Judas In the church – episode 4

Judas in the church

Episode 4.

Brother Chuks was the last to leave church that day. He congratulated pastor Chris and was praying for him that the Lord will use him mightily in Redemption Power Ministries.

Pastor Chris on the other hand told brother Chuks how he loved thew way he sings and is leading the choir. He then told brother Chuks that worsh!pconnects him to God and encouraged him to keep up with the good work he is doing for God. When brother Chuks turned to leave, pastor Chris st©pped him.

”Brother Chuks I have a favor to ask of you. I am a lover of music especially worsh!psongs. I do not know when I’d be called upon to preach. But I wanna request that whenever I am called upon to minister, plea-se sing one those your holy spirit moving worsh!psongs” Brother Chuks nodded as he replied pastor Chris saying that was not a problem.

”Pastor I have allowed myself to be swallowed up in God. Singing is what He has called me to do and that is what I’d continue to do. By his mighty power I will do my best and I pray the holy spirit continue to bless souls throu-gh my ministrations.” They both chorused ”amen” and brother Chuks left church.

Brother Chuks was a young handsome man that was admired by all the ladies in the church. Even married women sometimes rhow complements at him. His nice b©dy and melodious voice plus the way he carries himself with much swags made the girls in the church go crazy about him.

So many girls wanted to throw themselves at him but he had always told them that he has someone that Hod had chos£n for him as his wife. He never forgot to remind the girls who never get tired of coming around him whenever they were in church. Because of his constant reminder to them of a girl they’ve never met and his constant preaching of how he was burning with de-sire for the Lord many of the girls kept their admirations to themselves.

One of those girls was sister Happiness. Sister Happiness has secretly admired brother Chuks and has wished countless times that he was hers. Every time when brother Chuks sings in church she just wishes that she could reveal to him him she feels. She has s£nt him a love letter once anonymously. She even went as far as buying a new sim card and s£nding him love text messages but he never replies any of them. The only time he ever replied was one day and his words were. ” who are you? Reveal yourself to me” But sister Happiness was too shy or scared or embarras-sed to reveal herself to him. Instead she allowed herself lost in her own wishes and imaginations.

She had returned from church immediately after congratulating the new as-sistant pastor, she had made food and eaten then sle-pt off. She stayed alone in her one room ap@rtment, her parents were in another town and it was because of her work that she moved to this place. The continuous knock on her door woke her up. She gr@bb£d her phone and checked the time it was some few minutes past 6pm. She wondered who it was that was knocking on her door. She had no friends and she wasn’t expecting anyone. But she got up to answer and check who it was. Her heart skipped when she saw brother Chuks standing right her door.

”Jesus! Brother Chuks what are you doing here? plea-se come in”. ”Thank you”, he said and stepped right in. Sister Happiness offered him a chair.

The room was a small room that contained a bathroom and a kitchen. In the room was a table and a chair, a small wardrope and a small be-d.

”Welcome sir, to my small room” what do I offer you”? She asked. ”You can give me anything you have” Brother Chuks replied. Sister Happiness quic-kly opened her bag and brou-ght out a can malt she had collected earlier from a wedding she attended the previous day. Thank God she hadn’t drank it she muttered to herself.

Sir Chuks, to what do I owe this visit? Brother Chuks looked at her and smiled. It was then she realised he was just coming from church. ”Have you been in the church since morning?” She asked. ”Yes dear, I had to make sure everything was in shape and in the right place before I left” he replied.

His pas-sion for God made sister Happiness even admires him the more. ”May God bless you for your devotion to him”

They both chatted for a while and before you know what was happening it was almost 7.30pm in the night. ”Oh sweet Jesus” sister Happiness jumped up. I didnt realize it was this late. ” brother Chuks checked his time and also jumped up. ” I have to go” he quic-kly picked his Bible and got up to leave. ”You may not get a bike anymore o. Once its 7pm bike st©p coming to this place o, and its alre-ady 7.30pm. However let’s try” yes o, we have to brother Chuks replied.

And so they went out and tried to get a bike but they found none. They started st©pping pri-vate car owners but no b©dy st©pped for them.

Brother Chuks, am so sorry but I dont think you can get a bike anymore. We’ve been standing for almost an hour now. ” oh my God!” Brother Chuks said looking frustrated, my place is like 3hours from here if I should treck, what do I do now?”

Sister Happiness thought for a while before answering. ”Brother Chuks plea-se dont be offended o, but why dont you just pas-s the night?”’. ”What”? He exclaimed, ”yes, the truth is you won’t get a bike anymore so I suggest you pas-s the night then tomorrow morning you leave as early as possible. She replied.

”But won’t that s£nd a wrong message to your neighbours?” Brother Chuks asked. ”OH no dear, you will leave as early as possible, let’s say 6am. Before they will start getting up you must have left” she replied.

”Are you sure of this?” Brother Chuks asked again. ”I am very sure sir come on let’s go, besides its an honour having you in my house tonight, there are many songs you will teach me before morning”

Together they walked back inside the compound.

To be continued!

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