House of secrets episode 19

House Of Secrets🏘️🏘️
Episode 19
Minutes later, Rose stepped into his room and he was surprised t
see her.
‘Hello dad? Miss me’? she walked s£dûçt!velytowards him, for th
first time, he felt repulsed by her actions.
‘Rose, welcome’ the pastor replied quietly.
‘Welcome? Is that all you have to say’? Rose wondered why this
man acted differently.
‘I am sorry honey, where is your mother’? he asked coolly.
‘Gosh dad, you’re getting me all riled up, I come here to see you
and you’re asking about Helen, you’re supposed to ask about me
I’m the one who cares and not that Bytch’ Rose poked her f!nger
against her che-st.
‘Hold on, don’t ever call your mother a Bytch before me, how
dare you? She bore you for heaven’s sake’ anger coursed throug
‘Really dad? Why are you doing this? Helen doesn’t love you, in
fact, I have evidence that this accident of yours was her plan to
get rid of you for good and to take everything you own with her
lover whom I just discovered’ Rose quic-kly fetched the note she’
found in Nelson’s room.
‘What are you talking about’? he got the note from her and ran hi
eyes over it.
‘Mum has been slee-ping with Nelson, I found them on t©p each
other in the garden, then I found this note in his room when she
s£nt me to call him, they had a plan, to kill you and run off with
your money, but it failed.’ Rose explained carefully, she had to do
anything to gain her dad’s favor.
‘How did you know this’ his hands shivered, how could Helen pl
his death, Rose had never lied to him before, so Helen was equall
cheating on him, what hurt him most was her plotting to kill him
‘After I had found this note, I begged mum to report Nelson to th
police, I cried for justice, but she said we should forget him, can
you imagine that’? she scoffed.
‘I would kill Helen for this betrayal’ he pushed his food aside as he
lost appetite.
‘Dad, mother does not love you more than I do, I even advised
her not to tell people about your condition, so your members
wouldn’t lose faith in you, but do you know she refused it? She
told the press everything, it’s all over the news, the papers carry
it, that Pastor Ita is almost dead.’ Rose added.
‘Oh my God, switch on the television’ he nee-ded to be sure, if
Helen had really done all what his daughter accused her of, then
he would forget his title and deal with her.
‘I told you, it’s all over the news’ Rose switched on the television.
Coincidentally, the headlines ran across the screen as ‘breaking
‘Why would she do something like this’? the man was de-eply
‘That’s because she wants you dead in reality, so she could run o
with Nelson, but dad, we nee-d to fight back, I’m with you on this
let’s make her life miserable’Rose said.
‘How do we do that’? he was re-ady to pl@yby Helen’s rules, the
game was a dirty one and he’d get his f!ngersgreasy.
‘I have been working on this plan, thankfully, I have a blogger
friend who may help us, we’ll tell the whole world mum killed he
maid and buried her in the garden’ Rose paused.
The idea had come to her while Romeo had visited.
‘What? That’s really dangerous and it could put us all in trouble’
the pastor objected.
‘No, I am not finished, I would testify in court against mum,
saying that I knew about the affair and she tried to kill me too,
Grace had found out about the affair and mum had killed her, it’s
very easy, we’re totally absolved from this matter, all eyes would
now be focused on mum and trust me, even if she comes out of
this alive, the stigma that would follow her would be forever’ Ros
smiled mischievously.
‘What about Mark’? her father asked, knowing how close the boy
was to his mother.
‘He’ll get used to her abs£nce’ Rose replied and pu-ll-ed at her
clothes as she had the urge to make love to her father.
‘Then let’s do it, Helen wouldn’t kill me first’ Pastor Ita relaxed, he
nee-ded to hurt her back.
‘I miss you so much daddy’ she spre-ad her legs ap@rt and sat on
‘I miss you too angel’ he smiled and k!$$£d her.
‘It’s been so long my friend, I miss you so much,you ha-rd ly call
or text’ Joy was so excited to see her friend.
‘I’m sorry Joy, but I’m here now, how’s the village and how’s m
mum’? I asked. I wish I could share in her joy but my mind was
occu-pied with so many things.
‘She’s fine, I told her about my journey and she s£nds her
greetings’ Joy replied coolly as she realized I wasn’t in a good
‘What’s wrong Aju? You don’t look too happy, are you angry tha
I left you that day? I’m so sorry, I wish you could un-derstand’ Jo
sighed, she wished her friend could know the reason she stayed
back from her uncle’s house.
‘I don’t know Joy, I wish I could talk about it’ I replied, I could feel
it, the pain of what Mark did to me, the shame and the heart ache
that rode along broken trust.
‘Ajunwa? Talk to me’ Joy neared me.
I turned back and stared de-eply into her eyes, not knowing how
to start, how to explain it to her.
‘Mark R@p£d me’ I blurted out.
I expected her to shout, to scream and call fire, that was how she
expressed her anger, to my surprise, she remained very still,
instead she started sobbing and her b©dy vibr@ted with each sob
‘Joy? plea-se don’t cry, I’ve gotten over it, though it still hurts, I a
fine, just that I would do about anything to make your cousin
miserable in this life’ I rushed to her comfort.
‘How could he do such a wicked thing to you, I hate him so
much, I would kill him with my ba-re hands’ she gr-unted. I
glanced around nervously and thanked God we were alone at the
car park, nob©dy could see us like this.
‘I am fine Joy, just get up, I have other things to tell you’ I replied,
I nee-ded to show her the video cl!pI’d found in Grace’s room an
about Helen’s affair too.
‘No you’re not, that bastard R@p£d me when I was fifteen, I hate
him so much, this is all my fault, I should never have let you
come here’ she said and I un-derstood why she’d cried so ha-rd .
‘Calm down Joy, we’ll talk about this later, right now we have a
bigger issue on our hands and I don’t know how to handle it’I
reached for the video c@m£ra and showed it to her.
‘what’s this’? she eyed me suspiciously.
‘Just watch’ I replied.
‘No, god forbid, what is this? It can’t be real, it’s ph0toshopped’
she g@sped with shock.
‘No it’s not and you know that, Helen is equally cheating on her
husband, that house is filled with dirty secrets and I don’t know
how to handle that, if I run, I fear I may lose my life, just like
Grace’ I paused, I was quite sure Grace was dead, no innocent
person could survive in that house, even if they did, the darkness
in each person would overshadow them and swallow them up.
Grace must have discovered something, Helen’s affair or this and
she tried to escape and they killed her and probably faked her
‘This is dirty, how could they be slee-ping together’? Joy spat.
‘What should we do with it’? I asked.
‘I un-derstand everything now, when we were younger, Rose wa
too close to her dad, even as young girls, she chased all the guys
away, I thought she was a l£sb!anat some point’ Joy said.
‘Well, it appears she was preoccu-pied with her father, now back
to my question, what do we do’? I asked.
‘Honestly, I don’t know, if my Uncle finds out you have this vide
then he would do almost anything to have it, and that means
killing could be one of the options’ Joy sounded scared.
‘Well, I’ll hold unto it, something could up and I just may use it a
leverage’ I replied.
‘Ajunwa, I think you should follow me back to the village, let’s
disappear before they kill you like they did this Grace, plea-se, I
alre-ady blame myself for the m©l£st, don’t allow me to cry when
they kill you’ Joy fell on her knees.
I was about saying something in return, when my phone rang.
‘Good afternoon Ajunwa, I nee-d to see you urgently, return
home’ Helen ended the call before I could reply.
‘Who was that’? Joy asked.
‘Who else than your aunt? See, I am not running, I nee-d to hurt
Mark like he did me, I nee-d to stand up to him’ I replied more
determined than ever.
‘I can’t, the pain is too much to bear’ Joy replied weakly.
‘Then you rise up and fight the pain, Mark is our pain’.
‘I can’t Aju, since you wouldn’t listen, I would leave you, call me i
anything weird happens, I’m outta here’Joy walked away.
‘I can’t walk away’ I whispered, I had to stay and fight back.