His Village bride Episode 7 & 8

By Noel Innocent
Not Edited
Chapter seven
” $h!t Lucia I told you not to drink that ” after the restaurant she f0rç£d me to show her around and now in a bar she fv¢king gulp down a whole bottle of beer without knowing what it is
” is so bitter ” she coughed and giggle a little ” I was only trying to taste something new, don’t kill me ” I roll at eyes and she giggle more ” you’re …….. Am feeling funny ”
Okay she is drun!kand I nee-d to take her straight home but right after I go to the bathroom, I can’t hold it anymore ” am going to the bathroom, Dont you dare drink more of that bottle ” she nod laughing and I know for a fact that she will drink more
fv¢k it, I have got to go. Turning I rush to the bathroom, push my trou-sers down and after am I done I Zi-p up and run towards Lucia but she is no where to be found
fv¢k fv¢k fv¢k fv¢k
I could feel myself panicking ” do you know where the girl sitting here went to ” the bar attender nod his head
” two men took her with them, throu-gh the back door ” $h!t, before I think am alre-ady running there and low down the moment I caught both of them in sight
” let go of her ” my voice fill with command and I sure notice their sm-irk, they were actually taking her into their car and she keep pouring ru-bbish out of her silly cutel-ips and giggling
” and if we Dont ” one of the men move towards me, pretty hvge but all my going to the gym isn’t for child pla-y, I move close, my b©dy Hawking on his
Showing how small he is compare to me ” that is my wife ” I said squee-zing my fist and before I knew anything the other man punch me right at my face
My handsome face
fv¢k am sure I will get a bruise from this for sure, dodging the second punch I hit him right in his stomach s£nding him to the floor coughing blood
The other guy with the full Afro hair run away leaving me alone with Lucia ” are you okay ” she said covering her mouth, tears flow down ” I didn’t know what I was doing, am sorry ”
I have never seen anyone coming out of a drun!kstate this fast, did my fighting scare her that much ” is okay lucia but I will like a k!ss, right here ” pointing at myl-ips
She didn’t think twice, her hands wra-pped around my n£¢k then herl-ips met mine,she tried pu-lling back not knowing what to do next
My hands in her hair st©pped her, pu-lling her closer and opening her mouth wi-de for me, pu-lling out I stare at her flush face, she bit herl-ips and coughed ” never knew my wife is a great k!ss£r ” I whisper to her ears, notice her shiver before purring on ” let go home ”
She went back shook her head ” I think I have one more place to go ” I glance at my watch and it alre-ady six pm ” maybe a mall or something ” am going no where
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Moving close to her I lift her up and throw her on my shower ” Tony am gonna yell ” I sp@ñk her are thrice ” ouch!!! ”
” shut it ” I gr0@nentering the bat, all eyes on us but I didn’t care, reaching my car I open the door and throw her in before I shutting it
” I can’t believe you right now ” she fold her hands pouting herl-ips and she went on saying childish things and the only way to shut her up was to give her a whiskey ” what’s this ” I turn on the car and on we went
” drink ” I simply said and I watch her from the corner of my eyes full everything down, I thought she will fall asleep but everything is worse now
She keeps talking about her village people, her old friend but what she said next made me furrow my brows ” I actually got married to tony for money ” she giggled and cried ” I Dont even know how to ask him to give them to me, my dad is sick, my siblings school fees ” she said obviously thinking I wasn’t tony ” what should I do ” she asked and the next time I stare at her she is fast asleep
” am just trying to take off your shi-t off ” I yell at her pinning her hands above her head and successfully pu-lling them away
Her blue br@ on displ@yand her face is flush and a but sleepy too ” Dont stare ” she warn but my c0ckdidn’t listen to that, nodding I look at her flat tummy leading down to where I want to burry my face in
Zi-pping her trou-sers down I glance at her face and notice that she have fall asleep again, shaking my head I push down all the way down off her legs, starring at her blue matching p@n-ties
Using the sheets I cover her up and k!ssher forehead before heading to the living room, I pu-ll out a cigarette and light it up
Lucia dad is ill, why didn’t she just tell me, am her friend I could just help her with money but he had to get married to me
We have only been married for two days but it felt like years and I hate that she hid this from me, they shouldn’t be secrets but this
I do know I haven’t told her about Lisa and how important she is to me but I hope she un-derstand
Waking up with a throbbing feeling in my head I look around the room feeling a little bit dizzy and off
Standing to my feet, the sheet fell off my b©dy and I couldn’t believe my eyes, am practically half n-ked, all I remembered was me gulping a beer in a bar and after that it feels like I fell into a long and de-ep slumber
Putting on a long dress I glance at the wall clock its alre-ady ten Am, what is tony doing anyway
Heading downstairs I heard voice so I slow my steps to listen closely ” you should be mine Tony, I don’t care” walking closer I covered my mouth
They are k!ss!ngand for a slight second I felt ha-rd jealousy hit me and I felt used and dumped
Chapter Eight 📖
Its been three days, three days of Lucia avoiding me for god knows why, she doesn’t speak to me or even try looking at me
The worst p@rt was that I couldn’t even shower in my room, because she is there always and keep repeating ‘ reference to rule number one tony ‘ she is so annoying
What did I even do to her, today is our last honey moon day and tomorrow I will start going back to work, come to think of it, I should be the one angry
” very funny tony ” Lucia walk downstairs with only my long sleeves on her b©dy, who knows if she is wearing something else
Her hair is tied up into a nessy bu-m looking amazing but right now am too angry to care ” what did I do now ” I said in a mockery manner still pla-ying my game
She move and stand, her hands on her w@!st while blocking me from the TV ” $h!t Lucia I might due, move ” trying to peek, she move back and cover up the television and the next thing I heard is my head being cut off ” fv¢k !!!”
” tony” her voice fill with anger and I still Dont get why ” you can’t keep going to the toilet and not flushing ”
Rolling my eyes and relax on my couch ” do it yourself miss smarty p@n-ts ” I purred ” you’re the wife anyway, take care of the house ”
She open her mouth in a wow manner ” so you are the husband, what’s your role, let me guess ” she place her hands un-der her chin ” cheating??” I furrow my brows and chuckle
” what are you saying ” I asked and it was her turn to role her eyes ” just flush it, am going yo the garden ” I watch her walk out and I gr0@ngetting confused more and more
After she woke up that morning she was feeling weird and acting weird, she even asked for a divorce which I pretended not to hear
The next day I paid for her dad hospital fee without her knowing and made her sibling able to attend school but she doesn’t know that and I want to keep it that way
But what will cause her being cold towards me, did she see Clara k!ss!ngme, she might have thought I was pla-ying her
fv¢k, so that’s what happened. We were getting close and now this and to cut all this up Lisa is coming this week, how will she react
So Lucia is jealous, is this all what this coldness is about ” silly wife ” I muttered before moving to the garden, she stood there, hands fold and tears falling down
” $h!t, Lucia why are you crying ” gr-abbing her hands I turn her away and she push me back sniffing
” Dont t©uçh me ” she cough and clean her tears ” I hate you, stay away ” she move back and I cursed un-der my breath, am the curse for her tears
” plea-se believe me Lucia, is not what you think” I move closer ” I didn’t k!ssher, she k!$$£d me and if you watch till the end you could have seen me push her away ”
She stare at me not speaking ” why should I believe you ” her voice fill with confusion ” all I could think of that you’re being nice towards me because you want to sleep with me ”
Running my hands throu-gh my hair I gr0@n” is that all you see in me, in your head am always talking to you just to get in your p@n-ts ” am growling now ” Jesus Christ Lucia, you’re my wife and I respect you, I will never cheat on you”
” I Dont know what to think tony ” she move back and avert her gaze from mine ” I just nee-d space ”
” I will give you that Lucia, but you should know you are pushing me away, away from you and I hope you’re happy doing that” I took a step back ” I just have to say, I love spending time with you Lucia and I will be glad if you come back to me ”
His footsteps fade away and I hate myself the more, I wasn’t crying because he k!$$£d someone else, I was crying because am dieing
Well technically am dieing from lot of emotions swirling in me right, tony paid for everything, why will he do that, o didn’t ask so how did he know
And all these days I have been cold towards him, giving him a ha-rd time for k!ss!nga girl, I saw when he pushed her away but I was still mad someone else k!$$£d him
Am I really pushing him away, to other blood tasting girls trying to steal him away from me, I never thought all these happen in real life
I thought it only happened in movies where lot of girls like a p@rticular boy but he lives only one and that’s bothering me
Is Tony in love with me or he still see me as his child hood friend, all these thoughts are starting to make me dizzy and I just nee-d rest, lot of rest
By the time I woke up the next day, Tony alre-ady left for work and I know just the thing to make his day wonderful
I quic-kly rush to the kitchen and prepared yollof rice with lot of fish, if I remember correctly this was his best food back when we were little
Packing the food I take my bath, lose my hair, put on a l!pgloss then my blue t©p and black jeans trou-ser
Right now I nee-d to speak with john and he will take me to tony office and I will deliver his lunch. I smile feeling happy than ever
After talking with john he drop me at the entrance of Tony company ” thanks ” he flash me one of his smiles then I walk in
I followed a group of people into a ti-ght looking box that closed us in, I was being to panic but then the door open again and I rushed out
Then followed a long stairs to the so called fifth building a employee said the boss stays ” can I meet tony ” I asked a fair woman sitting close to his office
” do you have a meeting with him ” I nod but she went on ” take a seat a lady is in there ” I look at her and frown
” am his wife and am sorry but I have to go in ” she trued st©pping me but I push the door open
Tony sitting down and a young lady standing starring at me, I close the door and walk towards tony ” brou-ght you lunch ” I smiled ignoring the woman
” thanks princess” he draw me close and k!ssme ma-king the k!sslast long than expected, withdrawing back the woman was gone and we didn’t notice” thanks for not over reacting, I promise you we didn’t do……” I shut him up with a k!ss,
Love this couples😍
I think tony should tell Lucia about whatever he has with lisa