His little mistress episode 10

💋 Irresistible attra-ction 💋
✍ Author Viola’s novels ✍
👯 ѕєcrєt αffαírѕ 👯
🍭 e̲̅p̲̅i̲̅s̲̅o̲̅d̲̅e̲̅ 10🍭
“a one night stand h-uh?”
“want to try it?”
“I’ve got vulnerable strings looking for attachment” Amberle replied jocularly
“we could tie them so they don’t function”
“you’re not serious right?”
“I’m not” Terry laughed “but what if I am.. What would be your reply?”
“Then I’m sick”
Terry guffawed and said “Get well soon”
Amberle laughed then took his right hand and entwined their f!ngers.
“do you believe in wishes?” she asked
“I st©pped believing in wishes today”
“cause I wished Georgia would be with me forever but she’s gone” Terry replied.
Amberle separated their f!ngersand sat up.
“How are your feeling now?” Terry asked
“worse” Amberle sniffles and clutched the duvet ti-ghter
“You’ll be fine” Terry as-sured “should I get another ice bag?”
“No.. I’m cold” she drawled and fell on his shoulder. Terry wra-pped his hand around her
“Lemme guess.. You wish I were Zac”
“No.. I wish you were my mom” Amberle replied “she used to cudd-leme up when I’m sick”
“Try to sleep”
“I don’t want to”
“just try. Maybe you’ll feel better when you wake up”
Amberle shook her head “I don’t want to”
Terry sighed and t©uçhed her hair.
“should I get your mom”
“only if you can” Amberle let out her breath slowly
Terry didn’t say anything else as he slowly stro-ke her hair. He continued stro-king her hair for minutes till she dozed off then he carried her in his arms and la-id her on the be-d. He t©uçhed her head and her temperature was still high, even higher than before. Terry moved to the other side of the be-d and la-id beside her. He couldn’t leave her sick by herself so he was going to watch her sleep.
Terry tossed and tossed on the be-d and gradually opened his eyes. He was shocked to see Amberle staring at him instead of slee-ping.
“you’re awake” Terry said
“your snores didn’t let me sleep” Amberle replied
Terry sighed and said “I’m sorry.. I didn’t plan to sleep, I wanted to watch you sleep….”
“I guess I ended up watching you sleep” Amberle completely
“how are you feeling now?” he asked
“worse.. My stomach hurts me now”
“Sorry” Terry said with a sigh “just sleep till you get better”
“aren’t you going to say anything aside sorry?”
“what else do you want me to say that’s a medicine that’ll cure you”
“Terry you’re a doctor, do something” she drawled and moved into his arms
“Zac has to return” Terry started stro-king her hair again
“I’m going to throw up”
Terry sprang up “don’t do it here.. Go into the bathroom”
“I can’t” Amberle said weakly
Terry walked to her side of the be-d and carried her into his arms. He carried her to the bathroom and helped her stand beside the basin.
“you can now throw up”
Amberle bur-st into tears “I can’t throw up”
Terry sighed in frustration “you nee-d to see a doctor”
“but I’m seeing you”
“not me.. Another doctor”
Amberle whimpered and walked back to her room.
“it’s 5 o’clock” Terry said, looking at the digital clock”
“don’t tell me you want to go”
“there’s something I have to do at home”
“you’ll take me with you” Amberle sobbe-d
“first, you have to st©p crying” Terry said and she cried more “Amberle?!” he called and squat beside the be-d
“I’m going to die”
“you chose death but you’re not going to die”
“then take me with you”
“Barbara will take care of you”
“Barbara isn’t a doctor”
“I can’t take care of you though I’m a doctor”
“cause give drugs to sick people and you don’t take drugs”
Amberle cried more and Terry was f0rç£d to hvg her.
“it’s okay” he said, patting her back “I’ll take you along but this is going to be the last time”
Amberle pu-ll-ed from the hvg and nodded.
Terry tried removing the duvet but she ti-ght£ñed her grip.
“you can’t cover this” he said
“I’m cold”
“I’ll get you a jacket” Terry said and walked to her closet
“it’s in the wardrobe” Amberle said and he walked to the wardrobe. He searched the rack and found a jacket then walked back to her with it.
“Barbara shouldn’t see us leaving” Amberle said as he helped her wear the jacket
“she just shouldn’t.. We’ll lock the door from outside so she’ll think we’re inside together”
“what would she think we’re doing inside for so long?”
Amberle shrugged “whatever she wants to think”
Terry chuckled and took her hand “let’s go”
“we’re forgetting something” Amberle prompted
“what is it?”
“I haven’t collected few things I’d be nee-ding”
“My toothbrush, my nightdress, and few other things”
“you’re not spending the night at my house”
“I’m not?”
“you’re not” Terry stated and dragged her out to avoid more arguments. Lucky enough, Barbara was in her room when they walked out. Terry carefully locked the door and they hurried out.
“Zac would be mad if he finds out you went out” Terry said when they were outside
“he’s not going to find out” Amberle replied and added “unless you tell him”
They got into Terry’s car and he fastened the seatbelt. Amberle struggled to fasten hers but couldn’t.
“how do you do this?” she asked he frustration
Terry smiled “watch” he pu-ll-ed the seatbelt over her b©dy and she shuddered. Terry paused and asked “are you that cold?”
“No.. Continue” Amberle replied
Terry fastened the seat belt and placed her head on the head rest.
“Relax” he said and turned on the ignition.
They drove out of the penthouse and hit the street. Terry kept glancing at Amberle every minute to be sure she’s okay.
He pu-ll-ed the car to a st©p at a chemist and glanced at Amberle. She was alre-ady asleep. He got down and walked into the chemist.
Terry walked out few minutes later with a small bag and entered his car. He kept the drugs in the glove comp@rtment so she wouldn’t see it when she wakes up then he drove off.
Terry hit the br@ke and slid the key out of the ignition. He shoved the key into his pocket and unfastened his seat belt then got down from the car. Terry walked to the other side of the car and opened the door. He took the bag from the glove ap@rtment and carried Amberle out, bridal style. He shut the door with his leg and carried her inside.
Amberle stirred in his arm and fluttered her eyes open. She realised Terry was carrying her and slowly wra-pped her hands around his b©dy.
“we’re going to fall” Terry joked, he was alre-ady climbing the stairs. Amberle didn’t say anything. She shut her eyes and let him carry her into his room.
Terry got to his room and la-id her on the be-d but she still held him ti-ght.
“What now?” Terry asked her and she loos£ned her grip
“I’ll get you something to eat” he added
“I’m not hungry” Amberle st©pped him
“I don’t expect you to admit that you’re hungry, but I’ll get the food anyway” Terry said and walked out.
Amberle got up and walked to his wardrobe. She found a big jacket on the rack and wore it. Then she walked back to the be-d and covered herself with the duvet.
Terry walked into the room carrying a tray with his phone cradled on his shoulder. He slowly placed the tray on the table and held the phone to his ear.
📱… Not really… Kaitlyn said my appointment would start on Thursday… I’m busy today…
He sat beside Amberle on the be-d and t©uçhed her head. Amberle fluttered her eyes open at his t©uçh.
📱… I don’t think so… That’s not the case…
“I cooked” he mouthed to Amberle and she glanced at the food on the table
📱… I’ll call Emma… Alright
He hung up and tossed the phone aside on the be-d.
“was that Zac?” Amberle asked
“No.. Someone from the hospital”
Amberle frowned “what do they want”
He chuckled and squee-zed her cheek “nothing”
“What did you cook?”
“vegetables soup” Terry replied and added “your drugs are on the tray too, it’s your choice if you want to take it or not”
“Where are your going?” Amberle asked when he got up
“to work”
“I can’t feed myself”
“I can’t feed you either”
Amberle sighed and cu-mddled herself “then I’ll just sleep”
Terry sighed and carried the tray from the table.
“those Zac pas-s throu-gh all these when you’re sick?”
“What are you pas-sing throu-gh?”
Terry rolled his eyes “sit up” he instructed and she obeyed “I don’t spoon feed”
“Then how do you plan on feeding me?”
“I mouth feed.. Can you cope?”
Amberle laughed “If you can”
Terry scooped soup into the spoon and brou-ght it to her mouth “open your mouth alre-ady”
Amberle opened her mouth slowly and he put the spoon into her mouth. She seized the spoon in her mouth and wouldn’t let it go.
“Amberle I’ve got works to do” Terry said and she re-leased the spoon
“I don’t want to eat”
Terry covered the spoon with the lid and carried the tray to the table.
“I’m but going to f0rç£ you to do anything” he said and raised the drugs “you can take it if you want, the instructions are written on them” then he walked out
Amberle sighed and fell back on the be-d. She would’ve been better if she had taken the drugs Terry brou-ght earlier and she knew it.
She faced the ceiling and started counting them to while away time.
She was gradually dozing to sleep when Terry’s phone rang and she j£rked wi-de awake.
Terry walked in immediately and she stretched the phone to him. He took it and answered the call.
📱hello… What?… I don’t un-derstand, when?… I’ll call you back later….
“what’s wrong?” Amberle asked when he ended the call
“Goldsax is getting married”
“what? To who?”
“I don’t know but the engagement p@rty is on the 21st and that’s my mom’s birthday”
“I don’t un-derstand”