Jupiter high 2 episode 40 & 41


? HIGH ?

?(A high school r0m@nç£)?

#Season_2 Episode 40


I can’t believe am being k!$$£d by Daniel and it turns out to be my first time too.

I don’t even hate it, I like it, I enjoy being k!$$£d by him,I thought as he kept on k!ss!ngme.

He pu-ll-ed me close and wra-p his arm around me, k!ss!ngme more de-eply.

This feels like heaven, I never knew k!ss!ngsome one could be this great.

Just then we heard a noise from a distance and we broke ap@rt.

I stared at him and it was then that I realised what I allowed him to do.

“Mary am………”

I didnt let him finish his word because I ran out of the room.

I heard him coming after me but I didn’t st©p, I kept on running till I got out side.

I st©pped when I realised that my bag pack isn’t with me!

I can’t leave with out it, I thought as I ran back into the house.

“Daniel! Daniel! Is that you!”I heard his father call

No one ap@rt from Daniel know that am around, I don’t want any one else seeing me , I thought as I began to look for a place to hide.

Just then Daniel c@m£ to me pu-lling me into a room.

He stood in front of me and he was very close, the room isn’t that spacious and so we had to stay that way if we didn’t want some one seeing us.

“Daniel! Where are you? We have to talk “he called and Daniel moved close to me trying to hide so his father wouldn’t see us.

He wasn’t aware that he had moved very close to me and that was ma-king me feel uncomfortable.

“He is gone”he said softly and then he stared at me.

I knew he was starring at me but I didn’t look back, having him this close is ma-king me feel strange, it’s giving me a certain feeling which I don’t know how to explain.

“Look at me!”he said and I did.

“Me k!ss!ngyou a while ago is not a joke Mary, I like you, Ever since I saw you dancing in the room, I have never been able to get you out of my head, each time I get angry, just thinking of you calms me down, I hate seeing you around James, I always want you by my side, have never felt this way towards any one, you are the first Mary, I enjoy k!ss!ngyou a while ago and i still want to do more of it…….”he st©pped to stare at myl-ips

“Daniel…..I……”I didn’t get to finish my word because he bent his head and k!$$£d me again.

I tried to resist at first but then I gave in,not because I got tired but because I wanted more of it.

Just as much as he wants to k!ssme, I also want him to k!ssme too.

I wra-pped my hands around his n£¢k and pu-ll-ed him close.

It took a while before we broke ap@rt, I stared at him only to see him smiling at me

“Seems like am not the only one who enjoys the k!ss”he said pushing a strand of my hair away

I pu-ll-ed out of his arms “I….I….have to leave”I said

“Aren’t you going to give me your answer”he asked

“I…..I have to think about it “I said opening the door to leave but he held me back

“Let me take you home”he said

“No!”I said quic-kly

“I mean no, I will rather go home myself, you don’t have to come with me, I will go home on my own” I said and pu-ll out of his hold.

I went to take my bag pack and quic-kly I ran out of the house.

I stared back not to find him coming after me and I breathe out in relief.

“I can’t believe he said that to me and I also can’t believe that I shared not one k!ssbut two with Daniel”I muttered as I walked out of the gate

“I like you!”

Just remembering his word made my heart pound.

I can’t believe that some one as hand some and rich like Daniel could be drawn to a girl like me.

I turned to leave only to hear a horn of a car, I turned to see a car parked right out side and I g@sp out when I saw the driver.

“Mind if we go for a little chat!”he said and when I hesitated a bit ,he gave me a smile

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, am not the monster Daniel says I am”he said

I gave him a look a ‘how do you know’ look and he gave me a smile and opened the pas-s£nger door for me

I got into the car and he drove off, it was quite silent and I felt nervous.

What does he wants to speak to me about and where is he taking me to?

“I heard that young kids these days goes to an ice cream sto-re, you wouldn’t mind if we went there right?”he asked

“Am ha-rd ly a kid sir and we ha-rd ly go to ice cream sto-res again,most kids this days goes for a cappuccino, latte or an iced Americano, I prefer cappuccino”I said suddenly feeling comfortable around him.

“Well then i know a place where they sell an good cappuccino”I added and he gave me a smile

A while later we took a seat in the restaurant, drinking the cappuccino and also muching on a strawberry cake.

“I can’t believe this place has change so much”he said starring at the room

“Do you know this place?”I asked

“Yeah, back then it was a study restaurant, my friends and I always come here to re-ad “he said

“But you have been living in the state for the past fifteen years “I said

“I have but I was staying here until some thing happened”he said having a sad expression

“It must be bad right? Seeing how you moved out of the country”i said

“Yes! I lost my first love”he said looking so sad

“What happen?”I asked wanting to know more

“Just some thing, it’s all in the past now”he said

“I didn’t come here to talk about me, I c@m£ to talk about Daniel”he added

“What about Daniel?”I asked, remembering the k!ssI shared with his son earlier

“You are the first person he has ever brou-ght back home though he did his best to hide you”he said

“Really? Am I the first?”I asked and he nodded

“Even back In the states, he ha-rd ly had any friend and he never bring one home,you are the first and now I want to know why you are special?”he asked

‘Maybe it’s because he likes me’ I thought as I kept on eating my cake

“I never knew you liked strawberry cake, you finished a plateful”he said as he called for the waiter to bring another serving

“I also like eating strawberry cake, seems like we have a taste in some thing “he said

“We do”I said giving him a smile

“Am not a monster like Daniel says, I was working ha-rd to build up my own company and so I never had the time to take care of him, I was ha-rd ly there for any thing he nee-ded, I was practically too busy to have his time and maybe that is why he hates me and maybe I deserve it”he said sadly

“From the little I have seen of Daniel, he is kind,Charming and caring ,even though you had no intention of hitting his mom, he stood by her, he will surely un-der stand if you tell all this to him” I said

“Really? Would he?”he asked

“Yes he will, there are times when I get mad at my mom but once she gives me a reason, I will surely un-der stand, it’s better than her not giving me one at all”I said and he nodded gently

“So I should talk to Daniel?”he asked

“Yes, do talk to him and tell him why you were never there for him back then, he will certainly un-der stand “I said and he nodded gently

Just then my phone began to ring and when I saw that it was grand ma, I knew that I used up my time.

“Oh no! I have to go sir, my parents are very worried”I said not answering the call

“I will take you home!,they must be very worried about you”he said getting up

“You don’t have to?” I said softly

“I will and if necessary,I will explain your lateness”he said and I nodded gently and followed him.

He drove straight to the address I had given him and when his car had st©pped in front of my house,I got out of it and he also did the same

“You don’t have to explain, I can do the explaining my self “I said

“Are you sure? Wont they be angry ?”he asked

“No they won’t, my parents trust me”I said softly and began to head in but then I st©pped and turned to him

“Just one more question sir!”I said


“Did you see your lost love again?”I asked and he gave me a smile

“Yes,I did”

“Does she know that you still miss her ?”I asked and he gave me a questioning look

“I might be young but am not dumb, it shows on your face that you still miss her even though it’s been sixteen years” I said

“It’s all in the past now Mary, she is now happy with her new life and am happy for her”he said

“I doubt that sir, good night”I said turning to leave only to st©p when I heard my mom call.

“Mary! Where have you been, do you know how worried have been!” She said hvgging me ti-ght

“Never ever scare me like that………”

“Andrea?”I heard Daniel father call my mom name and she turned to stare at him in shock.

“Do you know my mom sir?”I asked starring at him

“She is…..your mom ?”he asked starring at my mom.

To Be Continued


? HIGH ?

?(A high school r0m@nç£)?

#Season_2 Episode 41


Mother call about Mary being missing and not answering her call got me so worried.

I left work quite early just because I was worried, I tried calling her but she wouldnt pick the call and when I got home only to see her walking towards the house,no felt so relieved.

I called her name and ran towards her hvgging her ti-ght having only one thought in my head.

“She is safe!”.

I didn’t even notice the person standing there until he called my name.

I turned only to see Max starring at the both of us in shock.

“Max!”I called softly and Mary stared at me In surprise.

“Do you know him too ?”She asked but I didn’t have the time to answer her.

First I had to s£nd Max away from here! If the two of them had been together,he might have noticed some thing or he didn’t.

Oh I just don’t know! He has to leave, I thought as I turned to stare at Mary.

“Why dont you go in, I join you in a while”I said to her and being an obe-dient child, she went in.

“Mary is your child? I never would have………”

“Why were you with her? What do you want from her Max, why are you still trying to ruin my life when you have once done that ?”I bombarded him questions that it was ha-rd for him to answer

“Andre I never………….”

“Just leave okay and now that you know Mary is my daughter, I would ask you to stay away from her, plea-se stay away from my daughter and i “i said and walked into the house with out waiting to listen to his explanation.

I closed the door behind me and I saw Mary in the living room waiting for me

“I know what you are going to say mom and I should let you know that ………”she didn’t finish her word because I went to her and gave her a big hvg

“What’s wrong mom?”she asked as she held me back

“Nothing Mary! I just want to hold you ti-ght”I said as I held her ti-ght

“Fine mom”she replied knowing that I wasn’t in the mood to talk.

Mary is some one who knows when to ask question and when not to ask one and right now, she knows better than to ask me a question.

Am scared! Scared that Max return will ruin a lot of things for me, some how he is getting close to his child without knowing, what will happen once he knows that she is his child, what will happen now ! I thought as I held Mary ti-ght .



I left the room, all dressed and re-ady for school.

I was hoping to see my mom instead but I saw my grand ma.

“Morning sweetie”my grand ma said as I greeted her

“plea-se where is mom?”I asked

“She went to work early, she says she has a very important job to finish “she said

“This early?”I asked and she nodded.

I wanted to ask her about Daniel father but she was too emotional for me to ask any thing last night

I was hoping to ask her today but it turns out that She had an early job to do,I will just have to save it then.

quic-kly I ate my break fast and I was leaving the house when I James by the door with his car parked

“Good morning, have come to take you to school”he said

“Why?”I asked

“For one reason you are sick and ……..”

“Shhhhhh……..my parents doesn’t know that I was ill yesterday, don’t start spre-ading it out”I said as I quic-kly walked up to him to cover his mouth.

The door opened and my grand ma walked out

“What’s going on?”she asked

“It’s nothing granny ,he is just here to take me to school, you see we are both doing a project together and so we have to get some things along the way”I lied

“He is Jack son right?”My granny asked to be very sure

“Yes he is, don’t worry granny, am safe in his hands, we will be late,goodbye mom”i said as I got into the car

quic-kly he drove off “I never knew you were a professional liar?”he asked

“I did that not to make them worried, you just had to open your mouth”I said starring at him

“Why did you leave school with out telling me ?”he asked

“I was giving the rest of the day off , they told me to go home and i had to do it”I said

“And did Daniel perhaps go with you”He asked

“Why do you ask ?”I asked

“Because I hate knowing that he was there with you”he said and i never gave him a reply until we got to school.

I was about to get out when he held my hand and I turned to look at him

“You shouldn’t feel safe around me, you should be feeling nervous just as I am feeling nervous right now”he said and before I could st©p him he k!$$£d my cheek.

“I like you Mary and I hope that I can get to convince you of that”he said

I sat there starring at nothing but thinking about what he just said to me

“Aren’t you going to get down, I have to park the car”he said and quic-kly I got down from it

This is bad! Just a week ago,I was fine living my life but now two guys are over me, saying they like me, what am I suppose to do. I thought as I went to clas-s.


“Come with me!”I said pu-lling Miranda out of clas-s and to a field where I know that we will be able to talk

“What’s up?”she asked as she stared at me

“Well am in some sort of situation”I said softly

“What situation!”

“Well two guys confessed……….”

“Oh my gosh Mary! Who are this guys? Do I know them?”she asked yelling

“That doesn’t matter, you don’t have to ask that and plea-se lower your voice, I brou-ght you here for a purpose”I said and she nodded

“Am sorry, I just got excited, okay then tell me what happen?”she asked

“Well two guys told me about their feeling, one told me about it yesterday and the other did today, I don’t know what to do? Have never been in a situation like this”I said looking confused

“Well the answer lies with you alone, who do you think you are drawn most, who does this heart beats for?”she asked

I stood for a while thinking about what she just asked.

Who does my heart beat for,who does it beats for! I thought about it and then I c@m£ to my conclusion.

“So who does it beats for,is the guy who told you yesterday or the one who told you about it today”Miranda asked again

“I think it’s for the one who told me yesterday, ever since I met him, he has been ma-king me feel strange, I can’t sleep cause I think of him, he is so hand some to me that I don’t think of any one as handsome and then he stole my first k!ssyesterday”I said softly

“Then he is the one, he is the one your heart beats for, it’s him you like”she said

I can’t believe that I like Daniel, I know that there is some kind of attra-ction between us but I never thought it would get this far.

“Tell me more about this feeling of yours?”Miranda asked

“Well, each time he gets close to me, my heart Always beat fast and I feel h0t all over and when he k!$$£d me yesterday ,I wanted more but I was shy and also shocked , when he told me about his feeling, I was excited and also………”

Miran day coughed slightly to tell me that some one else is listening to our conversation but I didn’t un-der stand and i kept on talking

“Each time I remember the k!sswe share, I find myself wanting more, i get lost in his eyes can you believe that, am a practical person Miranda but because of that guy, I think am going crazy, Is this what it means to like some one”I asked Miranda

“Yes it is “Some one else answered behind me and I turned only to find Daniel there and from the look of it, he has been listening to what have been saying.

To Be Continued