Just one more wish finale


( 🥳💃nine things crazy things to do🥳💃)

🌺 Written by Haryormideh Ayeni🌺

🎁 Episode twenty three🎁

(She lives on🌺)

Big Daddy 💖

It’s over a week since her death and I still haven’t gotten over it. It hurts so much especially as our last memories were sad.

Love is a bastard, why do I have to fall in love?

We were in Wesley’s house, the place Gianna and I lived for some times.

“St©p crying, remember she said she’ll haunt you if you do”

“Guess I should cry more then, maybe I’ll get to see her” I replied Cute stranger

“She’ll continue living in out hearts. That’s for sure” he said

“I love her so much. My first true love”

“And my first real girl friend” Cute stranger added. “Her family are still around”

“Guess they’re still in shock of her death.”

He c@m£ to sit beside me on the rock in the woods beside his house.

Gianna 💖🌺

Jeez why are the hairs on b©dy standing? Am I in a refrigerator?

I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings but everywhere was pitch black and I was wra-pped with a cloth.

I can’t even thrash around. I saw a faint light glowing on my che-st.

I then remembered the golden orb I had took from the cave and made a n£¢klace from.

My b©dy felt alive, the last time I felt this way was when I was ten years hold.

I opened my mouth wi-de and screamed as loud as I could.

My scream is sure to wake the dead.

I was suddenly expo-sed to light, I closed my eyes briefly and open them.

“What am I doing here?” I asked and sat up, removing the white cloth I was wra-pped in. I was wearing a white garment un-derneath.

The attendants scooted far away from me.

“Where’s this place?” I asked

“Mo…. mortuary….. How are you alive? You were confirmed dead a week ago”

“A week ago?” I repeated after her.

“Yes” she nodded.

Memories flood in to my head and I remembered everything.

“Ohmahgawd!” I screamed excitedly “I was given a second chance” I jumped down and danced.

“Are you really alive?”

“Do I look like a ghost?” I countered “Gimme me your phone, I nee-d to call Wesley Steves”

“You know Mr Wesley?”

“He’s my friend, now st©p the questions and give me your phone” I snapped

She nod and gave me her phone.

I called my family instead and waited for them. This is a very big miracle.


“Mum!” I shouted and ran over to hvg her.

“Is this really you Gianna?” She asked, her eyes were puffy and her face swollen.

“Yes mamma I was given a second chance” I grinned

She hvgged me ti-ght to herself as if she couldn’t believe it.

“It’s surprising too mum.”

“Your face is glowing and you look very okay. First let’s visit a diagnostic centre and do a heart scan” she suggested.

We visited a local centre and found my heart is perfectly okay and beating fine. My joy knew no bounds.

I collected some dollars from mum and hailed a cab to Wesley’s house.

Big Daddy 🌷🌺

“I’m heading inside” Cute stranger stood up and made to go but st©pped short and opened his mouth wi-de.

“Ghost” he breathed out.

“Hey big daddy, miss me so much?”

Mygawd! I turned back and found Gianna smiling brightly at me.

“Go away you’re just a figment of my imagination” I shook my head.

“Awwwn….he loves me so much” she cooed, her eyes twi-nkling.

Cute stranger went over in long strides and pu-ll-ed her into a hvg. “She’s real” he said to me.

“Have I ever been unreal?” She pouted.

“She’s all yours” he win-ked at me “I’ll be inside preparing for the great feast. We’re celebr@ting this hvge miracle”

She c@m£ to me and pu-ll-ed me into a hvg.

“You were given injections to preserve your b©dy” I said lamely.

“Miracle……. Now we can be together”

I held her ti-ghtly, afraid to let go.

“I love you” I whispered

“I love you too Big daddy”

Life gave us a second chance, it’s up to us to make the best of it. I guess life isn’t unfair after all.

The end……….🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️🏵️

No epilogue…..