Jupiter high episode 42


šŸ« HIGH šŸ«

šŸ’ž(A high school r0m@nƧĀ£)šŸ’ž

#Season_2 Episode 42

“I tried to warn that some one was there but you kept on talking”Miranda said behind me

Why did it have to be Daniel,I thought as I kept on starring at him

“Is it true Mary, do you like the guy you k!$$Ā£d yesterday”He asked having a smile on his face.

“It’s none of your concern”I said and ran off, I felt so embarras-sed.

Why did he have to listen to our conversation, why did he have to? I thought as I kept running.

I stĀ©pped when I saw James standing in front of me obstructing my path.

“What’s wrong?”he asked and I stared at him.

“Mary!”on hearing Daniel call behind me, I ran past James and the rest of the students who were starring at me

I got to a pri-vate room and luckily Daniel wasn’t coming after me any more, I can breathe in peace, I thought.

“What’s this? Why are you obstructing my path”I said starring at James who stood In the way not wanting me to go

“Just what is your deal with Mary! Have had enough of this $h!t, I want you to stay away from her!”he said starring at me

“Why should I listen to you?”I asked getting pissed and angry by James behaviour

Why does he keep on going about Mary, she doesn’t like him,I just confirmed that myself, I thought still waiting for his response.

“Have had enough of you Daniel”James said and before I could do a thing he punched my face.

Feeling angry, I got up too and punched him on the face, the students who were nearby stood to watch the fight.

Have never felt this angry before,I thought as I hit James back on the face.

I sat in the libr@ry re-ading a book to while away time, I didn’t want to go back there to see Daniel until there was a teacher in the clas-s.

“Hurry up every one, The two h0ttest guys are fighting out at the school lobby” a student said and quic-kly everyone began to leave the room.

I didn’t want to leave because it had nothing to do with me but then Miranda ran into the libr@ry yelling out my name

“Mary! James and Daniel are fighting at the lobby”she yelled out at me

“What!”I yelled as I ran out of the libr@ry heading to the lobby.

I got there to see Daniel and James being pu-ll-ed away from each otherother, they had beaten each other up that their faces were all bloody.

A teacher was talking to the both of them and a while later the both of them walked off with the teacher.

“They are in real trouble now, Mr mark will certainly ask them to bring in their parent” Miranda said beside me

“Will it be that bad?”I asked

“It depend on their parent showing up”Miranda replied and i wonder if Daniel father or mother would show up.

“Do you know why they were fighting?”I asked

“I don’t know,do you know why?”Miranda asked

“I think I can guess”I said still starring at the two of them.

A while later, I went in search of the two of them, they told me they were in the infirmary getting treated.

If my guess Is right ! They would have been fighting over me, I thought as I walked into the school infirmary

“Oh Mary, are you sick again?” The school doctor asked when she saw me walking in

“No! I just c@mĀ£ to see a friend!”I said

“Well then go in and see whoever you want to see but make it quic-k, if the principal should know that i let you in here, she will be angry”she said and quic-kly I thanked her.

I walked into the room only to see James on the be-d, going throu-gh his phone and as soon as he saw me, he put down his phone and gave me a smile.

“How are you?”I asked as I sat down on an empty chair

“A little bit so-re”he said

“Serves you right!,why would you get into a fight with Daniel?”I asked

“Are you pla-ying dumb or you really don’t know why we fought!”He said softly and I looked away feeling guilty

“You two shouldn’t have done that not even for a girl like me”I said

“This injury is nothing compared to what I have to go throu-gh as long as I have you in the end “he said.

I stood up and went towards him, tou-ching his Cheek.

“You are handsome, a well known singer, a lot of girls will want to be your girlfriend and

“And what? You can’t accept me?”he asked

“James I……..”

“Let’s forget about this! Lets forget about the fight and also forget what you just said just now and start again “he said

“But James…….”

“plea-se Mary, I don’t want you to say more, let’s just forget what you have said, I will be doing it and you should also do that too”He said and turned his back towards me

“Oh James!” I muttered wanting him to see reason but his final word to me made me leave the infirmary

“Leave Mary , I want to be alone”he said and having no option, I left the room.

Instead of going back to clas-s, I went straight to the roof tĀ©p.

I sat down on one of the bench kept there, I nee-ded as time alone but the roof tĀ©p seemed to be occu-pied too because I heard some noise some where.

Sighing a bit, I got up and was about to leave when I saw Daniel not too far way and although he looks disheleved and still had his injury uncleaned he still look hand some, I thought as I kept on starring ay him

“Aren’t you even going to reprimand me, that’s better than having you quiet and starring at me that way”he said and slowly I walked up to him and taking out my hand Ker chief , I began to wipe off the traces of blood on his face.

“You fool! Why didn’t you have this treated?”I asked as I kept wiping off the blood on his mouth.

He stĀ©pped me by holding my hand and I stared at him.

“Because I wanted you to see me like this, I wanted you to see how far am willing to go just to have you by my side”he said

“You along with James nee-d to un-der stand that am not some one you should pursue, you are good looking and am sure that there are a lot of girls who have been starring your way,the only thing you ………”i stĀ©pped when he suddenly k!$$Ā£d me

“Why did you do that?” I asked

“To shut you up and also to show you that I have no intention of looking at any one else, you are the only for me Mary and i won’t ever give up on you”he said and pu-ll-ed me into his arms

“You nee-d to be treated Daniel, your injury will……..”

“Will be cure if only you k!ssme back “he said giving me a smile

“Am so not doing th……..”I couldn’t complete my words because he k!$$Ā£d me again and this time I didn’t pu-ll away, I let myself enjoy the k!ss

“So will you finally admit now that you like me”he asked and slowly I nodded

“I do like you Daniel, I like you so much!”I said giving him another k!ss.

“Okay sir, I un-derstand, I will try to be there tomorrow”I said and cut the call.

Why did Daniel get into a fight? I thought as I walked into the villa to see how much the interior designers have done.

After finding out that Andrea was d@t!ngJack, I kept my distance, I never c@mĀ£ to check on the house so I wouldn’t run into Andrea.

But after seeing her last night and having met her beautiful charming daughter, I realised that it will be ha-rd to keep my distance.

I know that am now a married man and that it would be best if I just keep my distance but I can’t.

I c@mĀ£ here in the hope of seeing her but the house looks empty, seems like they have all gone home, I thought as I began to head to the study.

Just then I saw a light coming from the be-d room.

Is some one still here? I thought as I went to see and I was surprised to see Andrea slee-ping on the floor.

What is she still doing here? I thought as I walked into the room and crouched in front of her, starring at her.

I found myself wanting to tĀ©uƧh her but then I stĀ©pped and at that same moment she woke up and when she saw me she got up immediately.

“Am so sorry, I sle-pt off not realising the time”I said softly

“It doesn’t matter! Why are you still here when every one have alre-ady left”

“I stayed back to do some more work, the earlier I finish this job the better for every one”she said as she knelt on the floor measuring the carpeted floor

“That every one you are talking about was meant for me right?”I asked

“Am glad you sum it all by your self”she said not starring at me

“Until when will you take it out on me?”I asked and she stared at me

“Take what out on you?”she asked

“Until when are you going to punish me for what I did to you years ago, I didn’t leave you because I wanted towas f0rƧĀ£d to do it and you have no idea how terrible it was for me!”I yelled at her in anger.

To Be Continued