His little mistress episode 7 & 8

💋 Irresistible attra-ction 💋
✍ Author Viola’s novels ✍
👯ѕєcrєt αffαírѕ👯
Terence walked out of Amberle’s room and headed to the living room. He slumped on a couch and placed a call to Zachary.
📲 Sup Terry?
Terry chuckled
📱Did the African’s give you something to eat?
Zachary laughed from the other edge
📲 How’s Amberle?
📱she’s good.. Probably slee-ping by now
📲 and you?
📱I’m at the penthouse.. but you don’t have to worry, I’m downstairs
📲 I’m not worried
📱says who?
📲 I’m not
📱Then I want a small favor from you
📲 What is it?
📱it’s not really a small favor but you can help me out
📲 what is it?
📱where can I find my mom’s death do¢v-ments in the penthouse?
📲 Are you crazy? Don’t think of searching the penthouse, just go home
📱Zac I really nee-d it.. That’s why I accepted to join the game
📲 it’s not in the mansion.. Goldsax kept it elsewhere that I don’t know. No one knows
📱It’s here in the penthouse
📲 Then find it
📱Zac you’ve got to help me.. For old time sak
📲 believe me.. It’s not in the penthouse
📱Goldsax moved it to the penthouse few days ago
📲 Did he tell you that?
📱No.. I saw the message in his phone the night someone delivered it to the penthouse
📲 That was a fake message. Goldsax used it to trick you into joining the game.. He knew you would join the game as the only means to steal the do¢v-ments is you thought they were here
📱So I was deceived
📲 Exactly.. And he succeeded
📱why didn’t you tell me?
📲 I couldn’t– he nee-ded someone to watch the penthouse and cook for Amberle
📱I’m such a fool
📲 you’re not Terry, anyone would’ve fell for it. Goldsax knows how much you love your mom
📱then he failed.. I’m not going to take care of his stupid penthouse. I’m leaving here tonight and I’m never going to return
📲 what about Amberle? She’ll starve to death
📱few hours before you return wouldn’t kill her
📲 I may not be returning tomorrow.. Goldsax still nee-ds my as-sistance for few days
📱Then I don’t care if she starves to death or not.. She’s Goldsax’s property
📲 you can’t punish her because of Goldsax
📱I don’t care. If you care so much, then come back and take care of her
Terry ended the call without waiting to hear Zachary’s reply. He was raging in anger and he felt stupid for letting Goldsax deceive him.
Terry picked his car key from his table and headed outside. He was leaving for good and he would never return again.. Not even because of Amberle, not to the game that led to his mother’s early death.
Terry got into the car and turned on the engine. He sat in the car contemplating, like something was telling him to do otherwise. He took in a de-ep breath, like he was summoning some courage, then he drive out.
Terry arrived home and soa-ked himself in the tub. A lot of things were going throu-gh his mind and there was only some person to cheer him up– Georgia.
He took his bathe and hurried out of the tub. He got dressed and sat in the porch to a cu-p of tea. Terry called Georgia severally but she wasn’t answering. He didn’t st©p calling till she s£nt him a message and he re-ad throu-gh it.
📥 it’s late alre-ady.. We’ll talk tomorrow.
Terry checked the time and it was 12:17 am. Probably late to call anyone but not Georgia. They always talked past midnight. He was really confused about Georgia’s sudden changes. He really loved her and didn’t want to think she was cheating on him again.
“How do I look?” Amberle asked Barbara, trying on the clothes Terry had bought. Barbara didn’t reply as she nodded to sleep.
“Barbara?!” Amberle shouted and she j£rked awake “don’t sleep– I’m not done”
“Amberle it’s alre-ady past midnight” Barbara drawled sleepily
“I’m almost done”
“you’ve been saying that for the past two hours”
“Not this time.. I’m almost done”
Barbara sighed and said “the dress is pretty”
“isn’t the Sk-irt a little too long?”
“At least it’s decent”
Amberle rolled her eyes “why do you guys care so much about decency?”
Barbara yawned “try on another clothes.. That’s talk for another day”
Amberle nodded and took off the clothes she was wearing.
Barbara slowly dozed off as she tried on another clothe.
“Barbara?!” Amberle shouted when she was done and Barbara j£rked up “how is this one”
“Amberle they are all beautiful, you don’t have to try them on one after the other”
“you sleep a lot” Amberle hurled and too off the clothe
“it’s late”
“to you” Amberle said as she put on her night dress “Goodnight”
“Thank you” Barbara dimmed the light and quic-kly hurried out of the room
“Old Barbara” Amberle bur-st into laughter when Barbara locked the door and was gone “You’ll be nee-ding more frustration”
She laughed then covered herself with the duvet up to her che-st, then she gradually drifted into sleep.
⌚ 9:56 am ⌚
Terry stretched on the be-d and sluggishly opened his eyes. He got up and checked the time then fell back to his pillow. He hvgged his duvet ti-ght and went back to sleep again.
⌚ 11:24 am ⌚
Terry yawned and tossed about on the be-d, stretching his cramped muscles. He checked the time again and sprang up. Terry hurried into the bathroom and hurriedly brushed his teeth. He returned to his room and la-id on the be-d to pray.
⌚ 1:02 pm ⌚
Terry sleepily covered his face with a pillow as the rays of the sun c@m£ in throu-gh the window. The room was getting h0t and he couldn’t sleep again. He got up from the be-d and checked the time again.
“oh my god! Amberle” he exclaimed and ran into the bathroom. Terry showered quic-kly and got dressed then hurried into the kitchen. He microwaved his meal and ate.
When he was done, he got into his car and drove to the penthouse.
Terry prepared Szechuan shrimp and served in the cart. He pushed it up the stairs to the landing when he recalled telling Zachary the previous night that he wouldn’t by cooking for Amberle anymore. He let out his breath slowly and pushed the cart upon the second stairway. Terry served Barbara her food in her room then took Amberle’s to her.
He knocked on the door before pushing the door open and walked in with the cart. Amberle was slee-ping when he walked in,
she was completely famished. He kept the cart beside the be-d and went to wake her up. Terry squ-atted beside her be-d and ru-bbe-d her cheek softly but she didn’t wake. He tucked the hair that was covering her face behind her ear so he could watch her sleep.
She looked so young and innocent in her sleep. But one thing was for sure, she was young, but not innocent.
“Amberle?!” Terry whispered into her ears “Amberle?!”
She stirred on the be-d and sluggishly opened her eyes.
“I’m sorry I c@m£ late” he apologized and helped her up
“it’s okay.. You succeeded in killing the baby in my wo-mb” she joked and Terry laughed
“I cooked”
Amberle stood up to feet and dragged her feet to the cart with Terry supporting her.
“what took you so long?”
“I was busy.. The situation was inevitable” Terry lied
Amberle sat on a chair and Terry set the food on the table.
“I thought you abandoned me” she said
Terry paused and stared at her for a moment “I can’t” he said
“I promised Zac to take care of you”
Amberle smiled wryly and started eating.
“Did you cook this?”
“yes.. I cooked everything you’ve been eating since Goldsax and the men travelled”
“nice” she said and chewed her food thor0ûghly
“Zac said he won’t be returning yet.. Goldsax nee-ds his as-sistance for few more days”
Terry expected Amberle’s countenance to change but she just continued eating. He watched her every move and observed how she ate her food till she choked and started coughing.
Terry quic-kly handed her a glas-s of water and she gulped down its content.
“st©p staring at me that way” Amberle stated and kept the glas-s on the table
“I’m sorry” Terry apologized and filled the glas-s with water “that’s not how to eat Szechuan shrimp, let me show you”
He took the spoon from her and started eating the food.
“watch me.. You eat the food like this”
Amberle watched him stab the shrimps and shoved into his mouth and chew.
“what’s wrong with the way I eat it?” she asked
“you eat it this way” he shoved more shrimps into his mouth and started chewing.
Amberle frowned and hit the spoon off his hand “you finished my food”
Terry cleaned his mouth with a table cloth and belched loudly “I was teaching you how to eat”
“How did I manage to fall for it?”
“kids do fall for adult pranks”
“you’re trying to come up with an argument.. I’m not a child” Amberle stated and continued eating. When she was done, she cleared the table and kept the plates in the cart.
“So how’s the baby?”
Amberle chuckled “dead alre-ady” she said and added “I’m having a headache”
“Cause of the food?”
“No.. I alre-ady had the headache before you c@m£”
“I’ll go get you drugs”
“That’s a bad idea”
“you don’t take drugs?”
“My mom had to beat me before I take drugs whenever I’m sick”
Terry chuckled “so what are you going to do about the headache”
“I will just sleep till it st©ps”
Terry chuckled “you’re not serious” he said and walked out the cart
Terry returned with a little bag and Amberle was fast asleep. He walked to the be-d and sat beside
“Amberle?!” he called softly, c@r£ss!ngher hair. Amberle slowly opened her eyes and Terry placed his hand on her head to feel her temperature.
“you’re back” she gro-an ed
“you’re running a fever” Terry said and raised the bag “I got you drugs” he added and Amberle quic-kly shut her eyes.
Terry chuckled and kept the bag on the be-dside drawer.
“you can’t escape this” he said and carried her out of the be-d
“Terry put me down” she struggled as Terry carried her to the couch
“st©p fighting.. You’re sick” he said and sat her on the couch
“you’ll have to kill me”
“I don’t mind beating you like your mother used to do”
Amberle pushed him away and tried running but Terry gr@bb£d her hand and she fell on the floor.
“Amberle st©p this” Terry hurled
Amberle staggered to her feet and ran into the bathroom. Terry rushed after her but before he got to the bathroom, she had alre-ady locked the door.
“Amberle I’m going to break this door”
“I want to see you try” Amberle dared and sat on the toilet seat