@in till I get what I want”
“What exactly is your plan Daph?”
“I wanna make Trisha appear like a bad egg in the school so she can get kicked out and at the same time I don’t wanna do it myself to avoid being termed ‘Jealous’ and seem suspicious
I didn’t want to steal the key myself cause there was a CCTV in the office but that bit-ch didn’t know, she’s so desperate that she’ll do anything to get rid of her friend and if I had done it myself I’ll get caught from the tape but it’s gonna e Eva who’ll be in the video and by the time am done using her to get Trisha out I’ll also get rid of her
I can’t share Davis”
“You’re a br@iniac” Chloe hailed and high fived me
“Poor Trisha doesn’t know her Eva is behind everything
imagine if Jack had succeeded in ra-ping her, Eva is such a devil to plan such evil against her friend” Anna said
“and she had to offer her b©dy” Chloe added
“She’s gonna regret it….”
“Who’s gonna regret what?” Eva asked barging in, she looked angry.
Chloe and Anna got scared including me, she caught us
“It’s… It’s…”
“That’s not why am hear I have a bigger problem” Eva chirped in and sat on the be-d
Thank goodness she didn’t hear us
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked and win-ked at Chloe and Anna who were chuckling secretly
“Davis rejected me” She sobbe-d and I pas-sed a smile to Anna and Chloe
Eva is just too stupid
“He told me he can never have a thing for me that I looked like a pumpkin”
“You shouldn’t take Davis serious he’s a bully remember? He’ll notice you soon just keep trying” I consoled while sm-irking at Chloe and Anna
“He even called me a cheap who-re” she sobbe-d and we g@sped then chuckled secretly
“What did you do to deserve that?”
“I k!$$£d him”
My blood boiled at that, I felt like sl@pping her
“Why did you do that?”
“I wanted to make Trisha jealous”
“You shouldn’t had gone that far” I raised my voice then Anna signalled me to keep it low.
I took a de-ep breath then said
“It’s gonna be fine”
But de-ep down I said
“Am gonna kill you Eva”
“You don’t have to be scared” I said as I handed Trisha a cu-p of h0t tea placed on a saucer with a spoon beside it
“Thanks am not scared” she said taking the saucer
I shrugged and sat down on a table beside her while she sat on the be-d.
“I know you saw I and Eva” I said gauging her reaction
“Does that really matter?”
“But you cried”
“Davis I didn’t”
“It wouldn’t hurt if you admit your feelings”
“What feelings?”
“You know what am talking about”
“I really don’t un-derstand your language, I don’t speak bull$h!t” she fired
“do you want us to continue being enemies?” I asked her but she kept silent
“Okay” I got up and walked to the bathroom.
This was how I lived in the school. When a lesson I didn’t like was going on, I come here to stay. Or when am sick or having an emotional breakdown like my dad.
Turning on the shower, I r!pp£doff my clothes and went un-der it. The h0t water ran throu-gh my skin and I shut my eyes. I was kinda hurt at the way Trisha talked, I thought we were starting to e friends.
I remembered dad’s call yesterday and tears slid down my cheeks. He is gonna get caught someday, I just have that feeling and when that happens who am I gonna spend the rest of my miserable life with?
Who am I gonna call family?
Grandpa is alre-ady old and I don’t have anyone.
Trisha isn’t gonna work, she still hates me but pretends to care.
I want someone who’s gonna love me as a family and not someone who’s gonna love me out of pity.
I finished my h0t shower and walked into my dressing room that was connected to the bathroom. I wore my pajamas and a long sweater, wra-pped a scarf around my n£¢k and wore a beanie then I returned to the room.
“Davis….” Trisha was about speaking but I raised my hand signalling her to st©p.
I was tired of hearing her lies about caring.
I walked pas-sed her and la-id on the extreme end of the be-d then covered myself with the duvet and faced the wall.
I was so pained
I felt like crying.
Davis was avoiding me, just like the way we started. Strangers.
I entered the bathroom and had a quic-k bath then entered the room that was open. It was a dressing room. I saw the pajamas Davis kept on the table and I put it on then wore my jacket, scarf, beanie and mittens.
I walked back to the be-droom and la-id at the other end. The be-d was so big that five more persons could lie in between Davis and I.
I covered myself properly with the sheets then watched Davis as he sle-pt.
He coughed lightly and I got worried.
He coughed again.
He looked so hurt and I can’t imagine betraying him. And ap@rt from his condition there’s a tiny voice saying ‘DON’T’