Just be mine only for today episode 35

🙏Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


Season two✌

💀A Clash between You and I💀

💎By Choice novels💎

Nit Thirty Five💔

Comment 💬 and share before re-ading 📖


Tears flowed down my face freely as I remember clearly what went down at the p@rty🎊

🔙 Flashback 🔙

We all stood frozen wondering who the bullet hit until grandma walked up to me and smiled

“I thought I would never get to see my granddaughter again, I guess fate has it own way of pla-ying us”She said affectionately patting my cheeks

I smiled and hvgged her ti-ghtly until I felt her going down then I discovered that it was her

It was her the bullet hit

I yelled in tears as quic-kly the pandemics rushed in taking her away to the hospital

I quic-kly got into their van as I sat close to grandma who they tried to relieve

Grandma smiled to me as I felt my reflection of myself in her
She was just an older definition of me

She stretched forth her hand and I quic-kly held on to it

I felt something in her hand so I took it and discovered it was a paper

I looked at Grandma and her eyes were alre-ady closed

I folded the paper and slide it into my go-wn pocket

We got to the hospital and grandma was quic-kly rushed into a VIP ward
I guess people here must know her

After several hours of waiting and various thoughts rushing throu-gh my head

the doctor c@m£ out looking sad and weary

“Hey doc,plea-se what’s going on?” I asked and he gave me a sad smile

“Who are you to Mrs nia?” He asked and I frowned
Was that important now?

“Am her granddaughter!” I said in a rush and he nodded

“So. .tell me doc,how is she?” I asked again but he just shook his head

“Am sorry,but we lost her!” He muttered sadly while I stared at him in shock

“Am so sorry my dear,Mrs nia was a good and respectable woman,she practically built this hospital singlehandedly,it is a Shame we couldn’t even save her!” the doc said but I couldn’t even think as tears left flowing down my face

I can’t believe this
I mean No,No it can’t be….

I can’t just find someone that actually looks like me and loose her like that

I mean what useless game was fate trying to pl@ywith me?

“We are so so sorry miss plea-se accept our condolences” The nurses said and I gave a little ti-ght smile

“Thanks!” I said and walk towards my car

🔚End of flashback🔙

Well, here I am now,
in my mums place drowning my self in grief and sorrow of a woman I never knew but felt I knew her all my life

why me???
Why would life pl@ysuch a dirty game with me

It would have been better if I never got to know her
if I never got to know she existed

I screamed in pain crying my heart out
This life is so so cruel 😭😭🤧

Lucy 👿
I got into Becca’s room and found her crying her heart out
Rage consumed me

“What were you thinking Becca!”I yelled angrily and she increa-sed her wailing

“Am so sorry mum I…..

“Ohhh cut the cra-p, how could you make such useless and stupid attempt to end the life of beauty in her own birthday p@rty, are you that dumb huh”I yelled again, this time more provoked

“I thought maybe, once she signed the do¢v-ments I could end her permanently “She said and I frowned

“Ohhh I know, by hiring a hit man to kill her? “I yelled causing her to flin-ch in fear

“Couldn’t you have poisoned her drink instead, or better still be patient enough for me to kill her myself? ”

“Am so so sorry mum….”

“Ohhh just shut up you stupid child,your actions can’t be justified by just sorry”I said while she kept crying and hiccu-ping

“Enough of those tears alre-ady, wipe it off”I said and she didn’t

“I said wipe it off now! “I yelled and she quic-kly wiped it out

“Good, we should celebr@te instead! “I said and she gave me a questioning look

“Because of your little stunt, your grandma is dead!”I said joyful as she stared at me in shock

“Gran….ny….. I… s…. de… ad….?” She asked stuttering

“Yes darling she is…. ”

“No!,I mean No, she can’t be, No! “She said repeatedly as tears rolled down her cheeks

“What Is no no,you should be happy and thankful to fate! “I urge while she just stared at me in disbelief

“Gosh mum,how can you even say that? she is my grandma! “She yelled and I raised a brow

“Don’t you ever raise your voice at me young lady, don’t you ever”I threatened and she nodded in fear

“You should be joyful, you and I know that,that bit-ch isnt your real grandma, she is neka’s grandma not yours”

“But she pla-yed the role of a grandma to me mum, she was more of a grandma to me! ”

“Don’t be stupid Becca,that lady would have expo-sed us to Nelson if the bullet didn’t hit her, she would have revealed the truth to neka about her not been my real daughter and by now we would probably be in jail”I yelled clearly provoked by her stupidity

“Anneka isn’t my real Sister? “A voice said and I turned sharply to the door to see diamond with tears glittering in her eyes

Ohhh heavens
I can’t believe I forgot to lock the damn stupid door

“Diamond! what are you doing here? “I asked while she just stared at me

“Why mum? Why? “She asked in tears as I gr0@nin frustration

“It’s not what you think diamond, alright tell me what did you hear?” I asked hoping she didn’t hear much

“I heard everything mum, I know diamond s£nt a hitman to kill anneka but ended up killing grandma.I also heard you saying the woman isn’t our grandma but neka’s”She said as I frowned

She heard everything

“Look diamond is not like….

“I don’t nee-d you lectures mum, I just nee-d you to tell me why you lied, why you are doing everything you are doing “She said with a note of finality

“Look baby it is complicated and….

“Complicated huh? very well then, let’s see what anneka will think of this! ” She said as she headed outside

I quic-kly pu-ll-ed her back into the room and shut the door locked

“Jeez child don’t give me an heart attack, I will tell you okay! “I said trying to control my heartbeat

After several minutes of explanations, diamond seemed so shocked and had tears rolling down her cheeks

“OMG, I have been living with a monster all this while !”She cried out as I rolled my eyes

“Don’t say that diamond, did you hear what my sister umri did to me? ”

“And so what mum? Why didnt you just let go and forgive her? I mean even at that what you have done to her throu-gh neka is far more worst”She said and I sm-irk

“And I will do more!,I will do more just to hurt that bit-ch and make her pay for everything!”I yelled as meomeries of all that happened that day c@m£ back in a rush

“Woah! who are you? who are you?”She asked and I smiled walking closer to her

“Am your mum darling! “I said softly placing my hand on her shoulder

“You are not my mum! “She yelled pushing my hands off

“My mum is caring, loving,a strong woman who taught me never to let anyone pu-ll me down, she taught me to love and be respectful, what happened to that woman? “She asked and I frown

“She died baby, she died, this is the new me now, deal with it! ”

“How could you let her do this Becca? “She asked Becca who hasn’t st©pped crying

Seriously 😒
how did I end up having weaklings as children

“You are pathetic Becca, so you even conspired with mum to kill your own blood? gosh! I can’t stand you guys,i nee-d to get out of here before I catch crazy! “She yelled and stomped out in anger

Phew! 😪
That’s a relief

Becca stood up and walked out without a single word to me

Why am I even bothered?

She will get over it soon

My phone rang as I picked it up to see the caller, my heart started racing fast
OMG it is boss

📱Hello boss

📲 Save the plea-santries,what was that ru-bbing stunt you pu-ll-ed out today?

📱Boss am so so sorry,it was Becca… she didn’t even inform me about her plans

📲Lucy don’t tempt me, you know I hate it when someone use me for granted,i clearly instructed that no harm cones to my beauty

📱I know mase and am really sorry, I don’t know what c@m£ over her

📲Listen up, if anything happens, and I mean anything at all, or even an hair from her head comes out,tgen prepare to loose your daughters “He threatened and hanged up

Fear clouded me as I thought of loosing either diamond or Becca

I know mase and he doesn’t joke around, I really hope Becca doesn’t attempt anything funny

I better go see how beauty is doing
I nee-d to talk to her about signing the do¢v-ments,now that she is venerable


I opened the paper grandma gave to me and re-ad throu-gh it

It had an address in it of a p@rticular street here in newyork

I think she wants me to go there
I wonder whats so special about the place

I quic-kly dressed up and brushed my hair to make me look a little bit pres£ntable though my eyes were still reddish

I was about to walk out when mum c@m£ in
Cone to think of it, I didn’t even see her or Becca in the hospital only diamond c@m£

“Hey darling, are you okay? “She asked while I just stared at her

“Am fine mum! “I replied coldly and wanted to pas-s her

“Ohhh darling I know ya mad at me for not telling you about your grandma and not been in the hospital, am so sorry really it skipped my mind”She said and I shrugged

“Okay mum, can I go now? “I asked and she smiled

“Can we just talk for some few minutes? “She asked and I shook my head

“I nee-d to be somewhere urgently, I will talk to you when I get back”I said and walked out

I got into my car and zoomed off to the address using the help of the map in the car

I got there within an hour and got out of the car

The place looked abandoned and u kept
I saw a woman standing and looking at my direction
I walked towards her

“Welcome, daughter of a king! “She said and I started looking around
Was she referring to me?

“Hi,errmm I was given this address by my grandma before she died, an sure she wants me to be here” I said and she smiled

“Yes I know, come with me! “She said and I stared at her

“Errmmm am not sure I want to do That “I said feeling uncomfortable and scared

“Don’t be scared Anneka”She said and I g@sp
How the heck did she know my name?

“Who are you? “I asked still in shock

“Am not important my queen, don’t you want answers to all your questions? “She asked and I nodded

“Then come with me” She said and I followed her

“Were are we going?”I asked

“To an ancient place “She replied

“Why? to do what? “I asked curiously

“We are going to bring back your memories! ”


Wow, we are going to bring back neka’s meomeries ohhh
Omo this will be h0t🔥