Just be mine only for today episode 36

🙏 Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


Season two ✌

💀 A Clash between You and I 💀

By Choice novels💎💎💎

Nit Thirty six 😱

Comment💬 and share before re-ading📖

Game on 🎮 🔛

Not edited plea-se manage it like that

Diamond 💎

Have you ever felt so lost before??
Have you ever experienced pains of betrayal?

All these feelings were all that clouded me, I couldn’t think straight anymore

How can you wake up morning and discover that your life is a mess

That it was all fake and lots more
That everything about your family were all fake

I hated neka, yea
But I would never go such a length to hurt her
Not now that I have alre-ady started seeing her as my sister
Thinking of how much mum hurt her and her family
I couldn’t help but feel so bad

Obviously she will never ever forgive mum
Even I won’t forgive mum if I were her

I can’t believe Becca tried to kill her in her own birthday p@rty
I mean who does that?

Why is my family so messed up?

Why this drama?

I cried hopelessly as I felt the pres£nce of someone

“Hey! Can I sit” I heard luke ask but I didn’t give him a reply

He sat down close to me though and litted up a cigarette

We both remains silent not saying any word to each other

“Let me guess, you have found out the demon your mum is? ” He asked and I stared at him in shock

“What the hell! How the fv¢k did you….? ”

“Hmmm I know cause I know no one can hurt diamond R0m-ns to a point of shedding tears if not finding out a de-ep secret! ” He said and I frown

“How did you know who mum is? ” I asked again and he smiled

“Cause she killed my twin sister! ” He said as my eyes wi-den in shock

“What??? I mean what??, no! mum can’t do that, No! ” I yelled and he shrugged

“Yea, I know it’s a lot to take in, I didn’t take the news too well myself” He said and tears rolled down my face

“How?? how did you know? ” I asked and he frowned slightly

“I c@m£ back from school one day to see my twin sister lying on the ground, brutally R@p£d and her throat sliced with a knife, I couldn’t think or feel anymore so when I walk towards her, I saw a message that your mum wrote on her b©dy saying she killed her and would kill me too! ” He said as I put my hands over my mouth to subside my sobs

“OMG, that is cruel! ” I yelled in tears still finding it ha-rd to believe but I knew he was speaking the truth

“Yea, it was” He said and I saw how ha-rd he was trying to hide his tears from me

“Why? why will my mum kill your twin? ”

“Well, back then I was a street boy, trying to survive and thrive to feed I and my sis after my parents death, so I involved myself in legal activities like selling drugs for drug dealers” He said and i g@sp

“Yea, Although Angie, my twin wasn’t aware cause I made sure I kept it a secret, Unfortunately your mum was also a big time drug dealer” He said and my jaw fell completely

“What??? ”

“Yep, she is, where the hell do you think the money she used in starting up her company c@m£ from? ” He asked and I couldn’t talk

So mum is a fv¢king drug dealer??

“We crossed p@rt and she asked me to deliver some goods to a client, I took the deal and on my way to the client, I got robbe-d and Almost lost my life”

“So what happened? did you tell mum? ”

“I did, and she told me not to worry about it, I was so happy and thankful, until I c@m£ back and discover the horrible thing she did to my twin” he said and I patted his back comforting him

We both remained silent as no one uttered a word

“I want to take revenge on mum! ” I said and he stared at me in shock

“What! ” he asked and I frowned

“I wanna help you take revenge on my mum” I said confidently

“What? look diamond it’s not….

” Don’t tell me it’s not necessary okay! I will help you and I know how! “I said with a smile while he just kept looking at me in shock

” Are you in? “I asked and he signed

” When do we start? ”


My memories?.
What the heck does she mean by my memories?!

“What do you mean by….

” Shuuu.. child relax, this is were it gets interesting”She said smiling wi-dely

“Are you re-ady? ” She asked with a wi-de smile while I stared at her in confusion

Is this woman running mental or what??

She gave a short laughter and walked throu-gh the wall

My eyes and mouth fell down to the ground as i was beyond speechless

Did she??? No, No she didn’t… wait, did she??
Did she just pas-s throu-gh a wall?

Ohhh k it is officially, I am leaving this place before I catch crazy

I wanted to turn back and walk towares the exit when I felt myself been pu-ll-ed the wall

I tried to resist but was finally dragged in by an unknown f0rç£

I shut my eyes in fear hoping my death hasn’t come yet

“Open your eyes my queen and see the light” I heard the old woman said and I frowned but slowly opened my eyes

My jaw fell completely as I saw the sight before me

It was a beautiful waterfall
In fact it was just not a water fall, it was the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen

It was so beautiful and made of pure silver
it sparks bringing out the color of the water flowing

The old woman was sitted in Muslim way crossing her legs together

“Come sit close to me” She ordered and I sat close to her

“In the same manner, I sit! ” She instructed and I did what she told me

“Now breathe and let your memories flow in” She said and I closed my eyes and took in a de-ep breath

I saw myself transported into a kingdom

I saw a girl running around dressed in an Indian go-wn but with different ornaments on her b©dy

She was so cute and pretty,
She kept running around laughing loudly as I saw an older woman running after her

The woman looked so so much like me
As in the complete definition of me

“Come back here beauty” She yelled to the little girl who kept laughing and running

I moved from that place and entered a room were I saw the same girl with a young boy about her age

They both look at themselves with love in their eyes

The boy looked so so much like emperor

Just then I saw the boy and the girl walking around a fire as in in a way of engagement between the both of them

I saw the girl and the boy been dragged by a woman and taken to a hospital were they did something to them

I didn’t un-derstand any of what was going on

I tried opening my eyes

“Relax child, breath let it come to you” A voice said and I took a de-ep breath again

It was then I got the real flashbacks

How I got engaged to emperor
How mum and his mum got killed
How both I and emperor were taken to a hospital to get our memories wiped out

I saw the woman responsible for everything and tears flower down my face

My mums sister
Aliyah (Lucy)

I opened my eyes slowly as tears kept flowing

“Who are you now? ” The old woman asked and I sm-irk

“My name is princess beauty anneka Sharma”

“And what is your aim! ”

“I want to kill Lucy R0m-ns ” I said with de-ep hatred brewing in me

“That is it! Are you re-ady to begin your plans? ” She asked and I sm-irk

“Yes, let the game begin”



This is fire to fire ohhh

Omo anneka has regained her full memories and she wants her revenge

And diamond wants to help like have his revenge

Chai Lucy don die ohhh

Who else wants to find out what neka will do to Lucy??