His v!rg!nse-ductress Episode 9 to 11

🍆🍆HIS v!rg!nse-ductress🍆🍆
***(She’s h0t but innocent.. ) ***
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
Written by Clement Ruth
Falcon sat behind his desk and watched the woman walking round jos office tou-ching things on the wall and on the desk
What in the world was she doing Here?
“Its been a while falcon “Diana said as she finally settled down in the chair in front of him
“Why are you doing here, Diana? “He asked tiredly
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t inform you of my coming, dear”she replied smiling falsely”since it didn’t occur to you that I would get bored all by myself in France where you practically dumped me! ”
“I don’t know what you are talking about”Falcon insisted
“Of course you do”Diana answered”we had a plan remember?we would go to Paris together and live the rest of our lives together too”
“I had to stay back and cleaned up your mess, Diana”falcon said”remember what you did before you left ”
“Oh whatever”she said offhandedly”you could have easily have joined men in Paris when you were done”
“Change of plans”he said”and I think you should forget about us living happily ever after”
“What do you mean? “She asked frowning
“I mean, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore “falcon replied
Diana was dumbstruck
“You can’t be serious”
“I’m afraid I am”falcon replied chuckling
“But you can’t do that! “She screeched”what would happen to me? I nee-d a man to take care of me”
“Well you have to find someone else, Diana “falcon retorted”I’m throu-gh with you”
She paused. Then
“Who’s she? ”
“Someone way better than you”falcon answered, laughing at their impetuousness
They had come far enough for her to know he was doing this because he had an interest in another woman
She sm-irked
“You are lying”
Now that she knew the reason, she would attack him head on
Woe betide the woman who had captured her falcon’s heart
“I’m not”falcon answered “apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks so”
Immediately he said it, it cli-cked
Yes, this is it
He leaned forward and stared at Diana who was glaring at him
“Apparently, your ex-husband thinks so too”
“What? ”
“That’s the one I’m talking about, Diana “falcon continued”She was enough to make your husband forget you, why won’t I? ”
“W.. Why you… “Diana raised her hand and swung at his face bit he caught it in mid air and held it firmly
Slowly he re-leased his grip on her hand and looked into eyes fuming with rage
“Are you really going to let that happen? ”
“I draw”
“Oh really? “Isaac asked”isn’t that enough to make a sufficient living?”
Brianna swirled her soup and scooped it up before talking
When trying to find out about her and her interests, she revealed her pas-sion for drawing
“Well it’s not very profitable, considering when you are still a college student and there are more bills to pay than buying canvas for drawing”
“So you just abandoned it? ”
“When mom had that.. Uh…. “She stuttered”I had to drop it and looked for a way to cater for both of us since the bills just piled up”
Isaac was silent, then
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be”Brianna smiled”its not like its your fault”
“Tell me about the accident”
Brianna swallowed, then sighed
“I had just gotten home on vacation. We we’re on our way home from the grocery sto-re in town when I begged her in had to go back for a p@rticular canvas at the sto-re. Mom never argued, she just went with me but waited outside while I got it. I was just coming out I heard was a crash and my mom was lifeless in the floor. But she just sat behind the wheel…”
“What?.. ”
“The woman”Brianna gr!pp£dthe tablecloth as h0t tears slid down her face”a woman drove that car that night and she just stared at my mom lying lifeless on the ground then sped away”
Isaac put his arms around her and hvgged her ti-ghtly as she poured her grief out
Behind him, the telephone rang but he ignored it and concentrated on comforting the woman in his arms
The phone rang for some time then st©pped as his answering machine c@m£ on
“Hello Isaac”
Isaac did a double take and slowly glanced at the machine in shock
“This is Diana, your wife”the voice repeated”we nee-d to talk”
***(She’s hoy but innocent….) ***
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
It was a prank
It had to be a prank
Someone was pla-ying a sick joke on him
Well if it was a joke, it was definitely not funny
Isaac tossed and turned on his be-d as various thoughts raced throu-gh his head
He had waited in fear for an hour trying to see if that number would call back but it didn’t
He called it then but it was not reachable
Anger had quic-kly followed the fear. Anger that someone was using his dead wife’s name to joke around with
But he was also relieved
That voice had seem so familiar… Just like…
He had met Diana at a seminar in Dallas which was her home town.
She was also in that conference but he discovered later that she was there ad a companion to another money bag not as a business woman
Then he had fallen in love and what was supposed to be a two week affair turned out to be a 7yr deal
He was crushed when she died in that car accident and he had buried her remains like a good faithful husband
Now she was being used for jokes and a means of ma-king money
He sighed angrily and got up from the be-d
His feet moved in the direction of brianna’s room which was adjoining his
The door was open and a thin sliver of light as filtering throu-gh the tiny space
He opened it wilder and looked round the room sp©tting a figure in the balcony
“Brianna? ”
Brianna had been staring at her phone, the light from the cell reflecting her face
The message stared back at her
It was either a blessing or a curse
Exclusive royal h0tel was sorry for their conduct and they would like to recruit her as a contract worker in their exclusive h0tel. Would she plea-se consider?
Brianna sighed
It wasn’t about the text message but about isaac’s behaivour tonight
What had that call been about?
Brianna had heard the message clearly but pretended not to
His dead wife was alive?? And kicking?? And she nee-ds to talk???
What would she do?
Unshed tears brimmed in her eyes.
Nothing she had ever wanted that she got
She was in love with Isaac but looks like he’s going to be married again
Maybe this new job would be a good thing
“Brianna? ”
She turned sharply
“Isaac”Brianna said”what are you doing here? ”
“I couldn’t sleep”he said”what about you? ”
“Same”she answered and they sat in silence for a few seconds
“Was that your wife? “She asked suddenly and was shocked the she did so
“My wife is dead, Brianna “he replied steely”And that was just a prank call, although the prankster is going to be sorry he ever had a phone”
A great surge of relief surged throu-gh her and she struggled not to show it
Isaac moved closer to her and hvgged her from behind
“Brie? ”
“Listen i want you to forget about what you heard tonight”he whispered, ni-bbling her ear at the sane time, ma-king her shiver with de-sire”I’ve let go of the past and you are a gift to me. My pres£ntn. I want no other”
I want no other
Diana paced back and forth before the phone,a few minutes after giving that disastrous call
She sure hoped she gave Isaac something to think about tonight
Ughh, she hated to think falcon was right but this was the only way to get him back
By taking Isaac far away from that woman, that’s her falcon wants
But diana was not stupid
Take Isaac far away from her, then she will be your woman while I’ll go back to being the wife of one man whom I don’t love
She was definitely too good for just one man
Thirty minutes
What was he waiting for? Perhaps she should call back but no
Calling once would make it more ominous
After an hour Diana went to be-d in defeated anger
She would go to that house tomorrow
She would show that she would not be easily abandoned, she would ckim what’s rightfully hers
Yes, she would
***(she’s h0t but innocent… ) ***
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
Written by Clement Ruth
“Uhhhh….. Mr Simmons… This is weird”The intercom buzzed and Isaac was not in the mood for his secretary’s shenanigans
He had had a good night sleep and nothing is going to spoil his good morning
He placed his thumb on the intercom
“Lisa, what in the world is your problem? “He said and suddenly his door opened and he knew the problem
Diana walked in throu-gh the door looking sweet and lovely in a serene white dress that st©pped just below the knees
Her big eyes we’re filled with unshed tears and an uncertain smile hung around her mouth
Isaac had gone pale and he could bot move from the sp©t which he stood
No, this must be a dream
“D.. Diana? ”
“Isaac”she said and suddenly launched herself into his arms, removing the thought that it might be a dream from his head when his hands t©uçhed flesh
This was Diana in the flesh and blood
They stayed like that for a while, Isaac unable to believe that his dead wife was alive, then she eased from his arms and looked into his eyes, her own brimming with tears
“You are alive? “He said and she nodded and sat down while he did the same
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you”she said, tou-ching his face”Every minute in that damned be-d was torture, my only wish ap@rt from death was that I could see you”
“W.. What? “Isaac asked”what are you saying? ”
“I was in coma”she whispered tears falling ra-pidly”for five years Isaac, and I’m only just regaining my memories”
Shock rendered him speechless
“What? ”
“A very kind man rescued me that day and took Me to the hospital, where I recu-perated”
“Wait.. You mean you were here in the city all along? “Isaac asked incredulously
She nodded
“But that’s impossible “Isaac replied”when we couldn’t find your b©dy, I searched every nook and cranny of every hospital in the city and you were nowhere to be found”
“Uhhh.. M.. Maybe you didn’t kook well enough”she said
“What are you saying Diana? “He retorted “did you know how I felt when I lost y..”
“Shhh”she pressed a f!nger to hisl-ips”Forget about the past dear, I’m here now and we’ll never be ap@rt anymore”
Isaac was not so sure
Brianna sat in the immaculate office in the exclusive royal h0tel, where the receptionist had directed her to
This was a different receptionist from the last one which was her mortal enemy
So she was actually doing it
She had accepted a job with the same company that had fired her so unfairly
Well it was time to be independent again in case things went south
And she had a really bad feeling that things was going to be bad
That phone call last night was a bad omen
“Miss Adams a plea-sure to have you back in our midst “a voice said and she turned to watch a tall, attrac-tive man walk into the room
He looked vaguely familiar and his gaze made her uncomfortable
He smiled at her
“How do you do? ”
“How do you do”Brianna answered “I really don’t know what it is that company was me to do sir…… ”
He cut her off
“Falcon, call me falcon “he said “well I actually asked for you to be called back”
“Oh, why? ”
“Well, I was going throu-gh your resume and I saw you were an artist”he said”so how would you like to be the sole designer of exclusive Royal h0tels ball rooms? “.
Brianna was overwhelmed
“Wow that’s… That’s hvge… But I’m really sure… that you could find someone else….. I mean there are more talented artists than me,…. “She started but he shook his head
“Forget that, we chose you”he said”more importantly I chose you”
Brianna could only nod
“So… What do you say? ”
“I say… Thank you”she replied gleefully
“Great”he stood up, shaking her hand”I look forward to working with you”
His grip on her hand lingered for a while and his gaze on her made her so uncomfortable that she wasn’t sure if she looked forward to working with him
Suddenly the door flew open
A woman dashed in in sky high heels and white dress, a flurried secretary running after her
“Can you believe this, falcon”she skrie-ked, laughing “he fell for it, the fool fell for it! ”
She st©pped when saw Brianna, looking stunned but not apologetic
Brianna stared at her as she stared back
As as she stared at her, For some reason, Brianna could only remember the night her mother was involved in the hit and run