Josie Episode 12

Episode 12
Josie’s POV
Two more days to go
Two more days to go
I was dancing all around my room,I can’t wait for Monday to come. I’ve really missed school
Wait, not school…
It’s….let me just admit it,I’ve missed Dave so much and it’s like I’ve ever fallen in love with him
I took my phone and I went throu-gh contacts
Why don’t I have his number?
An idea struck my mind,why don’t I check Google?
I Google searched but there was nothing like that
I’m so stupid,why would a celebrity leak his personal contact to the world?
Instead,I saw another article
Dave Sky re-leased a new song today
quic-kly,I cli-cked on it and re-ad throu-gh,the writer of the article wrote the title and commended Dave Sky that of all song he sang,it was the best
Immediately,I searched for the song and downloaded it. It alre-ady had over one million downloads in just how many minutes
I listened to the song
It was more than perfect,His face was unusually bright too
Then my phone rang,it was an unknown number,who is this?
I picked
“Hello plea-se who am I on to?”
“Silly thing”The person said
“Hey it’s rude to call a person for the first time and the first thing you say is an insult”I told the person
The person laughed”Now, that’s more like you. Always lecturing”
I g@sped”Dave?? Dave right? Are you seriously Dave?”
“No I’m Dove, silly silly thing”
“Aish…. just let me catch you….. How did you get my number?”I asked feeling both surprised and happy he’s actually calling me when I was just thinking about him
“We’ll deal on that later. Right now, I’m on a h0t seat, I’m getting re-ady to be interviewed by a lot of reporters based on the song I just re-leased. Have you listened to it?”
“Yes,it was really melodious, the title is perfect for it and it sounds like a love song. So tell me,who did you sing that song for?”I asked teasing him
“A girl I just recently fell in love with,Dana by name”he answered
Wait,a girl he just fell in love with?
My name isn’t Dana?
“Hey how can you fall in love with that Dana girl or whatever? I….I mean….”I was saying
He laughed”Are you jealous?”
“Of course not. It’s just like I don’t like the name Dana. I don’t care who you fall in love with. You should be calling the Dana not me”I told him. Who the heck is that Dana?
I thought he k!$$£d me because he liked me
“Idiot, it’s you. You really know how to be jealous”He said
It’s me??
That’s how it started
Thousands of love started jumping in front of my eyes
I went silent for a while, processing what Dave just said
“Josie,are you there?are you there?”
Yes I was there of course but these loves won’t st©p jumping in front of my eyes
“Josie Josie…. Oh man, the reporters are alre-ady re-ady to shoot this interview life just switch on the TV and watch me now….. Byeeeee”he then hung up
He loves me
He loves me
He loves me
Oh come to your s-en-ses, Josie
He said I should watch him on TV
quic-kly,I got up and switched on the TV in my room
Dave’s POV
I switched off my phone and went to the place I was to meet the reporters
“You’re welcome Mr Dave Sky. Of all your songs, everyone is saying they enjoyed this song the most. It even had over one million downloads in less than two hours. Also, it’s a love song,your fans are dying to know if you’ve really fallen in love” one of them said
I smiled”yes, I’m in love”
“Really?tell us,who’s the lucky girl? Who’s the girl that stole your heart?”another asked
“She’ll be revealed in the p@rt two of this song, she’ll sing with me too. I’ll be re-leasing the p@rt two of this song in a week time so I’d like everyone to be patient till then”I explained and they all agreed and wra-pped everything up
I got into my car and drove home straight,my dad must be so proud of me for this beautiful song I just sang
As I entered the house,he was right in the living room
“Hey Dad. I’m sure you’ve been waiting for me. I alre-ady know what you want to say I sang marvellously well right?”I asked still beaming”All thanks to your future daughter in law she’s really changed my life completely”
“St©p it!”
My dad shouted angrily
I was surprised at his actions”What’s going on,dad? Is anything wrong?”
“Son,you should st©p talking about that deceiver of a girl alre-ady. She’s not a good person at all she has a mission,her mission is to spoil your career”he said
“Dad, what are you saying? Why’re you suddenly badmouthing her? You liked her from the first time you ever set your mind eyes on her”
“That’s because she deceived us. She is a maid that once lived on the streets, she’s also a slut,you really have to believe me”my dad said
“Dad don’t you dare say those things about her. Josie is really not like that. Tell me,who told you those things?”
“My business p@rtner, Mr Philli-ps”
“He is the real deceiver. He wants me and his daughter to get engaged because of his own selfish interests”
My dad sl@pped me instantly”Don’t you speak badly of my business p@rtner. He deliberately did a research on the girl because he doesn’t want your career to go crashing so you should be grateful to him…… And by the way,his daughter is really pretty,you should hang out with her more often”
I held my cheeks”Dad,I just re-leased a song today. Josie was the reason I sang that song. And also,I promised my fans I’m gonna show the girl I love to them in a week time, how can you let this happen? How can you believe what Mr Philli-ps said?”
“There’s no way I’m gonna let you show that girl to the world. If you’re really going to show a girl to them in a week’s time then it has to be Mr Philli-ps daughter”
“That’s final,son. I’m sure you’ll be very grateful to me once you find out how evil Josie really is”
“Dad she’s not……”
He didn’t wait,he left
How can this seriously happen
That Violet!
She said she was going to involve her dad in this and she really did
What do I do now?