ICHABOD episode 24/25

Cursed For A 1000 Years

Chapter 24

He checked the time for the fifteenth time and realized it was 11:30. Her head was still resting on his che-st and with the way she was breathing, he could tell that she was not yet asleep but she was beginning to drift off gradually.

He kept patting her slowly on the back and just like that, her breathing bec@mÂŁ erratic, meaning she was falling asleep slowly. Thank goodness!

Slowly, he slid from un-der her, carefully and cautiously
then when he was finally able to get her properly positioned on the be-d, he stood up, checked his time and dashed off.


He found Rashidat alre-ady waiting for him outside with the van.

“What took you so long? We don’t have all the time.” She said, opening the door for him while he got in . He said nothing for he remembered she had scratched him the last time.

“Well, aren’t you going to say anything?” She asked.

“How about you apologise first?”

“For what?”

“For scratching me
” he replied.

“Oh, that was for your own good you know.” She replied, laughing, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, can we start going?” he asked.

“Yea, sure, hold on,” she opened the safe and di-pped a hand inside to bring out the ring. “ Hey, here you are.”

“Oh, thank you so much Rashidat

. You are a darling,” he said, sliding his f!nger into the ring and he sighed. “It feels so good to have this with me, I am never taking it off again. How did he escape again?”

“Oh, well,after we got to our place and we tied him up, I left to do something, by the time we got back, he was gone and one more thing,” she said, looking sad all of a sudden, “he sh0t Adam and the other man that was tied up.”

When he heard this, he snapped and the next thing hat c@m£ out of hisl-ips was a de-ep growl

“That bastard!” he shouted.

“Calm down Odin, look, we nee-d to have a good plan in place, okay
he is stronger than we think and now that he knows your secret, we nee-d to get things done before the full moon.”

“Is the old man going to be okay?” Odin demanded.

“I hope so Odin, but you nee-d to be re-ady for anything
And I switched the ring with another that looks similar just as you suggested” She replied. “So this means he has no idea that we have the ring.”

“That is really good. And trust me, I’m always re-ady. So who is with Adams?”

“My father is with him,” she replied.”The only time you can see him is now, you cannot see him while you are Ichabod, if Harmony knows, she will remember him as the policeman..but..ichabod, the shooting was really bad.” She said looking up at him, “I’m afraid he might not make it.”

“Then we don’t have time to waste
get me out of here


“You are the other one? My daughter had said so much about you, I am afraid we have’t met
” the other old man, Rashidat’s father said to Odin who frowned and only growled at him before walking into the room that Adam lay.

Adam was lying on the be-d unconscious, with several tubes connected to his b©dy.

“I wish I know whre that bastard is so I can snap his n£±k,” he gro-an ed, hitting his hand against the table.

“I am sure he is far away right now,” Rashidat replied, “but something tells me he is coming back,”

“Oh, he will, and when he does, I am going to be so re-ady to kill him one and for all.”


This time, she was at a p@rty with lots of white folks than she has ever seen before. There were lots of merry-ma-king, music and dances
everyone was happy, including herself. It felt like the happiest day of her life until the door opened and a scary old woman opened the door
the music st©pped all of a sudden and the man beside her stood up. He walked towards the woman . She was quiet, everyone was quiet
she couldn’t hear what was being said but she could feel that something was wrong.

The next thing she heard was a loud growl and everywhere scattered
by the time she c@m£ to her s-en-ses, she felt a sharp pain around her n£±k and she screamed
holding her hand to her n£±k
when she looked to see what it was, all around her was covered in blood, including her white go-wn
a growl sounded next to her and she saw sharp pointy yellow fangs, snarling at her..

She screamed and woke up, p@n-ting heavily.

Harmony realized she was soa-ked in her own sweat and her che-st kept rising and falling

Thank God it was just a dream
.she thought but was it really a dream?

She looked around her and recalled that she had asked Ichabod to stay with her so she was still in his room. So where was he?

She checked the clock on the wall, it was some minutes to 4

“Ichabod!” she called out, hoping he was in the bathroom but there was no response, so she stood up to go find him

. Meanwhile she heard a car st©p at the front of the house and she turned back, drew the curtain ap@rt and saw a van, it was dark, maybe that was why she thought the van looked similar
someone climbe-d out of it, and she could have sworn it was Ichabod with a lady driver
she could feel the anger surging from de-ep down within her. He had left her in the room to go out and be with a lady
probably that same lady she had seen him with! She had been such a fool!


Odin climbe-d to the balcony which was just directly opposite Tracy’s room, his plan was to get a drink before he changed at 4 on the dot. He could have taken the normal entrance but he was not Ichabod. Everything was always normal with the man. It was insufferable! So he had done a little climbing. It wasn’t stressful at all, jumping from the ground to the balcony was as simple as taking a walk, except that, now he was staring at the little girl who was now awake and opening her window.

“Oh my gosh! It’s Ichabod’s odin. Come on in.” Tracy said.

He frowned, “little girl, go back to sleep.” He replied, while entering throu-gh the window which Tracy had pu-ll-ed up. He climbe-d in and was about going but st©pped as the girl chuckled. He turned around and frowned, “what is funny?”

“You really look like a monster with your red eyes and rou-gh hair. You should be like this more often Ichabod, I like it.” She giggled, showing him the gaps in her teeth.

Odin frowned, “Look little girl, I do not have time for this, trust me, you do not want to see me change.

. It will scare you.” He threatened with a wicked grin, finally hoping she would let him go.

“My mummy is awake, if she knows that you have been out, she will be really angry with you.”

Odin st©pped. “Well, that’s a food for thought.” He turned towards her.

“Do you always act like a hero everynight? Catching the bad guys?” the girl asked again excitedly.

Odin gro-an ed, “I I am no hero, I catch the bastards. I am the bad guy.”

“Well, I like this p@rt of you Ichabod. You should be like this more often. It’s fun.” She said.

“Something is going to happen right now little girl. Try not to run away

Tracy chuckled, “you don’t scare me Odin. I know you won’t hurt me.”

Odin frowned, a bit impressed but this was replaced with a sudden pain throu-ghout his b©dy as he felt himself change back to Ichabod

When Ichabod realized he had changed right in front of Tracy, he panicked
what has he done! How could Odin be so stupid?

“Wow! That was so cool just like in the movies
”Tracy g@sped with a smile but Ichabod was confused. The little girl had probably thought it was a trick of some kind. quic-kly he knelt in front of her.

“Tracy, plea-se, you must not speak of this thing that you had just witnessed.”

Tracy smiled and win-ked, “I will keep your secret Ichabod.”

Ichabod was unsure, he still couldn’t believe that Odin would change in front of such a little girl
the door opened immediately and Harmony c@m£ in.\

She looked surprised to see Ichabod

“How, why..were you not the one I saw
.?” She asked, confused.

“You must have been mistake mom, Ichabod has been with me for hours. I couldn’t sleep and he stayed with me.”

“Oh, okay. Now go to be-d, its too early.” Harmony replied, lifting her back to be-d.

Ichabod excused herself, shutting the door shortly behind him and feeling as if he had just had a narrow escape from death.

Cursed For A 1000 Years

Chapter 25

Harmony was busy planning for her birthday which coming up the following day. Event center has been paid for and they still had lots of things to shop for.

“You know you nee-d another as-sistance,” Vivian said as they walked throu-gh the boutique.

“An as-sistance? I alre-ady have you, what else do I nee-d an as-sistance for?” she replied while checking out a pink hat in the mirror.

“Well, maybe you nee-d to increase my payment cos I’m doing the work of two as-sistants,” Vivian replied, removing the hat from her head.

“Maybe you nee-d to st©p complaining and be happy that you are my as-sistant.” Harmony replied, checking out a pair of glas-ses.

Vivian frowned, “what are you checking that out for? You alre-ady have like a dozen of sunshades, unless you want to buy it for me.”

Harmony chuckled, “hell no, this is for Ichabod. I thought I nee-ded to buy him some new clothes Some jeans and shi-ts as well, to make him look h0tter instead of those jeans hes always wearing.”

Vivian giggled, “aww, that is really sweet . Come, I think there is this section we nee-d to go to.”

Together, they went to the men section and Harmony began to pick out some shi-ts but st©pped, looking worried.

“Oh, no, no. Don’t you dare fade out on me like that girl! What is this time? You know you have issues, one time you will be all happy and g@y and the next you will be just down

. Are you pregnant girl?”

Harmony sighed. “I think I nee-d help, Vivian.”

Vi frowned, “well, I alre-ady told you, you nee-d more as-sistants but if you will be willing to pay me to double, then I’,m down.”

“Look this is not a funny thing. I really nee-d help.”

Vivian looked serious. “What sort of help then?”

“I’ve been having these strange dreams more often than normal Vi and I’m afraid that, something terrible may happen on my birthday and, Ichabod, there is something about him as well.”

“Something about him? Like ap@rt from him being white and h0t?”

“Yes, ap@rt from those two, I think he may know something that I don’t know.”

“About what?”

She swallowed. “ You remember the night I and Tracy almost had an accident and I told you I saw a man?”

“Yea, you said you saw the silhouette of a man.”

Harmony rolled her eyes, “yes, I think the man might be Ichabod.”

“Are you drun!k?”

Harmony sighed, “no, I’m not but I still think Ichabod knows something he is not telling me. The other time I could have sworn I saw the van that c@m£ to pick Michael up that day, the police van?”

“Oh yea.”

“Yea, saw it packed in front of the house. Thought I saw Ichabod come out but I realized he had been with Tracy all along. Vi, I think I may be going crazy.”

Vivian sighed. “I guess it’s time we visit my friend then.”

“What friend?”

“The one I’ve been asking you to come visit all the while,” Vi replied.

“Oh no, I am not coming to see a psychic.” Harmony replied.

“So who would you rather see? A pastor? Come on, see it as my birthday gift.

. We are going there immediately we leave this place.”


Ichabod who had been waiting all the while finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the women coming out of the shop with different bags. He got down to open the boot of the car while they dumped the things inside.

“I’m so sorry baby, for keeping you waiting,” Harmony said, k!ss!nghim.

“Gross!” Vi shouted, opened the door and sitting down. “You guys should reduce the k!ss!ngplea-se, I don’t wanna get blinded here.”

The couple laughed and Harmony sat at the front seat beside Ichabod.

“So, where else are we going?” Ichabod asked.

“Oh don’t worry, I will direct you.” Vivian replied


Some minutes later, they were packed beside the road in the middle of a nowhere.

Harmony frowned. “Are you sure we have gotten to the place?” She asked Vivian who got out of the car.

“Not really, come with me.”

Harmony and Ichabod followed her as she crossed to the other side and was going into the woods.

“What’s happening here?” Ichabod asked Harmony.

“I don’t know, she said she had someone to help with my dreams and memory loss,” Harmony replied but was surprised as Ichabod st©pped.

“We are going to say a witch?”

“No, a psychic.”

“Still has the power of a witch? We call them witches, right?”

I dunoo
” Harmony replied.

“Are you guys coming?’ Vivian shouted to them as they were now close to a lonely cabin in the woods.

“You should go on, I don’t think I can go with you
” Ichabod stated.

“You can’t be serious Ichabod, come on.” She said, pu-lling him with her.

Finally they got closer to the house. It crouched low in the woods as if it was trying to hide but the slanted roof was too large to go unnoticed. It was made up of coarse and unevenly shaped stones.

“How in god’s name did you come across this house Vi or anyone leaving inside it at all?” Harmony demanded, still looking everywhere.

Vi laughed and knocked on the door, then she turned around. “You remember you rmovie, the DOUBLE? I had to look for houses like this for the woman that pla-yed the Psychic, I found this house but the director said it was too creepy for the setting. Later I discovered that the woman who owns it is actually a really psychic. Too bad, it would have been perfect.”


Ichabod’s mind was not at rest, especially when he could s-en-se the movement of the powerful woman inside as she got closer to the door. The door opened but instead of the old toothless ugly witches of his time, he was surprised to see a woman who wasn’t old at all and the worst p@rt, she was smiling at the two ladies.

“Hello Tonia.” Vivian shouted and the two hvgged.

Ichabod watched as Vivian introduced Tonia and Harmony to each other and they hvgged but when Vivian mentioned him and their eyes met
it was like his breath ceased. The smile on the woman’s face disappeared but she turned to the ladies.

“Come on you two
” She said to them.

“Come Ichabod.” Harmony said.

As Ichabod was about to follow, he was st©pped by the woman, “no, you are not invited to my home!”


“What do you mean he is not invited?” Harmony demanded, “he is with me.”

“Yes, I know but he has to stay outside if you want me to help you,” the woman retorted.

Harmony looked at Vivian who shrugged and turned to Ichabod. “You are okay outside right?”

Ichabod nodded. “Don’t worry, I will wait just here.”

Harmony wasn’t sure but then she had no choice than to leave him behind.

The interior was decorated with different paintings hanging on the wall . Harmony was surprised since there were no TV or DVD or any modern design, ap@rt from the beautiful work of arts.

“Sit down plea-se,” Tonia said and they did. Vivian and Harmony sat on a couch while Tonia sat on a stool in front of them.

“Tonia, she is the lady I told you about,” Vivian said to the woman.

“Your birthday is tomorrow,” Tonia said like a statement instead of as a question.

Harmony nodded, a bit surprised that she could tell. Vivian giggled beside her, “I told you she is good.”

“Well, I’m a star so I think everyone who uses social media would know, “ Harmony replied quietly but Vivian rolled her eyes.

“Lemme see your hand,” Tonia ordered and Harmony looked at Vivian who nodded to her to extended her hand to Tonia.

“Lemme see the palm.”

Harmony opened her palm and Tony gr@bbÂŁd it, immediately, Harmony felt a vibr@tion go throu-gh her and she realized that the black pupil in Tonia’s eyes was no more, both her eyeba-lls were now completely white. The vibr@tion went on for a while and then it st©pped

. Tonia let go of her hand.

Harmony sighed as she felt more at ease. She also realized that Tonia’s eyes had gone back to the normal.

“You are not from here are you?” She asked Harmony who was confused but Tonia continued. “You are from the past and your aura is closely linked to the full moon which is tomorrow. You didn’t come alone to this pres£nt time, you c@m£ with your soul mate who had been waiting for years to meet you again. Have you been dreaming about a man?”

“Yes, yes!” Harmony nodded.

“Tell me about your dreams,” Tonia asked, straightening up.

“Well, each time it always started so ro-mantically and then he always ended up with these deadly fangs and red eyes. I have never seen anything except those.”

“Well, one thing for sure is that you have been seeing your soul mate,” Tonia said again.

“But why does he look so scary whenever the dream is about to end?”

“That is because he didn’t come alone.”

Harmony g@sped, “Oh my God. Who else c@m£ with him?”

“His other side. Your soul-demon.”

“Oh my god!” Harmony cried.

“This is a joke right?” Vivian asked, looking at both of them but neither responded.

“I brou-ght my friend here so you can help her relax, not scare her Tonia!” Vivian shouted and stood up, “come on let’s go Harmony. This is a mistake!”

Harmony stood up reluctantly but Tonia quic-kly added. “Both of them are closer to you than you think. That which you fear the most is the truth.

“When the moon is full, your subconscious will be tra-pped between the past and the pres£nt. That is when you will have to make a choice. Remember, listen to the heartbeat
.that is when you will make a choice

“But how do I know all this? How do I make a choice? Where are they? Who are they?” Harmony asked again but Vivian was alre-ady pu-lling her out of the house.


Ichabod ‘s mind was not at rest and he was surprised when he saw them coming out so soon. Harmony put an arm around him, looking as if she had seen a ghost.

“What happened? I was so worried?” he asked.

“That woman is so creepy. Giving me goosebu-mps all over. plea-se let’s get out of here,” Vivian said and they began to go back the way they have come. Harmony was quiet, she seemed troubled and as they walked further ahead. Ichabod looked back
he could see the woman’s face by the window, looking back at him


“You can’t be serious,” said Vivian, collecting her phone back from Harmony.

“I am serious Vivian. This birthday p@rty is not happening tonight.” Harmony replied.

They were back in the house and she had just cancelled the venue she had booked and the caterer she had asked to come.

“How would you just do something like that and so sudden?” Vivian demanded angrily.

“You don’ t un-derstand and I can’t explain to you. All I know is that, tonight is not a night for me to celebr@te.”

“I can’t believe this!” Vivian scoffed, picked her bag and left.

Harmony sighed and sat on the couch. She looked at the time, it was some minutes past seven.

Ichabod c@m£ out. “I saw Vivian leaving, is everything okay?” he asked.

“No Ichabod,” she replied, standing up.

. “Everything is not okay and you cannot be here tonight. There is something I nee-d to do tonight and you cannot be here.”

He frowned. “ I cannot be here? I don’t un-derstand, plea-se tell me everything

“I can’t Ichabod. You have to go too, plea-se. You can come back tomorrow. If I’m able to survive tonight, you will see me but if not
” before she could finish, he silenced her with hisl-ips on hers
after a while he pu-ll-ed away.

“I will see you soon,” he stated and took his leave.

Harmony sighed as he left as well. Seconds later, Tanya and Tracy c@m£ out. Tracy’s bag was packed and the girl looked confused.

“Mum I don’t un-derstand.” Tracy cried and Harmony went on her knees to speak to her.

“Darling, mummy has to do something tonight and she doesn’t nee-d anyone here. So Mrs. Tanya will take you to our former house. Then she will bring you tomorrow when I’m done.” She k!$$£d Tracy who was now being led away.

Finally she was alone

quic-kly, she brou-ght out her phone and dialed the number she had memorized on Vivian’s phone

“Hello Tonia, I am re-ady, what do I nee-d to do?”