Just be mine only for today episode 42

🙏 Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


Season two ✌

💀 A Clash between You and I 💀

By Choice novels💎💎💎
Nit Forty Two

The fight (p@rt 1)


I Zi-p up the edge of my boot as I proceed downstairs with my black jacket on and my black trou-ser

I looked like a fv¢king spy and I love it!!!

I c@m£ down stairs and saw the both Lita and mera looking h0t and S-xy yet professional in the same outfit

“Ohh k, I gat to admit we look good! ” Mera said and I laughed softly

“Shall we proceed ladies? ” I asked and they nodded

“Hold on a minute! ” Lita ran towards the kitchen as I kept checking my wristwatch

Time wasn’t by our side
I don’t know why I feel anxious but I do

She c@m£ back almost immediately with a tray filled with the offerings of the goddess

Both I and Mera place our hands above the fire and used it to ru-b our heads In a traditional Indian way

She smiled and place red vin on both our heads spraying us with flowers and giving us each sweet

We also did the same thing to her and she quic-kly went to return the tray

I knew she did it for good luck and the goddess protec-tion, which was exactly what We nee-ded

We got into the car after bowing to the small image of the goddess outside

I quic-kly started the ignition and we drove to Direct avenue North Street

30 minutes later, we got there
We c@m£ down from the car, looking around the street

It was filled with so many black folks that were smoking and drinking

There were even some ma-king out right here on the street

“Why would John Wilson choose to live in a ghetto? ” Lita asked but there was no form of irritation in her voice, just curiosity

“I don’t know , that’s what we are here to find out! ” I said and walk over to some group of girls about my age, that were smoking

“Hello Namaste! ” I greeted and they stared at me weirdly

“Who the fv¢k are you bit-ch! ” One yelled puffing the smoke of her cigarette all over me

I coughed and turned away to avoid more smoke

“My name isn’t important! ” I snapped at her as they all look taken back in shock

“Am looking for mr John Wilson! ” I said br@vely as they all stared at themselves briefly and bur-sted into a very annoying laughter

“Errm did I say something funny? ” I asked and they kept laughing

“Ya here to see old papa John?” Another girl asked and I nodded

They bur-sted into laughter again which was really starting to piss me off

“Sweetheart just go back home, old papa John won’t even spare you a glance, and even if he does, you won’t be alive to see the next day! ” She said and I frowned

“Thank you for ur help! ” I said with sarcasm noted in my tune

“Ya welcome white bit-ch! ” She said wi-nking at me and I felt like puking

I turned around and headed to the car

“Hey! white bit-ch? ” She called out and I turned to her

“That over there is old pa John’s house, go and die! “She said and I sm-irk inwardly then nodded

” Thanks! ”

I walked towards the car and pointed the house to Lita and Mera who quic-kly got out as we headed to his house

We got there and took the stairs leading to the front door as we opened the net, then knocked on the door

There was no response so I knocked again, still there was no response

“Is he in? ” Mera asked but no one replied

“Hello Mr John, are you in? ” I yelled knocking ha-rder this ti me

The door suddenly sprang open f0rç£fully as a man ran out with a gun in his hands

“Get away from my porch you useless children! ” He yelled cracking his gun trying to scare us

We just stared at him in shock
The man was older than I thought, his hair were all white, I mean pure white

His hands and feet were shaking as he tried to stand
His left eye were completely gone only his right eye was functioning

“I said get away from my porch! ” He yelled with his crocky voice trying to scare us away

“Hello Mr John Wilson,my name is……

” I don’t give a fv¢k what your name is, I said get away from my porch! “He yelled while I frowned

” Relax Mr Wilson, we just here to talk ! ” Lita said and we all nodded

“Ohh really! ” He asked lowering his gun and we nodded again
“Well I guess I better get you all a seat and a cu-p of coffee with cookies 🍪! ” He offered and we smile

“No we don’t want anything, we just want to talk! ” I said and he cracked his gun again

“fv¢king idiots, I was been sarcastic! Get away from my porch or I call the police! ” He yelled and we quic-kly moved back a little bit

He glared at us angrily as he was about to walk into his house

“Mr Wilson, my name is beauty Karim, The princess of shina kingdom, daughter of late king Karim! ” I yelled a bit and that made him st©p on his track

He turned with his mouth wi-dely open in shock

“You are beauty? ” He asked and I nodded

“But…. but.. you… are.. supposed… to…. ha… ve… memory loss, how come you remember that you are beauty? ” He asked still with his mouth open as my mouth followed the same suite

Ohhh my goddess
The man knows more about me than I expected

“How do you know that? ” Lita asked since I was too dumbstrucked

“How did you children find me? ” He asked looking around totally ignoring our question

“Tell us how you got to know about my memory loss! ” I instructed angrily yet he paid no attention to me as he kept looking around

“You children should get our of here now! Get out before they come! ” He yelled and I frown

“Who is they? ” Mera asked and he looked around as fear suddenly crowd his face

He pu-ll-ed us in into his house which seems surprisingly well coordinated and organized though it was a little bit small, but it was suitable for only one person

“You people nee-d to leave now! ” He said still looking outside as if checking for someone

“We will leave, once you answer our questions! ” I said calmly as the man kept pacing around

“You kids don’t un-derstand, if you don’t leave now, they will come for you, me,all of us! ” He yelled

“Who will come for us? ” Lita asked and he gro-an

“What do you children want to hear? ” He asked and I frown

“How did you get to know of my memory loss? ” I asked and he just gro-an

“Look beauty, if you are here because you want to know if your mum is alive or not then yes she is, now get out of here princess! ” He bur-sted out leaving me in great shock

OMG, my mum is alive
Ohh my goddess, my mum is freaking alive

“Wait, how do you know she is alive, I mean the press said you ran mad cause of your wife’s death! ” Lita asked and I nodded to her question
He signed and sat close to us

“Look, am not crazy, ohh yes the death of my wife did affect me, but not how the press portrayed it, I saw when they knocked ur mum and lima unconscious and took them into a van…. I was hiding behind the pillars that fateful day! ” He said as tears flowed down my face

“Did you see their faces? ” I asked and he signed again

“I did, but I ended up losing an eye because of that act! ”

“Can you plea-se tell…

” No, I can’t princess, I cant tell you who they are, it is left for you to figure that out! “He said and I nodded
Silence linger leaving everyone to their own thoughts

My mum is alive
My mum is freaking alive

Mason! 👿

I slammed the head of the monster on the ground breaking his head into pieces

Yay! I won the game
I never loose this game

” Boss! “My boy called and I frown

” What is it!”I asked still paying attention to the video game I was pla-ying

“We just got words from the girls on avenue street,! ” He said and I gro-an

“So???? ”

“They said three ladies paid papa John a visit and he let them in! ” He said and I froze on my sp©t

“What?” I yelled and he bow his head in fear

“Yes boss, they said pres£ntly they are still there in his house! ” He said and I threw the game pad in anger

“Were the fv¢k was mark and the boy? ” I yelled

“Boss, I have contacted them and they said they have it un-der control, they will kidnap the girls and bring them here! ”
“Good! Get out! ” I yelled and he ran out quic-kly

I signed running my hand threw my hair
Who the fv¢k would pay a visit to pa John and he would welcome them in???

I frowned as pa John kept pacing around

“Can you just relax? ” I asked and he frown

“No! I can’t relax, you people are in….. ” He st©pped abruptly when he saw some thing outside

His face went to that of pure horror and fear

“OMG they are here! it is too late now! ” He said crying softly as we all three went to the window to see some thvgs outside smoking and with guns in their hands

“Ohh child, they are going to kill you, just as they killed your father! ” He said and that s£nt a spark on my head

“These were the thvgs that invaded my engagement and killed papa? ” I asked and he nodded

Myl-ips press together In a ti-ght form as I signal the girls
We three walked out

“No… don’t go! ” Pa John said trying to st©p us from going but we were alre-ady outside

The boys look at us with so much lvst when they sighted us
Anger brew in me greatly

“Hey ladies, just come with us and no one will get hurt! ” The leader said staring at us lvst fully

“How about you go back to where ever You crawled from and we will spare your lives” I replied and they bur-st into laughter

“Wow! beautiful and br@ve, I love that! ” He said and I gro-an

“Let us go and we won’t hurt you! ” Lita instructed alre-ady cracking her hands

“And what If I do otherwise? ” He asked and we sm-irk

“We will beat ur messed up as-ses up! ” Mera said and that got the leader mad

“Bring them to me! ” he said to his boys

They were about 30 in number and we were only three

I smiled as we divided how we would share the boys
10 to each of us

They attacked us as I wasted no time in slamming two down with my hands
They drop down immediately in pains

I sm-irk to the other 8 who appeared shocked………TBC

The story continues