Just be mine only for today episode 44

? Just be mine only for today?

?(My Indian psycho)?


Season two ✌

? A Clash between You and I ?

By Choice novels???

Nit Forty Four ?



Demon ?

Empree ?

I sat on the be-d pla-ying with my f!ngerslike a baby
Becca kept pacing around in anger

I never knew she could fight although Lucy is old, I still don’t know who won the fight

Becca gave Lucy a broken jaw and arm, while Becca got a swollenl-ips and a black eye

“How dare she! ” She barked furious

“Are you mad at me? ” I asked calmly using my baby eyes and cutel-ips to my advantage

“of course not baby, how can I be mad at u? She said pe-cking my cheeks and I sm-irk secretly

” Tell me exactly what happened? “She asked and I smiled

I have been waiting for her to ask for long
Time to start dividing mother and child

” I walk down stairs to get lolli-pop when I saw grandma painting her nails, when I was about to walk past her, she dragged me and begged me to do to her what we did last night
I quic-kly refused that it was between you and me that’s when she dragged me and sl@pped me! “I cried cutely as Becca had pity in her eyes

” Ohhh baby! dont cry okay? I promise am going to handle her,”She as-sured but I kept wailing

“Am scared! ” I cried like a little baby and she patted my back pu-lling me closer

“Don’t worry baby, you shouldn’t be okay? ” She said while I just sm-irk within me

“So darling, let me ask you, how did you end up loosing ur s-en-se of adult hood? I mean why would you let grandma sl@p you like that without defending yourself? ”

“I don’t know, I don’t want to hit grandma, I don’t want momma to be angry with me, as for the adult hood, I woke up one morning and boom, am a baby! “I said coming up with a ridiculous story
Her expression didn’t seem like someone that bought into the story

” Then how do you know am your momma? “She asked as I tried to ransack my head for more lies

“Tv! yes TV! I saw you and my poppa on TV, I look like my poppa alot, so I as-sume you are my momma, aren’t you? ” I asked pouting sadly

“Ohhh yes, of course I am darling, Comon get some rest okay,momma love you” She k!$$£d me fully on myl-ips as she swag her bu-tt outside

I sm-irk fully watching her bu-tt swing side by side

This girl is a whole lot of package
I can’t believe I get to fv¢k her before I destroy her and her family

I sm-irk thinking of diamond
She looks really h0t too, can’t wait to taste of her though

My secret phone rang and I quic-kly picked it

?Report to me jumbo

?Sir he is in a serious mess, he is really scared

?Really ?

?Yes boss,he wants to set a meeting with the Russian boss, at least to know his offense”He said and I just smiled

?Well tell him the Russian boss is very busy, he should hold on

?For sure boss

?I want you to do a full research on becca, get every single details about her, her dislikes and likes

?Sure boss

I hanged up as I threw myself on the be-d

Mason, Mason, Mason
So smart!

Really I give that to you
But you can never out smart me

I will keep pla-ying games with you,
I will keep frustrating you until you get tired and expo-se yourself

Get re-ady Mason, more
Lot more is about coming ?

Becca ?
I barged into mum’s room with rage to find her with a nurse

I really hit her ha-rd
Sadly I don’t even regret it

“Get out! ” I ordered the nurse and she quic-kly scrambled away in fright

Mum didn’t flin-ch or Even spare me a glance
That got me really mad

“You shameless pvzzy, how dare you try to s£dûç£empree into slee-ping with you! ” I yelled angrily while she kept her eyes closed

“Am talking to you, you shameless who-re” I yelled but yet she still maintained her position

Okay this is pissing me off ?
How dare she ignore me

“Get up you disgrace of a mother! ” I yelled trying to gr-ab her hand but she was quic-k to gr-ab mine first

Her eyes were now opened as they were as red as the blood moon
Fear took a de-ep hold on me

I know mum very well
Mum may be a demon, but when her demon comes out, even the earth obeys

Mum isn’t quic-k to anger, I have only seen the side of her when her sister accused her of murdering her father

She was furious and killed 16 able bodied men without them tou-ching her

She is one hell of a fighter once her demon arises

And now! I have woken up that demon
Her face had that anger and kill in them as I was f0rç£ to gulp f0rç£fully

“A mother accused by child over Trying to protect her! ” She said furious as her eyes kept changing from red to black

She twist my arm as I felt my bones snapping out of their roots
I yelled in excruciating pains

“A child that knows nothing about life but claims to know all! ” She twisted the arm again as tears rolled down my face

“A child that layes her hand on her mother! ” She took my other arm and twist it as it snap out of it sockets

I couldn’t define the kind of pains I felt
It is as if I was seeing death calling out to me

“A child who defends a totally strange over her own blood! ” She bent the arms more

“Mother! plea-se st©p! ” I cried in pains but she didn’t even blugde

“A child that calls her own mother a who-re and a pvzzy! ” She took my two hands and a nap it back into its roots and I yelled in pains

My eyes we’re slowly going down and soon I blacked out

Hours later ?

I woke up feeling pains on both my arms as memories of what happened c@m£ flooding into my mind

I turned around and saw mum smoking pipe staring at me
I felt so frightened and beyond scared

“Does it hurts? “She asked and I stared at her but didn’t speak

” Hmmm well, sorry about that, but you deserved it though! “She said but I still didn’t reply

“Becca, am ur mother and I want the best for you, empree isnt who you think he is! ” She said but I still didn’t talk

“God dammit child, talk to me! ” She yelled and I flin-ch in fear but still didn’t reply

Tears just flowed down my face

“Baby, plea-se don’t cry, momma is sorry! ” She said pleading softly but I kept crying

“Look, I had to teach you a lesson so you would learn! ” She said but i didn’t reply

“Ohh k, you want proof huh?, fine, I will give you proof that empree is a fraud,” She said and took her phone, dailing a number

?Hello doctor Fred, “She said but I couldn’t hear what the so called doctor Fred was saying

?Yes, I nee-d a favor from you”

?Ohhh yes, it is important!, I nee-d to book a schedule with you”She said then smiled at me

?I want you to check a friend of mine if truly he lost his memories or if he is just pretending too”I rolled my eyes

?Yes, I will bring him in for scan tomorrow, thank you doc Fred”She said and hanged up
“So what if you are wrong, what will happen then! ” I asked speaking for the first time

“Am not wrong darling, but if I happen to be ” wrong “, I will st©p bothering you and this boy ” She said and I sm-irk

“And if you are wrong about him? what if he really is a fraud? ” She asked and I frown

“Then I will break connection with him and even join you to end him! ” I promised and she smiled

“Now that sounds like a deal! ” She said sm-irking evily


“Why don’t you call Ur baby and tell me! ” She taunted as I glared at her

“or better still, let me call him! ” She said then walked out

Later she walked in with empree who looked shocked yet still adorable

“Momma! ” He yelled cutely and ran to hvg me

“Are you alright? did grandma hurt you? ” He asked pouting cutely while I just smiled and pinch his cheeks a little
He giggled at that

“Am fine love and No your granny didn’t hurt me! ” I as-sured looking at mum who rolled her eyes

“Darling, granny just pitched me the best idea! ” i said and his face held curiosity

“What idea mum? ”

“Well darling, your granny suggested that we all go for a br@in scan tomorrow to check what’s wrong with you! ” I said and his mouth drop down in shock

“But momma, am fine! ” He yelled cutely

“No you are not, and we are going for the scan whether you like it or not! ” Mum yelled as empree snuggled me in fear

“Mum! ” I yelled as she just roll her eyes

“I know darling, but we just wanna check that’s all! “I as-sured but he shook his head

” I don’t wanna, I hate hospital and that thing they put in my bu-m bu-m, it hurts! “He cried so adorable as I tried to control myself from k!ss!ngthe hell out of him

” Awwwn darling, I promise no one is going to hurt you okay!, plea-se do it for me”I asked and he nodded

“Ohh k momma, I will do it for you! ” He signed relaxing his head on my bo-ob s as I snuggled him patting his back

Mum had that evil grin in her while I just glared at her but somewhere in my mind, I was scared

What if mum was right?
What if truly, empree was just a fraud?

I don’t think i can live with the pain if I ever found out

I think am alre-ady in love with him

Ohhh God ???
plea-se prove me right tomorrow, let Empree truly is who he said he is


Poor Becca,
Alre-ady failing for the demo