Just one more wish episode 7 & 8


( ??nine things to do before I die??)

? Written by Haryormideh Ayeni?

? Episode seven?

(Fourth wish?️ Getting into trouble ??️)

? Gianna ?

This is crazy, how do those big guys in movies get into trouble?

My hands are too innocent to carry a gun, I can’t even t©uçh drugs else my parents would kill me even though they aren’t with me, I still respect them.

Having sle-pt in for over twenty four hours and waking occasionally just to eat has taken toll on me. I can’t even think straight!

I’m currently at a fun park and everyone is having fun except me.

A young girl strayed to my side, clutching her doll to her che-st really ti-ght.

She reminded me of my younger self, I wouldn’t go anywhere without my doll even till now, my doll is currently taking a nap in my bag.

“Hey little girl, what’s up” I squ-atted down to her level, she looked really worried.

“I’m looking for my mummyyyyy…” She cried.

“She might have gone to get you an ice cream”

Her eyes lit up instantly ” you think?”

“I know so” I pinched her nose adorably “why not let’s have fun while waiting for mummyyyyy” I suggested since I was getting really bored of thinking of a way to get in trouble.

“Absolutely” she grinned and led the way to a sliding house.

“Why does your br@celet have knots?” She asked.

“Each knot repres£nt a wish. My best friend made it for me” I replied softly, there are six knots left to loose, the last one is just for an extra wish I wouldn’t nee-d.

“I have a br@celet too, my best friend made it for me but I left it at home”

“Why?” I asked

” Because I want it to be glittering, looking at it everyday reminds me of our friendsh!pand that’s enough. What if one day I wear it out and someone steals it a break it, that’d be the end of our friendsh!p”

“Wow kiddo, you really got br@ins up there” I smiled

“Took it after my parents” she win-ked and ran the entire way to the sliding house.

Me and the little girl had way too much fun and took pictures together with our dolls. It was sad when her mum c@m£ to pick her. I waved her goodbye and continued brooding as the sun sets.

I have to do my fourth wish. “Ohgawd” I whined into my palms.

Then my mind whispered at me as a police car drove past me “why not pl@ywith the police for a while” it suggested.

“Great idea” I brightened up and plastered a smile on my face.

Getting a police officer’s number was very easy so I simply texted ? I hid the b©dy? to the number and waited.

I heard the police siren wailing in a distance few minutes later, they must have located me.

I stood up in anticipation, thankfully I had earlier went to every interconnected block and alley and saw where led to where.

Immediately the police entered the park, I took to my heels.

“There she is! Catch her!” One of them shouted and the chase began.

I weaved in and out of the alleys with the police still h0t on my heels.

In movies, when a police officer is chasing you, some gangs from nowhere come out to as-sist you. Why isn’t any gang coming out??!

“Where are you gangs???” I lamented in my head “a Young damsel is in distress!!!”

I brou-ght out my phone quic-kly and switched it off, maybe they’ll st©p chasing me but if anything, it only renewed their vigour.

I didn’t look where I was running to and bu-mped into someone.

The person looked at me in shock and took hold of my arm, drawing me to a dark alley.

” Help police, I’m here!” I tried screamed but they had run past me.

“Police!!!! See me here. I’ve been abducted!! Come and save me then we can continue with our run!”

“Shhhh…..keep shut… I’m trying to help you here” the person said

“Cute stranger?” I turned to the person fully, forgetting about my protest. He was wearing a face cap and since it’s dark, I couldn’t make out his face.

“Cute stranger?” He chuckled “I like the name”

Oops I sli-pped.

“What are you doing here any way?” I asked.

“I’m being chased too by some gangsters” he replied

No sooner than the word left his mouths, I heard heavy footsteps.

He motioned for me to keep calm which I did. As soon as they left, he grinned at me, “guess we are stuck this night”

“Do you want to crash at my place or you’re going?” I asked.

Silly me, asking a stranger to spend a night with me. Hahaha hilarious.

“I wouldn’t mind crashing in yours, if I go home, the bandits would find me easily.”

“Off we go then” I replied and led the way.


( ??nine things crazy things to do??)

? Written by Haryormideh Ayeni?

? Episode eight ?

(Fourth wish?️ Getting into trouble ??️ cont’d)

? Gianna ?

“Off we go then” I replied and led the way.

“So hey, what’s up with you?” Cute stranger said, trying to strike up a conversation.

“Nothing much, I’m just in town for a few weeks.”

“Ohh, means you aren’t a local then”

“Nahhh… I’m not”

“Why are you here?”

“Tourism?? And unfinished business” I replied, walking fas-ter.

“Have any friend here?”

“Nope” I answered popped the ‘P’

“Can we be friends then? I’ll give you a personal tour of the state. I’m a local”

I eyed him and st©pped walking ” you know, I’m not in for relationsh!ps. I got my reasons.”

“Did I say I want to be in one with you? Who knows, I might have my girlfriend”

“Oops sorry, guess I misun-derstood then”

“It’s nothing”

“I’m Gianna by the way”

“I’m Matt” he replied and shook hands with me “plea-sure meeting you”

I gave him a one sided smile and continued walking, kicking bottles with my boot as we talked about random things.

“Wait, let me get us soda” he said when we pas-sed a supermart.

I watched him shake hands with some rou-gh looking guys before entering the mart and c@m£ out with two drinks in his hands.

“Taaa-da” a police officer stood in front of me “think you can run away?”

Soon I was surrounded my police officers.

I calmly raised my hands above my head, a grin on my face.

There’s no way I can escape, they formed a ti-ght circle around me.

“What’s going on here?” I heard Matt ask.

“Obviously, your girl is un-der arrest” an officer replied him

“Why?” He asked

“She’s currently hiding a b©dy and she took us on a run. That’s enough reason to arrest her” the officer talking handcuffed me and pushed me r0ûghly to a police van I hadn’t notice.

I looked back to find Matt staring at me helplessly. What was I thinking?? Who would bail me out?

“plea-se officer, in court can you give me a year s£ntence, I want to know if I’ll be able to serve it” I asked timidly.

“You’ll be getting ten years imprisonment” he sm-irked satisfiedly

“Oh that’s a relief” I breathed out.

Every pair of eyes was on me, even the driver st©pped driving for some seconds. “Are you normal?” One of them asked.

“Yeah sure” I smiled cheekily.

When we got to the station, they took me to the interrogation room and a fierce looking officer c@m£ in.

“What’s your name?” He asked

“Gianna, you?”

His gaze turned ha-rd as he took me in.

“College student?”

“Yeah of course, you?”

“Mental problem?”

“Nah, nothing like that. You?”

He hit the table ha-rd with his palms, the sound reverberating throu-gh the room.

“Will you st©p that?”

“Ouch, does that hurt?”

“You’re definitely crazy” he muttered and wrote furiously in his notebook.

“Tell me something else I don’t know”

“Where did you keep the b©dy?”

“What b©dy?” I replied

“The b©dy you hid”

“Oh that b©dy…… it’s in my bag. Tell one of your officers to bring my bag and ask them not to open it till it’s brou-ght here”

He spoke into his walkie talkie ” bring the girl’s bag”

An officer brou-ght the bag in immediately and placed in in front of me on the table.

I Zi-pped the bag open slowly, ma-king eye contact with my interrogator.

Very gentle and delicately, I brou-ght out my doll. “This is the b©dy I hid” I flashed him a smile.

“What the heck!!” He stood up angrily and c@m£ to drag my hair.

“Say the truth, where’s the b©dy?”

“That’s the b©dy” I pointed to the doll on the table. “Everything was just a prank. The police nee-ds to have fun once in a while”

“So that’s your idea of fun?” He bellowed

“Maybe” I shrugged.

“Lock her up, re-lease her after 24 hours” he said to the officer standing aside

“It was nice chatting with you interrogator. I hope we have a nice chat very soon” I said as I was being whisked away.

The cell I was locked in was dark, my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness.

There were two other people in the cell and they are hefty and built. I wonder what made them end up here.

“Hey boys, howdy?” I smiled and slid down a wall.

None of them answered me.

“Ah” I sighed “it feels so good to be here, I’ve never sat beside criminal. This is a good privilege”

“Are you okay?” One of them asked at the same time the other asked “Are you in your right s-en-ses?”

I nodded and with that, we bonded.

Hours later, I was pu-ll-ed out of the cell.

“Hey wait, let me say goodbye to my friends” I snapped at the officer holding me and without waiting for a response, I went back to the cell.

“I really enjoyed my stay guys, thanks a lot”

“Thanks for not judging us” the tallest of them said.

“Aye aye Captain” I replied whilst the officer pu-ll-ed me away.

“I’m going to miss my friends”

The officer scoffed “thank heavens your record c@m£ clean. You can go home now”

“How bad of you” I replied “s£nding a girl home by 3am. Let me return to my friends, once it’s morning, I’ll go home”

“Stupid” the officer muttered un-der his breath and wrote something down in a book.

“Let’s go” he said “I’m taking you home”

“It’s h0tel actually”I corrected him and followed him out. I’ve never entered a police car and I’m getting another ride on a platter of gold. I can’t miss it!
