Just two months batch 4

🌼Just Two Months 🌼
Chapter 19B
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
“Oh, Danny,i miss you soo much” the girl that calls herself Chantel said,she c@m£ closer to Daniel and tried to k!sshim but he pushed her off.
“What are you doing here?”Daniel said coldly. “Danny,i c@m£ here to settle things with you,am really sorry”Chantel said batting her eyelashes.
“Get out of here,you cheating animal”Paris yelled at her. “Um..Danny, let’s go talk in pri-vate,i think it’s better”She said.
“Alright”Daniel said and they walked away. “Why did they break up?”i asked Mason.
“Chantel cheated on Daniel..twice”Mason said and i was utterly surprised. “Twice?why didn’t he leave her the first time?”i asked.
“He really loved her,Daniel could give up his life to Chantel, there is nothing anyone could say to make Daniel hate Chantel” Paris said.
“Woah,so Daniel can love someone so much”i said in amazement. “Yes,but after what Chantel did,he gave up on love and pla-yed with girls like toys”Mason said mildly.
“Well until you showed up”Paris said tou-ching my shoulders. “Me? I don’t un-derstand” i said in confusion.
“Daniel is getting back to his old self because of you”Mason said smiling.
I wanted to say something but Chantel and Daniel walked in. “So now that you have talked to my brother,you can leave,bit-ch” Paris said.
“She’s not going anywhere”Daniel said while looking at his phone. “What?”Mason asked surprised.
“Yes,Chantel will stay here for sometime for reason best known to she and i”Daniel said looking at everyone.
“Suite yourself”Paris said and walked away,Mason followed,I looked at Daniel before walking away.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
It was dinner time and everyone including my parents was around except Chantel, She c@m£ down wearing a short Sk-irt and crop t©p.
“Good Evening , everyone”She said and sat down beside Kylie. “You?what are you doing here?” My mom asked.
“Mom,she just c@m£ to stay a little while”i said. “Just make sure you don’t cause problems”My dad sternly. Kylie has been so quiet ever since Chantel c@m£,i will talk to her later.
😁 Author’s P.o.v😁
After Dinner, Kylie was heading to her room when Chantel blocks her way. “Um.. can i help you?”Kylie asked while Chantel sm-irked.
“Yes,you can help me by staying away from my Daniel,he’s mine, i alre-ady know that you are pretending to be his girlfriend to make his parents happy,just know your place or you will regret it”She said while Kylie laughed.
“You don’t scare me one bit,you hear me,now get out of my way”Kylie said and walked away.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
That bit-ch is so stupid,she has no idea what i will do to her if she messes with me.
I was heading to my room when Daniel comes out of his room. “Hey” he said while i just looked away. “Are you angry at me too?” He asked coming closer to me.
“Am not,i have no right to be angry” i said looking at the ground. “Yes,you do,you are my friend and look me in the eye”he said and i looked up
“I have to go to be-d”i said and walked away quic-kly before he decides to t©uçh me.
👹 Chantel’s P.o.v👹
Daniel seems to be too friendly with that Kylie,i have to get her out of the way, Daniel is mine.I don’t love him but i love his money so i can’t anyone take him, even if i have to kill someone to take him,i don’t care.
😁 Author’s P.o.v😁
Next morning, Kylie was watching a movie with Mason and Paris.
“Hey,you didn’t call me”Daniel said as he walked in. “We didn’t want to disturb you”Mason said. Daniel sat beside Kylie and win-ked at her while she looked away blu-shing.
“Ohh,a movie” Chantel said and sat down while Paris rolled her eyes. “Hey,Ky, pas-s me the popcorn”Mason said while Kylie stuffed popcorn in her mouth and pas-ses the bowl to Mason.
Eww,Eat like a lady, come on, Danny,you could have brou-ght a girl with clas-s for the job as your girlfriend not this clas-sless thing”Chantel said and immediately Kylie brings out a dagger from her back pocket and places it on Chantel’s n£¢k,she becomes scared.
🌼 Just Two Months 🌼
Chapter 20
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
“Why did you say that to her?” I asked angrily. “Well, it’s the truth,i mean you all saw the way she ate” Chantel said with no emotions.
“We didn’t ask for your useless opinion,bit-ch”Paris said and walked away,i looked at Chantel one more time before leaving.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
Chantel is such a worthless, miserable bit-ch.She made me so angry with what she said. I was combing my hair when someone knocked on my room door.
“Come in”i said, the door opened and Daniel walked in,i went closer to him.
“Ky,am so sorry about what Chantel said”He said looking de-ep into my eyes. “It’s okay,am not angry” i said.
“But you really scared us with that dagger,is is always in your pocket?” He asked smiling. “Yeah, i keep it to protect myself from per-vert like you”i said and we started laughing,he walks closer to me.
“You know i think,no,no,i don’t think,i know you like the way i t©uçh you” he said moving so close to me while i move backwards.
“How are you so sure?”I asked trying so ha-rd to resist his t©uçh.He immediately drags me closer by the w@!st ma-king our foreheads meet, he starts to k!ssmy n£¢k,i bit myl-ips so that i wouldn’t m0@n ,he noticed so he put his hands un-der my blouse and started c@r£ss!ngmy ba-re back, My mind wants to push him away but my hearts wants him to continue, suddenly someone knocks on my door and lets go of me sm-irking.
“Point proven”He said while sm-irking at me,he opened the door and Paris c@m£ in. “Ky,are you okay?”Paris asked seeing me in a shocked state. “She’s fine” Daniel said and walked away while Paris c@m£ closer and hvgged me.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
I smiled remembering my little scene with Kylie,she was speechless,i really enjoy being around Kylie so much but each time i remind myself that she’s just p@rt of a contract.
I was about to get up from my be-d when Chantel walked in. “Danny,am so sorry”She said pouting herl-ips. “That was so wicked of you to say that to Kylie” i said while she moved closer to me. “I alre-ady said a thousand times,why are you so angry?”she asked frustrated.
“Kylie’s my friend and she’s very important to..” “She’s very important to your contract” Chantel said cutting me off. “Danny, she’s just a contract, nothing more,after two months,she gone,no s£ntiments between you and her”She said and walked away.
👹 Chantel’s P.o.v👹
It’s so clear that Daniel has fallen in love with that Kylie but he hasn’t realized it yet,i have to make sure that Kylie leaves this house before two months is over, I will make Daniel hate her, that’s what i will do.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
After Paris left my room,i called Nina to tell ber about what happened between i and Daniel.
“Kylie, it’s so clear you are in love with him”She ssid excitedly. “Okay,so how do i erase this feeling?”I asked while she started laughing.
“You can’t,Daniel is the love of your life and from what you just told me,he might also love you back”She said. ‘So what do i do,am confused”i said nervously.
‘You have to tell him how you feel”She said. “What?”i said in shock
🌸Just Two Months 🌸
Chapter 21
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
“Are you nuts?”I asked Nina. “What’s wrong?”She asked confused. “I can’t tell him how i feel ,am not even sure of what i feel towards him,am not telling him anything” i said
“Okay,just don’t come crying to me when he hooks up with Chantel”She said and i sighed. “I won’t cry,okay, I have to go,bye”i said and hanged up.
I can’t possibly tell Daniel how i feel,he should be the one to tell me that’s if he even feels something,No,i can’t tell him.
😁 Author’s P.o.v😁
Everyone was seated at the breakfast table except Kylie and Paris. “Mason, where’s Paris and Kylie?” Mrs mendes asked. “I don’t know,mom,maybe they are busy trying out outfits in the room”Mason said then Paris comes down the stairs.
“Mom,dad,am just coming from Kylie’s room and she doesn’t look good”Paris said. “What’s wrong with her?”Mr mendes asked.
“She’s burning up and shivering,i think she has a fever”Paris said looking so worried. “Let me go check on her” Daniel said and left the table.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
I rushed to Kylie’s room and opened the door, there she was shivering,her eyes were a little swollen and red. “Hey,how are you feeling?” I said sitting beside her.
“Not good,i..i feel miserable”she said and sneezes. “Let me call a doctor”i said while my mom, Mason and my dad entered the room.
“Honey,are you okay?”My mom asked. “No,am not”Kylie said while my mom t©uçhed her head.
“I alre-ady called the family doctor so he will here in no time”My dad said
“Who knows,you could be pregnant”My mom said and i rolled my eyes. “Mom,am so sure she’s not pregnant”I said.
“How are you so sure, using protec-tion isn’t 100% certain”My mom said. Why does mom want Kylie to be pregnant, Kylie won’t even let me t©uçh her.
“Mom,i don’t think am pregnant, maybe it’s just a fever”Kylie said and my mom sighed.
Few minutes later, the doctor arrived and checked Kylie. “So what’s wrong?” Paris asked.
“She has a high fever,i prescribe-d some drugs,she nee-ds to take them and rest afterwards” the doctor said.
“Okay, thanks, doctor,let me walk you out”Mason said and he and the doctor walked away.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
I was busy pla-ying candy crush on my phone when Daniel walked in with a bowl of soup,he placed it down, then collected my phone.
“Hey, what’s your problem?” I asked trying to collect the phone. “You should be resting not pla-ying games”He said putting the phone is his pocket
“Why are you here?”I asked while he sat in front of me and brou-ght a bowl of an ugly looking soup close to me. “Eww, what’s that?” I said clearly digusted
“It’s herbal soup,Mom made it,she said it will clear your running nose and your sneezing”He said trying to feed me,i looked away.
“I don’t want to take it,it looks so bitter and i rather…”he didn’t let me finish before he shoved the spoon in my mouth.
“You talk too much”He said while i rolled my eyes at him.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
Seeing Kylie make those funny face anytime she tastes the soup is so funny,i had so much fun feeding her, even when she’s sick ,i still enjoy being with her. Kylie’s something else.
“That was horrible,am never taking that again”She said. “Then try not to get sick”I said. “It wasn’t my fault i got sick” She said pouting herl-ips like a baby.
“Actually i think it is, you are too troublesome, that’s why”i said and laughed. “j£rkface”She said and giggled.
“What did you call me?”i asked. “I called you a…” Before she could finish talking,i k!$$£d her,she responded quic-kly like the first time but she pu-ll-ed away.
“You take your drugs,while i go drop this tray” i said and walked away.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
He k!$$£d me..again and i k!$$£d him back..again,oh God, Kylie,i hope i don’t wake up in his be-d one day. I have to control myself. Next time,he tries to k!ssme,i will push him away..I promise.
After two days, I felt much better,infact i was back to myself.It was a Friday night and Daniel’s parents went out on a d@t£,so cute.
We stayed back at the house binge watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
“Am so bored”Mason said yawning while Chantel was busy taking selfies,Witch.
“Me too”Daniel said scratching his hair. “Let’s pl@ya game”Paris suggested.
“Yeah but what game?”I asked while Chantel sm-irked. “Let’s pl@yTruth or Dare”
🌼Just Two Months 🌼
Chapter 22
😉Paris P.o.v😉
“Yeah, that’s a great idea” i said. “Am in”Kylie said.
The game started and it was really funny. Daniel dared Mason to dance with his bo-xers,we laughed so ha-rd .
“Okay, Kylie, truth or dare”Chantel asked, something tells me she is up to something. “Um.. truth” She said sm-irking.
“Are you a vir-gin?”She asked and then an awkward slience filled the place. “No, Chantel,am not a vir-gin”Kylie said smiling.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
Why did she aske me that,does she think am a slut like her,i might not be a v!rg!nbut i don’t sleep around. “What is his name?”She asked again. “Chantel, you only get to ask one question, remember?”Daniel said glaring at her.
“Oh, sorry,my bad, I just wanted to know,Daniel was my first, Kylie, it’s amazing when your first person is the love of your life”She said sm-irking.
“No one asked for details,Chantel”Paris said. “Let’s continue”Mason said. “Whose turn is it?”Daniel asked.
“It’s mine”Paris said smiling. “Daniel, Truth or Dare”She asked. “Truth”Daniel said smiling.
“What did you really think of Kylie when you saw her at our house?”Paris asked smiling.
“Well, honestly,I thought she was the most craziest girl i have ever met,she insulted me,she made fun of me, I mean no girl has done that to me before, Kylie is amazing and really beautiful,i have to admit, she’s beautiful and i love being around her”He said and i started blu-shing really ha-rd , the bu-tterflies in my tummy increa-sed.
“Awwww, she’s blu-shing”Paris said tickling me ma-king me laugh out, while Chantel rolled her eyes.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
I can’t believe Kylie is blu-shing just because of what i said,it made me happy to see that am the one ma-king her blus-h.
“Okay,okay, enough, it’s my turn and it goes to Daniel” Chantel said smiling at me. “Ask whatever”i said looking away.
“Since you have chos£n truth twice,you wilk have to choose dare so i dare you to..k!ssme for 10 seconds”Chantel said while i just looked at her dumbfounded,why would she ask me to do that.
🌼 Mason’s P.o.v🌼
I knew this bit-ch was up to something, that’s why she suggested the game,she wants to make Kylie feel bad.
“Come on, Danny”She said and moved closer to Daniel who was very nervous. The Daniel i know won’t think twice before k!ss!ngany girl but now he’s so nervous and am sure it’s because Kylie’s here,he cares about her feelings, that means he loves her.
“Come on,k!ssme”Chantel said smiling. “Okay,i will”Daniel said moving closer to her, suddenly his phone rings, Chantel gets so angry.
“I have to pick this”He said and walked away.
❤️ Kylie’s P.o.v❤️
Chantel is such a miserable witch, she’s begging a Daniel to k!ssher while he k!sses me without me asking..Such a cheap lowlife.
Daniel returns back and sits down. “So where were we?”he asked. “It’s my turn”Mason said. “But Daniel hasn’t k!$$£d me yet”Chantel whinned.
“Sorry,time’s up”Paris said and Chantel gave a her a glare. “Kylie,i dare you to..k!ssDaniel for 20 secs”Mason said sm-irking, I knew he would say that.
“Come on,do it”Paris said smiling wi-dely. I looked at Daniel who was wi-nking at me, I rolled my eyes, then c@m£ closer to him, immediately he k!$$£d me,i heard Chantel g@sps in surprise.
We kept on k!ss!ngfor so long,Daniel didn’t want let me go.
😍 Daniel’s P.o.v😍
“It’s past 20 secs”I heard Mason say but i held Kylie down, then she pushed me off but i pe-cked herl-ips. “per-vert”She said and cleaned herl-ips. “That was so cute, wasn’t it Chantel?”Paris asked glaring at Chantel.
“Whatever,am going to be-d”Chantel said and walked away.
👹 Chantel’s P.o.v👹
I went to my room angrily and pushed all the stuffs on my dressing table off. How could Daniel k!ssKylie and not k!ssme?I hate that Kylie, she’s ruining my plans. I have to get her out of the way,no matter what.
I was about bringing out a pack of cigarettes when someone knocked. “Come in”I said and Kylie walked in smiling.
“Hello, Chantel”She said and i scoffed. “What do you want?”i asked In anger.
“I just c@m£ to sympathize with you, sorry Daniel couldn’t k!ssyou, sorry”She said laughing.
“He just want to sleep with you, that’s all”I said while she just laughed. “What happened today proves that Daniel care about me his pretend Girlfriend than you,his ex-gir friend,now if you would excuse me,am going to take my beauty sleep”She said and walked away.