In love with my wedding planner batch 3

In love with my wedding planner ??

Chapter 7
His expression changed at my reply but change back to his emotionless expression almost immediately.

Alright then. Back to our discussion ”

Yes, I was saying that we nee-d to have some money before we can start working ”

No problem, just give me your account details and I will s£nd it right away ”

Okay , you can surely get it from my secretary on your way out ”

Pls let me have it from you, I don’t want to face that creepy secretary of yours ”

what, did Judy do something to him ”

AlrigAlright” I said and gave them to him.

Few seconds later. he told me he has s£nt it to my account.

My eyes almost pop out when I saw the amount he s£nt. I expected him to s£nd half of the payment ”

But sir. This is six million and you…

I knowIt might not be enough “he interrupted.

Wow, this guy must be filthy rich and why is he cutting me off like that.
Cos you talk too much “my mind tells me.

shut up “I subconsciously said out loud.

What? Fred questioned confused.

No, not you ”

okay I will take my leave now “he announce standing up and walked out.

I watch him as he walk to his car throu-gh my window. I sigh when he drove out.


I nee-d to talk to that girl.


Yes ma’am.Wow ma’am Mr Shawn spent a long time in your office. I was expecting you will call me to help you seems like you are having a meeting.

shut up. it’s none of your business and you are my secretary not my PA.

But ma’am that’s my work too. I…

Shut your mouth shut it “I yelled angrily.
Now what did you say or do to Fred.. I mean Mr Shawn that made him react that way when I mentioned you ”
Huh? What way ma’am ”

You still have the nerve to ask me questions don’t you “.

I don’t know, I didn’t do anything ”

You were flir-ting with him right? What did I tell about flir-ting with customers Huh. Do you know he’s getting married in three months time. Do you?
And let me warn you. If this $h!tty attitude of yours make me loose a client one day.Trust me you are loosing your job . un-derstood. ”

Yes ma’am, but ma’am you are overreacting and I st©pped flir-ting when I knew he was here to plan his wedding.

I didn’t reply, I walked in to my office and slam the door angrily.

She’s right. I overreacted and acted like a possessive girlfriend over his b©yfri£nd.

This guy is driving me nuts I must confess and I nee-d to st©p before it gets out of hand.

Sighing softly, I went into my pri-vate restroom and clean up my self. I took contraceptive from my bag and use it.

I called my secretary throu-gh the intercom.

Pls come to my office ”

Yes ma’am ” she says and I hung up.

come in ”
sit Judy ”

Look Judy, I’m very sorry for my outbur-st earlier. I was in a bad mood and trust me I didn’t mean all those threat at all. ”

No ma’am, I’m not angry. Actually what you said was true and I promise it won’t happen again. ”

I smile.
Good you can go now ”

In love with my wedding planner ??

Chapter 8
(how do you know her ).
Fredrick’s pov.
I entered the bar and sighted Sam at a corner drinking. Sam is my best buddy, the only one I trust among my friends.

Dude what’s up “I greeted and we did the bro hvg. I sat down and pour my self a drink before putting it back on the table.

Nothing much man just decided to get a break. I have a lot on my mind lately “Sam says.
I take a sip from my drink.

Do you wanna share. You know a problem shared is a problem solved. ”
Is just a girl I’m in love with ”

The hell dude? You are in love? Since when and you didn’t tell me? ” I half yell attra-cting some people.

Keep it down man let me explain ”


I d@t£d her ”

You did? ”

Yes, but she broke up with me ”

Why? ”

Said she find another guy and she’s getting married in months time. ”

Damn! Does she love you?

I don’t know man, thought she did until she said it’s over ”

Wait, when did that happen? ”

When you are in Africa. She broke up with me a month after you c@m£ back that was when I planned to tell you about her. ‘”Chat flakky up on WhatsApp 07037737229 for your customize n£¢klaces, br@celet,ring, cufflinks, phone pouch

Yeah I went to Africa for business that took me a year. Ariana and I have been d@t!ngbut we lost contact when I travelled. When I c@m£ back I made sure I find her but it baffled me Ariana has changed within a year.

What about you man. What’sup with the wedding preparations? Alre-ady met the wedding planner?

Yes I have, I was coming from her place. ”

Is she good?’

Yes she is. Can I ask you a question ”

Sure ”

How do you know her ”

She planned my sister’s birthday p@rty and I think they are friends too ”
Is that all you know about her?

Yes, why are you suddenly interested in knowing her? ”

Nothing really “I said itching my n£¢k.
Hmm, tell me how is work? I ask diverting the t©pic.

Dude you nee-d to see this video. It’s a crime case I solve today” he says as he pu-ll out his phone from his pocket.
Sam is a police man and he’s doing well with his work.

In love with my wedding planner ???

Chapter 9❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nicole’s pov.
I was busy with Fredrick’s wedding plans. I checked my phone its alre-ady late. I think I’m going to sleep in the office tonight. It has been a hectic day. Since Fred alre-ady gave the payment yesterday. I don’t want to del@yanymore. I love doing my work fas-ter so as not to disappoint my client. And tomorrow I have to go to Paris to get some of the things nee-ded. I also nee-d to get more wedding dress in my sto-re.

My phone rang and I pick it up to check the callers name. Mr Shawn. Why is he calling me now?. I pondered.
Yeah, probably to ask about the wedding preparations what else. ‘I thought.
Or maybe he…
Oh Nicole what nons-en-se are you thinking about again.

My phone st©pped ringing thenIt started ringing again.
Hmm hmm “I cleared my throat.
Hi “I said to myself to make my voice isn’t hoarse before picking the call.

Hello “I say to the phone.

Hi Nicole, how are you? ”

I’m fine sir and how are you too ”

Very well thank you ”

Hmm, sir what makes you call me? ”

Nothing, I just, I just want to say hi ”

He called to say hi? Omg did I hear well? I re-moved the phone from my ear and checked the caller ID again ma-king sure I’m not mistaken. I put it back on my ear realizing I haven’t replied him.

Well, thank you. ”

Nicole “he called.

Yes sir ”

Pls can just call me Fred or Fredrick and st©p the formalities.”


Good. Can I see you tomorrow?”

Hmm sir, I mean Fred I’m sorry but I won’t be available tomorrow, I have to travel to get somethings for the wedding. ”

I un-derstand but can I see you tonight. plea-se Nicole don’t say no “.

I.. Believe me Fred I’m really busy with the wedding preparations. Now I couldn’t go home I have to sleep in the office tonight cos it was alre-ady late when I realize I have to close. I’m sorry. ”
Chat flakky up on WhatsApp 07037737229 for your customize n£¢klaces, br@celet,ring, cufflinks, phone pouch

He sighs.
Okay Nicole I get it “he snapped and hang up.
What is wrong with him, can’t he just un-derstand I’m busy.
And it’s his wedding I’m planning that is giving me stress.
I hissed and slam my hands on the table angrily .

Few minutes later.
I was about drifting off to sleep on my couch. When I heard footsteps coming towards the door someone might have enter the building. Then I remembered I didn’t lock the doors. I bec@m£ scared. Who could it be. I checked the time 10:38pm it’s alre-ady late. Who knows I’m still here. So many thoughts runs throu-gh my head. Then an idea popped in to my head.
I hope it works.

I moved to the side of the door raising the big plywood as I keep my breathing down. I stand on alert.
Very soon the door cli-cked open and the person tries to enter. I raise the plywood and smash it on the person earning a loud gr0@nfrom him falling on the floor. Good.

I bent down to check who it was and the person I saw made me froze.

fv¢k! What have I done.