Jupiter high 2 episode 7 & 8


šŸ« HIGH šŸ«

šŸ’ž(A high school r0m@nƧĀ£)šŸ’ž

#Season_2 Episode 7


“I like you Andrea, I like you so much that seeing you with Max gets me angry and jealous”

Remembering what Jack told me earlier got me feeling sad again.

It was late at night and I sat out side, enjoying the night breeze but every thing got ruined when I remember Jack and how he profess his love to me earlier.

“Yes and now that you know,I won’t be holding back again, I will fight for your love Andrea, I will always be here trying to woo your heart and if that method doesn’t work, I will use another until I finally get you to say yes to me”

How will I say yes to him when Max is the one I love, I should have told him right there that I will only ever see him as a friend,I should have rejected him but I stood quiet Listening to him.

What am I going to do now, he looked very determined and am sure that he won’t stĀ©p until he gets me.

I can’t tell Max about this cause am sure that the two of them will fight it out and I don’t want that, I will just have to talk to Jack and the sooner I do it, the better.

“I will come by each day to see you Andrea,I won’t give up, I mean it”

What should I also do about that, he will keep on coming to see me, what should do.

“What’s up Andrea” Brenda greeted as she walked in

“Hello Brenda”I replied as she c@mĀ£ to sit beside me

“You c@mĀ£ back home late?”I asked

“Well some thing c@mĀ£ up with Beatrice and so I had to come back late”she replied

“What happen to Beatrice?”

“Well she looked a bit sad and not wanting to leave her alone I accompanied her to a bar, she got wasted and its all because of you”


“Yes you, she is hurt you know,I think among every one, she is more hurt , she wanted you to tell her the truth, to trust her but you didn’t and that alone hurts her, that’s why she is still angry with you, you both have to talk”She said

“That will be good, Beatrice must know that I never meant any of it” I said

“Fine then ,I will arrange some thing,I nee-d to call Jack”she said suddenly

“Why will you call Jack?”I asked

“I nee-d to call him because he helped me take beatrice home” She said and i nodded slowly

“What’s wrong, you seem a bit tense when I called Jack name “she said

“Nothing is wrong?”I said quic-kly

“Are you sure?”she asked

“Well Jack was here earlier”I said

” Oh no! I didn’t tell him where you are”she said quic-kly

“I know that but he knew I was here and when he c@mĀ£,he told me that he likes me” said

“He did what?”

“He said he likes me and that he wouldn’t give up on me”I said softly

“And what did you say?”

“I was surprised by what he said, i have always thought of him as a friend”I said

“Does he know that you are d@t!ngmax”she asked

“Yes he knows that I am d@t!ngmax but he said he won’t be stepping aside anymore,he said he will be fighting for my love no matter what “I replied

“Oh this is bad? What are you going to do “she asked

“I don’t know Brenda, I can’t tell Max because I know that it will cause a fight between them and that is what I don’t want”I said

“Oh poor you! Come here”she said spre-ading her arms and I hvgged her ti-ght

“I love Max and I don’t think I can leave him for any one”I said softly

“Then tell that to Jack, he will un-derstand and if he doesn’t you will just have to show him how much you love Max”she said

” I will just have to do that?”I replied .


“So this is the end of the clas-s, Jack and Rose should clear up “the Science teacher said as she left the lab.

The others left too,leaving Rose and I alone, I would have like to be doing this with some one else.

“Are you just going to ignore me “she asked

“Do we have any thing to talk about “I asked

“Yes we have some thing to talk about”she said

“What exactly ?”I asked

“About Max and Andrea for instance”she said as he walked off

“I don’t have to talk to you about them?” I said as I began to leave the lab

“Max have called off the engagement”she said and that made me stĀ©p

“His mom called it off herself”she added

“Good for you then?”I said

“No,it’s bad for us all”she said and then I turned to look at her

“What do you mean?”

“If They call off the engagement, Max will get back with Andrea and you won’t be able to have the girl you want”she said

“Just shut up and leave me alone!”I said turning to leave

“You love Andrea and I love Max,why can’t we work together to pu-ll them ap@rt, we can both succeed if we work together”she said

“As have said before,I don’t nee-d your help, I can get Andrea myself”I said as I left the lab..

As soon as school end,I went to Brenda house,I had parked my bike not too far away,I wanted to walk and so I took the shortest route there.

I saw Andrea by the door, seems like she is waiting for some one,I stood there watching her and I found that I could not take my eyes off her.

She is just too beautiful, even while she wait for some one she is really beautiful, I thought as I kept on watching her from a distance, i did the right thing by telling her how I felt and just as have said I will start being selfish, I will only think of myself and I will also get what I want and what I want right bit is Andrea.

Having decided on that ,I began to walk towards her only to stĀ©p when I saw her smiling at some one from afar.

The person move closer and as soon as I saw who it was, I got so angry .

She ran towards him and he hvgged her ti-ght turning her around and giving her a k!ss.

By watching them k!ss,I got so angry and furious.

I should be the one she is k!ssing, I should be the one that she is sĀ£nding that smile to, I should be the one In her arms,not him,i thought as I kept on starring at them.

“Common”Max said as he ran off with her.

Going back to my bike I drove off in speed heading for one place in p@rticular and when I got there it was to find that she isn’t at home.

Getting to know where she went to, I went there and when I saw her, I went to meet her.

“My,my ,my,what brings you here Jack?” Rose asked

“You!”I replied

“Me? Why?”she asked

“Does your offer still stands?”I asked

“What offer?'”

“The one you made to me rose afternoon”I said

“Oh that is now off, am sorry but I don’t think I want to work with you again”she said as she tried to leave but I held her back

“Let’s work together, let’s work in separating Max and Andrea “I said

“Why? Did some thing changed your mind”she asked

“Seeing Max and Andrea k!ss!ngeach other and wishing that I was the one there have made me change my mind, I love Andrea and I will do all I can to get her”I said and she gave me a smile

“You are finally talking”she said .

If Andrea won’t be mine,then she won’t be any one either.

If joining hands with Rose will get the girl I like then I will do any thing

“What do I have to do rose, tell me”I said

“Take it easy,we will do things one thing at a time”she said

“But I can’t wait, what do you have in mind?”I asked

“Nothing yet but am only waiting for Max father to come back, then the real show will begin”she said.


šŸ« HIGH šŸ«

šŸ’ž(A high school r0m@nƧĀ£)šŸ’ž

#Season_2 Episode 8


“I don’t un-der stand, why would you be waiting for Max father to come back?”I asked

“Well he is the only one who will determine if Max and Andrea will be together”Rose replied


“Well Max father is some thing of a scary father,I only met him once and that was a year ago, he gave me the shivers you see, he looked so hostile and unapproachable, I just wanted to leave his sight” she said hvgging her self

“Is he that scary?”I asked

“So very scary! He is the devil him self “she said

“So once he is back,he will do some thing about Andrea and Max right?”I asked

“Of course, he will make sure that they don’t get to see each other again, you know when his mom called last night to call it off ,I was devastated,I thought there won’t be a remedy but my father made it clear to me that I just had to wait, Max father will be back in a couple of days and he is coming to set every thing straight”she said

“So! We just have to wait until his father show up?”I asked


“Well we dont really have to wait, we can be doing some thing by our selves but what am Trying to tell you is that with the help of Max father, we will be able to get back what we want and for now, we can do some thing to disrupt their relation sh!p, you keep on being nosy and you keep on showing Andrea how much you love and I want her and I will keep on doing the same thing at school”she finished

“Well I like that, I like doing some thing than to wait”I said

“Well said p@rtner, you keep on doing some thing while I do mine and soon when his father show up, we will be able to finish every thing up”she said giving me an evil smile

“Fine then, I will start my stuff while you do yours, I hope you won’t be cheating me and neither will you give me any problem in the future?”I asked

“Don’t worry, we are now p@rtners, I will be doing my best to make you happy as my p@rtner”she said giving me a smile

“I hope so, I really hope so”I muttered

I must be crazy by p@rtnering up with Rose but I have no choice, she is the only option I have left, Andrea is sli-pping from me and before she sli-ps away,I must be there to hold her back and if the only way to do that is by joining hands with the devil,so be it, I thought to my self.


“What?”I asked as I dropped down the cappuccino I was drinking in the cafe

“What’s wrong?”Max asked as he stĀ©pped drinking to look at me too

“What you just said! Are you sure about it?”I asked

“Of course I am, she gave us the permission and yesterday she cancelled the whole thing and that was done in front of me”he said giving me a smile

“But how? Your mother striked me as a person who ha-rd ly gives in, what did you tell her?”I asked

“Well nothing much, I only made it clear to her that if she doesn’t agree, i will leave and she will never see me again”he said looking so proud

“That is black mail, how can you black mail your mom like that?”I asked as I hit his arm

“Ooouch!!! That hurts!”he said pu-lling a sad face

“You deserve that, how can you pu-ll a trick on your mom?”I asked wondering what damage he has caused by choosing to do this.

“Don’t worry! Nothing will happen, I won’t leave,I just said that to get her to feel in secure some how and also to get her to do as I wish and she did what I want, you have no idea how happy I am”he said

“Are you sure she is not angry with what happened!?”I asked

“She is but what is important is that she gave us her Permission to d@tĀ£ each other and she won’t be meddling again”he said happily

I do feel happy too, finally I can be with Max with out any problem from his mom but I know that this is so good to be real, I could feel that some thing big will still pu-ll us ap@rt but instead of letting Max know about my worries, I decided to keep quiet.

I should be contented with this and I should make most of the time I have with him worth it

“Don’t you like it?”he asked when he saw my worried face

“What do you mean by that? I do like it and am really happy, really really happy that we get to see each other as much as we want from now on”I said softly giving him a smile to reas-sure him

He took my hand and held it ti-ght “Am glad you are happy, your happiness is the only thing that gives me the strength to face my parents and every one who wants to come between us, promise me that you will never leave me okay, just as I fight ha-rd to keep us together, you will do the same thing?”he said softly

“I promise”I said as I gave him a smile wondering if I will be able to do as I promised.

“Common get up, we have some where to go to?”he said as he stood up

“What? Where are we going to?”I asked as I stood up

“Trust me, you will like it”he said as he smiled down at me and went to the counter to pay the bill.

“Wow,isn’t that guy so hand some”

“I wonder if she is his girlfriend?”

“Of course not? Why would a hand some guy go out with her?”

“I will like him to be mine”

From the table not far from us,I heard some girls say and that got me furious.

Who the hell do they think they are to talk about my man like that,I thought as I glare at them and they even had the effontery to glare back at me.

“Common let’s go”Max said as he helped me put on my jacket

“Thanks love! “I said a bit loud, ma-king sure that those girls who had been saying nas-ty things heard what I said and to show them, I pu-ll-ed Max to me and gave him a k!sstaking him and the girls by surprise.

Giving them another glare,I walked out of the cafe holding onto Max who found it amusing.

“What was that?”he asked

“Don’t ask me,lets just leave”I said softly

“Ahhhhhhh …………I get what it is,you were jealous right?”he asked

“Of course not, I wasn’t jealous, why would I be jealous?”I asked

“You might know how to fool others but you can’t fool me Andrea, you were jealous right?”he asked again

“StĀ©p ma-king fun of me! Those girls were saying all sort of things, I just wanted them to know that you belong to me”I said softly

“I like that!”he said


“I like that expression you use, am glad to know that I belong to you “he said and pu-ll-ed me to him giving me a proper k!ss.

“This is to show you how much am crazy about you”he muttered softly and that got me smiling

“Common, let’s go”he said as he pu-ll-ed me to his car


“You still haven’t told me where we are going to?”I asked as his car kept on going

“You will know that soon but as of now just enjoy the drive and enjoy my company”he said as he drove throu-gh a hill, a hill which had beautiful landscape.

Have always wanted to have a ride while watching the beautiful land scape

He parked his car right on the beach and got out,I did the same and got out with him too.

He was sitting on his car Bonnet and with his help I sat there with him .

“Some one told me that you have always wanted to the see the sunset and so have brou-ght you here to see it”he said and i stared ahead to see the sun going down.

It looked so beautiful,I thought as I kept starring at the beautiful scene it gave out

“Do you like it?”he asked

“No”I said and he stared at me

“I love it”I replied and he gave me a smile

“Your mom told a lot of things that you wish to do, she said you would like to have to drive and to see the sun set and also to walk around the beach ba-re footed and also to ……”

While he brou-ght out his little book to re-ad our those things, I kept on starring at him not listening to what he is saying but just looking at him.

He might have managed to get his mom approval but I know that some thing will certainly pu-ll us ap@rt

“The rich only marries the rich”that was what Jack said to me and Have never forgot it.

Some how some thing will drift us ap@rt and we will have to separate just thinking about that makes me feel sad but before that happen, I will get to enjoy the time I have with him.

I shouldn’t punish him any more, I should go back to the house and enjoy more of his company and also I should go back to school.

I can’t believe that am returning to school just so I can enjoy more time with Max.

“And then she also said that you……..what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”he asked as he dropped the book

“Nothing”I replied as I cleaned the tears

“Some thing must be wrong for you to be crying?”he asked


“Don’t mind my tears,it’s a happy one, not a sad one”I said quic-kly

“Are you sure? If you are worried about some thing just tell me”he said

“Am not,I have the great Max with me, why would I be worried”I said giving him a smile

“Are you sure?”he asked as he kept on starring at me

“Of course I am”I said quic-kly wanting him to drop the tĀ©pic.

“Wow,I never knew my mom to be a busy bĀ©dy, she gave you a lot of list”. I said as I took the book and that managed to distract him.

A while later,when the sun had set, we both took a stroll by the beach ba-re foot.

“If some one had told me that I will be fulfilling my heart de-sires with a hand some hunk beside me, I won’t have believe it ,it’s like I won a lottery”I said happily

“Am I like that to you? A lottery ? He asked

“Let me think! Let me think!”I said intentionally taking a while to think

“No,you are like a blessing sĀ£nt to me, you c@mĀ£ into my life at the darkest hour and you filled it up with your light, you aren’t a lottery to me, you are my treasure and for as long as I live, I will keep on treating you as that”I said as I stood on ti-p toe to k!sshisl-ips

“Am glad to know that am your treasure,now your darling treasure will take you for a swim”he said lifting me up in his arms and no matter how I tried to stĀ©p him, he dumped me in the water and wanting to retaliate,I pu-ll-ed him back into the water and we began to get all we-t and we kept running around by the water, enjoying one company and also enjoying being with each other.

While I sat on the dry land,I watched him standing by the sea doing some thing .

“Hey what are you doing?”I called out to him

“Professing my love to you”he yelled back and I stood up only for him to tell me to stĀ©p


“I want to say it right here with the sea and the wind as my witness”he said

“StĀ©p being corny and let me come to you”I said

“No Andrea? Stay there”he said and i stĀ©pped

“I have to say it here”he said softly


“I don’t just like you Andrea, I love you, I love you so much that if you should leave me, I think that I will die, I love you Andrea, I love you so much”he said.

To Be Continued