Just stay season two episode 12

💚💛(You won’t let go)
Season Two
💟Jisun’s POV💟
What have I done?
Why did I acted that way?
I should have at least listen to his explanation
I acted so childish
I was just so paranoid on hearing that he impregnated a girl.
I ruffle my hair frustratingly before coll@psing on my be-d.
I have been calling his line since yesterday that I left his house but he wasn’t picking up my calls
I just hope I haven’t made a big mistake that I will end up regretting forever
I love James so much and I can’t afford to lose him just like that.
I picked up my phone again
I dial his number
It ringed but he didn’t pick up
I smash my phone angrily on the floor as tears were beginning to stream down my face.
💝Prosecutor James POV💝
I close my car booth after dropping my last travelling box in it.
My phone began ringing
I brou-ght it out and check the caller id.
On seeing the name I hissed and dismiss the call
I nee-d to even change her ID…
I scroll throu-gh my contact and dial on Prosecutor Jung Suk’s number.
He picked up after the fourth ring.
“Are you re-ady so that I can come pick you up” I asked
“Ne(Yes) I am fully prepared” he replied.
I hung up the call before pocketing my phone.
I hop into my car and ignited the engine as I drove out of my house.
💞Unknown POV💞
I lean in front of my car watching as various people were trooping in and out of the airport.
I adjusted my face cap using it to cover my face properly.
Suddenly I began hearing screams and shouts
I turn to the direction and saw him coming out of the airport but he wasn’t alone,an Asian girl was beside him.
People were trying to t©uçh them but they were blocked out by the securities.
I brou-ght out my phone from my pocket
I scroll throu-gh my call log and dial on the contact I saved as “My Boss”
I pressed the Bluetooth on my left ear and the number began dialling.
I place my index f!nger on the Bluetooth as the call was dialling while looking sideways.
“Yes” His husky voice sounded on the Bluetooth.
“He just arrive at the airport boss,but he isn’t alone,they is a girl with him,should I still carry it out” I asked.
“Yes carry it out
You should only shoot him and not the girl” He said.
“Okay boss” I replied before disconnecting the call.
I watch them hop into a car
I smile to myself before getting into my own car.
I re-move my black face mask from my pocket
I wore it on my face and adjusted my cap properly before driving out of the airport premises.
💓Josephine’s POV💓
I place my palm on my che-st as I felt my heart pounding fast
I only feel this way when something bad is about to happen.
The last time I felt this way was the day Kylo’s parent died
I was at home when my heart began pounding fast not until i heard that they were involved in an accident and died.
Now I am feeling this way
I just hope nothing tragic is about to happen.
The door creak open and Jade walked in with a box of pizza in her hand and a bottle of milk.
Jade is my best friend
I have been living with her ever since I left that wicked man house
Her parent accommod@t£d me very well
I had to cook up a lie for them when they ask me why I left home.
I really hate that man now
Ever since I left home
He never bothered to call me
Which shows that he doesn’t care
I hate him so much
I wish he wasn’t the one that birthed me.
“Care for some pizza” Jade asked
I flashed her a fake smile and shook my head.
“Hmm thanks I am full” I said.
My heart was beating so fast ma-king me to squee-ze my face lightly because I was unable to breath properly.
“What’s wrong with you Jose” Jade asked.
I turn my gaze to the ceiling with my palm on my che-st.
“Where is my phone” I asked ignoring her question.
She pointed to the dressing table
I stood up and walk to the table.
I nee-d to call Kylo to be sure if he is okay
I just hope nothing happens to him.
💗Uncle Mark’s POV💗
I smile mischievously to myself
As I rotate on my swivel chair
I can wait to hear the news of the calamity
Finally they won’t be any hindrance in my way.
I pick up my phone which was ringing on the table.
“Hmmm”I said on the phone.
” Sir I have seen where Josephine is,she is living at a friend’s house”He said
I sighed
“Just leave her there for now,I will find something to do about that later” I said and hung up the all.
Immediately I hang up the call another call entered
I sm-irked on seeing the caller.
“Have you carried it out” I hastily asked.
I could here him p@n-ting heavily on the call.
“Am so sorry boss,I was able to double cross them,I sh0t his driver and two of his guards,I was about to shoot him but the girl that was with him pushed him away and took the bullet
I am so sorry boss” He said
I stood up from my seat in shock
How did that happened” I asked tensely.
“I don’t know boss,she took the bullet for him,I was even sh0t in the hand by one of the guards before I was able to gun them down” He said.
I angrily hang up the call and fling my phone on the wall ma-king it to shatter into pieces on the floor.
I stamped my palm angrily on my glas-s table
I am in a big trouble
This is a total mess
I am definitely sure I am gonna be apprehended this time around
I nee-d to escape from here as soon as possible.
I hastily walk to the sofa in my office
I pick up my coat which was laying on it and wore it on my b©dy before walking out of my office.
💕Jimin’s POV💕
“plea-se Hyojin don’t die, plea-se stay with me” I cried as Hyojin is being wheeled into the emergency room with an oxygen on her nose.
My cloth was alre-ady stained with her blood
“Why did you have to take the bullet for me, you should have allow me to take it,Waeyo(Why)” I said as my tears was pouring out uncontrollable.
We got to the door of the emergency room, I was told to stay outside while they wheeled her into the room.
I place my hand on the door as I watch the nurses and doctors connecting various things on her b©dy.
I gritted my teeth so ha-rd
I swear to God if Hyojin dies and I get to know the person that tried to kill me or her
I will make sure I strangle such person to death.
Few Hours Later⌚⌚
Two doctors walked out of the emergency room
I hastily stood up from the seat I was seating on.
“plea-se how is my love,hope she is okay now” I hastily said on getting to them.
One of the doctors pu-ll-ed off his face mask
His face was pale which re-ad a bad meaning
My heart began beating fast.
“I am so sorry to break this down to you Sir Jimin Kylo” The doctor said
I swallow the lump in my throat
I moved closer to him and held him by his cloth
“Break what down” I asked with a gritted teeth and my fist clenched together.
“Tell me now”I yelled at him
“I am so sorry we tried all our possible best but we lost her”he said.
I felt my heart beat st©p,my eyes were beginning to go blur.
Before I knew it,I fell on the floor and darkness was all I could see.