just one more wish episode 15 & 16


( 🥳💃nine things crazy things to do🥳💃)

🌺 Written by Haryormideh Ayeni🌺

🎁 Episode fifteen🎁

(Two wishes, killing two birds with a stone.🐦🐦)

Wesley ☹️😡

After waiting for about thirty minutes, the attendant that walked in with Gianna c@m£ back trembling.

My heart raced on fear, I was on my feet in an instant, taking long strides to the attendant.

“Where’s Gianna??” She looked up at me with teary eyes. “Answer me” I shook her shoulders.

“I can’t find her sir” she finally replied

“What do you mean you can’t find her?”

“She told me to take her to the toilet and wait in the lobby when I didn’t see her come out, I went in and saw the toilet was empty.”

“quic-k, s£nd her ph0to out. Let every cab driver know looking for a girl. Damn, block roads too and conduct a search before you allow them throu-gh. Report anything suspicious.” I ordered

“Yes boss” my guards replied and half of them went to do what I ordered.

I couldn’t stay put, I was restless and agitated. What if she was kidnapped?

I was so worried until a call c@m£ throu-gh that she was sp©tted on the beach with a boy.

I was so relieved and angry. I drove home to deliberate on ways to scold her. I had la-id out my plans but when I saw her walked throu-gh the door timidly, everything dissipated and I was filled with worry instead.

“Where were you?” I asked her when she entered the living room.

“I went to see Matt” she replied.

That Matt she keeps talking about?

“Who’s he?”

Her eyes turned dreamy “he’s a cute and friendly guy….. he’s my friend, he’s one in a mil…..” She said.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me “Shut up Gianna” I interrupted “snap out of it. St©p dreaming”

“I was giving a description” she frowned

“You nee-d punishment. Next time you wouldn’t run out on me again. Do you know how worried I was?!”

“Am I kindergarten?”

I stared at her coldly “Okay fine, I accept your punishment” she added

“write out one to thousand in words” I replied simply

“What?? Isn’t there a better punishment for me?” She moved closer to me.

What’s this girl up to?? What crazy thing does she want to do this time?

“What do you mean by that?” I asked “I’m not in the mood for pl@yGigi, what are you hin….”

She closed the gap between us and crashed herl-ips on mine.

To say I was stunned is an un-derstatement.

I relaxed and gave her access to my mouth. Who would know that Gianna would be the first to take a lead on me.

We pu-ll-ed ap@rt to catch our breath

Gianna 🏵️🏵️

What do I do now since we’ve st©pped k!ssing.


So I ran to my room and locked the door, how do I face him tomorrow??

I surfed the net and found an animal shelter on sale. The owner nee-ds money that’s why he put it on sale.

I got his contact and spoke with him. He sounded stressed and tired over the phone so instead, I bought the animal shelter as planned from him and gave it to him, then I s£nt him more money for upkeep and any expenses.

I have an animal shelter now. I loos£ned a knot from the br@celet.

I can’t believe I’m still doing this, I’ve trying really ha-rd not to cry or think about my predic@m£nt. A lone tear trickled down my face.

“Oh c’mon Gigi, you didn’t cry when the doctor dropped the bad news, why are you crying now?”

“Try to live an happy life and do whatever makes you happy” I remembered my grandpa’s words and cleaned my tears.

I have just three wishes left and I seriously can’t believe I’m catching feelings for both Wesley and Matt.

I soa-ked myself in a h0t tub and relaxed. Everything will be alright.


I brou-ght out the golden orbs iny bag and made a n£¢klace with them.

I made sure to hide them un-der my shi-t because of thieves. The orbs can’t be in my bag forever, I nee-d to make use of them even if it’s for a little time.

” I’m going out” I announced to Wesley

“Where?” He asked

“Make one of my wishes come true”

“Didn’t I say…..”

“No Wesley” I said firmly, filled with determination. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to live out those wishes”

“Which of them?” He replied softly

“I don’t know yet. If I nee-d a ride, I call you”

“Is it an Animal shelter?” He asked

“No, I did that yesterday”

“What? How?”



“Yes, bye” I replied and proceed to make my Grand exit.

“Do you have my number?” His voice st©pped me cold.


I turned swiftly on my feet and smiled sweetly at him “No”

My phone buzzed in my hand

“Save it” he said and continued eating.

I nodded and breathed out.

The sun shone brightly on me as I stepped out. A perfect day for sightseeing.

I had bought an entire concert online yesterday and I’m sure the artist wouldn’t know she’ll be pla-ying for me.

The concert is to hold by five pm, so I went sightseeing and left a voicemail message for Matt to meet me in front on the concert hall by five.

Change of plans, I can’t be the only one in the concert.

Matt and I met as planned on front of the hall and walked in holding hands. I felt like a very important person as I entered the hall.

“You’re insane Gigi, how can you buy an entire concert? Where did you get the money?”

“My life savings”


We sat side by side and awaited the first artist to come on stage.

The artist finally c@m£ on stage, left and c@m£ back.

“How could you?” He asked over the microphone.

“Well you have your money, don’t you?”

He shook his head exasperatedly and began singing.

The shows went on till midnight, there was music, pla-ys and comedies.

The last person on stage was singing a really sad song, I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

“I’m guessing this would be the famous Matt” A very cold voice broke throu-gh the music.



( 🥳💃nine things crazy things to do🥳💃)

🌺 Written by Haryormideh Ayeni🌺

🎁 Episode sixteen🎁

(House prison💔)

“I’m guessing this would be the famous Matt” A very cold voice broke throu-gh the music.


Wesley ☹️😡

She asked me to free her so she can be with her Matt? Gosh…this is so unbelievable. Why didn’t she ask me instead??

She’s not even sparing me a glance, didn’t she hear me talk?

“Looking at the mask, I suppose that would be the President’s son yes?” I heard the Matt say to her

She nodded against his che-st in reply. Can’t she just open her mouth and say yes?

I moved closer to them “stand up”

“Hey dude” Matt greeted me

“Oh hey Matt, I’ve heard sooooo muuuucccchhhhh about you.”

“Same here sire……”

” What did you tell him?” I asked her but she continued to turn deaf ears with her eyes closed still on Matt shoulders.

“Nothing much dude” Matt replied

“I wasn’t asking you and st©p calling me dude!” I glared at me.

“Gianna!” I shouted her name.

She finally raised her head up and batted her eye lashes at me “oh hey Wesley. What’s up?”

“What’s up is you stand up and let’s go home. It’s past midnight.”

“How did you find me?” She asked

“Don’t you have a phone” I retorted back and pu-ll-ed her up.

“We’ll call it a night then. Good night sweetie” Matt blew her a k!sswhich only infuriated me further.

Okay can someone tell me why I’m getting angry?

“Alright cute stranger” she win-ked at him, both of them ignoring my pres£nce.

Gianna 😂

I don’t know why I did it but it felt good ignoring someone important.

His face was red with anger and maybe jealousy.

I don’t see why he is jealous, we aren’t d@t!ngor anything except from the k!sswe shared twice.

“We’ll call it a night then. Good night sweetie” Matt blew me a k!ss.

“Alright cute stranger” I win-ked at him with a broad smile on my face.

“Enough of the chit chat” Wesley said and dragged me with him, without waiting for my reply.

The ride home was very silent. We arrived home and I went to my room directly. Two more wishes to go”


I woke up with a slight headache. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Wesley c@m£ down minutes later with a suit on.

“I’m going to president’s office”


“You are not allowed to anywhere”

“Hmph” I huffed in response.

“Irrespective of your wishes, I won’t allow you go around and flir-ting with other people.”

“I flir-t?” I asked in surprise.

“Weren’t you flir-ting with Matt yesterday?”

“Matt is my friend!”

“Your love friend you mean. Either way you’re not going anywhere without me.”


“Because I’m your guardian”

He finished breakfast and left.

How did I end up here anyway??

I ate breakfast quic-kly and took my bath.

I applied different lotion on my b©dy, washed my hair and took time to style it.

If I’m going to say yes to what anyone says, I should at least look very pres£ntable.

I wore moderate make up and a fitted short go-wn with a high knee boots.

I packed my bag, went to the living room to switch off the lights and made to open the front door out but it was locked.

I shook the doorknob, willing it to open, it didn’t budge.

I went to the kitchen to use the back door instead, it was locked too.

How could Wesley do this to me??! He locked me in. Well all hope is not lost.

I went to my room and opened the windows. I gauged the distance from the window to the floor, it was just a bit high. I was still deliberating on whether to jump or not when a man on a black uniform looked up at me.

“I’m sorry ma’am even if you jumped, we’ll take you back inside. We were ordered not to let you out.”

“Great” I shrugged. I wasn’t planning to jump, I just remembered my heart condition.

I changed my cloth and took a tour round the house.

I entered his room lastly, it is the biggest room on the house.

His room is paint white and practically everything in his room is white.

I saw a paper protruding out of a journal and went towards it in curiosity.

It was a threat note. I opened the book and found about twenty more of them, each more threatening than the other.

“Who’s after him?” I thought

Wesley 😕😕

“Hey Dad?” I entered dad’s office and found him re-ading a file with his eyebrows knitted together.

“Hey son, how you doing? What’s with the mask anyway?”

“You know what’s up with mask dad, I’m tired of hiding”

“Give me few more weeks. I would have gotten enough evidence to apprehend them.”

“plea-se do. I get life threatening notes and calls every single day. They’ve made an attempt on me too”

“Everything will be alright. Just stay low for a few more weeks”

“I hope so because I’m starting to care about someone. I don’t want to put her in harm’s way.”
