House of secrets episode 3

Episode 3
Do you like the food? If you’d informed me of your home comin
I’d have prepared something for you dear” Helen poured some
jui-ce into his glas-s.
“Thanks mu’m okay with this” Mark smiled sheepishly at his
“Where is dad? And Rose? It’s almost evening and none of them is
yet home” Mark checked his watch.
” Your father went for a programme, I know that for sure, but
your sister? I don’t know where she is” Helen sighed and settled
into the chair. By now, Nelson had found a way out of that curse
room, she trusted him, but she wouldn’t drag him into the secret
she shared with her husband and her daughter.
Pastor Ita, her husband was a good man, she believed this
strongly, he was too good for her. He was prayerful, loving,
caring and he took his responsibility as a father seriously, that
showed how nice of a man she was. That was why she felt guilt
for dragging him into the mess her daughter had created.
It happened one h0t sunny afternoon, Rose had rushed into her
room looking frightened, she follows her daughter to Gracy’s
room and realized the maid had written a note and was re-ady to
run when Rose had found her and they had fought, Gracy’s head
had collided against the wall and she died instantly.
As a mother, she knew she had to protect her daughter, and as a
wife, she had to protect her husband’s reputation as a pastor, so
was her whole idea they discard the b©dy, they had cut the
corpse into bits and buried it in the garden.
“They will be back soon” she f0rç£d the memories out of her
mind. She didn’t feel guilty, she only did what was necessary for
her family to survive.
“So why didn’t you go along with him”? Mark asked.
” I had other things to attend to” she replied curtly.
“Okay, I guess you have to do all the chores now, since Grace
vanished” Mark gulped some water.
The mysterious disappearance of Grace had hurt him greatly as
he had fallen in love with her, he was de-eply hurt when he
realized she had left without saying goodbye.
“Yes, but your father, told me he would get us a new maid” Helen
replied, she tried to change the t©pic of discussion, hearing the
mention of “Grace” made her feel uncomfortable.
“I hope she would be as nice as Grace” Mark said.
Though Grace had been a maid, she was very smart and
intelligent and he had vowed to help her with her education befor
she disappeared. He still hoped he would see her once again.
They had fallen into silence for a few minutes, each to their own
thought when the door bell rang and Helen rose to her feet to
answer it, she knew her daughter must have been the one, they
still had a lot to discuss.
Rose had not told her what had led to her fight with Grace that
afternoon, she nee-ded to speak with her daughter in pri-vate and
she nee-ded to warn her to keep their secret, else it could destroy
their family.
“Good afternoon Madam” myl-ips quavered nervously as I looked
into the eyes of a woman whom I knew instantly would be my
“Grace?” Helen held her breath as she stood face to face with the
maid her daughter had killed.
“Grace”? I was confused, I could see the fear and shock in the
woman’s eyes but I couldn’t comprehend it, I couldn’t un-derstan
why she looked so scared.
I had arrived Calabar with Joy, but she had left me after receiving
call from one of her numerous b©yfri£nds who resided in that
p@rt of town. So she had left me with the address and some
money for my fare down to her uncle’s house.
I was so confident that everything would be fine, that I would get
this job and work for some money, but one look at the woman
before me, I really doubted that