His v!rg!nse-ductress Episode 12 to 14

🍆🍆HIS v!rg!nse-ductress🍆🍆
***(She’s h0t but innocent… ) ***
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
Written by Clement Ruth
“So that’s her?”Diana asked “I don’t see how she’s in any way better than me”-
“Of course you don’t “Falcon replied angrily”and this is my office you can’t just barge into here”
“Oh plea-se”Diana said with a dismissive gesture”like I haven’t done worse.And i think you are out of your mind as well for thinking that bit-ch is better than me.you and Isaac both”
Falcon signed and sat down heavily.He had not missed the look on Brianna’s face when she sighted Diana
She looked shocked, petrified and…strange
She had walked out of his office like someone who had seen a ghost
He looked at Diana
“How did it go?”he asked”he believed it?”
Diana nodded
“Every word of it”she answered”i think I might go into acting”
Falcon smiled
“Acting or no acting,I want Brianna out of his house and out of his life before the week is out”he said”you know what happens when she doesn’t”
Diana smiled
She should keep Brianna and Isaac ap@rt and then what?
Lose falcon to her too?
She wasn’t stupid.
Too bad things won’t go as falcon planned
“So…you are saying Diana’s alive?”Dominic asked
“And you’ve seen her?”Chris said
Isaac nodded,a f!nger in his temple
“Are you really sure,man,because you sound a lot strange right now”Zeke said”crazy even”
“I’m telling you Zeke,she’s alive,Hale and healthy”Isaac uttered”she c@m£ to my office this morning,scaring the daylights out of me”
“Isaac,your wife is dead”Dominic said calmly”she died give heard ago.we all saw you put her to rest. How can she be alive?”
“She is”Isaac gro-an ed
Just when he nee-ded his friends to support him,they were not coming throu-gh on this one
“she’s alive”he said emphatically”claims she’s been in a coma all this years in some hidden p@rt of the country….”
“Beats me too”Isaac said”I got her out of my office before the story gets out’
“Well…if that’s true,what are you going to do now?”Chris asked
“About what?”
“What about Brianna?”Chris emphasized
Isaac was silent
Just then his phone began ringing again and the jarring sound startled them
“Mr Isaac Simmons?”
“That’s me”he replied
“We’d like your pres£nce at the verity police station”the person continued”a certain miss Brianna Adams might be nee-ding your help”
Police station?
“I have to go”he said,standing up”Brianna’s in trouble”
Detective Steven Ross glanced at the womanh from time to tinebb and wondered what onh earth ish ma-king her think di hatf with such abvonfised look on her face
He was also wondering where he had seen her before
She was really familiar and surely he would remember this face
He walked to the sergeant who had brou-ght her in and spoke in low tones to him
“Who’s that?”
“She was brou-ght in an hour ago, sir”
“On what charges?”
“Nothing much sir”the sergeant replied”she just walked ti-ght in front of my car.I brou-ght her in so that she won’t harm herself. Someone’s coming for her alre-ady”
Steven looked at her again and in a flash he remembered where he had seen her
Five years ago,she had cried in front of him when she reported a hit and run accident in which her Mom was involved
How could he ever forget that fact?
It was his first job when he joined the f0rç£ and he had felt much pity for the beautiful lady
Now here she was,different but still unhappy
What had happened to that case,though?
He was only a sergeant then and had no business with the detective’s work but now he was one himself,so what harm is there in digging it up?
He turned with purpose to his office just as a man rushed into the station and headed for her
***(she’s h0t but innocent… )***
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
Written by Clement Ruth
“What happened?”Isaac asked as he hurried after Brianna down the hallways of the police station
“You shouldn’t have come”she replied walking fas-ter
Isaac gr@bb£d get hand and held firm before she could swing it away
“The cop said you just walked in front of his car”he said”what were you thinking?and where were you today?”
She could no bear this anymore
“Where I was is none of your business,Isaac”she snarled”and for your information I’ve gotten a job so I’ll leave your house in case your so called dead wife decides to come back”
“She won’t”he said holding her when she tried to move”she isn’t coming back,Brianna. Lets go home”
She swung out of his grip this time
“Your home”she uttered bitterly
“No,i intend to make it ours”he replied calmly”what’s going on Brianna?”
. Suddenly she crumpled in his arms like paper and started crying,quiet sobs ma-king her che-st heave
He didn’t say anything but held her as she quietly sobbe-d into his shoulder
“I thought i saw her”
“the lady who hit my mother”Brianna choked”but I couldn’t even do any thing.i just stared like a fool!”
“What?”Isaac was shocked”are you for real,where?”
Before she could reply,a shadow fell over Them and they turned to stare at the blond in a sharp jacket leaning against a pillar staring at them
“Sorry to uhm…interrupt your little conversation”he said”Miss Adams?”
“Do i know you?”-
“I believe we’ve met before”he said moving forward and taking her hand”detective Steven Ross”
“A plea-sure”Brianna said as Isaac scowled at the way the blond was looking at Brianna
It wasn’t uncomfortable like falcon, rather it made her comfortable
“I believe we met five years ago when your mother was involved in that awful accident”he said”how’s she,by the way”
“She’s fine,thanks for asking”Isaac said eager to enter the fray as Brianna’s eyes turned as hvge as saucers
. “Glad to hear that ma’am”Stevens said”im also glad to see you so well and happy”
“Well? Happy?”Brianna uttered when she regained. Full use of her ton-gue”The one who made my mother like that still walks around after all,looking well and happy while my mother battles for her life”
“I believe you were compensated…. ”
. “Compensated?”Brianna scoffed”i don’t want a compensation except having that woman behind bars”
“Alright Brianna”Isaac said”calm down”
. Steven watched them
He knew very well she hadn’t been compensated as the case it self was such a sad one
When he had dug out her file,he was disheartened by the way it was dealt with
It was filed un-der closed when in fact it had not been solved
The higher hands must have gotten hold of it that’s if they were not involved with it themselves
‘It was time for him to step in’he thought as he looked at the bereaved girl
“how about some coffee in my office”he added leading them back”I would really like to hear again,how you saw the driver from that night ”
***(She’s h0t but innocent …)**
💟💟ON GOD💟💟
Written by Clement Ruth
They drove home in the rain,each occu-pied with his own thoughts
Brianna could not believe what just happened
The Conversation They had had in Stevens office had confirmed her worst fears
Her mother’s case had been dealt with as though it wasn’t important
Isaac on his own p@rt, was thinking the way Steven had been looking at Brianna
He knew that her heart most de-sire was yo have her mother’s hit and run driver behind bars and he would help in any way he can
But he also nee-ded to know if Steven had good intentions
“Your mother’s case was alre-ady clas-sified as closed, miss Adams “he had said in his office a few hours ago”but with just enough evidence, we can reopen the case provided that the statues of limitations has not pas-sed”
Isaac just hoped it worked out and she would be happy again
And then there was Diana
But until he was throu-gh with Brianna’s case, he won’t allow himself to be distracted by Diana
They Got home in good time, although it was raining by then
He parked behind a bright red car which had taken most of his space in the garage
He frowned at the car as he and Brianna ran quic-kly to the front door to avoid the rain drops
He wondered whom he knew that had a car like that
. Brianna was cold and she longedto be inside the house but suddenly the door opened and there was Diana smiling brightly at them
“Honey, you are home”She said as they both stared at her horror
Brianna felt faint not from the fact that the same woman that she had seen in falcons office was standing in front of her but that her mother’s hit and run driver was Isaac’s wife back from the dead
Rage welled up in her and she saw blue murder
. “You”she snarled at her “it was you ”
Diana stared at the couple
. She had arrived at Isaac’s mansion, scaring the daylight out of the servants when they thought their mistress was a ghost but soon had their worst nightmare when they realized she was back in the flesh and blood
. She had made sure she had gotten there when Isaac was in the office because she wasn’t sure he would have brou-ght her home himself
His reaction to her appearance had not been what she had expected
She had wanted him to crumble at the sight of her and return to showering her with love like he had before
She didn’t bargain for a bit-ch who had stolen his heart alre-ady
And there was the bit-ch glaring at her like she had done something wrong
“You”Brianna said “it was you”u
Suddenly she leaped at Diana, claws flying at her face
. Diana skrie-ked and stumbled back but Isaac had gr@bb£d Brianna by then and tried to quiet her down
Diana found her ton-gue
“You bit-ch”she uttered as she felt the marks on her face m
“It was her Isaac! “Brianna was still screaming”it was her !She was the hit and run drive!”
Diana froze as did Isaac
“I… I..”Diana stammered. “I dont know what you are talking about ”
“of course you do”Brianna said reaching for her again but Isaac held her firm”You hit my mother five years ago and ran away like a coward
. “And a liar”Isaac Finished calmly, glaring at Diana
Diana turned pale
.”you can’t believe her Isaac “She skrie-ked “she’s a raving bit-ch!… I’m… I’m innocent ”
“No you are not”Brianna swore and you will pay for what you did”
No, God no!?
Suddenly she held her head, pretending, acting as though she was in pains
“I.. Isaac.. “She whispered and crumpled to her feet in a faint
She had to get out of here and find falcon