Josie Episode 10

Episode 10
Every single living soul in the house c@m£ to meet us
“Didn’t you hear me??? I said where were you all throu-gh the night???!!!” She repeated
I crossed my arms, looking at her directly in the eye”Since when have you ever cared about me? You know,you asking me this question is really ma-king my suspicion appear to be true. Tell me,you s£nt those guys right?”
She immediately put on an innocent look”What are you talking about, Josie?”
My uncle sighed”Josie, what are you saying? Just tell us where you were all throu-gh the night. You know,I was so worried”
I moved closer to my uncle” Uncle,I received a text from Zach yesterday telling me to wait for me in an uncompleted building at Instell”
“I didn’t s£nd such message”Zach said immediately
“I know it wasn’t you, Zach, I’m very sure it was Violet that used your phone to s£nd that message and I’m also very sure she was also the one who s£nt those dudes to me to…..”I tried to explain but Violet cut me off immediately
“Dad,I don’t know what she’s talking about? I didn’t s£nd any message to her throu-gh Zach’s phone” she said innocently
That pretender!
“Uncle I really received the message. Let’s check Zach’s phone, the message she s£nt must still be there” I said, collected Zach’s phone and searched for the message,it couldn’t be found”Uncle,she must have deleted the message. I’ll show you the message in my phone. I didn’t delete any message so the message she s£nt must still be there” I brou-ght out my phone and searched for the message,I couldn’t find it either
What could have happened?
Why is the message gone?
Oh…. those guys collected my phone,by any chance,did you they delete the message?
Ohhhhhh, Violet that devil 😈,she must have planned it so well
No one will believe me now
“Dad,you can see that,no message was s£nt. Josie is just trying to frame me for the bad things she did throu-ghout the night. She’s trying to use me to cover up for her misdeeds” Violet said
“Bad things?? Misdeeds??” My uncle, Zach and I said together
“Yes. One of my friends,s£nt a pic to me yesterday night. She said she was pas-sing by when she saw that so she had to take a picture”Violet said
What the heck is she talking about??
She brou-ght out her phone and showed it to my uncle and Zach, the maids gathered round to check it
“This is Josie, having fun with these guys”
My uncle looked furious,he collected the phone and showed it to me”Got any explanation for this?”
I smiled”Yes uncle, these are the guys that attacked me yesterday”
“This doesn’t look like an attack,it obviously looks like you were having fun with them, dad you can see she’s even smilling with them,if it was an attack,she’d have been looking terrified” Violet said
I sighed,there was no more to say again, Violet really planned all this well
“So you didn’t come home because you were with these guys? Were you always this kind of person?” My uncle scolded,I didn’t say anything
“Dad, have you forgotten you brou-ght in a street girl to this house. She has a lot of bad habits. Because she won the talent show in school,she went to celebr@te it with her b©yfri£nds and didn’t come home” Violet told her dad
“Josie,how can you do this kind of terrible thing?! Your punishment is that you’re grounded for the rest of the week,you aren’t even allowed to go to school. Also, since it’s because you were too happy you won the talent show, you’re banned from singing ever again”my uncle said
My head sparked”uncle,you can give me any other punishment but plea-se you can’t st©p me from singing,it was my parents wish that I never st©p singing. plea-se”
“If your parents were alive and they find out singing makes you do terrible things,they’d have probably banned you too”my uncle said”So that’s final!” He then left
“No uncle you can’t do this”I said and fell to the ground, crying
The maids left too,I guess they were feeling sorry for me
I glanced at Violet,she was sm-irking
Zach’s facial expression was just plain
I then got up and went to my room, the tears now flowing freely. I’ve been banned from singing
I can’t go to school either
Why do I feel so bad about not going to school for the rest of this week?
Dave…… Am I missing him alre-ady
No I’m not, it’s not because of Dave
Is it?
I hit my head, what’s wrong with me? I’m in so much trouble now and all I can think about is Dave?
My room door opened and Violet entered,she was alre-ady dressed in her uniform
“What do you want?”I asked her, she’s successfully spoilt my image in front of everyone in this house
She locked the door,walked towards me and dragged my hair”you, how dare you go to Dave’s house. Didn’t I tell you he’s mine??”
I pushed her hand away from my hair”Whoa,so you were really the one who s£nt those guys”
She gave a sinister smile”Yeah,I was the one,so? Who would believe you anyway? When it comes to planning, I’m the master planner”
I knew it,I wished I recorded this
“Now tell me,did you really spend the night in Dave’s house? How dare you?!”
“Yes,I spent the night in his house”
She gr@bb£d my hair again, furiously”although I’m very sure a celebrity like Dave would never even look at a street girl like you but what if you tried to s£dûç£him? Tell me,what exactly happened in his house yesterday?”
“We k!$$£d” I told her re-ady to give her the worst heart attack ever
“You….you… You what?…,I can’t believe you, it’s on Google that Dave Sky never k!$$£d a girl. There’s no way he could have made you his first k!ss. There’s no way” she said, running her hands throu-gh her hair
“We k!$$£d, honestly and it was the best k!ssever”I told her,she must really get this heart attack as a punishment for painting my image black
She hit me in the face”just tell me you’re not saying the truth”
I sm-irked at her”Why would I want to lie about that?”
She gr!pp£dmy n£¢k”You’ll die by my hands today, I’m seriously going to kill you and my dad will cover it up for me”
She was really choking me
“Go ahead,kill me, I’m very sure Dave won’t let you be for hurting his first love” I said confidently
“What are you talking about? First love?”she asked angrily and ti-ght£ñed the grip on my n£¢k
“Violet,were are you? We’re going to be late for school” Zach shouted from downstairs
She re-leased my n£¢k”I’ll seriously come back for you and kill you for real”
Then she left
I started coughing,this girl is a murderer
Violet’s POV
I went to school and c@m£ back,Dave wasn’t in school,they said he got injured so he couldn’t make it to school
Immediately I got home,I went straight to Josie’s room,she was checking her phone and smilling
I snatched the phone from her,she was checking Dave’s pics
This girl has really crossed the line
“Why do you keep annoying me?!” I yelled at her,I can’t take this anymore
Anyway that aside,I nee-d to ask her something else
I moved closer to her”Can you give me the direction of Dave’s house?”
She laughed”No”
I flared up instantly”You better give me the direction of his house right now! He didn’t come to school today,I nee-d to go and visit him”
“I said I can’t”she told me
“Give me the direction or I’ll kill you?”
She was still smiling,it seems she wasn’t affected by my threats
Is she really serious about the fact that she and Dave k!$$£d?
That Dave loves her?
No I mustn’t let this happen
Dave must not love any other girl ap@rt from me
I nee-d to find his house no matter what
I nee-d to get closer to him
I….. I can’t stand Josie taking my place in his life
He has to love me and me alone