His invisible creator Episode 17 & 18

🌖His Invisible Creator♣
(Is he a human??)
Episode 17♥♥
Written By: Tofunmi Nikky📝
🍷Reed’s pov🍷
” Vivian! ”
” Sir!!! “She shuttered and that was when I realised she was pinned against the wall.
” You shouldn’t have come alone “I said.
” Just re-lease her,, She has nothing to do with this “I said
” No!! am not coming back “I uttered shaking my head,,
” Can you forget your mission because of me,,, What you’ve been dreaming off; To rule. can you?. No,,Hell no ”
” Let me free the innocent girl “I said and then went to her,,,
” Sir,, plea-se get me out of here “She said with pain
” I will “I said and stretched forth my hand
He thun-dered but I was strong-willed,,I t©uçhed her slightly and she was set free.
He shouted and I felt a sudden sharp pain,,,
* Let’s go “I said to her not minding the pain I was going throu-gh.
We hastened our steps as we both headed to the door,,,
” Ouch!!! “I let out a scream as I fell on my kneels,,
” Are you okay Sir? Let’s quic-kly get out of here “She hurried to me and said. I don’t want to make use of my power before but right now,,, I have no choice.
I ignored what he was saying and reached for Vivian’s hand,,, I t©uçhed the n£¢klace with the other hand and went off.
❤Gerald’s pov❤
I was the first to walk out of clas-s immediately the clas-s was over. I brou-ght out my phone,,Am going to call Amelia and asked her why she isn’t in school,,,,
” Good morning “I raised my head when I heard someone said
” Morning “I replied
” plea-se,,, I want to see the person named Reed. Can you direct me to him “He said
” Why did you want to see him? “I asked suspiciously. I haven’t seen his face before and now he’s here asking for Reed.
” It’s very important,,, plea-se “He said
” He didn’t come to school today,,maybe you should come some other time “I told him and turned to leave.
“fu-ck “I heard him say to himself
” Just tell what it is,,am going to deliver your message to him “I said turning back to him
” Its about someone named Amelia,, I don’t know if you know her but the thing is we can’t find her,,, the only person who can help of now is Reed ” He explained as we sat together on the bench
” Amelia!! I know her “I said immediately
” Is she your clas-smate?? “He asked and all I could do is to nod
” Just tell me where I can find him and I’ll go to him myself “He said
” The person you’re talking about is my friend,,,, “he interrupted me before I could finished speaking
” Oh really? “said him
” Yes,,, Let me go and get my bag. We’ll go to him together “I said
” Thank you so much “He said to me as I stood up,,I smiled lightly in return left.
[Weston’s Empire🏨]
Gerald stepped out of the car with the man,,,they both headed inside. Everyone was busy with one thing or the other,,, He approached one of the maids,,
” Where is Reed? ” He asked her
” I haven’t seen him since he went out,, “She replied.
” Do you have any idea of where he could be? “he asked and she shook her head negatively
” Okay,,,thanks “he said and went back to Greg
” He isn’t home,, “I
He said looking around
” What’s should we do now,, it’s taking too long “Greg said in a sad mood
” Let’s just wait for him “He said and they both went to find a place to sit.
Mrs Weston paced around the living room,, She was damn worried. It’s after 10 and her son and Vivian is yet to back,,, what if something bad had happened to them,,,
” Ma’am “She heard a voice called and st©p to turn
” Gerald “She said
” I want to tell you that we are about to leave ma’am “He said with his hands behind his back
” Do you by any chance know where your friend could have gone? “She asked
” I don’t know,, he doesn’t really like going out “He said. He know Reed would have told him to come if he wants to go out,,,
” Alright,, thanks for coming “She said without smiling
” Yes ma’am,, goodnight “He said. She watched him till he was out of her sight.
Her phone rang and she quic-kly picked it,, with the hope that it was her son
📞Darling,,how are you?
Mr Weston asked from the other end
📞Am not fine. Reed isn’t back home yet
📞What! this late??
He almost screamed worriedly
📞Not only him. He went out with Vivian
She told him
He exclaimed
📞I don’t want anything bad to happen to my son
she said bur-sting into tears
📞Come on st©p crying. Let me see what I can do.
He said and hanged up. She held out the phone to her che-st,,, right now she doesn’t know what to do. She keep on hoping they will come home.
Reed and Vivian could be seen walking together in the bush,, It’s so dark that he’s to put on his phone light. The invisible didn’t let them go that easily,,,, he didn’t st©p Till they end up in the bush.
” Look,, that’s a house “Reed pointed to a house. They went in and closed the door,,,the house looks a bit dusty
” Let’s sleep here tonight,, we gonna go back home tomorrow “Reed said and she nodded.
In the next fifteen minutes,, They prepared a place to sleep. He told Vivian to sleep while he sat on the floor,,,
” No, I won’t sleep if you don’t “Vivian said and also went to seat beside me
” Just go and sleep Vivian “He said facing her sharply
” I know you’re mad at me. I caused all this,, I shouldn’t have go out, I’m sorry “She said and he looked at her.
She’s getting him all wrong,, He didn’t want to sleep cause he’s in pain,, He couldn’t bring himself to tell her,, That won’t solve the problem right?
” You’re not a fault,, it’s all because of that bastard,,, He caused all this. I’ve never imagined myself in this situation… “Vivian was lost staring at hisl-ips as he talked
” Vivian! are you even listening “He snapped
” Sorry Sir,, “She simply said
” It’s like you aren’t listening,, your mind is somewhere else “He said coldly
” I heard all what you said “She lied
” Liar! “He cut her off and they both bur-st into laughter
” They st©pped and stared at their selves,, Reed eyes landed on herl-ips,, Vivian moved her face closer. Now Reed couldn’t control himself,, He went for herl-ips,,,
Vivian reciprocated the k!sslike that was what she has been waiting all her life for,,, the k!sswas so de-ep that she held onto his hair,,, The finally st©pped.
” Uhm “She sighed,, it was obvious they both enjoyed the k!ss. She made to rest her head on his che-st,,,
” Ouch “He let out a loud g@sp
” oh Am sorry “Vivian quic-kly said
” It’s fine,,, Let’s go to be-d “he said sweetly and she nodded.
Episode 18🌸🌸
🍀Reed’s pov🍀
I opened my eyes and looked beside me,,, I smiled as I looked at her slee-ping. I got out of be-d and went outside,,, Its alre-ady morning,,, we nee-d to leave as soon as possible.
I walked back inside and met Vivian alre-ady up,,,
” Sir “she smiled when she noticed me
” How was your night? “I asked and I could see how surprised she was
” Awesome “she finally replied
” We have to start going now “I said as I went to pick my phone on the be-d
” Alright Sir ”
The car st©pped at our front and we stepped into the backseat,,the driver started the car and zoomed off.
” Can I ask a question? “She asked curiously and I nodded.
” Who was that person that attacked us? and I’ve been really surprised. We couldn’t even see him “She said and I sighed,,, I know she’s gonna ask sooner or later
” I’ll tell you when the time comes “I replied
We arrived home and we got down from the car,, We both walked in. The maids rushed to us and bowed excitedly,,,
” Welcome Sir “They all chorused
” Good morning “Vivian replied them,smiling
” Hi everyone “I also said and that make her smile at me. I also can’t believe I just replied them.
” Reed! “I heard a loud shout. I faced the front to see mom running towards us,,, she must have been so worried.
” OMG! “She g@sped as she st©pped at our front and t©uçhed her che-st.
” Mom “I said and she pu-ll-ed me into a hvg,,,i hvgged her back.
” I missed you,,”She whispered into my ear and I chuckled before we pu-ll-ed away from the hvg,,,she then faced Vivian
” Where did you both went to huh? “Mom said like she wanted to cry
” I’m sorry ma’am “Vivian said and was about to bow when Mom surprisingly hvgged her,,,
” Come on,,, you guys don’t have to do anything. You have to start preparing for your birthday tomorrow “Mom said then faced me
” Alright mom “I said and she left.
” Reed!! “We turned to see Gerald coming in with a guy
” Gerald “Vivian and I said at the same time
” Hi “The guy said to us
” Hi “Vivian replied him
” I’ve been so worried about you,,, were on earth do you go again! “Gerald scolded and I shook my head at me,,he’s at it again.
” Then how do you know am back? “I said teasing him
” I c@m£ to check on you again of course “He replied
” There’s something serious we nee-d to talk to you about “He added with a serious look
” What’s that? “I asked getting curious alre-ady
” We can’t find Amelia…”
” She is missing “the guy quic-kly added
” What? “Vivian and I chorused simultaneously
” Yes Reed and we really nee-d your help “Gerald said
” Her uncle told me to tell you immediately, he wanted to talk to you “The guy said
” That bastard! “I said as I ran my hand in my hair.
😍Amelia’s pov😍
I tried opening the door but it was all fulfil,,, I fell on the floor slowly. I’ve been held captive here for fv¢king two days and that too by someone unknown,,, I can only hear his voice,,,,
I know Uncle would be so sad wherever he is and Reed? what about our plan?? I nee-d to get out of here but I just can’t.
My eyes went back to the book on the shelf,,, I remembered opening it once and that made the invisible so angry. I looked away and buried my face in my hand…
My heart began to beat fas-ter than normal as someone tried to open the door from inside.
The door suddenly flew opened ma-king me sprang up on my feet,,, the person walked in and I couldn’t express how much joy I felt to see it’s Reed.
I ran to hvg him,,,we later unlocked and I watched as he looked around.
” Let’s go Amelia “He sat and took my hand before walking outside together.
After waking for some minutes, we got to where his car was parked and entered.
” Thank you very much Reed “I said as i faced him
” You’re welcome “He smiled at me
” I’m going to drop you at your Uncle’s place, he’s so worried about you “He said and I nodded in reply.
I was done with all the things I nee-ded to do for tomorrow. It surely going to be a fascinating one. I got back to where I kept the girl but couldn’t find her,,,
There’s only one person who can do this,, Reed!
🌠 Reed’s pov🌠
” Uncle!! “Amelia called as we walked in. She went to look for him
” I don’t think he’s home “I said when she c@m£ back
The door opened just them to see him walk in,,,
” Amelia “He cooed as they hvgged themselves
” Reed “He said after noticing me
” Morning Sir “I said
” Thank you for saving her “He said to me and I nodded. He seems to have so much trust in me
” He was the one who kidnapped her, the…”I was saying when he cut in
” Yes I know. I know it’s Kenneth,,he’s invisible but still managed to do all that,, what if he’s visible. It will be more worse “He said
” The way you’ve been talking about him, do you know him that much? “I asked
” Yes, I’ve know for so many years. What we have to do is to ruin his plan before your birthday tomorrow “He said. I told him about his plan to use me few days ago.

” I know of something that can help us “I said and they both turned to me
” Really? ”
” Yes,,, I saw a book when I was there. I checked they content and I think it will help us but how can we take it? “She said disappointed
” I’ll get it “I said and their faces brightened