his S-xual add!çtion Episode 31 & 32

?HIS S-xUAL add!çtION

{ His Personal Maid }?

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 31&32: THE HATE YOU GIVE.


Writer ✓

” Why do you desperately want to know my name?” She asked him without hesitation.

” Because I feel like I nee-d to. You know my name, I should know yours too. ”

” There’s some thing about me I wish not to say, and telling you my name will only end up getting them all expo-sed. ”

” I’m not telling anyone, I swear. But if you don’t trust me, then you can go ahead not telling me any other thing ap@rt from your name. ”

” Why does it matter so much to you? Tell me, why can’t you stay a day without asking for my name? ”

” Because… ” His gaze met her n£¢k, the veins were again growing. ” What’s happening to your n£¢k?”

She t©uçhed her n£¢k, ” What’s happening to my n£¢k?” She asked back.

” Your veins, it’s growing. The herbs is supposed to be working. ”

” Why isn’t it working then? Ahh…! ” She m0@n ed as she started feeling the pains roaming at every side of the scar. ” What’s happening to me?! ” She said, almost like a yell.

” Hey, calm down, okay? You don’t want any one to see us here. ”

” It… It hurts. ” She whispered painfully.

” I know. But right now, let’s get you out of here as soon as possible. ” He helped her stand to her feet, two steps away from where they sat, she coll@psed on his b©dy.


She gro-an ed painfully as she f0rç£d herself to sit up. She t©uçhed her n£¢k, m0@n ing softly. Staring around her new environment, she looked confused.

She tried to stand up, but ended up falling to the ground. ” Don’t f0rç£ yourself. ” Gideon said as he approached her with a glas-s of water.

” I brou-ght you medicine, it will calm the pains down. Take it. ” He dropped the drug in one hand and the glas-s in the other hand.

” Where are we? ” She asked.

” In my room. ” He answered.

” What happened to me? ”

” You don’t remember? ”

She moved her head at both sides, ” No. ”

” The mark was growing then you pas-sed out. So, I had it treated again. ”

” Is it because the herb wasn’t the right one? ”

” No. Your wound has been infected before we applied the herbs. ”

” Thank you. ” She said.

” It’s nothing. Just get better… ” He paused as if he didn’t want to complete his statement. ” Get better soon. ”

Avery drank the drug he had given her, returning the glas-s cu-p to him. ” Thank you. I have to return to my room before Madam Dacia finds out I’m away. ”

” What will she do to you if she does find out? ”

” I’ll have to serve a lot of punishment if she finds out I always leave my room. ”

” She suspects you? ”

” Yes, and she doesn’t like the way I am alive. ” She said bitterly. ” Well, I also want to be dead just like Eve, I want to be out of here. I wished she never brou-ght me out of that dungeon, I rather die than be a dish to him. ”

” Dish? ” He asked. ” To who? ”

” No one, nevermind. I have to leave. ” She f0rç£d herself to stand up.

” Do you have to keep every thing away from me? You don’t want me to know your name, and now you’re hiding who this he is. ”

” You know what’s best for you, just stay away from my life!! You made me say what I shouldn’t say, you keep acting like you care but you don’t!! You always want to get into my life but you won’t.

You’re so annoying, and I hate it when I look at you because you give me a thousand reason to be angry at you! But you know what, thanks for your help, I gotta go. ”

” I care about every thing. ”

” No, you don’t. Tell me, what do you think you are? My savior or what? Look, even if I have to tell you every thing, you can’t change what’s happening to me. No one can. So, it’s better if you don’t know $h!t about me. ”

” Does it have to do with the mark on your n£¢k? ” Avery st©pped halfway to the door. ” I saw it while I was treating your wound. It looks like some one has bitten you a lot of times, right? ”

” I got bitten by a snake while I was slee-ping last night, don’t worry about me. ” With that, she left his room.

Gideon heaved, he doesn’t know why she hated him this much. No matter how much he tries to be good to her, she doesn’t see that p@rt of him. Maybe, he just have to forget about knowing her name, one day he believes she will tell him.


” And that pathetic daughter of a bit-ch is no where to be found?! ” Madam Dacia stormed.

” She’s going to be back, plea-se don’t be offended. ” Stella pleaded on her behalf.

” Are you crazy? Did you even listen to yourself saying that? ”

” I’m sorry, ma’am, plea-se forgive me. ” She apologized.

” Get out of my sight. I said get out! ” She shouted, pointing at the door for Stella to leave. ” What kind of creatures do we accomod@t£ in this building. ”

As soon as Avery returned back to her room, Stella c@m£ knocking on her door. ” Avery, it’s me, Stella. Are you in there? ”

” Yes, Stella, is there a problem? ” She asked as she c@m£ to open the door.

” Where have you been? ” Was the first question Stella threw at her.

” In my room. Why?”

” I meant, where have you been since morning?”

” I was in the shower but I pas-sed out. I met Gideon at the garden, he helped me get my wound treated. Stella, talk to me, what’s going on? ”

” Avery, I don’t know what madam Dacia is up to but you nee-d to get out of here. Now. ”

” Where will I go? ”

” Any where but let it be out of here. Maybe you can return tomorrow morning or tonight. Just go and forget the questions. ” She said as if she knew that’s what Avery was about to do.

Avery was left to think on where to go. It was only her and Stella, and she might end up getting both herself and Stella into trouble.

There was only one place she could go… And that’s exactly the same place she hated to stay.

Gideon’s room…


She knocked several times on the door, but there was no one to open it. Avery felt frustrated. Her heart was beating ten times her fear, and her only hope was no where to be found.

The weather wasn’t completely dark, and she was beginning to regret why she had to leave his room at the first place.

” Gideon, where are you?” She gr-unted.

” They are all looking for you. ” He said from behind causing her to shiver.

” Oh my God. ” She exhaled heavily. ” I know, that’s why I am here. plea-se, can you take me in, I promise not to act stupid. ”

Gideon stared at her for a brief while before nodding his head. ” You said they are all looking for me, how do you know that?”

” Madam Dacia inormed us about a runaway girl, I knew you’d be here that’s why I c@m£. Did you commit a crime this time? ” He asked her.

” No. She’s angry at me because I wasn’t in my room the whole time. And because of the Master too. ”

” What are you to The Master? ”

” I’m his personal maid. ” She felt safe to tell him, she has seen how sincere and kind he is to her. She felt hiding her name was of no use anymore. He nee-ded to know. ” My name is Avery Dennison. ”

His eyes wi-de-ned in shock. ” I thought you’re dead. ”

” Every one thinks I’m dead. ”

” What happened? ”

” Like I said earlier, The Mistress brou-ght me out of the dungeon because she thinks I am fit to serve her b©yfri£nd. ”

” Is he the one who bite you? ”

Avery hesitated, but she ended up saying a ” Yes. ”

” I’m sorry you have to go throu-gh a lot. And poor thing I won’t be ble to save you all the time, I only hope she won’t find out that you are h… ” She didn’t let him finish his statement, she pu-ll-ed herself to him, hvgging him ti-ght.

” One day is some thing big for me. Thank you so much.”

He hvgged her back. ” It’s nothing. Just stay quiet, I’ll be back in an hour or two to check on you. ”

She nodded an Okay to him.

He left.

Avery felt safe than in her room. He had a mattress and a be-d, but she had nothing. She always sle-pt on the floor, letting the night cold enter her b©dy.

She was beginning to feel sleepy, but the fear in her couldn’t let the sleep take over. She couldn’t even look throu-gh the mirror or some one might end up seeing her.

She just squee-zed her b©dy behind his be-d, while she decided her fate. ” Guess that makes today the end. ” She muttered. ” What am I? Maybe I’m not re-ady to die yet. Why do I feel so scared, why do I feel like I’m gonna lose some thing or some one?

Am I really re-ady to leave as I always claimed? Or have I always been re-ady but felt like I ain’t anymore. But why the change of feeling all of a sudden? What’s happening to me? All this she thought to herself.

She finally sle-pt off on the floor.

He c@m£ to check on her as promised only to find her laying on the floor. Her b©dy was squee-zed from the cold.

He carried her in his arms, dropping her unto his be-d, with a blanket, he used to cover her shivering b©dy. He couldn’t st©p from staring at her beautiful face, she never gave him the chance to.

She was always mean to him. And he was so scared to admit his feelings to her. He was scared to hear her say ‘ No’

” If only you could give me a chance, Avery. If only you can give me a chance, I promise. ”

He ru-bbe-d her cheeks dearly, placing a k!sson her forehead. ” You asked me why I can’t stay a day without asking you about yourself, that’s because I love you, Avery. I’ve always loved you since the day I met you. ”

After the search was over, some guards were then as-signed to guard the mansion. Gideon returned back to his room, that was around twelve o’clock midnight. Avery still sle-pt soundly.

He spre-ad the mattress on the floor, laying down on it as the night pas-sed by slowly.


To Be Continued.