His signature episode 9 & 10

Written by me : Authoress succy
episode 9
“your qualifications” she said and I froze.
I didn’t thought of that before coming
“I don’t have ma’am” I said and lady’s eyes dilated in shock and suprise
“hold on, are you kidding ?
a pretty girl like you don’t have a qualification?” she asked and I kept mute
what am I suppose to say?
“are you being serious?
haven’t you gotten to the four walls of a school before?” she asked and I nodded negatively
isn’t that what I was suppose to do?
“and you have the confidence and boldness to walk in here to attend the interview right?
your lucky my son haven’t set his eyes on you, you would have been given a piggy ride back home to the dump you c@m£ from!” she said and my eyes elated
what the hell!
she’s so rude and ill mannered
“am sorry ma” I said rather foolishly
I wasn’t suppose to apologize in the first place right?
not like it’s my fault though!
I live in the streets, struggle to eat and how then does she expects me to have a qualification when we don’t eat twice a day
“there’s no point being sorry dear!
you should at least be sorry for your sorry and pathetic state” she said and I gulp in my words angrily
I just don’t wanna spoil the job Mrs Madison gave to me
least I would have poke my hands into this pretty lady’s ugly eyes
” well it’s quite obvious you urgently nee-d the job, judging from your facial expression and dress s-en-se,
your humor and your behavior shows you nee-d the job to survive with, but am sorry to say you’ve lost out if it just like many of them seated out there!
so plea-se, get your bulging as-s off that seat and use the door ” she said and my heart seems to st©p beating
what the hell!!!
this woman is a kill joy
I really nee-d this job coupled with the other so I can get thefu-cking signature and start off a new life in a cool and far place
somewhere far from here alongside my parents
I thought of pleading with her
perhaps that might do a great job, that’s gonna be the perfect deal
the perfect option
“plea-se ma’am i nee-d this job ma’am plea-se” I pleaded adding more stress to my constant pleading and she kept on smiling at whatever it is she’s working on her l@pt©p
“how are you gonna do the job then?
since you aren’t learned for the post of an as-sistant” she said and I breath in and out nervously
alre-ady fanning myself with my hands
The AC in the large room doesn’t seems to be working on me at that moment
” I will wash his clothes!
scru-b the floor!
make his be-d!
prepare his meal and…..”
“oh! shut thefu-ck up!
this are duties of a maid and I never told you I nee-ded one!
the advert you saw actually requested for the post if an as-sistant, not a maid!
so get out!” she roared and I stood up looking angry
what’s wrong with this ugly woman?
who’s unfortunate and fortunately looks a little bit beautiful?
“ma’am….” I tried saying and she bu-mped her fist on her desk table in anger
“get out!
you gormless, poverty stricken fellow least I call the security on you” she roared and I shrink staring at her smooth sp©tless face
why’s she roaring like we are having a br@wl or something?
“such a stupid heartless and wicked ugly dunce” I thought trying to get my as-s off the soft office chair I had sat on
“securities!!!!” she yelled and I found myself flying out of her office
oh! not her office, the interview hall
Mrs Madison
“$h!t!” I yelled flunging my phone across the room in anger
” what’s wrong mum?” Samuel asked descending the stairs with a glas-s of wine
I can’t possibly tell him without getting his constant mocking
I bu-mped my knuck fist into my open palms in anger
I want everything to fall in place!
everyfu-cking thing!
I had no Idea that stupid girl has no qualification!
how then did she c@m£ across her well blend as-set English and all that, if she hasn’t been to the walls of a school huh?
I can’t let this plan of mine sl!poff my grip
this plan is gonna be neat and clean only if it’s executed properly
I can’t wait to get a hold of his signature!
so i can sign the company back to my son, even without his cons£nt or knowledge
I will make them cry till they run out of tears!
I will make sure they scru-b the floor were I walk throu-gh
i will make life unbearable for them that they will beg for death
I walked across the living room pacing to and fro
this silly girl should have looked for something to tell her
something to lure her into giving her the job!
she should have think!
make use of her s-en-ses!!
she should have activated her br@ins!!!
I held myself from yelling and Samuel sh0t me a glare, probably he’s getting suspicious of my mood and the manner in which I kept pacing to and fro around the living room
“mum!” he called and I looked up at him in anger and fear were evident in my mere look
” what!” I asked plainly and he dropped the wine glas-s in his hands
“what’s going on mum?”
you’ve been walking aimlessly around the sitting room since I got in here
what’s wrong?
does it has to do with Elsa?”
he asked and I nodded, anger flashing throu-gh my eyes
” what about her?” he asked staring keenly at me
” she failed!” I said and he jumped off his seat
“mum!” he called in disappointment
” this isn’t the end Samuel!
we will opt for plan B”
Episode 10
Mrs Orlando
” good morning ma” the maids kept on greeting as I walked down the stairs into the sitting room
“good morning ma” another maid greeted immediately I took a seat on a double couch and pick up one of the TVs remote
” yes!
what do you want?” I asked giving her a scornful look when she stood beside me
” the clothing br@nd you contacted from gold coast just called” she said and I let out a frown
what if they’ve called?
can’t you be specific and voice out the ru-bbish you wanna tell me from that hole you call a mouth!”I rasp giving her a scornful glare
“am sorry ma” she replied bowing slightly and I took my gaze back to the TV, re-sisting the urge to get a hold of her head and snap it off her tiny n£¢k
” the gold coast clothing actually called this morning while I was in the kitchen, carrying out the duties as-signed to me
when the telephone began ringing ” she said and I took in a de-ep breath
I never knew I had dummies stuck right here in my house as maids and stewards,
not until just now
” go straight to the point!
I don’t have all day!!” I said icly and she shivered in fear and her voice stuttered
” they called to inform you that they’ve finally found your choice br@nd of material and that the designs you requested for, are re-ady ma” she said and I stood up slowly from the couch I had sat on.
before she could know what hit her, I had landed three ear piercing sl@ps on her chubby cheek and she cried out in pain
” am sorry ma” she cried and I got a hold of her unkempt hair wra-pped in the kitchen cap
“you swine!
you’ve gat the enfontry to keep me up in suspense cause of some stupid information your suppose to pas-s on to me huh?”I yelled s£nding another sl@p across her face ma-king her bleed from her nostrils
” am sorry ma!
I just wanted to tell you everything, so you won’t….”
” shut up and get out!!”I yelled and she got up on her feet and scamper away in great fear
I sat on the couch again, intertwining my legs in a clas-sic manner and picked up the remote, changing the TV channel to my favourite Korea drama show
” ma!” I heard a shaking voice and gave the owner a ha-rd glare
” is that how you greet your mother?” I asked and sh wore a confuse look
” am sorry ma but my mum is late”she said and I sized her up with my eyes
” how’s that any of my business huh?
how’s that myfu-cking business!!?” I yelled again and she jumped back in fright
” am sorry MA” she said and I kept mute keeping my gaze on the TV
I just don’t wanna pour my anger on her cause if I do!
she will spend the rest of the year in an hospital be-d
” the make up artist from Switzer actually called ma, that your mannequins are re-ady” she said and I frowned
” I didn’t ordered for mannequins” I yelled and she g@sp with her hands on her mouth
” am so sorry ma!
she called saying your make up collections are re-ady” she said and my frown de-epen
” somewhat brou-ght about the mannequin stuff?”I asked and she quic-kly knelt down
“am so sorry ma!
it’s a little mistake of speech” she said and I waved her off
have gat no time for silly dumb headed maids
” get my car re-ady” I signaled to a guard, taking the stairs up to my room to change my clothes
can’t wait to get a glimpse of my new clothes and fabulous make up, I will storm the p@rty in a way they will never forget in a hurry
a p@rty!
and guess what!!
Xavier is going with me!!!
by hook or by crook
i sl!pmyself into an elaborate breathtaking go-wn, before getting into one of my cars
I drove out of the gate without any guard or driver!
I really don’t want any form of distraction
I could have ordered the clothes to be brou-ght to me if i want to, but I just don’t want dumb headed people frol!çk!ng around me all in the name of guards!!
I swerve the car into a bend and it let out an ear piercing sounds and the car screech to a st©p
what the hell !!
what’s going on?
what’s wrong with thisfu-cking car huh?
I got a hold of the stereo pu-lling the keys from the key hole.
I can’t believe am gonna be ri-ding on a cab today, together with commoners huh!
poverty stricken commoners!!
I got a hold of my phone
perhaps pu-lling a call across to my driver to get me another car, should be the only way out of here.
I got a hold of my phone to place the call, when I heard a tap on my car windscreen
I liked out to see four scaring young men
what’s going on?
what do they want from me??
my money?
my car??
oh! good gracious am doomed
I opened the car door and c@m£ out putting on a bold look
” yes!
what do you want?” I asked defiantly but inwardly, I was damn scared
” woah!
can’t believe am standing in front of the country’s billionaires mother!” one of thvgs said, showing his dirty tooth
” yeah!
you should be lucky!
poverty stricken touts” I said and made to go into myfu-cking car when one of them pu-ll-ed me back r0ûghly on the shoulders
” get your hands off me, you pauper!” I yelled and felt an heavy sl@p on my cheeks
what thefu-ck!
I tried retaliating when the thvg got a hold of my hands, twisting it and i felt my bones breaking
“let me go!!
I will make sure you all rot in jail” I cried and they sm-irked showing their ugly similes
” get your hands off her” we heard a voice and we all turned towards the owner of the voice only to see a girl leaning on a tree with her hands di-p into her pocket
hold on!
isn’t that the girl I walked out of the interview?
same girl I had insulted and almost called the securities on!
what’s she doing here?
” plea-se help!!” I cried wincing in pain