Just be mine only for today episode 29

? Just be mine only for today?

?(My Indian psycho)?


By Choice novels???

Nit Twenty nine ?

h0t stranger ?



Lucy π

I woke up with a throbbing headache and a rumbling stomach

I was both sick and hungry at the same time ?

Events of what happened yesterday c@m£ rushing back to me driving both the headache and the hunger away

I quic-kly rushed to my phone and opened it logging fast into the Instagram

There were no videos about me and it seems no one is talking about it

Phew! That’s a relief ?
The door opened as diamond rushed me in a ti-ght hvg

“Never you scare me like that again mom” She said softly crying as tears filled my eyes

Nothing gives a woman joy than seeing her children caring so much for her

“I won’t, promise” I replied and she smiled

“Hey mum, are you okay? ” Becca asked checking my temperature and I shook my head

“Am fine dearie”

“Wow! Can’t believe ya finally awake” Becca said and I have her a weak smile

“I should call Anne” Diamond said excitedly as I g@sp within
Did she just say call Anneka? ??
When did they bec@m£ close

She pe-cked my forehead then walked out to make the call as I sharply turned to Becca

“What is going on Becca? I thought diamond hated Beauty? ” I asked and Becca smiled

“Not after all she did for you mum, ya alive because of her ” Becca said as my eyes wi-den

“I don’t un-derstand, what did she do for me within a day? ” I asked and Becca laughed

“It isn’t a day mum, you have been out for three days” She said and I g@sp

“Woah! ”

“Yea mum, beauty has always been here, helping and cleaning you up, she was the one who cleared your video from the internet and also threatened to sue anyone that talks bad about you or post anything relating to the video” Becca said as a loud g@sp escape from myl-ips

I couldn’t speak
I mean why will the daughter of my enemy treat me with so much care and affection

“Mum, I know you want your revenge, but you should think things throu-gh. Do you really want to go on with this plan? ” She asked as all I could do was to stare at her

Do I really want to go on with this plan??
To be honest, I don’t know anymore

Becca smiled and pe-cked my cheeks before walking to the door

“Ya not a monster mum, you never were, you never will be! ” She said and walk out, shutting the door behind her

Her words hit me so ha-rd as I remembered all I had to pas-s throu-gh

The pains!
The torture!
The agony!
I almost lost my life for something that I knew nothing about

I wipe my tears as I picked my phone which has been ringing since

It was an unknown number, I quic-kly picked it

?My love, seems ya awake


?Of course future mother in law

?What do you want

?Woah! woah! woah! you seems pretty feisty for a woman who was crying a while ago” He said and I g@sp

?How the hell do you know that?! “I yelled and I could feel his smile

?Trust mother in law, you do not want to know

?Again I ask you luke,what the hell do you want?! ”

?Easy mother in law, I just wanted to rate ur performance in your daughters high school, it was super ?

?I will end this call if you don’t tell me why you called

?Wow! She is threatening me, anyways I just c@m£ to inform you that I will come see my bride today

?Who the fv¢k is ur bride

?Diamond of course

?She can never be yours you monster, not when am still alive and well

?Chill mother in law, she will be mine and you will be the one to give your blessings. Bye bye now;” He said and hanged up

I yelled and threw the phone in the wall with anger

How dare that donkey threaten me
I guess it is high time I dealt with him

I took my phone and dialed the number

?Let’s meet in the un-derground layer tonight by six”I said and hanged up

Sorry Becca, I may not be a monster, but it is too late to turn back to a saint ?


I happily end the call after telling neka that mum is awake
She promised to be here tomorrow

She was pretty excited when she heard mum was awake

Gosh! Am so happy mum is now awake and that is all thanks to neka

I never liked her, but gradually that has started to change

I realized that she is not only beautiful and sweet but also good at heart and pure

Ishaan hasn’t been feeling too well so she has been by his side for the past two days
Isn’t that sweet?

Gosh! I forgot I nee-d to go to the Grocery shop
We nee-d more groceries

I could easily s£nd the maids but I feel like walking
When I mean walking, I mean walking with my legs

I jogged into the street as I headed forward, towards the grocery shop
Thank goodness it isn’t far from my house

With a fast speed, a motor bike pas-sed me almost hitting me but I was quic-k to move out of the way

“Hey! Watch were ya going dummy! ” i yelled angrily to the motorbike that had alre-ady gone

What ru-bbish!
Is it because I decided to walk? How dare that motorcyclist almost hit me

I cursed mentally as I got into the Grocery shop
Well I shopped for new stuff that we nee-ded at home and within thirty minutes, I was done

As I walked out with the groceries after paying, I collided with a ha-rd rock that Almost s£nd me falling on my bu-tt

I gr0@nin pains as I raised my head to see the rock I hit only to realize that it was a man

An extremely gorgeous man?

He had this cute baby face and this rocking roll b©dy
Gosh! He was an epitome of beauty

I gulp ha-rd staring at his ha-rd che-st and full abs that seems to threaten to wipe the cloth he wore

He sm-irk ma-king me blus-h

“Done staring sweedy? ” He asked and I scoff

“Ohh plea-se, ya not even handsome” I said trying to control my heartbeat

“Ohh really” He asked raising a brow

“Totally, ya so not…. ” I paused when he moved closer to me

My heart kept pounding fast as I thought of the possibility of me k!ss!ngthis stranger that gat me alre-ady tra-p in those blue eyes of his

“Tsk tsk, I don’t like ugly girls either” He whispered in my ears s£nding h0t breath down my ear-lobes

He sm-irk and walk away
Okay! Did that guy just called me ugly??

Mtcheeew, the nerves of that junky
How dare he call me ugly, and what does he mean by he doesn’t like ugly girls?

Why am I even thinking about him
I scoff and walk out of the shop


I nee-d to go out for heaven sake

Ever seen the prank on ishaan, he has been frightened about everything little thing

He sees ghost everywhere and doesn’t let the light go off
He begged me you stay with him and ever seen I haven’t left his side

Gosh this guy is such a hvge baby
I still can’t believe he is a monster

I walk into his room and saw him asleep
I quic-kly ran off the house

Yay! Am free!
Gosh! Finally fresh air
I hope he doesn’t wakes up anytime soon

I smiled as I walk down the road, I feel like strolling

Heading a bit further, two guys jumped out of no where almost frightened me but I wasn’t

“Hey baby! You look S-xy ” One said as the other laughed

They both smelt like we-t dirty socks and obviously they were drun!k

“Let’s have some fun baby shall we” The other said wi-nking at me.
Okay that almost made me puke

I smiled as an idea pop into my head
Let’s have some fun

I started pu-lling my clothes as they watched me in shock

“What the fv¢k woman! We didn’t even ask and ya alre-ady pu-lling ur dress” The first one said and I almost laughed but maintained a calm face

“Don’t you wanna have fun with me without struggles? “I asked and they both smiled revea-ling their rotten, disgusting teeth

Okay! At least if you wanna r@p£ someone, brush your teeth first ?

They started pu-lling down their trou-sers

” Ohhh, hold on guys, my phone is ringing “I said and picked up my phone ma-king a fake conversation

” Yea, ohhh hy doc, yea I know, I know that am HIV positive but that does mean I shouldn’t have S-x, yea yea, alright no p”I said and did like I ended the call

The looks on the guys face were priceless
They were beyond shocked

“Ya.. HIV positive? ” The second one asked and I smiled

“Yes baby, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun! ” I said walking towards them

“Stay away from me, I reject you in Jesus name” The first one screamed almost in tears as I almost chuckled but still mainted a stone expression

“But I love you guys, plea-se let’s have fun” I said faking tears as they screamed

“We don’t fv¢k, in fact we gat no d!¢k, plea-se stay away from us” They screamed in tears
“No way, you must fv¢k me unless, no one goes home alive” I yelled like a psycho holding both their trou-sers and they screamed running ???

“Mama, mama help us! ” They yelled running in tears as I chased them

“Come Nd r@p£ me, you must r@p£ me” I yelled chasing them down the street

******************** TBC

???Chineka anneka has killed me
Is it by f0rç£ to r@p£ someone? ???

I should develop this technique ohh incase any guy tries it with me ??

Who is the stranger diamond meet?
Who else smells love in the air??
