It’s her story episode 5 & 6

✴️✴️ It’s Her Story ✴️✴️

✳️[Her Dream Of Marrying A Doctor]✳️

??Episode 5??

?️?️ Written By: Dammie Crown ?️?️
‼️‼️Like and comment plea-se ‼️‼️
“Grace,my daughter. You’ve been acting strange ever since you c@m£ back from school. Is something wrong? Is it something you can talk about?” She asked calmly holding my hands.

I felt emotional. I felt like crying.

“Mummy…” I called softly almost inaudible.

“Yes my daughter. Talk to me. I’m your mother.” My mum said.

I’m almost in tears now…tears circled in my eyes.

“Mummy…I…Joel left me.” I said and bur-sted into fresh tears.

My mum was shocked but she hvgged me and console me. Only if she knew what next I’m going to spit out.
I kept on crying uncontrollably.

“Is there more than Joel leaving you? Besides, why did he left? I thought you said he’s also a doctor.” Mummy said.

“Mummy… Joel used me! I was set up by the males in my school since I don’t give in to them whenever they asked me out. They set me up with a mechanic which is Joel!” I said crying loudly..

“Oh my goodness! Grace! Wait…is it not what I’m thinking? Don’t tell me you have any S-xual int£rç0rs£with him..” mummy asked slowly.

I shifted back as this is the point..

“Mummy…” I said.

“Grace has killed me! I’m done for! Grace! How dare you? Despite my warnings and teachings. I told you not all guys worth our love. We are too fragile and soft. Grace! Where is your head? Do you make use of them at all?” Mummy asked angrily.

“What’s with the noises over there? that you?” I heard daddy said coming to our direction.

“My dear, hear what your daughter said to me. It’s as if am dreaming. Tell your dad!” Mummy fired at me.

“Daddy…I…Joel left me and..I..they used me.” I said with tears.

“Who used you?” Daddy asked.

“My friend…say the thing” mummy barked at me.

“He got me pregnant daddy! I’m sorry.” I finally said..

Daddy said nothing but went out. He left us in the room.

“You see your life? Is that not your daddy that do cares about you? Is that not my husband that act to you like you are his wife? You are a disappointment Grace! You ruined our reputations. What about your brothers? What will they think about you? You this silly girl with no br@in. ” Mummy said and hissed then she left my room.

Now, I’m finally done for! I stood up to lock my door. I closed the window and started shedding tears.

“God… I’m sorry. Help me out in this situation. Nothing should happen to me. I knew I’ve wronged you. But,I was stupid. Help me out plea-se. Intervene!” I cried out.
“My dear, we have to forgive her. Everyone is bound to make mistakes. Leaving her alone in her condition will make things worse. I knew she caused us a lot but we are her parents. We are to accept her no matter the way she pres£nt herself before us. She’s in the situation that nee-ds our love and support. plea-se my dear don’t let us do something we will eventually regret in the nearest future. Remember, she’s a graduate alre-ady, she will start working by Monday and move out of our house… before then let’s make things right between us. She is alre-ady regretting it my dear. Let’s forgive her remember God also forgive us.” Mummy said to daddy when they got to their room.

He said nothing but la-id on the be-d and sle-pt off.

Mummy called my brothers and Informed them. They called me but I turned off my phone.

I stay indoors for good three days without going out or even eating anything. Mummy would come to knock on my door every hour.

“Grace my daughter, plea-se open this door. It’s three days alre-ady. You’ve not taken anything. Don’t kill yourself for us now.” She’ll always say but I won’t answer or even stir.
.©️ Dammie Crown ?️
“My dear, Grace has been in her room for three consecutive days. You didn’t say anything. You kept quiet. Nothing must happen to my daughter oh. I’m warning you, nothing must happen to her ohh.” My mummy will cried out to daddy…

My brothers also c@m£, tried coming in but all to no avail. I’ve seized the extra key and kept it.

“Grace, it’s me your big brother. Come out love. I’m not here to condemned you. plea-se darling.” But I care not..

When it’s Sunday evening, I packed my belongings. Hannah has helped me with an ap@rtment. She rented it for me till I was able to get my own personal ap@rtment.
I packed everything and unlocked the door.

I saw mummy. She was shocked seeing I and my luggages.
©️ Dammie Crown

Guys.. the comments and likes are too low. I’m disappointed despite ma-king out time for y’all. So, plea-se and plea-se like and leave a comment as well.
Thank you.

Mummies can be funny sha, see the mummy that has shouted earlier and now is telling daddy “nothing must happen to my daughter”???

A big shout out to all mummies out there! They’re all wonderful!

??It’s Her Story??

?[Her Dream Of Marrying A Doctor]?

??Episode 6??

?️?️Written By: Dammie Crown ?️?️

“Oh my! Grace. Finally you’re out? Where are you heading to with your bags?” She asked.

She seems to have bec@m£ a little lean. Oh mothers are too sweet.

“Don’t worry mummy. I’ll be fine. Just nee-d some fresh air to clear my head.” I said and tried moving my stuffs.

“Grace, there’s fresh air here too. The garden is there, balcony as well. No nee-d to go somewhere else. Grace…” Mummy said trying to st©p me.

I left my bags and moved closer to her. I hvgged her with pains in my heart.

“I’ll be fine mummy,trust me. I will be fine. I just nee-d to go. I’ll call you.” I said and stepped back.

“Grace…you can’t leave in this your state..” mum said crying.

“I’ll be fine.” I said and started lifting my bags outside.

Minutes later, a taxi c@m£. He put them in the car, I waved mummy a goodbye and entered the taxi.

“Bye mummy. I love you.” I said and entered.

She nodded wiping her face. I sat in the car with my eyes circled in tears. If I blink, they’ll roll down my cheeks.

“Sorry mummy, I just nee-d to leave. I nee-d my own space to think things out. I’ll be fine.” I said to myself softly and rested my head on the seat headrest.
.©️ Dammie Crown
I got there few minutes later. Unpacked my loads and arranged everything to Its place. It was a two be-droom ap@rtment. It has a bigger sitting room. A dining at a corner besides the kitchen. Everywhere tiled. Each be-droom has its own bathroom.

I called Hannah later in the evening to thank her for choosing the best ap@rtment for me. She asked if I like it.

“Liking it is an un-derstatement. I love it my dear. Thank you.” I said.

We chatted a while. She promised to be visiting me at her leisure time.
After the call, I called mummy telling her I’m fine. She asked my address but I told her not to worry for now. I’ll show her later. I told her to apologise to dad on my behalf.

I called my brothers and told them the same thing.
I would be resuming work tomorrow morning as a registered nurse. Same as Hannah but not in the same hospital.

Now, a new life is about to start in my journey of life. Will I cope? But I nee-d to…I put myself together to start afresh.
.©️ Dammie Crown ?️
At work…

I was loved by everyb©dy. I don’t know the reason but I just found out everyone loves me. I was glad though but I took things easy with them all.

Mummy would called everytime asking after my health and how I’m feeling being alone. Same as my brothers but daddy never called.

There’s this p@rticular guy in my team in the hospital. He looks gentle, young and handsome.

We’re always on shift together. He noticed that I’m always on mask.

Wondering about the word “mask”?

Yeah… I’m really heartbroken and sad despite all the love from each angle.

Carrying a runaway child is enough troubles for me. Sometimes I feel like ab-orting it, but the Bible doesn’t support that.

It seems this guy noticed that I’m using a mask to cover up my pains and state. Meaning I f0rç£d to smile in everything.

We’re in a ward together one night trying to help a pregnant woman in giving birth.. the woman has been in pains for days.

Seeing her in the state troubles me. As I think of how mine will be. This woman has a caring husband’s who’s been here since his wife was admitted.

“If I want to give birth, who’ll stay with me like this? What if the day was my mum’s shift in the hospital?” I will asked myself.

Seems this guy noticed me. After helping the woman for a while without success…we went outside to tell her husband the only option is operation since his wife can’t do it on her own.

He was devastated…
I was more devastated as if I’m the one going throu-gh the process..

It wasn’t as if this is the first time I’m seeing this kind of case in the hospital, just that I don’t know why I felt jittery tonight.

We left the man to decide on his own as I quic-kly went to the rooft©p of the hospital.

I felt the urge to cry…I went to a corner and cried out my eyes. I cried a lot like never before.

But I don’t know this guy followed me. He waited till I was throu-gh crying. I wiped my tears and was about turning when I saw him..

I put up my smiling face again acting as if nothing happens.

“H…hi doctor.” I said forgetting his name that second.

“Is everything alright?” He asked handling me a bottle of water.

“Y…yes.” I said collecting the water and drinking it.

“What caused your tears?” He asked as I choked on the water.

“Sorry.” He said.

“T… thank you. But, I wasn’t crying as you can see I’m smiling here.” I said.

He turned and put his hands on my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

“Something is wrong. You can confide in me. You’re safe.” He said.

Those eyes are irresistible. I started feeling somehow.
But how do I explain my situation?
Should I open up?

Hmm…guys what’s your take at this point? What do you think?