House of secrets episode 1

House Of Secrets
Episode 1
There is a house on Maryland Street, Cross River State.
It has a blue roof and its b©dy is painted milky white.
This house is built on Secrets.
My father had just died three months earlier, his b©dy was not yet
la-id to rest, this was because we had no money.
“Poverty is a sin, how can he still roam this earth when he’d
dep@rted long ago”? Mama cried and wiped her eyes with the
edges of her old wra-pper.
” Mama, you nee-d to pu-ll yourself together, there would be a way
out, just believe in God” I tried to console her. I hated the way we
were, the way we lived, like rats caved in a hole, we were as poor
as that but that never wavered my dreams, I had made up my
mind to conquer poverty, and thati could only achieve throu-gh
“I doubt if there is a way out of this one Ajunwa, there is no way
no one is here to help us, all your uncles have abandoned their
brother’s b©dy to rot, I doubt if there is a way out of this one” she
sobbe-d louder.
I cried along with her, she was right, there was no way out. I had
finished secondary school five years back, yet there was no
money for me to further my education. I had hoped to find
myself a job, but it was difficult finding one talk more of keeping in
for a long while.
“Mama, I will find a way out of this” I inhaled de-eply. I knew my
mother would object to the idea, but that was all I could do to
help her and my five little younger ones. My best friend, Joy, had
spoken to me about it. Unlike myself, Joy was alre-ady in her final
year at the University of Calabar, un-der the sponsorsh!pof her
wealthy Uncle whom I was to work for.
“What way ehn? What way Ajunwa? I would never allow you go
into prostitution to save this family” she sat upright and stared
de-eply at me.
“No mother, it isn’t prostitution” I replied calmly.
“Then what”? She arched her brow.
” I want to be a maid” I replied quietly, that was the only thing I
could think of.
“He is gone, they are all gone” Nelson rushed into his Madam’s
be-droom, his boss’ wife was a very beautiful woman and he
found himself to be very lucky to have her as his girlfriend.
He was a graduate of Mas-s Communication, he had searched for
job for more than two years, he got tired of searching and
decided to find gimslef something doing, that was how he
bec@m£ Pastor Ita’s personal driver.
“Are you sure”? The beautiful Mrs Helen Ita asked her lover.
” Yes, he left with the church driver’ Nelson nodded eagerly, he
couldn’t wait to devour her b©dy.
Helen Ita was in her mid forties but she looked nothing like forty,
though she had mature kids, she still looked very young. She was
not !much of a tall woman but she had a flawless and radiant
milky white skin, well rounded h!ps and large brea-sts and a face to
die for.
“So what are you going to do to me today”? Helen win-ked and
dragged Nelson’s slender b©dy into her arms. She had grown to
love him, though he was younger than she was, he made her feel
young again, not her fanatic husband who had no time for his
family but the church.
” I want to make you Pour, then I’ll li-ck you all over again” he
dragged herl-ips with his teeth, she gro-an ed and yanked his shi-t
off him, revea-ling a nest of dark hairs, Nelson was not just a good
lover, he was a cute one.
“I love you” Helen whispered to him.
“I love you too” he replied and lifted her to the be-d. They didn’t
usually make love in her matrimonial be-d, she had designated a
special room for that.
He ca-ressed her n£¢k for some minute, then his mouth fell on he
tits while his hands ru-bbe-d her honeyed h!ps.
“Awwwww baby” Helen gro-an ed as he plea-sured her.
His hands decided to explore her beautiful b©dy further, they
found a place beneath her abd0m£n, where she was alre-ady
dripping for him.
“I can’t wait to feel you inside me” she writhed as he t©uçhed her
core with his f!ngers.
“Me too” he p@rted her legs and was re-ady to plunge in, when
something fell down from the cu-pboard and she screamed as
they both found a decaying human hand.