his S-xual add!çtion Episode 35 & 36

HIS S-xUAL add!çtION

{ His Personal Maid }

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 35: FIRST k!ss.


“Gideon, I really don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t nee-d to say anything, and I’m cool with that.”

“I don’t want you to get into trouble all because of me. I want you to be happy, Gideon, I don’t want any of this happening to me to affect you nor Stella. You two mean a lot to me.”

“Avery, you don’t un-derstand. I will do anything, no matter what the circu-mtances will be, I will protect you till my last breath. Just plea-se… give me the chance to prove my feelings to you.”


I couldn’t finish my words as hisl-ips t©uçhed my, seizing my breath. I was still, I didn’t move, neither did I reply the k!ss. Not my fault though, I ain’t good at k!ss!ngand that’s actually because I haven’t have my first k!ss.

He st©pped k!ss!ngme when he noticed I wasn’t replying to his k!ss, staring into my alre-ady we-t stained eyes. “I…I’m sorry. I… I shouldn’t have done that.” He backed away.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. The truth is that, I haven’t had my first k!ssbefore. I don’t know how to respond to your k!ss.”
He looked shocked the moment I said that, his eyebrow furrowed in surprise. “You haven’t k!$$£d before?”

“I have never d@t£d either.” I shrug, “Not really into the relationsh!pstuff, that’s why.”

I notice hisl-ips pla-yed a smile. Like he was damn so happy to hear me say that. “Really?”

I shyly nodded at him. My face buried to the ground, and I was blu-shing like a damn moron. I heard him chuckle, his white teeth beamed and those smile was the best smile I have ever seen.

I saw myself pinching on my f!ngers, “You look beautiful.” He complimented, my cheeks turning red the more.

“Thank you.” I hated the way I was acting, but it’s actually not my fault though.

We were staring at each other for what took like minutes, none of us intending to look away. As if the atmosphere stood still, and I couldn’t concerntrate .

I stood like a frozen chicken, I could feel his gaze on me. It never left me, and he looked lost. The strange de-sire and urge burning in me. Urge of want, lvst, pas-sion and love swimming in my inside.

I was beginning to love him, the way he looks at me made me dying for his t©uçh, his warm embr@ce. Gosh! What’s wrong with me? My mind, what am I thinking?

His hands rested on my face again, gently ru-bbing my cheek. I couldn’t resist the growing urge as I did nothing but to stare at him.

He leaned close to me, hisl-ips moving to the side of my ear. “I can teach you on how to k!ss… If you want me to.” The soft vibr@tion of his voice s£nt shivers to my b©dy. “Just follow whatever I do.”

Again, hisl-ips made contact with mine. He li-cked on my lowerl-ips and I did the same on his. At first, it was going slow and great but, I noticed I couldn’t take it further. Just a second k!sswas like eternity. “I can’t do it.” I said, embarras-sed.

“Its okay, you just have to focus and move slow. You will get use to it s…” I dint let him finish talking, I quic-kly placed myl-ips on his… this time I was taking it slow as he said and also following as my feelings directed.

He held my w@!st with his both hands, hvgging me to himself while my hands held his face, as if I was scared he’d break loose. Though I wasn’t really good at doing the act, yet I was loving every movement of hisl-ips in mine.

“Let’s take you on be-d.” He whispered, carrying me up. He drops me on the be-d, about to climb on me when a knock c@m£ interrupting us. “Stay here.” He instructed.

“But… what if…?”

“Don’t worry, no one is finding out.” He went to the door to answer whosoever it was. I was blu-shing like… damn, what’s the word for it again??

I t©uçhed myl-ips, moving my hands on it and it was like he was still k!ss!ngme. I’m going crazy, aren’t I?

“Who is that?” I asked as soon as he shut the door close. “A colleague.”

“What did he say?”

“The Mistress wants us at the meeting hall.”

“so, your’e leaving?” I didn’t realize how concerned I sounded.

“I will be back early tonight, I promise. And we can do it as long as we want, okay?”

“Okay.” I nodded my head.

He k!$$£d me for some seconds, before leaving.

I threw myself back on the be-d, moving my both hands up and down. Is this actually what it feels like to be in love? Or is it because this is my first time ever falling in love?

If there is any way I can see Stella, gosh… I won’t hesitate to tell her what just happened. I mean, am I the only one thinking about this? I just fell in love to the one person I hated with my life. So after all, Stella was right about what she said.

I’m in love with Gideon.


“So, I want all of you to go on a serious search today. It’s almost three days and the girl hasn’t be found yet. If there is any one you suspect amongst you, kindly report the person to me immediately.” Said Madam Dacia as she crossed her legs over.

“Yes, madam.” They all chorused.

“But first, who amongst you suspect the other?” she questioned.

For a long while, no one said a word. Madam Dacia smiled, “No one?” she waited for another minute of no reply, “I will take that as a no then. Well, I am happy no one is trying to break the rules, so kudos to you all.”

She stood up from her seat, pacing around the room, her arms crossed around her che-st. “For the love of The Master and your faithfulness to work alongside with me I have decided to give you all a day break. I doubt she will be anywhere around. But…” she paused, then continued. “Don’t forget to be here by 6 o’clock, she’ll probably be out on the run.”

“Dismiss.” They all retired back to their respective rooms with happiness. It also amazed them as The Mistress has never done such to them.

“Hey, guys.” One of the guard said. “while I was parading the hallway this morning, then everyone were done bathing and the pri-vate room was dark. I heard the sound of splashing water, but when I went to check who it was, I couldn’t hear it again.”

“Did you reported it to The Mistress?” Gideon asked.

“No, I didn’t. and besides, I didn’t have enough prove. Though I suspected it to be the runaway girl but… The Mistress will nee-d a proof to justify.”

“yeah, your’e right, though.”


“Ma’am,” Stella called,

“What is it, Stella?” she asked.

“The Master wishes to see you.” She informed.

“Mmm… Just as I expected. Lead the way.”

As she entered the room, she rested against the door. “Hello, darling.”

“Hello, My Lady.”


I was still laying on the be-d when the sound of the door was heard. I stood up, glaring around the room to hide just in case if it was someone different. Then Gideon whispered, “Avery, it is I,Gideon.”

I sigh in relief, walking to open the door. “What happened? Why are you back so early?” I asked, hoping nothing bad actually happened. “Did something bad happen?”

He only smiled at me, and honestly that wasn’t helping at all. “Talk to me, did she find out you have me?”

He t©uçhed my face, “The Mistress offered us a day break. But… we will be returning to our duty post by 6pm. Which means, you and I have a long time for each other.”

I blu-shed.

He shut the door behind him, taking me up into his arms. His both hands held my bu-tts, my hands across his n£¢k. “You know what, while Madam Dacia was talking, I couldn’t st©p thinking about you.”

I laughed. “You weren’t paying attention?”

“I was at first, but then you interrupted. What was I supposed to do? You are more important to me than her words.”

“I’m impressed.” Our eyes made contact for what took like minutes, then he carried me to the be-d. “We are alre-ady looking like we are married couples.” I said with a chuckle.

“We will… just very soon.”


?HIS S-xUAL add!çtION

{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.


Writer ✓


Dacia gave him one of the old clothes Avery had worn a long time. He squee-zed it to his nose, sniffing in her scent.

He exhaled happily as if his favourite dinner was s£nt to him. ” Finally, Miss, Dennison, I’ve found you. ” he chuckled.

” Where is the girl?” Dacia asked, inquisitively and with an unspeakable anger burning in her.

She felt like strangling her, then after that, throw her into the dungeon without minding how fantastic her blood was to The Master.

The hatred and regrets, that she wished she had never introduced her to her fiance pained her. She wanted by all means to watch her die.

Make her pathetic life ruined, and to have the mind of her darling ‘husband to-be’ back into her life like never before.

As if he had re-ad her mind and knew what she was thinking, he said to her. ” Bring me the girl, healthy and alive.”

” Yes, I will, My Love. ” She stood up to go, leaving only him in the garden.



Avery ✓

” I have to go.” He said.

I looked outside the window, the weather was getting darker. It’s almost 6 o’clock and he has to go before anyone suspects him.

” So, when will you be back?” I asked.

” I don’t know, it depends on how serious the finding will be.” He answered.

” I will wait for you.” I said.

” No, Avery, you still nee-d some rest especially your legs. Whenever you feel sleepy, don’t try pushing it away. I’ll wake you up when I get back. ”

” Promise? ” I made him swear.

” I promise. ” He k!$$£d myl-ips for a while, before leaving the room.

I managed to get myself into my clothes, and I still can’t explain the pains I am feeling right now. Having se-x is the coolest thing one can ever think of,

But the after effects is what doesn’t seem funny at all.

I la-id back down on the be-d, forcing myself to sleep for the third time since today. I have taken a pain relief tablet which I’m pretty sure will be so helpful.

I was very close to sleep when I heard a ban-g on the door. I j£rked up, and so did my heart. I can feel the ha-rd beating it made against my che-st.

I know it can’t be Gideon, he never does that even in his crazy s-en-se. I was so confused that running into the closet didn’t get into my mind.

Even when it did, my legs were too heavy to carry me there on time. The door had alre-ady ban-ged open, even before I could hide myself.


How did they find out?

Oh My God! No… Gideon is in trouble!!

The weight in between my legs caused me to fall, but that isn’t the problem at all. The problem here is getting to my feet and taking an immediate action.

Thankfully I was putting on a cloth, what should I have done if I was still…. n-ked??

They weren’t one or two or even three. They were seven of them all in the name of taking me, and there is only one person who must have found where I am… Guess every one alre-ady know who he is.

And this only made me hate him the more. I was scared to return back to him. To look into those death wish eyes.

Since I fell in love with Gideon, dying has become a second option. I don’t want to go anywhere, I don’t want to leave without seeing him for the last time.

I nee-d to know how he is now. If he is dead… or alive. But those requests only sounded in my head.

I couldn’t do any thing as they r0ûghly dragged me outside the room. I was damn so weak to struggle, but my eyes did the rest of the events.

” No.. No. Gideon… Gideon plea-se help me. I don’t wanna go… I don’t wanna leave. Where… Where is Gideon?! ”

They brou-ght me to the very second room I hated to go… She was in her causal sitting position, the ti-p of her f!ngersmade contact while her gaze killed me at the sp©t I stood.

” So, you decided to run?” She started.

I didn’t say any thing, my face was buried to the ground. ” And you think you can run away forever? You have kept The Master starving for weeks, all because of your selfish gain?

Now tell me, who have you been with all this while? Who has been harboring you into his care all this time you were away? ”

I rose my eyes at her, giving her a ha-rd gaze. I brou-ght it down, staring again at the floor.

” You don’t wanna talk, huh? Or should I make you talk myself?” She bur-sted out.

” I was on my own, only me. ”

” Really? Well I was informed that you were seen in a room, who’s room was that? ” She repeated.

” I don’t know, when I first saw it, it was empty. So I took shelter in there. ” I tried my possible efforts not to sound rude to her.

” Well, that’s by the way. You will answer the rest of the questions in The Master’s room. ”

Now, this is the one very room that gets me high tensed up to death. Answer the rest of the questions in The Master’s room??

Why are all this happening to only me? Why only me?? Why???

They tossed me to the ground, shutting the door. I was back in the darkest room in the mansion, the only place that felt like hell.

I began hitting the door ha-rd . ” Gideon, plea-se save me! I don’t wanna stay here! I don’t wanna die. plea-se… plea-se, come take me out of here. ”

” There’s no one to save you this time, ” I heard him say from behind me. ” There is no Gideon anymore, he’s dead. ”

I felt my heart st©p beating for some seconds, it was as if the White House has fallen on my che-st. I was lacking air in my lungs and the little I had escaped as a g@sp.

I fell to the ground, my hand holding my che-st. ” No.” I whispered bitterly. ” No, not Gideon. No, not him. ”

” Now that you are back, you have a lot to offer to me. And I am delighted to say, I really missed my meal a lot. Hope you had enough while in your hiding? ”

I didn’t say a word to him, I was still working on the sad news. And you know what, it would be so much better if he has to kill me now.

” No, I am not killing you now. You are still beneficial to me. ”

” Just kill me!! ” I cried. ” What good am I to be alive? Just go ahead and kill me alre-ady, I don’t care! Go ahead!! Kill… Me. ”

He squ-atted behind me, ” I wish I can, I really do. ” His voice sounded pitiful. ” But… ” Those pitiful voice has turned to one filled with anger. ” Your blood means so much to me.”

He bit me…

All I could remember was the sound of my scream, the rest was a history to tell.


I woke up to see myself locked up in a room, one different from the other one I stayed before I fled.

It was even darker, compared to the previous room. But thankfully, it had a lamp light in it.

I started to recall on how Gideon looked, the first night we met each other, all those moments we have shared together both at the garden and in his room.

It’s almost like a week, and we haven’t gotten the chance to enjoy each other. And now, he is gone in a twi-nkle of an eye.

How was it possible by the way? How was it possible that some one had to find out that he harboured me in his room?

Or was it the incident in the bathroom that had led to the suspicion? But, no one saw us. Or, did someone see us?

I t©uçhed my n£¢k, I don’t know if it’s because its been long he drank from me that I feel this hell $h!t pains. I was wishing Stella was here to help me out.

Or… Am I forgetting some thing?

Have Christiana and her friends come up with their accusations alre-ady? If yes… Oh, where is Stella??


To Be Continued…