Just one more wish episode 9 & 10


( 🥳💃nine things crazy things to do🥳💃)

🌺 Written by Haryormideh Ayeni🌺

🎁 Episode nine🎁

(Fifth wish🎗️ k!ss!ngthe president’s son💏)

🌹 Gianna 🌹

I loos£ned the fourth knot when I got down from the car.

“Have fun okay and if you get into trouble, call me. I’ll be there for you in an instant. You’re a strong girl and I love your spirit”

My heart swelled and I smiled gratefully. He must have found out about my predic@m£nt in their research on me.

I found myself wondering where cute stranger is and where his spending the night. Well he’s a street guy, he might get a place easily.

Instead of going to my room, I sat in the h0tel’s restaurant and ordered for food.

While waiting for my order, I deliberated on the next thing to do. Either say yes to everything for a day or k!ssthe president’s son.

The latter seemed more interesting and daring, so after fli-pping a coin, I decided to k!ssthe president’s son first.

Having decided, I leaned back in my seat and thought of ways to see him and k!sshim.

Three days later,

“When will you be going back to your country” Cute stranger asked out of the blues.

“Huh?” His question cut me off hand.

These past days, we’ve been touring each city and having fun.

Fun takes another meaning when you aren’t alone, you smile and laugh more. Technically, you have the best time of your life. The moments shared with Cute stranger would be engraved in my memory for a very long time.

“You heard me” he smiled at me.

“Um…. I dunno yet… I’m here for holidays.”

“What about your parents?” He asked

“They’re probably okay. I ran away from home”

“Why?” He furrowed his brows.

” I have some issues I’m handling and I just want to be alone.”

“Oh sure, I un-derstand”

“Tell me about you”

“Me?? There’s nothing to say about me” he laughed softly.

“C’mon we’ve only been talking about me” I pouted.

“Okay….my parents are always on travel tours, going from one country to another and my relationsh!plive has been a mess.”

“Oh.. I wasn’t expecting that”

“I know right. I’ve only been in a few relationsh!pand I’ve always ended up being hurt.”

“Sorry about that” I ru-bbe-d his arm soothingly.

He gaze fli-ckered to me before returning to the sun setting, hiding his emotions before I could place them.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Nothing that a chocolate ice cream can’t solve” he stood and went to the ice cream booth with me trailing behind him.

“Vanilla is the best” I argued

“Oh no… plea-se don’t tell me we’re going to start another argument”

“I once planned to be a lawyer so I’m good at arguing”

He shook his head and gro-an ed, walking a little fas-ter.

“You should try it, you’ll forsake the chocolate flavor immediately”

“You wish” he scoffed

I gave him a lop sided grin and flung my arms around him “are you allergic to Vanilla?”

He ignored me and placed an order.

I watched him collect the order dreamily.

“What are you thinking about?” He turned to me

“Nothing” I said quic-kly and collected my ice cream from him.


“Yh sure” I scooped a spoonful into my mouth and m0@n ed in plea-sure as it melt in my mouth.

“Seriously? You’re m0@n ing because of an ice cream?”

“It’s not just anyone, it’s vanilla”

“Cool” he replied and we began walking down the street to my h0tel

“Cute stranger?”

“Hmh” he replied distractedly

“Close your eyes”


“Just do it”

“Ohkay” he closed his eyes.

I scooped up my vanilla ice cream and smeared it on his face andl-ips and took off, laughing at the horrified look on his face.

“You’re so dead Gianna”

“Boo… I’m scared” I laughed ha-rder and ran to my h0tel with a self satisfied smile.

Thankfully, he didn’t follow me up which gave me time to prepare for the night.

I sat on the floor and went throu-gh the layout of the presidential suite. The president’s son room is located on the second floor. It’ll be easy for me to climb in and out.

The sky turned dark and lightning bolt flashed in the clouds but it didn’t deter me.

I didn’t bother eating so that my b©dy would be light.

I wore the ninja clothes I had specifically ordered for this mission, wore gloves. To simply put it, I’m the lady of the night as I wore all black outfit.

I used the windows as my exit in order not to arou-se any suspicion.

After taking about five taxis, I got to my destination.

It was 10pm now but everywhere looked like a fairyland with different lights and the security is very ti-ght, about four armed men where guarding the front gates.

I walked casually outside, my eyes scanning for the orange tree beside the president’s son, Wesley, balcony.

From my study, this balcony should lead into his room. I’ll probably catch him unawares while he’s slee-ping and k!sshim before he can react, boom I’m off.

I smiled in anticipation and looked around.

This p@rt of the house is only the dark place which makes it easier for me.

I brou-ght out the rope and threw it over an iron pole sticking out from the t©p of the wall then I began climbing.

When I got to the t©p, I threw myself at the tree. It rustled violently almost alerting a nearby guard.

I held my breath a few minutes and slowly let it out.

I navigated my way throu-gh the tree and jumped into his balcony stealthily.

I opened the door and walked quietly to his be-d. Everywhere was pitch black.

Just as I bend my head towards the pillow and closed my eyes to k!sshim, the light turned on, momentarily blinding me.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, the first thing I noticed was his nudity.

He was stark n-ked and a strange pres£nce didn’t seem to bother him.

“Who are you?” He asked coldly.

My eyes darted to his face, I noticed he was wearing a mask, doesn’t he want anyone to see his face? He even went to the bathroom with a mask!

” I asked a question” he said without sparing me a glance.

“Ohmahgawd! I’m sorry, I thought you were slee-ping. I was just about going” I said quic-kly with my eyes closed.

I turned swiftly on my feets and almost made it out the door before his cold hands gr@bb£d me.

“Oh, not so fast” he pu-ll-ed me back in and closed the door.

“I’m so sorry, plea-se don’t call the securities on me” I pleaded.

He was wearing knickers now and a singlet.

When did he wear it??!

“No one enters my room and go scot free not to talk of seeing my n-kedness. You have to take responsibility for your actions.” He said and advanced on me, tra-pping me to the wall.

“Uh….you look handsome?” I attem-pted to say something to steer his mind of me barging into his room and n-kedness.

“I know that, now let’s see your face.”

Since I was wearing a different eyes mask and nose mask. I pu-ll-ed my nose mask to cover my eyes, allowing me to see nothing but darkness and it left my nose andl-ips ba-re.

“I don’t want to reveal my identity, let me go ple…..” The words died in my mouth as he crashed hisl-ips on mine.


He smelled faintly of alcohol and after shaving.

I felt my b©dy relax and gave him access to my mouth.

Then I realized what was happening, I c@m£ here to k!ssthe president’s son and I managed to get k!$$£d instead. How did the tables turn so quic-kly????

I pushed him off and covered my mouth back with the mask then ran to the door.

Before opening it, I turned back to him, his b©dy posture was rigid, he looked angry and confused. I didn’t get to see his face, only his side profile.

I opened the door before he could change his mind and was plunge into darkness again but it was way easier as I made my out.

Wish gone wrong!


( 🥳💃nine things crazy things to do🥳💃)

🌺 Written by Haryormideh Ayeni🌺

🎁 Episode ten🎁

(🖥️Wrong news📻)

🌹 Gianna 🌹

Wesley 💙💙

I have to be on guard in every moment of my life. I can’t remember the last time I let my guard loose and really relaxed.

If a seer had once told me I would one day do without masks, I would label him/ her a liar because I hated masks.

I took a cold shower and stood in front on the wall mirror, running my hands throu-gh my hair in frustration.

Ohgawd, when will I be free??

I looked at the nose mask sadly and picked it up, placing it on my nose before walking out of the bathroom without a towel.

The idea of the mask is to hide from my enemies. I as-sisted in dad’s business by helping him secure a multi-billion deal.

His rivals were immediately on my n£¢k and some of the shareholders in dad’s company re-leased an article on how I embezzled a money I never t©uçhed. There’s no way I can defend myself because his rivals are still after my life.

I walked into my room and was surprised to find a petite stranger in my room. The security is very ti-ght, so how did she get in?

I watched as she bent slowly towards the be-d, myl-ips pouted like she wanted to k!ss. It steered unknown emotions throu-gh my b©dy.

I turned on the lights, ma-king her freeze and open her eyes in surprise.

“Who are you?” I asked her coldly and turned to apply lotion on my b©dy.

” I asked a question” I said when I noticed she was replying.

From the corner of my eye, I saw she looked lost in thought.

“Ohmahgawd! I’m sorry, I thought you were slee-ping. I was just about going” she rushed thd words out with her eyes closed.

I watched her turn swiftly on her feet and had almost made it out the door before I caught her after I wore knickers and singlet.

“Oh, not so fast” I pu-ll-ed her back in and closed the door firmly.

She wants to go out without giving a reason on why she’s here?? Besides she just saw my n-kedness!!

“I’m so sorry, plea-se don’t call the securities on me” she pleaded.

“No one enters my room and go scot free not to talk of seeing my n-kedness. You have to take responsibility for your actions.” I replied and advanced on her, tra-pping her to the wall.

I had no idea on what I was doing, it felt like I was being controlled. A girl has never entered my room, not even my past girlfriends.

“Uh….you look handsome?” She said, I knew she was trying to steer my attention somewhere else

“I know that, now let’s see your face.” I answered

She quic-kly pu-ll-ed her nose mask to cover her eyes, leaving her nose andl-ips open and they seemed to call out to me.

“I don’t want to reveal my identity, let me go ple…..” She was saying but I shut her up with a k!ss. Herl-ips were just irresistible.

Slowly her b©dy relaxed and gave me access into her mouth.

Then suddenly, she pushed me off and covered her mouth back with the mask then ran to the door.

It took me by surprise and my b©dy stiffened as I realized what I just did. I k!$$£d a stranger, took advantage of her without her permission. I was angry and confused at the same time.

I heard the door open and close. I coll@psed on the be-d with a sigh escaping myl-ips. I really nee-d to get into a relationsh!pelse I’ll be k!ss!ngrandom strangers which isn’t good for my reputation and I don’t nee-d the media being on me.

Surprisingly, I craved that stranger’s t©uçh andl-ips. How could she just disappear like that??

A smile slowly broke out on my face as an idea to get her back formed in my head.


I watched paced around on the beach sand. She has been quiet and seemed lost in her world.

I wish I could help with what’s bothering her but I have other things on my mind, like how I’m going to explain to my parents that some mobs raided the ap@rtment and took away with valuables. The bad news was they c@m£ for me and the good news is they didn’t meet me.

“Ohgawd” she scrunched her face up like she wanted to cry and turned to me ” something went wrong, though I’m not telling you what it was but it pretty bad. Tables turned so quic-kly, I should have been the one to do it instead!”

I took in her features, she looked really cute as she stood un-der the sun, gazing down at me.

“As interesting as your parables are that I don’t un-derstand, can we not talk about it because there’s no way I’d know what to say”

“Fine” she replied and sat on the sand beside me.

“Heard the lastest news?” I asked her.

She shook her head negatively in response.

“You’re not going to believe this, someone k!$$£d the president’s son, Wesley, yesterday”

Gianna 😒😒

I don’t know why I’m getting worked up over the k!ss. Even though he k!$$£d me instead, a k!ssis a k!ss.

I paced around on the beach, the profile of the person I saw yesternight looks like someone that nee-ds help.

Geez that guy is so shameless, how could he not worry about a girl seeing his n-kedness.

Maybe I should try reaching out to him, he might really nee-d someone to talk to.

I’m going to kill that guy, how can he k!ssme without my permission?!!

Oh Gigi you’re going crazy, this is proof.

I glanced at Matt, he was looking at me too.

“Ohgawd” I scrunched my face up, everything is so frustrating. I turned to Matt ” something went wrong, though I’m not telling you what it was but it pretty bad. Tables turned so quic-kly, I should have been the one to do it instead!”

“As interesting as your parables are that I don’t un-derstand, can we not talk about it because there’s no way I’d know what to say” he replied

“Fine” I replied back and sat on the sand beside him. I’m not re-ady to tell me all about my hols.

“Heard the lastest news?” He asked me

What latest news could he be talking about? I shook my head negatively in response.

“You’re not going to believe this, someone k!$$£d the president’s son, Wesley, yesterday”

My heart st©pped beating for a second.

“You said what?” I asked in shock, raising my voice a little.

“Hey keep it low. It was in the news that someone k!$$£d Wesley yesternight”

How did the media got wind of the news?? I didn’t tell anyone.

“Who would actually dare do that?” Matt continued, “that person is pretty crazy huh?”

It’s a pity he doesn’t know I’m the girl.

“Well the good news is he has found the person” Matt dropped another bomb.

I did a double take “wait you said what?”

Damn it, I was the one that got k!$$£d. Now he frames that he got k!$$£d instead and that he has found the person when I’m here with Matt!!?? It can’t be possible.

“I said he has found the person that k!$$£d him” Matt repeated.

I stood up abruptly and dusted sand off my b©dy.

“Are you okay?” Cute stranger asked

“Yeah, I gotta go now. Catch you up later” I waved him good bye and walked to my h0tel.

I nee-d to teach that Wesley a lesson. I was the one he k!$$£d, no one else. He shouldn’t go around lying to people.
