In love with my wedding planner batch 1

In love with my wedding planner 💑

🔞Episode 1🔞

(beautiful wedding planner)
Fredrick Shawn pov.

Hey babe “I said to the phone.

Hold your greetings, have you gotten a planner for our wedding Fred?. She ask in her usual commanding voice.

Not yet babe I……. I tried to say but she cut me off.

Seriously do you expect me to do the also, you know how much stress I’ve being going throu-gh because of this wedding and you are there doing nothing “she yelled and hung up.

I sign. God help me with this woman I’m getting married to.
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I dialed Sam’s number and he picked. ”
Sam Pls do me a favor, s£nd the address of the wedding planner you told me about last week “.i say to him.

Sure, I will right away ” he replied.

Thanks “I say and hung up.

I stand up from the couch to get myself a drink. Not long Sam s£nt the address and i head to Nickie’s event planning centre.

Few minutes later I entered the building and approach the secretary.
Hello ” I say to get her attention.

She looks up and smile se-ductively.

Hi, how may I help you Mr…….

Shawn “I told her.

Yes, Mr Shawn.

I believe you plan events here, so I’m here to….

Oh so what type of event do you want us to plan for you sir? A birthday p@rty, anniversary, which one sir? “she says shooting me a s£dûçt!vegaze and b!tt!g herl-ips.

No it’s a wedding” I said and her countenance changed it was replaced by a smile almost immediately.

Hmm your brothers, a friend or your sister’s wedding “she says. I was starting to get annoyed.

No it’s my wedding. And can you plea-se take me to your boss or something and st©p asking fv¢king dumb questions.”I yelled angrily and she just rolled her eyes and starts to make call informing her boss.

You may go in “she says and I turn to go but turned back and tell ; I know I’m h0t, but you see you are not my type. I can’t even have you for a night stand so I advice you to st©p stressing yourself trying to s£dûç£me. Okay?.

I sm-irk when I saw her face flu-shed with redness . She was clearly embarras-sed.
She glares angrily at me.

In love with my wedding planner 💞💑

Before you start re-ading. I nee-d you to know this. I don’t have any idea about wedding planning stuffs just used my imagination. This is a work of Fiction.


🔞chapter two 🔞
(Beautiful wedding planner 2).

Fred’s pov continues.
I knocked and hear a female voice saying “come in “.
I opened the door and my eyes met with a beautiful tan woman.
Hello “I greeted.

Hello welcome sir “she replied politely standing up to me.

My name is Nicole mensah and you are? She says smiling gorgeously.
She’s got a cute smile and her tan skin is glowing. Her hair is in br@ids which she packed in ponytail.

Fredrick, Fredrick Shawn ” I replied back with a light smile.

Nice to meet you Mr Shawn ” she says and we shake hands.
Wow her hand is so soft and warm. I held unto her hand for sometime as we look into each others eyes. She withdraw her hand from mine.
I cleared my throat.

plea-se have your sit ” she offers pointing to a chair in front of her desk and I sat down muttering a thank you.
She also sat down.

So, how may I help you Mr Shawn ” she says.

I want to plan my wedding can you do that for me? “I say.

Very well yes Mr Shawn that’s my work “.

Good then ” I say.

What type of wedding are we talking about here sir? A church,on a beach or a court wedding.

We are having a court wedding and reception afterwards ” I replied.

So, how much do you budget ” she says jotting on her notes.

5million my fiance wants something grand and clas-sic and if the money can’t get throu-gh you can just tell me, Pls don’t manage “.

Money isn’t a big problem for me. I’m a billionaire.

Okay Mr Shawn , take this and give to your fiance to go throu-gh and pick whatever she wants. Get back to us and then we discuss the payment and other necessary thing’s. ” she says stretching like a magazine to me. I checked it. It re-ads vogue at the t©p.

What’s this?.

It’s an decor magazine, she should pick the designs she wants us to work on. ” she replies with a smile.

Okay thank you Ms Mensah for your time ”

No problem sir thank you ”

Okay I’ll be leaving ” I announced.

Alright ”
And I walked out.

Minutes later I walked in and met my fiance typing vigorously on her l@pt©p.
This is the so called wedding plans she’s being doing, s£nding emails inviting the world to her wedding.

Ari baby, whatcha doing “I asked as I k!ssher on the cheek.

What you can’t do” she replied not looking at me.

Here. The wedding planner said to give this to you “I informed.

What’s this “she says as she drop her l@pt©p on the table and collect the magazine.

What am I supposed to do with this? She ask arrogantly.

Take a chill pill Ariana, she said you should look throu-gh them and pick the designs and decorations you want so they can work on it, you just have to tick it when you are done choosing. ”

Whatever “she says and went back to her l@pt©p.

Ari baby “I called and start k!ss!ngher n£¢k, she should know what I want.

Leave me alone Fred, you can see I’m very busy right now ” she says and push me away.

But that can wait I really nee-d you right now “I whined.

No this can wait ” she says pointing to my alre-ady £r£¢tc0ck.

I sigh angrily and walk out of the house.

That’s how she is, arrogant, bossy and annoying. She commands me a lot and denies me S-x almost every time.

You must be thinking ‘then why are you getting married to her ‘.

Well this isn’t how she is before I proposed to her. She just changed her attitude. And besides I love her and I hope she change after we get married.

In love with my wedding planner.

🔞Episode three 🔞
(the ride)

Nicole’s pov.
I’m so hor-nyright now and my secretary says I have a visitor.

$h!t, Nicole pu-ll your self together.

I heard a knock.
Come in “I said and the door opened revea-ling a tall handsome S-xy man.
This isn’t good at all, I’m being tortured by nature intentionally.

Hello ” he greeted in a very husky beautiful voice (if that’s a perfect world to use).

Hello welcome sir “I replied standing up.

My name is Nicole mensah and you are ” I ask.

Y’all wondering Mensah?. I’m half African, my dad is a Ghanaian and mom is American. I’ve got a little bit my dad’s skin and more of my mom, so it didn’t really show.

Fred, Fredrick Shawn ” he replies.

Nice to meet you Mr Shawn ” I say and shake him.

When I shake him I almost had my Orgasm but I quic-kly got my self control back.

After Mr Shawn left, I heaved a sigh of relief and think of how to help my self. Of course I’ve t©uçhed myself but didn’t work at all.

Good let me call Josh (my b©yfri£nd).

Hi Josh “I said today to the phone when he picked up.

Oh h_e_y nic_ky what’s up “he replies breathlessly.

Are you okay? I ask.

I am, what’s up why did you call ?

Why I call my b©yfri£nd? Seriously Josh?.”

No not like that,i thought you will be at work. You know ” he says.

I know but I miss my b©yfri£nd.
Anyways where are you ” I ask.

fuc-k “I heard him mutter more like a m0@n .

Josh? What’s going on are you okay “I say.
I’m fine I just hit my leg on something “he says.
Okay, where are you “I ask again getting impatient.
my office where else ” he says.
Okay then I’m coming over “I tell him.

What !Noo Pls don’t come over ,I’m having a meeting in the next five minutes now “he yelled.

But I miss you “I whined.
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Aww, I miss you too baby, don’t worry I’ll see you tonight. Okay? ”

Okay “I replied but I wasn’t I’m definitely going I’ll just wait for him till he finishes his meeting.
I can’t stay here any longer.
I stood up and walked out of my office to my car.

Josh’s office.
I entered the building and walk up to his office ignoring the secretary but she calls me back.

You can’t go in now, he’s in a meeting “she says.

I roll my eyes and said “I’m going to wait in the office not in the meeting room ”

I should have listened to her.

Now see, I met my b©yfri£ndfv¢king a girl on his table. Wow.

Nicole “he called angrily and at the same time shocked.

I taught you are in a meeting “I said calmly.

I told you not to come ” he says.

I glanced at the girl who is getting dressed and say ; I will just leave now ”
Yes you should “he said nonchalantly ma-king me get angry.

You know what, I’m done with this stupid relationsh!p. You know I was just managing your small d!¢k that can’t even get someone to Orgasm. You svçkin S-x. Right girl ” directing my question to the girl.

Yes you are right, can you believe he hasn’t made me to my Orgasm but he has more than three times.” the girl replied.
I bur-st into fit of laughter at her response. Omg you should see Josh face.

What I can believe you will do this to me lily and you get out of my office it’s over between us. “Josh says his face red as tomato.

Yes, Mr two minutes man” I mocked and walked out of the office. The secretary gave me the ‘I told you ‘ look and I roll my eyes at her.

I wasn’t angry because he cheated on me. I was angry because he has to now that I nee-ded him. Even though he isn’t that good at least he can help me with this urge.
Don’t even know why I d@t£d him though.

I sigh and drove off.
Damn ! I hit a car. I got out to apologize to the person and I met him.

Oh Mr Shawn it’s you. I’m really sorry I hit your car ”

No problem, are you okay? You look pale.
Yes I am” I replied. I will go now “I told him.

Alright, but are you sure you can drive you don’t want to hit another person’s car do you? ” he says and I laughed.

So what are you insinuating” I ask him.
Let me drive you home?”he said raising his eyebrows.

Okay “I told him and he parked his car in a safe place before driving me home in an awkward silence.