His little mistress episode 6

💋 Irresistible attra-ction 💋
✍ Author Viola’s novels ✍
👯ѕєcrєt αffαírѕ👯
🍭 e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅s̲̅o̲̅d̲̅e̲̅ 6🍭
“Amberle?!” Terry called few minutes later “I forgot my towel on the dresser”
Amberle rolled her eyes and reluctantly walked to the dresser. She took the towel the Terry’s phone started ringing.
“who’s calling?” Terry asked
Amberle picked the phone from the be-d and checked the caller ID.
“it’s Georgia” she replied
“give it to me” Terry said and his hand appeared in the door way
Amberle tapped the answer bu-tton and brou-ght the phone to her ear.
“Amberle don’t answer the call” Terry yelled and ran out of the bathroom “you shouldn’t be answering my calls” he seethed and snatched the phone from her”
“you shouldn’t have come out of the bathroom”
“cause you’re….”
Terry quic-kly pushed Amberle to the be-d and covered her eyes with his palm. He used his other hand to pu-ll the duvet and wra-pped it around his w@!st then he re-moved his palm from her eyes.
“Did you see anything?”
“I don’t think so” Amberle replied, trying ha-rd to st©p herself from laughing
Terry slowly got up from be-d, clutching the duvet ti-ght to his w@!st as he hurried into the bathroom with his phone.
Amberle bur-st into a belly laughter when he slammed the door shut.
She heard him arguing with someone on the phone and st©pped to listen.
📱… You’re ma-king things up… I’m not cheating on your Georgia and you know it… What? You can’t break upon with me over the phone, we can settle this… Georgia listen to me.. Georgia?! Georgia?’ Georgia?!
“oops!” Amberle mouth and ti-ptoed out of the room. She hurried down the stairs and rushed into the living room.
“AMBERLE?!” Terry shouted from the bathroom and she quic-kly hid un-der the dining table. Minutes later, Amberle perceived Terry’s cologne while she was still hiding un-der the table. she hvgged her legs ti-ghtly as she heard footsteps from the stairs. She shut her eyes ti-ght until someone tra-pped her arm and she fluttered her eyes open. It was Terry.
He dragged her out without saying anything and made her sit on a couch.
“what did you tell Georgia?” he asked furiously
“Nothing” Amberle stuttered
“what did you tell her?” Terry yelled
“I just said ‘hello’ and then.. and then you snatched the phone”
Terry face palmed himself with his hand akimbo “Georgia broke up with me”
“but why? I thought she’s your fiancée?”
“she was.. Until she broke us with me few minutes ago”
“I’m sorry”
“you’re sorry?” Terry yelled “is that all you have to say?”
“What else do you want me to say?” Amberle yelled back and got to to her feet “I didn’t say anything to her”
“you shouldn’t have answered the phone”
“I just wanted to know what a person’s voice sounds like over the phone” Amberle’s voice fell to a whisper “I didn’t mean to ruin your relationsh!p”
“maybe Georgia is fed up with me” Terry said
“maybe” Amberle agreed and Terry sh0t her a glare
He took in a de-ep breath and said “let’s go”
“where are we going?”
Terry gr@bb£d her hand and said “I’m s£nding you back to your dungeon”
“but I said I’m sorry”
“I’m leaving Spain”
“I have to apologize to Georgia”
“but she doesn’t want you anymore”
Terry paused, and turned to face her “what do you mean?”
“if she still loved you, she wouldn’t have broken up with you without hearing from you…” Amberle said “and not over the phone”
Terry stared at her thoughtful then finally said “I’m taking you back”
They got to the penthouse and Amberle st©pped in the living room.
“I’m not going up” she said seriously
“This isn’t the right time to be stubborn” Terry seethed
“I just want to be down here for a little while.. This could be my chance in a life time” Amberle drawled
“I can’t leave you here all by yourself”
Amberle bowed her head sadly and said “alright” then she start up the stairs
Terry heaved a sigh as he watched her ascend the stairs. She was almost on the landing when he prompted “would you like to hang out at the park?”
Amberle paused and whirled around to face him “do you want to take me to the park?”
Terry nodded and Amberle’s face brightened up.
“But you’re not going to cause troubles”
“I won’t” Amberle promised “I cross my heart”
✍ ԵհմɾՏժɑվ 📅.. 8:15 Թʍ
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Եҽɾɾվ հɑժ ժɾօѵҽ ʍҽ հօʍҽ ɑղժ í հɑժղ’Ե ϲօʍԹӀɑíղҽժ ահҽղ հҽ ɑՏƘҽժ ʍҽ Եօ ցօ մԹ Եօ ʍվ ɾօօʍ. ՏԹҽղժíղց Եíʍҽ աíԵհ Եҽɾɾվ աɑՏ ɾҽɑӀӀվ ƒմղ ɑղժ í աíՏհ íԵ ϲօմӀժ ӀɑՏԵ ƒօɾҽѵҽɾ…. 📑
“I brou-ght you dinner” Barbara announced, pushing in the cart
“Thank you” Amberle replied, not looking up from her diary
“Goldsax called to know how you’re doing” Barbara informed
“And what did you say?”
“I told him you’re doing well and he wanted to know if anyone was visiting you”
Amberle suddenly looked up and asked “what did you tell him?”
“I told him no one except me”
Amberle smiled “Thank you”
“you’re welcome” Barbara replied and start for the door
The door opened and Terry walked in without knocking.
“Good evening ma’am” he greeted Barbara and she nodded in reply as she walked out.
“Hi Amberle!” he greeted with a broad smile, walking to her be-d
“you look happy.. What’s the secret?” Amberle asked
“I settled things with Georgia”
“Wow! She forgave you?”
“That’s good news”
Terry smiled and said “Zac wants to talk to you”
“Zac? Is he here?”
“No” Terry replied “he called me– on the phone” he added and placed a call to Zachary. Amberle kept her diary aside and took the phone from Terry.
📲 Amberle?! How you doing?
📱I’m doing great Zac..
How’s Africa
📲 Africa is lit
📱I guess you’re having fun
📲 not really..
I heard you found a new friend
Amberle glanced at Terry and walked out of the be-droom.
📱his name is Terry
📲 It’s a good thing you have someone to keep you company
📱he’s quite cheerful
📲 How did you two meet? Did you try escaping?
📱I didn’t.. He managed to locate my room
📲 Goldsax is feeling suspicious
📱Terry said he isn’t one of Goldsax’s men
📲 who did he say he is?
📱he didn’t mention.. He doesn’t want to talk about it
📲 you have to be careful Amberle. Goldsax may not be there but he has a source of knowing everything that happens while he was away.. Even without any of his men there
📱I’ll be extra careful
📲 and don’t leave your room.. Terry shouldn’t be your temptation
📱I won’t
📲 take care of yourself.. I’ll still call to check on you
📱Alright.. Goodnight
📲 Goodnight
Zachary hung up and Amberle walked back to her be-droom to meet Terry re-ading her diary.
She hurried to the be-d and snatched the diary from him.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry” Terry laughed
“What did you see?”
“I’m sorry for re-ading but I did see a lot”
Amberle frowned and hit him with the book and shoved it into her drawer.
“Seems like you had a lot of fun today” Terry said
Amberle sat on the be-d and replied “I did.. I wish Goldsax never returns”
“it’s not going to be like this everyday” Terry said smoothly
Amberle stared at him in silence and asked “How?”
“You don’t expect me to visit. you everyday”
“cause I can’t.. I’ll begin my appointment at the hospital in few days time”
“are you a doctor?”
“you could always make out time”
Terry smiled and looked at her “it’s not going to be a good idea”
“Georgia isn’t going to find out” Amberle said and Terry laughed
“That’s not the case?”
“Then what is?”
“who you are to Goldsax.. And who I am to Goldsax”
“Goldsax doesn’t own me and besides, who are you to him?”
“Talking about that would ruin the moment”
Amberle moved closer and asked calmly “is he blackmailing you?”
Terry shook his head “no”
“Then there’s nothing to worry about”
Terry looked away with a heavy sigh and said “This is going to be goodnight”
“Alright.. Good night then”
Terry ruffled her hair and got up to his feet “you made my day”
“but I almost ruined your relationsh!p”
“That doesn’t matter.. Everything is fixed now
“I hope we spend more time tomorrow” Amberle said “Maybe before Zac returns”
“you’re not leaving here again”
“I know.. We could spend time here”
Terry arched his brows and shrugged his shoulders. “what would we be doing?” he asked
“we’ll pl@ychess” Amberle suggested
“I svçkat chess”
“How about cards?”
“I don’t pl@ycards”
“what do you do during your leisure?”
“I re-ad”
Amberle scoffed “you’ve got a boring personality”
Terry laughed “I could be pretty interesting you know”
“in re-ading?”
“in other ways” he shrugged and glanced at her
“you svçkat everything”
“not when it comes to video games”
“I’ll beat you to it” Amberle dared
“I’d love to see you try”
“I’ve got a video game.. Zac and I always pla-y” Amberle said and got out of be-d. He followed her to the living room and she led him to the video game.
“Here is your pad” Amberle handed him a game pad then she switched on the video game and they both sat in the floor, next to each other.
“… no, no, no” Amberle shouted and fell to the floor. It was the third time he was winning her and she hadn’t won any.
“Get up” Terry tea-sed pu-lling her up “we just got started”
“I wanna watch a movie” Amberle drawled
“you chose to pl@ya video game”
“Then I quit”
“it is not over until I say it is over” Terry stated
“I don’t want to pl@yanymore.. I quit”
Terry laughed outrageously and la-id on the floor beside her, facing the ceiling. “let’s try something fun” he said
“let’s watch a movie”
“I’m not interested in watching a movie”
“what else do you want us to do?”
“let’s cook” Terry suggested
“jeez…” Amberle shifted her gaze to him “you’re really boring”
“I enjoy cooking”
Amberle rolled her eyes “That’s totally….” she trailed off “I’m short of words”
Terry laughed and rolled on his side to face her “I’ll beat you to everything”
“just video games”
“let’s try swimming”
“I was thinking about b!tt!g out your ear-lobes or gouging out your eyes” Amberle scoffed “you’re probably a boring doctor”
“Georgia doesn’t think I’m boring”
“Because she’s your fiancée”
“No.. Because she knows I’m not boring” Terry yawned “Sleep is coming.. I’ll have to leave now”
“you could spend the night here?”
Terry gave a lopsided sm-irk “you’re not going to like that”
Amberle chuckled “you’ll be coming tomorrow right?”
Terry shrugged “maybe.. Goodnight”
“yeah” Amberle simply said and watched him walk out throu-gh the door. Immediately the door slammed shut, she dropped on her be-d dreamily and t©uçhed her cheeks. “I almost blu-shed.. I almost did”