His little mistress episode 9

💋Irresistible attra-ction 💋
✍ Author Viola’s novels ✍
👯ѕєcrєt αffαírѕ 👯
🍭 e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅s̲̅o̲̅d̲̅e̲̅ 9🍭
Terrence sighed and place
d his hands on his w@!st in frustration. He thought for a while then placed a call to Zachary.
📲 Sup Terry?
📱I’m so not cool
📲 what’s wrong?
📱It’s your girlfriend?
📲 Girlfriend?
📲 What’s her crime this time?
📱I’m just trying to taking care of her because of you..
Amberle is having a headache and she locked herself inside the bathroom cause she wouldn’t take her drugs
Zachary chuckled
📲 that’s the way she is.. Unless you beat her
📱how do I beat a full grown woman?
📲 you have to.. Amberle always falls sick and if she doesn’t take the drugs now, then she’ll be seriously ill in the next few hours
📱so what do I do now?
📲 Switch the call to loudspeaker
Terrence brou-ght the phone from his ear and placed the call on loudspeaker.
📱it’s on speaker
📲 tell Amberle I want to talk to her
“Amberle?!” Terry shouted but she didn’t reply “Zac wants to talk to you”
“you’re lying”
Terrence sighed and returned to the call
📱she thinks I’m lying
📲 place the phone on the door
Terry knocked on the bathroom door “Amberle come to the door and talk to Zac from there” he said and placed the phone on the door.
📲 Amberle?!
Amberle placed her ear on the door and realizing it was really Zachary, she opened the door and rushed out
“you finally c@m£ out” Terry scoffed.
Amberle rolled her eyes and snatched the phone from Terry.
📱Hello Zac?
📲 Amberle are you sick?
📱No.. Just a little headache but I’m fine
📲 Amberle I’m not there to take care of you, you have to take them drugs so you don’t fall sick
📲 Don’t let him beat you before you take the drugs
📱I was expecting you yesterday.. What happened?
📲 something c@m£ upon but I’ll be back before the week runs out
Amberle rolled her eyes and gave the phone back to Terry then she stomped to the be-d.
📱I don’t think she’ll take the drugs.. She doesn’t look convinced
📲 she won’t.. I just wanted to try but I know Amberle.. You’ll have to beat her
📱maybe we’ll forget about the drugs
📲 she’s going to fall sick
📱Then I’ll have to get a cane
📲 You can’t sp@ñk her.. Beat her with your hand
📱this is so outrageous.. How do I beat a woman
📲 just take care of her.. She’s un-der your care
📱I will
📲 Have a nice day
📱You too
Terry ended the call and glanced at Amberle who was pretending to be asleep. He kept his phone on the table and walked to the be-d.
Terry watched her for a while then kicked the be-d but she didn’t open her eyes.
“I know you’re not slee-ping” he said and kicked the be-d again
“but I’m trying to sleep”
Terry took the drugs from the drawer and raised it to her face.
“Are you taking it or not?” he asked
“I’m not”
“Fine” he walked to the window and threw it out
Amberle sat up in shock and asked “why did you do that?”
“you said you didn’t want to take it and I wasn’t going to f0rç£ you”
Amberle shook her head and got up. She tried walking but staggered a little and held the bee post.
Terry saw her but pretended like he didn’t and looked away. She managed to walk to the couch and sat down.
“Is there anything you want me to get?” Terry asked
“Wine.. If you don’t mind”
“I don’t mind” Terry replied and pushed the cart outside.
Amberle waited for him to return with the wine but he wasn’t returning. She gazed at the wall clock impatiently but he didn’t return then she decided to go look for him.
Amberle wore a jacket because she was feeling cold and walked to the door. She paused by the door when she heard Terry’s voice coming from outside the call. It sounded like he was arguing with someone, probably on the phone cause there was no one in the mansion.
She eavesdropped for a while then her curiosity pushed her out of the room so she could hear better.
📱… What’s the matter with you? I’m doing the best I can… You shouldn’t be saying that… plea-se don’t… You can’t just decide that, I’m not agreeing… I refuse… Don’t….
Terry pressed the phone ti-ght in her hand and he brou-ght it from his ear. He angrily smashed the glas-s of wine he was holding on the wall and Amberle moved back with a start.
Terry felt her pres£nce and whirled around to face her in rage.
“Why did your come out?”
Amberle got scared at the fury in his eyes. Never had she seen him that mad.
“I… I.. just….” she groped for the right words but nothing was coming into her head
“Go inside” he instructed sternly and stomped off.
Amberle watched him walk out of the door that led to the stairs then he locked the door and he was gone.
She let out her breath slowly and walked back into her room.
Terry tried calling Georgia severally on the phone but she wasn’t answering. They had been having a heated argument on the phone for the past one hour and she wasn’t answering his calls.
He sighed in frustration and texted her, begging her to answer her call so they would talk.
Terry waited for a while to be sure she re-ads the message before he called again. After few minutes, he tried calling her when her call c@m£ in.
📱Georgia listen to me
📲 There’s nothing more to talk about
📱Georgia you promised to leave the club
📲 but I can’t.. It’s p@rt of me and I can’t keep pretending to you
📱Have I ever complained?
📲 You don’t have to complain.. I know you hate me
📱Georgia I love you and you know it.. We’ll make a perfect family
📲 but I don’t love you and I’m not re-ady to start a family yet
📱but you….
📲 forget everything I said Terry, forget me, and forget everything we shared
📱you can’t do this to me Georgia.. Not after everything we’ve being throu-gh together
📲 Terry I’ve moved on alre-ady.. I don’t love you
📱Georgia I’ll give you time to think about it
📲 I’ve thought about everything and I don’t want you.. And don’t ever call me up
Terry took in a de-ep breath
📲 Good
Georgia ended the call and Terry slowly brou-ght the phone from his ear. He stared at the screen in disbelief. Unable to believe that Georgia didn’t want him again, after everything they’ve been throu-gh.
“She’s gone.. But it’s alright” he let out his breath and deleted her digits from his phone.
Terry stared into space for a moment then got up and returned to Amberle’s room. She was lying on the be-d and shivering un-der the duvet. He walked to her and t©uçhed her head.
“Are you enjoying the fever?” he asked rhetorically
Amberle only shivered but couldn’t talk. Terry walked out and returned almost immediately with an ice bag.
“Don’t” Amberle st©pped him when tried placing the ice on her head “I’m cold”
Terry gr@bb£d her hand and held it firmly “stay calm” he stated sternly and Amberle could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t happy.
She closed her eyes as he placed the ice on her head and she shuddered a little.
“you’ll be fine” he said and got up
Amberle gr@bb£d his hand and dragged he back to the be-d.
“what’s wrong with you?”
“I heard you arguing with someone over the phone.. Was it Georgia?”
“Did she break up with you?”
“yes.. She called off the engagement and warned me never to call her”
“I’m sorry”
“it’s not your fault, I think she’s tired of me”
“Did you offend her?”
“no” Terry replied “Georgia is actually a str!pper and I thought I could change her but now I see that she’s not mine. She’s never satisfied with one man”
“so sad”
“I know.. But don’t pity me”
Amberle smiled wryly. She was too weak to smile broadly like she always did.
“My stomach hurts”
“sorry.. It’s going to st©p” Terry said “should I cook for you?”
“no, I’m not hungry”
“wanna talk to Zac on the phone?”
“No.. I don’t want to be a burden”
Terry nodded and slowly squee-zed his hand from her grip.
“you’ll be fine” he said and walked to her living room
Amberle scoffed when he walked out. She was expecting him to f0rç£ her to take drugs but he wasn’t. And she was sick and desperately in nee-d of drug but couldn’t ask for it.
She tossed in pain on her be-d and re-moved the ice bag. Every p@rt of her b©dy was aching, Zachary was right when he said she would fall sick.
Terry stared blankly at the television but his attention wasn’t in the movie. He was thinking about Georgia and the memories they shared. Even if he tried st©pping his heart from loving her, his mind would never st©p thinking of her.
“You’re still thinking about her”
Terry zoned out of his thoughts and saw Amberle standing in front of him, clutching the duvet ti-ght around her.
“when did you get here?”
“I’ve been here for few minutes but you seem lost”
“I kinda spaced out”
“thinking of her?” she asked and sat beside him
“how are you feeling?” he changed the t©pic
“totally weak”
“did you catch a cold?”
“this is bad cause you can’t see a doctor and I can’t bring in a doctor”
“but you’re a doctor”
“a medical doctor and not a love doctor”
“I don’t nee-d a love doctor”
“you do.. You’re love sick”
“I’m not love sick.. I’m not even in love”
“what do you call your feelings for Zac?”
“I’m just obsessed with Zac”
“Does he know that you’re just obsessed with him?”
“There’s nothing wrong with it.. I mean I’ve his boss’ mistress and we’re just secretly attra-cted to each other. More like an obse-ssion?”
Terry scoffed “do you girls know how we feel when you don’t take us the way we take you?”
“My case with Zac is different”
Terry gazes at her for a while then chuckled “Georgia thought as much”
“I’m not Georgia.. I’m a human”
“I’ve never mentioned Georgia being an animal have I?”
Amberle laughed and slowly la-id on the couch, placing her head on Terry’s l@ps.
“I’m sick”
“I know” Terry ran his f!ngersthrou-gh her hair “is this going to make you feel better?”
Amberle nodded and Terry laughed.
“This isn’t a good idea Amberle”
“nothing is ever a good idea to you”
Terry chuckled “you want to know how I fell in love with Georgia?”
“tell me”
“we’ll go just one night.. No strings attached and boom! Every strings got attached” Terry said and they both laughed
“a one night stand h-uh?”
“want to try it?”
“I’ve got vulnerable strings looking for attachment” Amberle replied jocularly
“we could tie them so they don’t function”
“you’re not serious right?”
“I’m not” Terry laughed “but what if I am.. What would be your reply?”