His Lucky star episode 60 & 61

( On The Wings Of Love… )


By, Naomi Cindy B.



“I’m Skye Marshalls, Nice to save your life…Das” Skye said, extending an hand.

“Skye Marshalls?” Das said, wondering who he is.

“Yeah, you’d have been on your way to hell right now if I hadn’t saved you” Skye said flatly.

” Hell?” Das said.

” Heaven is not meant for any F3 member” Skye said and Das’s eyes wi-de-ned.

“How did you…

Skye interrupted by bringing out his gun, pointing it straight to Das’s head.

His driver fell fearfully

“It’ll do you a lot of good if you keep quiet” Skye said and the driver l@ydown quietly.

” Get in the car” Skye said, still placing his gun directly on Das’s head.

He never argued, he got in the car and Skye got in with him.

He drove r0ûghly and avoided checkpoints till he got to where he’s going.

An old house in the middle of nowhere.

He c@m£ out and pu-ll-ed Das out of the car then took him in.

He pu-ll-ed out a chair and made him sit then sat in front of him .

He unwra-pped a bubble gum Into his mouth and started chewing slowly while pla-ying with his gun.

“Wh…who are….you?” Das asked fearfully.

Skye smiled and looked up at him.

“I told you my name earlier”

“I mean…your true identity, why did you save me and…why…why are we here?”

Skye stood and kept the gun then went beside him.

” Ric and Vic Marshalls, five years ago” he whispered and Das’s eyes wi-de-ned.

” You know what I’m talking about, you’re not the one who did it but one of your fv¢king F4 members did it, the Kaz family” he said.

” I know.. nothing about it” Das said.

” I’m the first child of the couple” Skye said.

“Skye Marshalls” Das said, getting it instantly.

“Yeah, the bastard payed an as-sas-sin to kill my only sis too, how cruel is he!, How far will you guys go for wealth!” Skye yelled.

” I’m out of the project I swear” Das said.

” I know, I’ve been trailing stupid doctor Claus around since I landed in Texas and I was able to trail him to the secret warehouse, I heard all the conversation and I heard their plan to kill you tonight, and that’s why I started following you around, I saved you to get information from you” Skye said.

” I’ll tell you anything” Das said.

” The eyes which were taken from my parents that year, what did Kaz use them for?” Skye asked.

” For his son” Das said

” What!’

“He used one pair for his son Drew but the second pair ion know what he did with it” Das replied.

Skye gritted his teeth together in anger.

He walked to the wall and hit his fist ha-rd ly on it.

“$h!t!” He ranted, breathing heavily.

He stayed there for like three minutes before coming to Das.

“And what he did to my parents and sis five years ago is not enough, now he’s planning to ruin another family together with the other F3 members?”

” I honestly have backed out, I know nothing about the project anymore, all I wanna do is protect my son and the girl he loves” Das said.

” Why?”

” The girl he loves is the targeted specimen for the project” Das replied and Skye laughed.

” Karma…but it’d have been better if it visited you and your son alone without involving the poor girl, what’s her name?” Skye asked.

” Nikita, Nikita Magnus” Das replied and Skye sighed.

” I’ll pl@ythis game till Claus begs for water to live” he smiled.

“And why was she chos£n as the specimen?” He asked.

” She’s got blue blood that neutralizes poison” Das replied.

” Why did you back out of the project?” Skye questioned.

“I’ve always regretted joining it, I don’t want the girl to get hurt” he replied and Skye brou-ght out his gun again.

He placed it on Das’s head Das closed his eyes.

“You might have backed out, but the truth still remain that, you were p@rt of it Das Malcolm” he said.

He made the gun stay on his head for long, contemplating about weather to kill him or not.

He suddenly withdrew the gun and pocketed it, Das opened his eyes.

“Today is not your death day” he said and left the place Immediately.

Das cried bitterly, regretting it all again.

“I wish I hadn’t joined in the first place”


Malcolm’s family hospital**

Sunny and BB are asleep in one of the wards alre-ady but Eddy and Austen are still sitting, not slee-ping a wi-nk.

Austen is re-ading the book he borrowed from the doctor, the one about special beings with different blood colours.

“They’re humans, gifted by the heavens with reasons, maybe because of the excessively good deeds of their ancestors”

” Really?” He said after re-ading that line

” They bring good luck and are always a reason to be happy, special beings were coated with happiness from heaven, they nee-d protec-tion from whoever is available so they won’t face danger”

He smiled after re-ading that line

” I’ll protect you” he said.

“Blue blood might be immune to poison or be able to heal wounds… green blood has a speciality….it can st©p time once a drop of it t©uçhes the ground”

” Nikita has blue, so her blood is immune to poison?, Or is it the healing p@rt?” He wondered.

” Mr Austen” Eddy suddenly called and he looked at him

” Hmm.. Eddy?” He said, looking at Eddy.

“Thanks” Eddy said.

” Why?’

“I can’t believe my sis will finally see after seven long years, all thanks to you, I’ve always wanted this” he said and Austen smiled.

” It’s really nothing”

” The circu-mtances surrounding her blindness, did she tell you?” Eddy asked.

” No, she had always avoided telling me that ion know why” Eddy replied.

” It’s because it’s sad, she was blinded by fireworks” Eddy said and Austen’s eyes wi-de-ned.

” What!”

” We were escaping from bad people who murdered our parents when it happened.. though I dunno why our parents were murdered till now” he said

Austen went closer to him.

” Your parents were murdered?”

“Yes, seven years ago” Eddy replied sadly, the faces of his parents displa-ying in his memory.

” How? why?” Austen asked.

“In a car accident, but about why..I have no idea” Eddy replied sadly.

” It’s the first time I’m hearing this” Austen said, still in shock.

“Nikita won’t want to tell you cos it’s sad” Eddy smiled sadly.

Austen sighed and hvgged him.

” plea-se don’t leave my sis” Eddy said.

” I have no plans to” Austen replied.

” She loves you so much, she loves you a lot I can swear anything” Eddy said.

” I know, and I love her more than myself too” Austen smiled.

” plea-se protect her whenever I’m not around” Eddy said.

” I will” Austen smiled and Sunny suddenly rushed out of the ward.

“Thought you were asleep” Austen said.

“You nee-d to watch the news” she replied and they both followed her in.

In the TV, is the news of a fatal accident down the road some minutes ago.

Involving two cars, one of the cars got burnt to ashes while the other with no number got destroyed.

The CCTV swiftly captured Das’s car and Austen got scared.

He rushed out of the ward and eventually out of the hospital,he got in his car and was about to start driving when he heard someone call his name.


He c@m£ out of the car and saw Das just beside the car

“Dad” he said, inhaling de-eply.

“I’m ok” Das said.

“Oh…ok” he replied casually and Das smiled before walking to him.

“I’m glad you’re worried about me” he said.

“Says who?, I was going to get something” Austen replied.

” I’ll stay here with you guys till tommorow” Das said and went into the hospital immediately.

“Why Is he doing this?” Austen sighed and entered too.


Next morning**

Austen was the first to enter Nikita’s ward while the others followed, she’s alre-ady sitting on the be-d with bandaged eyes.

“Nik” he smiled.

“Huh!, Austen” she said and he sat in front of her then hvgged her.

” Thanks for doing well yesterday, i missed you” he smiled.

“I missed you too Austen, they said I’ll have to spend seven days before this bandage will be re-moved” she said after they broke the hvg

” Yes” he replied.

“Can’t I spend those seven days at home?” She said.

” No, you have to spend it here stubborn head” Austen said and she smiled.

” Eddy… BB… Where are they? ‘ she asked

They both hvgged her at a time.

“My babies” she chuckled, patting them both.

“Can’t wait for seven days” Eddy said.

“Me too” BB said.

“Can’t wait too” Nikita said.

” Sunny I can smell your scent” she said and Sunny hvgged her too.

“Witch” she said and Nikita giggled.

“Mr Malcolm is here too” Eddy said and Nikita squinted.

” Mr Malcolm? ”

” Do you feel good?” Das asked.

It took a while before she could bring herself to answer.

” Yes”

Das smiled and Nikita’s stomach made funny sounds, she held it.

“I’m starving” she said .

“I’ll go get you pasta” Austen said, k!ss!ngher forehead before leaving the ward.

” I’ll go get you pasta” BB said in Austen’s voice and everyone laughed.

” I have to go now, I’ll come back to check on you” Das said and left.

” You both should go to school” Nikita said.

” No” Eddy and BB chorused.

” No?, Why?, I’ll be ok with Austen and Sunny” Nikita said.

” Nikita we had an agreement to protect each other” BB said.

“I’m fully aware, but you nee-d to go to school plea-se…if you skip school because of me I won’t like it” Nikita said.

” Are you sure you’ll be ok?” Eddy asked.

“I’ll be fine” she smiled.

“I’ll take care of her don’t worry” Sunny said and BB sighed.

” Ok … I’ll believe that” BB said reluctantly.

” I’ll see you later” Eddy said and pu-ll-ed BB out of the ward.

She tried to re-move her hand from his hold as they walked out of the hospital but he held ti-ght.

“Hey let me go” she said.

The way their hands are on each other is ma-king her heart race again… every slight contact with him makes her heart leap.

“No, I’ll hold it like this till we get to the road” he win-ked and her heart skipped beats…she quic-kly looked away.

” I’m not your girlfriend” she said.

“Then let’s d@t£” he said and she quic-kly looked at him.

He smiled and pu-ll-ed her out of the hospital.

Back in the ward**

“Actually… I have something to tell you” Sunny said.

” About what?”

” Mr Das Malcolm”

“What about him?”

“He’s a good person I think” Sunny said.

“There’s no single good person among the project members, they’re all evil Sunny” Nikita said.

” I know but… remember you told me the reporters reported the death of you and Eddy seven years ago too and you dunno why” Sunny said

” Yeah”

” It was Mr Malcolm’s doing..he bribe-d the reporters to report that, you told me to spy on him and I did that perfectly yesterday, he told doctor Claus everything and he’s out of the project too,he threatened not to sit and watch him hurt you or Austen, he’s regretting ever joining” Sunny explained.

Nikita sighed and kept quiet for a while.

” Still…I can’t help but hate him” Nikita said.

” You think the F3 members will do something funny?” Sunny asked.

” What do you expect?, They know I’m here so I’m expecting them to make a move” Nikita smiled.

” I’m back!” Austen announced, coming into the ward with a food flask.

He opened it and separated the segments, placing them on the small eating table in front of her.

“I’ll feed you” he said and she nodded.

Sunny smiled, wishing nothing will come between them but it seems Impossible.

“You missed one thing” Nikita said

“What?” Austen asked and she pointed at herl-ips.

He smiled and k!$$£d her lightly.

“I love you” she said.

“I love you mocha” he replied and started feeding her.


Secret warehouse**

“It failed again, should we just st©p this project?” Mr Fabio said frustratedly.

” Don’t you dare say that anymore!” Doctor Claus spat.

“What were you expecting me to say?, Every attempt towards it kept failing!” Mr Fabio yelled.

” And why the hell are you yelling!” Mr Kaz intervened

Doctor Claus and Mr Fabio breathe heavily, looking away from each other.

“I should be the one yelling like this but I’m not even yelling, I left my company in California, I work online from here all because of this project and it’s always proving futile!, I’m seriously fed up, now who saved Das?, who’s the owner of that red car” Mr Kaz said.

” No one has even a single idea” Mrs Fabio said

“Then what are we gonna do?, Is this how we’re gonna keep failing?” Jillian said

” I seriously hate failure” Mrs Kaz said.

“I nee-d to think” doctor Claus sighed.

” We’ll think together since we’re the only two men who can think here” Mr Kaz said and Mr Fabio scoffed hatefully.


The Malcolm’s mansion**

Melissa sat in front of the mirror, combing her hair gently while humming a tune.

She can’t wait to get to school…it seems that’s the only place she’ll get to see Drew throu-ghout this week cos they have no ph0toshoot together throu-ghout.

She kept smiling while combing and when she felt it’s ok, she dropped the comb and sigh.

In her dad’s mansion, there are maids who do everything for her, comb her hair, dress for her and do her makeup but here she has to do everything by herself and it su-cks.

She gro-an ed and stood, about to leave the front of the mirror when she saw Kayla’s face in the mirror.

“Arrgg!!!!!!” She screamed in fright.

She fell and pas-sed out immediately.


Sunshine highschool**

Drew is not in school and BB is greatly worried, she kept staring at her phone, thinking of calling him but she decided against it each time .

The first and second clas-s ended and she left the clas-s with her phone, she snuck into the science lab and decided to later dial his line but immediately she made to cli-ck his name, Eddy appeared and took the phone from her.

“Drew?” He said.

“Yeah, he’s my friend and I’m just worried” she replied.

” Don’t” he said and she snatched her phone from him.

” You don’t own my phone” she snapped and started trying again but he held her hand.

“Don’t” he said.

“Why” she replied, gently than she ever expected.

“Just don’t…ion like when you worry about other guys” he said.

She took her hand from him and sniffed.

” I’m not your girlfriend” she said and made to try it again but this time, Eddy held her two hands and pushed her gently to the wall, pinning her two hands on it before crashing hisl-ips on hers.

Like magic, it didn’t take long before she started responding fast.

Eddy kept de-epening it, sa-vouring taste of her while k!ss!ngher r0ûghly.

BB clearly felt the difference, there’s a long line between what she’s feeling right now and what she felt when Drew k!$$£d her….her heart it racing like crazy right now, for him … Eddy.

She slightly pushed him away and rushed out of the lab.

She had ba-rely had time to think about it when her phone rang.

It’s an unknown line, she picked slowly.

“Hey rude girl, heard you’re a friend to Drew Kaz, he’s with me now, what do you think” the voice said.

” What are you talking about?”

“I took him from Love hospital, one of the VVIP wards” the voice said.

” Huh?”

” Yeah, will you come?, I really want to see you again”

” This voice…” BB said.

” Come find out by yourself, I’ll text you the address” the voice said.

“And why would you kidnap him!, Why!” She shouted.

” I have scores to settle with his parents, but too bad when I called his dad, he told me to kill him if I want, he said he’s not useful for him, why don’t you come and witness how I’ll kill him?” He replied.

” Don’t try anything funny with my friend, else I’ll kill you” BB said.

” Show your loyalty by coming here to save him..rude girl” he replied and hung up.

Almost immediately, the address flashed on the screen and she rushed out of the school to board a cab.

It didn’t take long before she got to the house, an old one in the middle of a deserted street.

She entered the house and it led to another one, it kept leading to another one and she kept opening doors till she got to the last one where Drew was tied to a chair.

“Bright!” He said

“Drew” she started walking fas-ter to him but Skye suddenly appeared.

“So it’s you, the guy from the sto-re, I s-en-sed a dark aura around you, I should have known” she sm-irked.

” He kept saying if I kill him, you’ll kill me, I don’t un-derstand…are you God?” Skye said, looking at her.

” I just hate you ” BB said and made to punch him but he ducked and laughed mockingly.

BB rushed to him and raised a kick but he ducked that too.

“I’m not a simpleton rude girl” he said when she made to fl!phim but he fli-pped her instead and she fell on the ground heavily.

“Bright!” Drew called from where he was tied to.

Skye smiled as BB stood and drew out a gun

Drew’s eyes wi-de-ned.

*Where the fv¢k did she get a gun?*

She pointed it Skye’s forehead and Skye smiled, thri-lled by her boldness.

“I love your boldness.. rude girl” he said fearlessly.

“I don’t bear Brinkley Bright Marshalls for joke, I act like my name…. I’ll kill you if you don’t st©p this game” she said and Skye’s eyes wi-de-ned at once.

“Brinkley Bright what?”