His S-xual add!çtion episode 21 & 22

h*s s-xUAL Add¡¢tION

{ h*s Personal Maid }

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 21: LET Th£ GAME BEG!n.

Writer ✓

Th£y all stood at th£ execution ground, await!ng for both th£ executor and Avery wh£n Stella c@m£ to announce th£ death of Avery to every one.

Becca couldn’t believe h*r ears, how impossible it was that Avery couldn’t survive th£ terror of th£ dungeon. $h£ thought maybe Avery’s punishment was greater than that of Eve.

But Madam Dacia had said it h*rself, $h£ might tolerate any one mess!ng with th£ rules but not with h*r meals.

And with Avery’s death case, it doesn’t look as if $h£ had spoken th£ truth. Tamper!ng with h*r favorite dress seems to be th£ tough£st among all oth*r rules.

$h£ went to Stella who was now leav!ng. ” Tell me th*s isn’t th£ truth. Tell me Avery is not dead yet.”

” I’m sorry, Becca, $h£ is. ” $h£ said pitifvlly.

Becca shook h*r h£ad twice, ” No, $h£’s alive. Avery can’t die, no, Eve didn’t why h*r?.” $h£ threw h*m a ha-rd gave, ” You knew Avery didn’t do it, right? ”

” Becca, th*s isn’t th£ time to talk ab©vt th*s. I have some th!ng else do!ng. ”

” Tell me, what is it that you are hid!ng from me? ”

” Becca, you know if th*re is I would tell you. And besides, I don’t know what happened after $h£ was thrown !nto th£ cage. ”

” Becca? ” Mariam called.

Becca turned to see Mariam and Victoria approach!ng towards h*r. ” Any news yet? ” Asked Mariam.

$h£ shook h*r h£ad. ” Avery is dead for real. ”

” If Avery is dead, who-re th£n is h*r b©dy? At least we could have seen it? ” Mariam queried.

” h*r b©dy was disposed as soon as $h£ was discovered dead. Look, I might be th£ chief maid doesn’t mean I know every th!ng that happens with!n th£ mansion.

I don’t know why you th!nk wrong of me, but what ever it is, I bet you’re over th!nk!ng. Have a nice day, girls. ”

$h£ left th£ three of th£m alone.

” Becca, Avery is dead and it’s time we accept h*r fate. All we’ve got to do for h*r as h*r friend is to avenge h*r dead and br!ng a st©p to those who wanted h*r dead. ” Mariam said.

” Girls, I’ve got some th!ng to say. ” Mariam and Becca focused th£ir taxes at h*r, ” you see those girls, ” $h£ po!nted at th£ direction of three girls who stood at a corner.

” Th£y’ve been togeth*r s!nce we gath*red h*re and th£y’ve been wh*sper!ng among th£mselves. You remember Avery once mention!ng h£ar!ng three girls talk!ng !n th£ toilet? ”

Mariam nodded h*r h£ad, ” Don’t you th!nk it might be th£m? I don’t have good feel!ng ab©vt th£m, and with th£ look on th£ir faces, I guess th£y are up to someth!ng else. ”

” F!nally, th£ Cat’s !n th£ bag. ” Becca said, sm-irk!ng evilly. ” Th£y j√$t don’t know th£ir days are numbered. We nee-d to f!nd what section th£y work !n and know what plan th£y are up to.

We will meet at th£ garden by tonight, but before th£n, I must have come up with a plan. I don’t know what th£y are up to, and we don’t ¢ar£ eith*r. Avery’s death must be revenged.

$h£ said $h£’s !n love with Th£ Master, right? Soon, $h£ will f@|| !n love with our plan. ” $h£ sm-irked aga!n.


Later that night, Becca, Victoria and Mariam met at th£ garden at th£ exact time Becca said. Th£y first !nspected th£ area before th£y could commence with th£ new plan.

” You two will keep an eye on Sarah and Maryam while I keep an eye on Christ!na. I j√$t discovered $h£ is th£ master m!nd of every th!ng th£y do. Wh£never we get an !nformation ab©vt th£m, we will meet h*re. un-derstood? ”

Th£y both nodded.

” Christ!na works !n th£ kitch£n section, any th!ng ab©vt th£ oth*r girls? ” $h£ asked.

” Sarah and Maryam works at th£ garden. I th!nk that’s how th£y got to know ab©vt th£ dress. Eith*r of th£m must have seen Madam Dacia talk!ng to Avery so, th£y had used it to implicate h*r. ” Victoria expla!ned.

So, what do you th!nk we should do?” Mariam asked.
” Those bit-ch£s feels like th£y are th£ smartest, well we’ll j√$t show th£m how smart we are. We will all keep an eye on th£ three of th£m, I take Christ!na. We nee-d to have a fvll !nfo ab©vt what th£y do, who-re th£y always stay and how th£ h£ck th£y know what goes on.

Th£n after that, we come up with a better idea. Let’s see how th£ story ends with th£ three of th£m dead. Let th£ game beg!n. ”


Avery had set ©vt to Th£ Master’s room to take h*s plates away. As $h£ entered !nto th£ b£droom, it was still as dark as night.

$h£ had gotten th£ chance to enter because $h£ had h£ was ©vt for a walk with th£ Mistress. So, $h£ walked !n with©vt m!nd!ng knock!ng on th£ door.

$h£ decided to shift th£ curta!ns open and get th£ room tidied up even though it was well cleaned. $h£ also noticed th£ tray was still !n th£ same position $h£ had kept it.

And wh£n $h£ went to ch£ck if h£ t©uçh£d h*s food, $h£ saw h£ didn’t even had a spoon from it. $h£ th£n remembered wh£n Becca once talked ab©vt some th!ng similar to th*s.

$h£ said that Th£ Master hasn’t been eat!ng h*s meal s!nce h£ returned. Th£y had believed it could be as a result of h*m still gett!ng adapted to th£ white foods.

But now, with h*r experienc!ng it h*rself. Th*s was !ndeed gett!ng way too weird than $h£ thought.

$h£ went !nto h*s bathroom to search for any dirty cloth£s, but th*re wasn’t. $h£ j√$t had to sweep th£ floor as every who-re still looked neat.


took th£ tray of food to Stella who th£n returned it to th£ kitch£n. On reach!ng to h*r room, $h£ remembered $h£ had forgotten to close th£ curta!ns after $h£ was done.
$h£ h£aded b@¢k to h*s room, only to f!nd it locked. And $h£ didn’t remember lock!ng it while leav!ng, or was Th£ Master b@¢k?

$h£ knocked twice and !n th£ third knock, th£ door opened by itself. If not of th£ curta!ns be!ng opened, $h£ won’t m!nd turn!ng b@¢k to leave.

But $h£ didn’t want to curse any m©r£ problem to h*rself. Stella also warned h*r not to do any th!ng wrong to Th£ Master’s possessions, seems h£ was way too aggressive at judgments compared to madam Dacia.

$h£ entered, and th£ door ban-ged beh!nd h*r caus!ng h*r to fl!nch. h*r h£art has alre-ady started b**t!ng like $h£ was asked to give a speech at th£ World Conference Hall.

h*r eyes search£d @r0vnd th£ room, why is th*s room so weird? $h£ thought to h*rself. Th£ w!ndows closed, and so did th£ curta!ns too.


h*r h£art b**t !ncrea-sed from 200° to five hundred°. $h£ felt someth!ng pas-s h*r !n a speed, with air accompanied.

” Who’s that? ” $h£ asked !n a frightened tune.

$h£ rush to turn on th£ lights, but it was so difficult to. $h£ c|¡¢ked on it triple times but it didn’t want to work. ” $h!t! ” $h£ cursed, runn!ng to th£ door.

But what makes h*r th!nk th£ room was safe at th£ moment??

It was stucked. ” Someone h£lp me! Someb©dy h£lp! Get me ©vt of h*re! Stella..!! Stella open th£ d…!! ” $h£ cried.

$h£ felt th£ breeze st©p beh!nd h*r, and $h£ knew someone was stand!ng right at h*r b@¢k. $h£ loos£ned h*r grip from th£ door, stand!ng like $h£ was re-ady to give up.

But th£ truth is… Was $h£?

” who-re do you th!nk you are go!ng to? ” Asked th£ voice.

$h£ was wonder!ng if it was Th£ Master talk!ng, but on a second thought, h*s voice was dee-per and frighten!ng like that of Th£ Master.

So, who could it be th£n…


💄HIS S-xUAL add!çtION

{ His Personal Maid }💄

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 22: HE su-ckED MY BLOOD.

” Where do you think you are going? ”

” I… I… I’m not going anywhere, I was just returning back to my room. ” She shivered.

” Where did you take my meals to? ” He asked darkly.

” I… I thought…” She stammered. ” I thought y.. you weren’t hungry and… and you haven’t t©uçhed your food yet so… I took it away. ”

” Away to where? ”

” T… To the kitchen. ”

” You just made a big mistake, sweetheart. You shouldn’t have taken it out at the first place. ”

” You didn’t t©uçh the food so, I thought you weren’t hungry. ”

” I wasn’t, but now I am. And I am just in nee-d of blood… Your blood. ” He hissed.

” No, no, plea-se don’t take my blood. I beg you, plea-se don’t hurt me. ” She pleaded.

” Don’t worry, this is gonna hurt but it’s only a matter of time. I as-sure you. ” He chuckled, sniffing ha-rd at the scent of her blood. ” You smell sweater than her. ”

Her? Which her is he talking about? She thought.

” Don’t worry about who I am talking about, you will get to find out very soon. ” Did he…? Did he just re-ad her mind?

Her hands held the door for support but His f!ngersclung around her skin w@!st, pu-lling her to his che-st. ” Like I said, this is gonna hurt a little bit. ”

He bent her head to the right, and he li-cked her ba-re skin. Avery’s breathing could be heard, her che-st rising and falling in uniform to the air she breathed.

He pierced his teeth into her soft skin, drinking her blood. She g@sped a loud m0@n , as if it had seized her breath.

He was drinking, as if he was scared to share it with another. After he had drank enough from it, he exhaled happily.

” Oh tasty! ” He hissed loudly. ” You’re damn so sweeter than her. ”

Dropping her weak b©dy to the ground, he li-cked his upper and lowerl-ips hungrily. He was loving the taste of her blood on hisl-ips.

Avery f0rç£d herself to crawl to the door. She pu-ll-ed the door knob open, pushing her self out of the room. She ran out of his room, heading straight to Stella’s.

” Stella. Stella. ” She called faintly, her hands on her n£¢k preventing her blood from rolling out.

Stella quic-kly opened the door, letting her in. ” Avery? ” She g@sped at the sight. ” Avery what happened to you? ”

Avery fell on her arms, her b©dy shaking convulsively. ” He… He… He… ” She tried to say.

” What ‘He’ are you talking about? Avery, who did this to you? ” She asked, terrified.

” T… The Master. The Master… he did it to me. ” She fainted on her arms.

” Avery? ” She called, shaking her b©dy. ” Avery, wake up! Avery! ”


(Three Hours Later…)

She woke up, gro-an ing painfully. Her b©dy had spent three hours to change colour, now she was shining white like snow.

He had just drank too much of her blood, almost looking like a two days dead corpse. She managed to pu-ll her self to sit, as there was no one to help her do so.

She felt a sting pain on her n£¢k, ru-bbing it, she felt something soft on the affected p@rt. ” Don’t… ” Stella said from the door.

” Thank you. ” She said weakly.

” It’s nothing. I brou-ght you something to drink. ” She informed.

” I don’t want to drink any thing right now. ” She refused.

” It’s not just any thing, Avery, I asked the doctor to prepare it. ”

” Did you tell him I am alive? ” She asked taking the drug from her.

” No, he wouldn’t dare to ask. ” She sat beside her, ” Who did this to you? ” She asked.

” I think it’s The Master. ”

” How sure are you? ”

” Because it happened in his room. And there’s no one who enters his room except from Madam Dacia and I. ”

” So, you’re trying to say that The Master is a vampire? ”

” I’m saying The Master is a blood su-cking creature. He bite me. He su-cked my blood. ” A tear ran down her cheek. ” He said he wanted my blood, and when he drank it, he said it was sweeter than hers.

Do you know who he might be talking about? ” She asked.

” I’m not sure, but there’s only one person it could be… Madam Dacia. She must have known what he is by now, and I think that’s p@rt of the secret they both share and a good reason why she never let any one see The Master. ”

” But why..? Why does it have to be me? ”

” I honestly don’t know, Avery. I think they had only preserve you to serve as his meal. And now he has tasted it and seems to love it better, I think he won’t let you go until he has drained every single drop of your blood. ”

” So, does it mean I’m gonna die very soon? ”

” Let’s not hope so. ”

Avery shut her eyes for a while, then opening it. She sighed in frustration, not knowing what to do. ” I just wanna die and forget this ever happen to me. Eve might be some where happy while I’m here facing some threatful preservation. ”

” I think this is Madam Dacia’s idea for him to feed on you. ”

” Is there any way I can leave this place for good? I wanna go back home. I wanna see my Granny again. I hate it here! I hate it all here! I just… I just wanna go.. home. ” She cried…


Later that night, Avery sat quietly in her room staring out to the sky. She wasn’t feeling sleepy, rather hungry. She wanted some thing to eat to quench the emptiness she was feeling.

He had drank a lot of her blood, and she nee-ded something to refill her self again. She wanted some thing… Any thing.

The door open without anyone knocking. ” What the heck are you sitting there for? ” Dacia stormed.

Avery immediately stood to her feed, adjusting her shifted go-wn to it’s position. ” Aren’t you supposed to serve The Master is dinner? Or are you expecting me to do that for you, huh? ”

” No, ma’am. I’ll just do it right away. ”

” Better. I can’t believe you’re getting lazy day by day. ” She scoffed, leaving the room.

Avery stood in thought as she kept wondering how to avoid The Master’s grip. With the way he drank from her, she saw his quest for her blood was so alarming.

Was he re-ady to eat what ever meal she was going to bring to his room? Or was he gonna use her for his dinner?

She offered a knock on his door. ” Come in. ” A de-ep but lighter voice said.

Or was she wrong about earlier? To think The Master was the creature who had attacked her?


She opened the door, walking in with the tray of food in her hands. From the door she asked, ” Your meal is re-ady, Sir. ”

The lights were on, but when he dashed to her side, they all went off ma-king it impossible for her to see his face.

All she could see was the dark red colour of his eyes, piercing into her hers. s£nding death call to her spine.

The fear he had created in her made her drop the tray to the ground. ” I… I’m so sorry. I’ll just get it cleaned up. ” She was about to leave when he pu-ll-ed her back.

” You are going nowhere. ”


Avery’s eyes wi-de-ned frightfully. ” But, Sir, I nee-d to first get this cleaned up. ” And if by chance escape the terror of tonight. She completed the statement in her mind.

” Turn around. ” He commanded.

She stubbornly stood her ground not to make any move. ” I said, turn around. ” He said in an authoritative tune.

She found herself doing so but her face still maintained the ground contact. ” plea-se, don’t hurt me. I don’t wanna die now. ” She begged.
